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Without Extensive Narrative Manipulation, None Of This Would Be Consented To.

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One hundred and seventy days of attacks in Gaza where up to today 70,000 tons of explosives have been dropped resulting in 32,226 being murdered. Among them were 14,280 children, 9,340 women, 74,518 injured and maimed, with another 7,800 people still missing. 27 children have died of hunger and 17,000 are now orphaned. 32 hospitals have been bombed as well as 53 health institutions, and 364 medical staff killed and tens of thousands more are facing imminent death. This has been horrific to see, for those who could only watch in real time, helplessly for those 170 days but for civilian families in Gaza this is hell on earth that we could only barely imagine.

We have seen parents grieving over their beautiful children who have been crushed in the rubble of bombed buildings where they were supposed to be safe, some with limbs bombed to bits and faces and heads torn clean off but, those expressing horror, against the continual death and destruction of innocent Gazans and demanding a ceasefire are being deemed “anti-semitic,” and even “pro terrorist.”

Yet those who advocate the attacks, with comments that would ordinarily have been considered “hate speech” are still able to enjoy the right of freedom of speech.

We Cannot be Silenced.

We have all observed their “tactics” for a while now, especially since 2020 where the layperson, mainstream media consumer was duped and terrorised into believing that dissidents simply questioning propaganda narratives have been silenced, censored, fired, expelled, delicensed, denied service and more somehow protected them from dangerous “disinformation.”

This, as we came to know, was a fascistic euphemism for the truth.

Nevertheless the masses consented to the violations of Freedom of Speech and freedom of the press which are now being habitually denied in supposed “democratic” countries and in the Covid era it was plain to see the propaganda and the censorship of not only dissident voices, but also previously esteemed experts.

This we know was necessary for the globalist agenda to be accepted by the worldwide population. Why then are we witnessing the so called “truther movement” siding with the globalist agenda, being increasingly fragmented and certain “truthers” siding with the globalist agenda and censoring dissident voices!? What changed?

Censoring – An “Appalling Tactic”

Even stating the above statistics and facts, no doubt I will be called racist” and “anti-Semitic” in an attempt to silence me, just as I was after publishing an article Candace Owens Declares She Refuses to be Silenced by The Powerful Group That People are Not-Allowed to Talk About for example:

you are using the plight of Gazans to make you underlying dislike/hate of Zionist etc acceptable. This is an appaling tactic.” and “Stop trying to make you racism sound acceptable by hiding behind the plight of Gazans. We see through the apping use of that tactic to make people feel better about themselves.”

So, by expressing the need for an end to this barbaric slaughter of innocent people is only to hide our “racism!?” Who’da thunk it!? Certainly not me. It is utterly preposterous and totally irrational. Well here I go “tainting” another article, my bad?

According to Caitlin Johnstone there has been an “Extensive narrative manipulation” without which the irrational acceptance of bombing innocent people would not be consented to. She wrote:

Without Extensive Narrative Manipulation, None Of This Would Be Consented To.

Without extensive narrative manipulation, it would never occur to anyone that bombing Gaza into rubble is a reasonable response to a single Hamas attack.

Without extensive narrative manipulation, it would never occur to anyone that killing tens of thousands of Palestinians and starving hundreds of thousands more is a reasonable response to a thousand Israelis being killed.

Without extensive narrative manipulation, it would never occur to anyone that criticizing the actions of the state of Israel is antisemitic.

Without extensive narrative manipulation, it would never occur to anyone that saying “from the river to the sea” is a call for genocide.

Without extensive narrative manipulation, it would never occur to anyone to think about this onslaught and the discourse around it in terms of “Jews vs Jew haters”.

Without extensive narrative manipulation, it would never occur to anyone that it was fine and normal to keep an unwanted ethnic group in a walled-in area whose resources are tightly controlled by those in power.

Without extensive narrative manipulation, it would never occur to anyone that TikTok is a massive problem that needs to be eliminated.

Without extensive narrative manipulation, it would never occur to anyone that Israel should be able to inflict violence and abuse upon the Palestinian population for generations without ever receiving any violence in return.

Without extensive narrative manipulation, it would never occur to anyone that Israel using the Israeli army to murder civilians in an Israeli military campaign is something that can be blamed on Hamas.

Without extensive narrative manipulation, it would never occur to anyone that it is fine and acceptable for the IDF to be targeting healthcare workers, journalists and scholars and destroying hospitals, universities and mosques.

Without extensive narrative manipulation, it would never occur to anyone that dozens of Israeli hostages are more important than the hundreds of thousands of Palestinians who are being starved and murdered.

Without extensive narrative manipulation, it would never occur to anyone that the US war machine should be bombing people in Yemen, Iraq and Syria to stop their retaliations for the destruction of Gaza.

Without extensive narrative manipulation, it would never occur to anyone that the governments who are backing a genocide are not personally responsible for it.

Without extensive narrative manipulation, it would never occur to anyone that the unfathomable suffering that is taking place in Gaza right now should not be at the forefront of our attention.

Without extensive narrative manipulation, it would never occur to anyone that the genocide in Gaza should be allowed to continue instead of being brought to an immediate end.

And that’s why we’ve been seeing such extensive narrative manipulation — from our news media, from our government officials, and from Israel apologists on social media.

It’s because without extensive narrative manipulation, none of this would be consented to.

The measure of a true freedom fighter is refusing to put yourself above the divine mission we are collectively on. We won’t win this war fighting amongst ourselves and we won’t win this war defending cowards too afraid to stand in the arena and fight for what’s right.”

I will not be silenced by ignorant insults and neither should anyone else.

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1 month ago

I shared this on X, I shared it with a man who “stands with Israel” I believe hes being paid or blackmailed by Israel, most likely paid.

Ann Telling
Ann Telling
1 month ago

Hamas started this. Hamas attacked and killed 1200 in the initial attack and have tortured the hostages- women, children and old men and videoed the torture. 80% of the Palestinians applauded. Warnings were blast to leave the area as the Jews had every right to attack and look for their hostages. All Hamas had to do was return the hostages, but Hamas would not give the hostages up! The finding of vast networks of weaponized tunnels show what Hamas had been planning for a long time. All Hamas had to do was release the hostages! I am a gentile, but no way in hades can anyone think Israel started this; but unlike our feckless leaders, who give our country away and try to destroy our land and people at the alter of Marxism, Israel will fight to save their country and people.

Dave Owen
Dave Owen
Reply to  Ann Telling
1 month ago

Hi Ann Telling,
In 1916 the Bolsheviks took over Russia and put the Farmers into Gulags.
Once in the Gulags, they were starved to death.
When they were dead the Bolsheviks claimed all their land.
Now look at Palestine, the same is happening.
When all the Palestinians are dead, the Israeli Child killers, will claim all their land.
The Israeli Child Killers, used Operation Hannibal, to machine gun all those people.


Odd, you failed to mention that the Bolsheviks and Muslims are the murdererous attackers for over 100 and 1400 years respectively.

The Ukrainian people then and Jews today are the victims of Genocide. ‘Holodomor, Stalin’s man-made famine’ then and the ‘River To The Sea’ Genocidal Hamas BS today.

I hope Ukraine and Israel prevail by ‘Any Means Necessary’ in their righteous self defence!

Mark Deacon
Mark Deacon
1 month ago

In the whole Israeli / Hamas affair.

I see no UN demanding a ceasefire and then putting boots on the ground demanding Israel withdraw. Do you?

Now tell me why we fund and support this body called the UN?

If you cannot ask that question then your are being played by the narrative one side or the other.

Paul Watson
Paul Watson
Reply to  Mark Deacon
1 month ago

One group you can’t critique, that can change its definition of anti semitism on a daily basis based on feelings.
Apparently an old hag is now anti semitic!

Paul Watson
Paul Watson
1 month ago

Candace Owens interview with the Rabbi was enlightening.
Felt like I needed a shower after listening to him.

Dave Owen
Dave Owen
Reply to  Paul Watson
1 month ago

Hi Paul Watson,
You are not alone.
Both the rabbi’s were disgusting how they behaved and talked.
Candice Owens is another hero, along with the 150 Journalists who paid with their lives, just for speaking out.
Arron Bushnell set fire to himself outside the Israeli Embassy in Washington DC, showed how he felt about Palestinians being murdered. One brave man.

Watcher Seeker
Watcher Seeker
1 month ago

Caitlin Johnstone is a fine writer.

“PATRICK LAWRENCE: Authorized Atrocities”

“the West has licensed the Israelis”

Dan Gilfry
Dan Gilfry
1 month ago

Russia defends itself, gets accused of “Crimes Against Humanity”!
“They” commit Genocide, the whole world licks their butts!
But “They” claim they don’t rule the planet!?

1 month ago

those who play stupid games (ie taking hostages) tend to win stupid prizes.
return the hostages, eliminate Hamas, and you the people of Gaza will no longer be eligible to win stupid prizes.

Mrs D
Mrs D
1 month ago

Such a good article Patricia but KNOW most people are not stupid, despite the choices many currently make. What pees me off is the many in the “truth” community, who think they are superior.

Being old i grew up and was a young adult in what were possibly the best of times, in this evil system. Apart from the early days of the Christian community, when there does seem to have been a true renaissance for some time.

We grew up in strong, aware communities who had much knowledge, were well educated and knew how to make their voices heard. We had much power and knew how to use it. However, many intelligent people then got greedy, falling for many of the traps which enabled the development of the evil, we now see in full bloom.

Most people became dumbed down without being aware of it, it was insidious. Personally have witnessed the quality of education and society falling off a cliff , through my gen x and one gen y children. So i don’t judge, just try to help where i can.

Mrs D
Mrs D
Reply to  Mrs D
1 month ago

Yikes! All my children are gen y, just varying degrees of the spectrum.

Mrs D
Mrs D
Reply to  Mrs D
1 month ago

The old saying, there but for the grace of God, go I, is as true now as it has ever been.

One doesn’t need to have religious leanings to grasp its meaning.

Reply to  Mrs D
1 month ago

Mrs. D,

I recently asked you about the M25 closure, because as you are no doubt aware, this, as also the planned detonation of the Francis Scott Key bridge in Baltimore earlier today, feeds into the 15 minute city narrative.

There are some four or more planned closures of the M25-possibly the next one this Easter? If you think about it, there are some very nice des res’s on the many planned diversions; don’t you think that (and we’re all NIMBY’s at heart-lets not be hypocrites?) those affected will welcome the creation of LTN’s (low traffic neighbourhoods) with the ‘nice’ big flower box planters to keep the traffic out?

Good to see you quote John Bradford!

Mrs D
Mrs D
Reply to  Island
1 month ago

“We’re all NIMBY’s at heart-lets not be hypocrites?”

That is sort of true friend, being imperfect, we’re often tempted by our base desires/pursue the path of least resistance etc. However, we have the innate ability to rise above such craven thinking too. Even in these sickening times we very obviously still have freewill, plus a strong ability to make good choices. If we allow ourselves to but from what i’m learning, it seems those abilities will be sorely put to the test in the near future. Think we’re still largely in the “pangs of distress” stage?

Sure many people who aren’t ready to look seeming gift horses in the mouth, will unthinkingly aid their further enslavement. Personally sure this is the big “it” too friend, what’s happening horrifies me but know these things must happen.

Didn’t know who came up with that quote, love it, definitely in my words to live by canon. Researching the mystery of iniquity, crucial stuff to know, reading up on it here:

Thanks very much friend, lovely to see you too.

Reply to  Mrs D
1 month ago

The Bible calls it the mystery of iniquity. 2 Thessalonians 2:7.

Mrs D
Mrs D
Reply to  Island
1 month ago

Further reply to my comment above friend. Think things really did begin to fall apart, when the importance of a parent being at home to look after the family, was demonised under the guise of supposed liberation for women.

We did have a fairly hefty mortgage when we had a young family, however, thanks to my trusty Spectrum 48k and Commodore 64, was able to do accountancy work from home. Which certainly made things easier for us, i was there when needed and able to cook healthy, tasty meals etc.

Mrs D
Mrs D
Reply to  Island
1 month ago

Bible research is taking me to some deep places friend. My mind was pretty blown when i read this article for the first time, an hour or so ago:

Just read it a second time and have a better understanding of what it says now, however, not feeling cosy with it yet. It seems newish thinking for me but since i understood much more on second reading, hopeful i’ll get a real grip on it soon.

So far finding the more i know tells me how little i do know, love the journey too.

Reply to  Mrs D
1 month ago

Because the weather has been so kind up here this last couple of days or so, unlike down south! I haven’t been on my laptop as often as I would normally be.

I’ll read that link (I have a pretty good idea where you’re coming from-most profound) and get back to you in due course, God willing!

So watch this space.

God bless you.

Mrs D
Mrs D
Reply to  Island
1 month ago

I have a pretty good idea where you’re coming from-most profound.”

That is truly reassuring friend, all over the place in my research currently, while trying to develop a firm base to work from.

Finding these articles useful for discovering stuff worth looking into. While reading the chapter and associated refs, John Gill’s commentary is lovely for helping me develop further understanding. Great recommendation from you.

Really know the Bible is the truth, love the way it tells us the truth, warts and all. No lies and whitewashing like in the “history” etc, we’re currently force-fed.

Bookmarking this page friend, any recommendations which help me research better, are really welcome.

Mrs D
Mrs D
Reply to  Island
1 month ago

Think it’s impossible for us to get a handle on what our loving Creator is, maybe the best word we have to describe Him is ineffable.

Which doesn’t mean unknowable in the way He interacts with us.

Reply to  Mrs D
1 month ago

Mrs. D.

Men talk of freewill, and I grant you that we all have ‘freewill’, in as much as we can decide for ourselves whether we should make a left or right turn at a road junction ahead of us?

Nevertheless, the thrice Holy omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent God in Christ reigns supreme at every moment.
overriding our ‘freewill’ at all times, so, at all times His will be done.

As Charles Spurgeon said, “where the sovereignty of God and man’s ‘freewill’ meet, we cannot say; His will be done, regardless of what us mere creatures do, or don’t do-we are but dust.”

On the doctrine of election, Spurgeon said “men are far more scared of this teaching than if they were to come face to face with a lion!”

I am a believer in biblical absolute predestination/election as plainly taught in the Scriptures (if you can accept it-and I think you are nearly there?). Martin Luther (ex Roman Catholic priest) the man whom God used mightily to liberate the world from the shackles of popery; said “freewill is a name for nothing.” He knew it-the Bible teaches it.

When you talk of “our loving Creator”; He only loves His own, that is His elect-His chosen. The flipside to this is reprobation, that is God has passed over those He hasn’t chosen. Hard, I know, but true: For many are called, but few are chosen. Matthew 22:14.

I find your case quite something, it wasn’t that long ago that you would often calumniate God’s written word-saying words to the effect “it is all of man’s doing”.

No! it is from Above!

How different it is today-may God continue to bless your studies.


It is good that sites like this are around to wake people up, regardless, all is predestined…

Mrs D
Mrs D
Reply to  Islan
1 month ago

Nevertheless, the thrice Holy omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent God in Christ reigns supreme at every moment.
overriding our ‘freewill’ at all times, so, at all times His will be done.”

My first thought to that was absolutely friend, however, quibble the at all times bit. Currently thinking our corruption/imperfection means we can’t make pure choices, as we’re often driven by base desires and urges. However, think our loving Creator knows His sheep and the goats, hence how he could love Jacob but not Esau while in the womb, despite Jacob doing much wrong too.

Hope this is right, really think we’re all so corrupted none of us merit salvation, God offers his grace to His chosen ones. Currently seeking understanding on what’s discussed in these two articles:

Genuinely want seasoned believers to tell me if i’m going down the primrose path… Am inclined to leap before i look at times and attempting a crash course in understanding. Believe me my friend, often give myself a massive headache. Please don’t hesitate to tell me if you think i’m messing up and yes, definitely can see the possibility we have minimal choice. None of us deserves salvation, it’s up to Him who he chooses and He has the absolute right to use us as He sees fit.

Hope that all makes some sense friend.

Reply to  Mrs D
1 month ago

Yes, you make sense! We are all criminals-none of us deserve salvation, for we are all sinners, yet out of the corrupted mass of humanity God has chosen some through His sovereign electing grace alone.

I could pile the chapters and verses on you now-but the stuff you are reading must be good if you are getting to this point!

I will now read your link.

Mrs D
Mrs D
Reply to  Islan
1 month ago

Cheers for that friend, really good to know but please cite chapters and verses. Getting the gist of some stuff, KNOWING chapters and verses would really help develop my understanding quicker.

Really like got questions, they seem your type of believer, knowledgeable, not believe or else stuff.

Loved fairy tales, fantasy etc from when a tot, a burning of my Anne Rice Lestat books coming up. Definitely not books i could give to charity shops, my drives will be a lot easier to keep a handle on soon too.

Mrs D
Mrs D
Reply to  Mrs D
1 month ago

Wow! A message easily posted, difficulty posting has been really disheartening lately.

Won’t affect my subscription, know it isn’t the fault of the team.

Mrs D
Mrs D
Reply to  Islan
1 month ago

Discovered a very important article for me friend:

Currently my thinking shares many aspects of both.

Mrs D
Mrs D
Reply to  Mrs D
1 month ago

Nope! Strongly lean to Calvinism, Arminianism is too neither fish nor fowl for me.

Should have read more of the article first.

Mrs D
Mrs D
Reply to  Mrs D
1 month ago

Finally found two articles i really “get” friend:

Absolutely worth the time spent finding them, several questions of mine are answered within them.

Definitely time for a break.

Reply to  Mrs D
1 month ago

Tomorrow is the Lord’s Day-will reply to you tomorrow-I’ve been working the land today-won’t do such on the morrow, no matter how good the weather is on the Christian Sabbath!

Mrs D
Mrs D
Reply to  Islan
1 month ago

Sure you use the Sabbath for more important purposes friend and i’m feeling really good atm. Which is lovely, however temporary.

Freed from a fair bit of my previous, rather pathetic, rationalisations, much deletion of stuff on my drives to follow. Really get the warning not to lean on our understanding now and Missy Rhoda was right to advise, that prayer DURING study is paramount. Saves a lot of wasted time and headaches.

Mrs D
Mrs D
Reply to  Islan
1 month ago

Repost, if this works please delete the one awaiting approval:

Sure you use the Sabbath for more important purposes friend and i’m feeling really good atm. Which is lovely, however temporary.

Freed from a fair bit of my previous, rather pathetic, rationalisations, much deletion of stuff on my drives to follow. Really get the warning not to lean on our understanding now and Missy Rhoda was right to advise, that prayer DURING study is paramount. Saves a lot of wasted time and headaches.

Mrs D
Mrs D
Reply to  Mrs D
1 month ago

It worked =)

Mrs D
Mrs D
Reply to  Islan
1 month ago

Often felt a lot like this lady, since before 2020:

Mrs D
Mrs D
Reply to  Mrs D
1 month ago

Really agree with this meme too:

Reply to  Mrs D
1 month ago

“CALVINISM”! Oh how the freewillers/Arminians attack the Truth! Spurgeon said it right; “Calvinism is but a nickname for Christianity”. Calvin didn’t even know he was a Calvinist! He died before that term was popularised! Have you read of the synod of Dort?

The same is true of the Puritans-they didn’t name themselves such-the enemies of truth did! Nicknames always came from the opposition!

I’m still quite shocked at your growth in the true paths-for it was not that long ago when you said that the Holy Bible was the work of man, or words to that effect. No it is ALL from Above-God in Christ used men as His instruments through the prophets and apostles to pen the Scriptures…

Mrs D
Mrs D
Reply to  Islan
1 month ago

Spurgeon said it right; “Calvinism is but a nickname for Christianity”.

Can’t disagree with that friend. Just read about the synod of Dort, the Arminians withdrawing from the proceedings because they needed to justify their beliefs using Scripture, says it all. With the Puritans, always thought they got a bad press because their way of living was anathema to the Filth. Also sure they definitely weren’t joyless, the reverse is likely true.

Sort of right, have always thought the Bible was possibly Divine but that false stuff could have been added to it over time. It’s the only ancient explanation for our origins that is rational, awe inspiring and humbling. So thankful i’m now reading it and discovering the truths and guidance within it.

Always had what’s called an open mind in human terms, believed for a while and discarded much throughout life. The more i read the Bible, the greater what’s said resonates with me, so hope i don’t fall by the wayside now friend.

What’s lovely is my daughter is beginning to take an interest too and she’s very influential with her brothers. =)

Mrs D
Mrs D
Reply to  Islan
1 month ago

Grrr! A repost, please delete the one awaiting approval if this one works.

“Spurgeon said it right; “Calvinism is but a nickname for Christianity”.

Can’t disagree with that friend. Just read about the synod of Dort, the Arminians withdrawing from the proceedings because they needed to justify their beliefs using Scripture, says it all. With the Puritans, always thought they got a bad press because their way of living was anathema to the Filth. Also sure they definitely weren’t joyless, the reverse is likely true.

Sort of right, have always thought the Bible was possibly Divine but that false stuff could have been added to it over time. It’s the only ancient explanation for our origins that is rational, awe inspiring and humbling. So thankful i’m now reading it and discovering the truths and guidance within it.

Always had what’s called an open mind in human terms, believed for a while and discarded much throughout life. The more i read the Bible, the greater what’s said resonates with me, so hope i don’t fall by the wayside now friend.

What’s lovely is my daughter is beginning to take an interest too and she’s very influential with her brothers. =)

Mrs D
Mrs D
Reply to  Patricia Harrity
1 month ago

Glory! Another repost Patricia, please delete the one awaiting approval if this works:

Some thinking there Patricia, think what’s happening is a form of hypnotism. The behavioural manipulation, dumbing down and constant repetition of their nonsensical lies.

It’s wonderful so many are breaking free of the “trance” but the filth have no choice but to carry on regardless. Truly believe this is the big “it” and am fine with it. Genuinely just want the evil to end, there isn’t anything to go back to, it was all false.

“But as long as folk have their friends and families and creature comforts they aren’t bothered about “knowing.”

Think it’s more not wanting to really know Patricia, however, can’t say sadly but the whole stinking, evil edifice is about to collapse. Which is wonderful in my eyes, whether i make it through, or not.

1 month ago

I am ONLY anti-semetic against the 44+ Jews, highly placed in the Biden administration, destroying America.

jewishvirtuallibrary. org/jews-in-the-biden-administration

Ron Klain Chief of Staff (2021-2023), replaced by Jeffrey Zients.
Janet Yellin Secretary of Treasury
Alejandro Mayorkas Secretary of Homeland Security
Tony Blinken Secretary of State
Merrick Garland Attorney General

…and many more traitors!