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UK ONS Denies Request From 7 MPs & are Still Claiming The Jabs are ‘Safe’ so “No Need for Analysis That Might Show Otherwise.”

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Seven Members of Parliament including Andrew Bridgen MP sent a letter to the head of the UK ONS requesting that they publish a comprehensive time-series cohort analysis of the UK data (weekly buckets for 152 weeks starting in Jan 2021). The request was also validated by UK Professors Norman Fenton and Carl Heneghan. Although, the head of the UK ONS says that the data is available for qualified researchers, qualified researchers who have challenged the narrative have been denied access. So the data shall remain hidden! (Source)

Professor Diamond, head of the UK ONS wrote a letter in response to advise that the vaccines are safe and they have better things to do with their time than run a report that would have taken them less than 1 hour of effort to do, wrote Steve Kirsh.

First page of the letter requesting the UK ONS publish a comprehensive time-series cohort analysis of the COVID vaccine data since 2021 on a per week bucket basis

March 2nd 2024 Steve Kirsch predicted “If the ONS refuses the request, then the MPs will be able to shift the blame for this crisis squarely on the ONS. And all MPs will then pile on later I predict since nobody wants not to have a chair when the music stops.”


If the ONS complies with the request, then we will have the evidence needed to go after other agencies. It will end the debate as to whether the shots were safe, and begin the debate on who is to blame and how to hold them accountable.

The truth will be out and the public wins.

“If the UK ONS is smart, they will comply with the request.

If the UK ONS wants to tacitly admit to the UK public that they are working for big pharma, refusing the request is a good way to accomplish that.

The choice is theirs.” “Source.

It is therefore Steve Kirsch’s belief that by refusing the request, the ONS are admitting to the public that they are indeed working for big pharma. Steve Kirsch wrote continues in the article below.

Executive summary

In fact, it seems likely that Professor Diamond spent more time writing the letter explaining why he was denying the request than it would have taken to comply with the request.

Professor Diamond also used the excuse (without any evidence whatsoever) that small counts could reveal personal information. For example, suppose you knew that one man aged between 70 and 75 died 4 weeks after his most recent shot in the UK in the month of April 2023. Can you identify the man? Of course not!

He said that the data is available for qualified researchers but qualified researchers who have challenged the narrative have been denied access in the past. So the data shall remain hidden!

Short story: they do not want the public to know the truth.

The request

Here is the letter requesting the data.

Having spent many months analyzing the data from New Zealand, I can assure you that the requested UK data would reveal the truth and does not reveal anyone’s PII.

You prove this for yourself with the New Zealand data that is published on my server.

The denial of the the request

Science and truth

Science is all about finding the truth.

The UK ONS is convinced they are right, so reasonable requests from people with opposing views are denied. That is anti-science.

They say misinformation is dangerous yet they are unwilling to respond to a very simple request to determine who is telling the truth.

There is a huge excess mortality problem in the UK. Nobody can explain it. The reason is simple: the staff at the UK ONS is standing in the way of transparency.


The requested data would reveal the truth, but they don’t want the truth to be known.

The MPs simply requested the ONS to re-run the analysis they’ve already done, but with different parameters. This should take far less than 60 minutes of someone’s time to do.

The excuse that it might reveal personal information is simply gaslighting. New Zealand has a population of only 5M compared with the UK 69M. I’ve shown that by putting deaths of over 100 years into a single bucket, no person can be identified with the requested analysis, even if there are single counts.

The analysis requested by the MPs would be dispositive. It would expose the truth.

Anytime people dodge easy data transparency requests like this, it’s compelling evidence that the data doesn’t support their claims.

They don’t want you to know how deadly the COVID vaccines were. It’s no more complicated than that.

Next steps

A UK researcher will request permission to do the analysis we requested. I predict the ONS will find a reason to deny that as well.


Steve Kirsch “UK ONS denies request from 7 MPs by claiming that the vaccines are safe so there is no need to do any analysis that might show otherwise”

Steve Kirsch “Breaking seven MPs Request Comprehensive data transparency from the UK ONS

full 3-page letter from 7 MPs to the head of the UK ONS Professor Sir Ian Diamond.

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Diane Leef
Diane Leef
29 days ago

Call them out for what they are. Murderers!! Hold them to accountability, pray for their decrepid souls.

Paul Watson
Paul Watson
Reply to  Diane Leef
27 days ago

Murderers and complicit in murder.
These fools covering for murder should think carefully about their actions.

Watcher Seeker
Watcher Seeker
29 days ago

The ONS is behaving like Post Office bosses, but don’t expect any TV company to make a drama called “Mr. Bridgen vs. The ONS”. They probably won’t want to, and if they did, they wouldn’t dare to.

Paul Watson
Paul Watson
Reply to  Watcher Seeker
27 days ago

All the media is owned by the same ppl as Big pharma

Gerard schuiringa
Gerard schuiringa
28 days ago

Is Prof Diamond of the Mossad Diamonds ?

Mark Deacon
Mark Deacon
28 days ago

Over my 60 years … the government can lie and deceive all it wants but if it is on a scientific basis the science ends up proving them wrong. Their goal right now is to hide it all until the likes of Blair / Sunak and many others are dead and then they cannot be tried for their crimes …


Ken Hughes
Ken Hughes
Reply to  Mark Deacon
28 days ago

Then justice must be sought outside of the legal system.

Ken Hughes
Ken Hughes
28 days ago

Yes, the ONS is an accessory to murder. Mr. Diamond should be prosecuted.

Lisa Franklin
Lisa Franklin
28 days ago

Either these ‘people’ are braindead or they are content to look at themselves in the mirror every day and continue lying themselves as well as the dumb masses. They think they can make the truth whatever they want -that’s the first law of chaos.

28 days ago

They are a public organisation. Who pays for them? How come, that a gene therapy experiment, forced on people and paid with public money is not followed up scientifically by the government and regularly publicized in its results? Where is the health in all of this? If there is something to hide, there is something wrong…..

Reply to  Mike
27 days ago

It is NOT gene therapy.
RNA, a type of nucleic acid, contains hydrogen, carbon, oxygen, nitrogen, and phosphorous
Nitrogen and phosphorous were missing from the examined vial (Pfizer) – La Quinta Columna.
Also this (photo).
Why I always correct this info is because it is important. Who knows what is the plan, to declare the vaccinated to be non-humans hence no human rights anymore?
The vax was technical, no matter which brand, they were for neuromodulation. They used plenty of very rare elements which are usually used for quantum dots.
They want your mind. Probably that’s why they loved to joke about a zombie apocalypse.

Paul Watson
Paul Watson
Reply to  SAbi5
27 days ago

Pfizer exextuve himself called it gene therapy. Not all jabs were the same.

28 days ago

They are so stupid and arrogant if they believe if they can keep rebuilding their stone wall, and it will all disappear.

Money is fake
Money is fake
28 days ago

They want you dead. No other explanation.

Reply to  Money is fake
27 days ago

Till then they want to control you via your thoughts, which won’t (or aren’t?) your thoughts anymore. Computers are faster than the human brain.
Boris Johnson told ages ago: We will know what you think.
Harari told that they had hacked humans.
Moderna openly called its vaccine to be an operation system on its website.

Paul Watson
Paul Watson
27 days ago

Just proves Parliament is a sham. The real power lies elsewhere.
Listen to Pastor Barry Smith on YT.

24 days ago

If these vaccines were truly “safe and effective” the figures would be published regularly to support the governments decision to spend millions to protect their citizens. The fact that they don’t hat speaks for itself. Our MPs, the Department of Health and Social Care, UKHSA and MHRA have been complicit in the biggest global
public health scandal we have ever witnessed.