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Lettuce Virus X and the weaponisation of food

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In an article titled ‘Virus X is Not What Anyone is Expecting’ posted on her Substack, Karen Kingston highlighted an interview from more than 20 years ago with the late Michael Crichton, author of many bestselling novels including ‘Jurassic Park’. Crichton’s books have sold over 200 million copies worldwide, and over a dozen have been adapted into films.

On 26 November 2002, Crichton was interviewed by American journalist and talk show host Charlie Rose about his book Prey’ which was published that month

He also discussed “the dangers of self-replicating biosynthetic pathogens (or what we call genetically modified viruses), gene editing and the dangers of highly advanced biotechnologies,” Kingston said.

The synopsis of Prey reads:

As Britannica notes, although he was often criticised by the scientific community for being sensationalist, Crichton was known for the careful research that went into his work. For example, he meticulously studied the science underlying the premise of Jurassic Park.

“Crichton continued to postulate on the effects of scientific advancements in works of science fiction such as Prey (2002), about nanotechnology; Next (2005), in which he returned to the blurry ethical boundaries of genetic engineering; and the 2005 thriller State of Fear, his polemical take on global warming,” Britannica notes.

Crichton described his book Prey as follows:

In 2002, Michael Crichton wrote an article ‘Could Tiny Machines Rule the World’ for Parade magazine that coincided with the release of his novel, Prey.  In the following excerpt, Crichton speculates about how nanotechnology could change our world.  We were unable to find a copy of the original article published by Parade on 24 November 2002, however, there is an extract published on the Michael Crichton website and also by The Fountain magazine, a publication controlled by the Gülen or Hizmet movement.

Two days after his article was published in Parade, Crichton was interviewed by Charlie Rose.

“I’m quite worried about the whole area of self-reproducing technologies – which is already biotechnology … [With genetic engineering] conceivably, just conceivably, if there was some kind of a virus that interfered with the photosynthesis, in enough plants … everything’s gone. The biosphere is essentially wiped out,” he warned.

Michael Crichton interview on Charlie Rose about ‘Prey’, 26 November 2002, (32 mins)

If the video above is removed from YouTube, you can watch it and read the transcript on Charlie Rose’s website HERE.

What Crichton was referring to is self-replicating biosynthetic viruses that could infect plants and hijack the photosynthesis process, Kingston wrote. “Please see THIS 2022 report on self-replicating biosynthetic pathogens being bred into plants to hijack the photosynthesis process.”

Lettuce Virus X

In 2008, Springer Link published an article about a virus infecting lettuce in Tehran province in Iran. The article stated:

For 180 euros, LeVX virus inoculum – any part of the pathogen that can initiate infection – can be purchased from the German Collection of Microorganisms and Cell Cultures (“DSMZ”). “There are NO known Nagoya Protocol restrictions for [LeVX],” DSMZ states.

DSMZ claims to be the world’s most diverse collection of biological resources – bacteria, archaea, protists, yeasts, fungi, bacteriophages, plant viruses, genomic bacterial DNA as well as human and animal cell lines – providing all users with the necessary legal certainty in the handling of their bioresources under the Nagoya Protocol, a 2010 supplementary agreement to the Convention on Biological Diversity signed at the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro in 1992.

Related:  Under the guise of biodiversity, they want to genetically manipulate all living things

According to Wikipedia, DSMZ is a global supplier of microorganisms and cell cultures for university, non-university and industrial research with more than 10,000 customers in over 80 countries.  It is a member of several international organisations such as the European Culture Collections’ Organisation (“ECCO”), the World Federation for Culture Collections (“WFCC”) and the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (“GBIF”), which is a partner in the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development Data.

Related: Global Public Private Partnership on The Exposé

At the end of March, the Tennessee House of Representatives passed a bill dubbed the “House Lettuce bill” which defines any food that “contains a vaccine or vaccine material” as a drug under Tennessee law and the “food” would have to be labelled as a “vaccine.”

“Lettuce is being weaponised with mRNA, not medicated,” Kingston said.

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26 days ago

“Viruses“ and Crichtons writing: both works of fiction

The Islander
The Islander
Reply to  Marc
26 days ago

How much of fiction is fact? And how much of fact is fiction?

Reply to  The Islander
26 days ago

I wish we knew, unfortunately there is a lot of fear mongering going on out there. And people are making bank on it. It’s very difficult to separate fact from fiction.

Reply to  The Islander
26 days ago

When it comes to “viruses“ 100% pure fiction. Crichton‘s work, not sure of the mix.

Reply to  The Islander
26 days ago

Lettuce is health hazard Islander, pls read my other, longer comment.

Reply to  SAbi5
25 days ago

Evening Abi!

Lots to catch up with here, I am so far behind (sorry Mrs. D!). Been working the land.

I have a 40′ polytunnel with an absolute shed load of lettuce, and much else growing-eat a lot today! Is it good for me, or no?

I’ve only seen two bees so far this year..

I’ve got copper wire coming-will wrap it round the tunnel supports and on bamboo cane.

What of wire MESH? is this more effective?

Reply to  Marc
26 days ago

But poisoning us while lying about a virus is not a fiction anymore.

26 days ago

Do you want to know why you are struggling so much for donations? I went to Karen Kingston’s substack, her substack is one of the most expensive of all substacks. Every one wants to make money. Nobody realizes that we are in the middle of a horrible economic crisis. I get more than 100 emails & texts everyday asking for money. The end result, because I can’t donate to every one I would like to, I am donating to almost nothing. So you are one of over 100 requests that I got today. Which led me to Karen Kingston’s ridiculous Substack subscription fee.I get that people have to earn a living, but none of them are exactly poor. I’m leaving you out of that comment. I’m really sorry that you find yourself in this position, I have donated to you in the past. I just can’t right now. People have circumstances going on in their lives that the ‘askers’ have no clue about. It’s all about, just give me money. I will say that the Censorship that you have had to deal with is beyond astonishing & I don’t understand why they pick on you more than others. I do follow you on all your social media.

Reply to  Leslie
26 days ago

Apart from making money from others’ problems in a situation like this they probably think that if you have to pay for the info it worth more. Nowadays for me it is a sure sign of controlled opposition.
Kingston was babbling about viruses long enough. She is still alive, she still get her little hands on – suspected – not so public information… wow.

Dave Owen
Dave Owen
Reply to  Leslie
26 days ago

Hi Leslie,
You are correct in what you say, it’s not only our Expose blog.
Just contribute when you are able, do not worry.
I believe most blogs did get some payment from the internet provider.
Times are changing, its getting harder for them, so they have cut back.
It’s not only blogs, I delete spam every day.

26 days ago

Self replicating “viruses“ pure fiction bookmarked with BS

26 days ago

Lettuce virus?Bahaaaha.

  1. There was a news on Daily Mail 2-3 years ago that lettuce will be used to absorb their excellent covid vaccines.
  2. Most of the veggies dies when contact with graphene-oxide with visible signs, lettuce on the other hand is exempt.

I almost died because of a lettuce very likely with decent amount of graphene, it was in a hamburger, I put it in the micro (boosted the graphene) then ate it. Later I had some work outside close to 5G which made my clothes and skin pretty wet.
Next day I was haemorrhaging from the gut, I was extremely lucky that the clot very likely closed the spot of bleeding and it stopped. I am sure about that it was the lettuce, my husband who hates it, was ok and I felt an almost sudden extremely bad stomach feeling after I had ate it.

Remember to this story before bending to the next lie of mysterious X viruses or similar.

Reply to  SAbi5
25 days ago

It is difficult for me to relate to your particular situation; for our particular circumstances are far from identical to yours. Living in a remote and unpopulated area on an island with sparse 5G coverage and LED lighting..this is not to say that we are insulated from all this sh1t, far from it…

Nevertheless, how do you identify a dodgy lettuce?

As regards your being “extremely lucky”; God doesn’t play dice.

Glad you’re still with us!

26 days ago

geoengineering our own demise.

Dave Owen
Dave Owen
Reply to  James
26 days ago
Indonesia Raya
Indonesia Raya
26 days ago
26 days ago

I could have prevented the coronavirus pandemic. If they had given me the order of the President of the Russian Federation No. 404070 dated 04/03/2018, I was offered to go to the Kazan Regional Clinical Hospital to study my immunity. I have the strongest t-cell immunity proven by 5 immunograms in 3 immunograms made for free t-cells are exceeded in abs.number / ml and in 2 in 10*9/ l but in% in all 5 everything is normal. In the first immunogram made on 08/22/2017, leukocytes 7,900 at a rate of 4500-8500, lymphocytes 4108 at a rate of 800-3600 52 at a rate of 118-38%, t lymphocytes 2835 at a rate of 600-2500 69 at a rate of 65-81%, t helper cells 1808 at a rate of 450-850 44 at a rate of 34-44%, t cytotoxic 945 at a rate of 270-540 23 at a rate of 19-27.
After 21 days on 12.09.2017. I repeated the immunogram at the request of a local immunologist. leukocytes 8400 , lymphocytes 3864 , t-lymphocytes 2704 70% t-helper cells 1661, t-cytotoxic 850. In the third immunogram made on 03/19/2018, after suffering from acute respiratory viral infection, t cells below the first but above the second immunogram, the fourth and fifth immunograms were made in a private clinic for a fee, where the t cell indicators were exceeded by 10*9/L.  I have done an analysis for autoimmune diseases, I am not sick, I have done about 50 general blood tests over a period of 5 years, I do not have blood cancer.How did I achieve such immunity. I eat only healthy food 5 times a day. My mother is an old-age pensioner, a cook by profession, I eat milk porridge every morning, I eat at least 300 grams of vegetables and fruits every day, I drink yogurt every evening. I do not work due to disability, I do sports at the Bushido sports complex. I do sports weightlifting because of my illness, only this sport is allowed
  My vaccine medicine is made with my immune system and is perfectly cloned. I think my drug cures in 1 day and protects against any coronavirus mutation for a long time. An analogue of my medicine was tested on former US President Donald Trump. I myself was sick with coronavirus at least 5 times For the first time in 2 days in August in severe form with symptoms of coughing, sneezing, runny nose, fever and pain in muscles and head, 33 Almetyevsk polyclinic will prove  
Proof that I was sick with coronavirus on the third day, a nurse came as a coronavirus patient, at first she communicated with me in a mask, but then she realized that I was not ill, continued to communicate with me without a mask, the next day my mother fell ill with the same symptoms but also loss of sense of smell. and a year later, I underwent an in-depth medical examination
 2.3, times I was ill asymptomatically 2 times I was ill the analysis for antibodies to coronavirus showed 316 BAU/ ML was done half a year after re-vaccination 5 times I was ill the analysis for antibodies showed 240 BAU/ ML the analysis was done 1.3 years after repeated re-vaccination. He was vaccinated and twice re-vaccinated against coronavirus.My immunity was removed from the first sputnik V vaccine, after full vaccination with two injections, 5.5 BAU/ ML antibodies a week later, 1.5 months later I got over the coronavirus indicated above, I think my immunity removed the subsequent coronavirus vaccines. If you wish, I can send files: 5 immunograms, a blood test for autoimmune diseases, several blood tests for leukoformula and several clinical blood tests in one file, 2 blood tests for antibodies to coronavirus, 2 consultations with an immunologist, 6 invitations to Kazan Regional Clinical Hospital in the Republican Center for Clinical Immunology, but from Because I’m incapacitated, I couldn’t go there.

26 days ago

lettuce fast rot 1 day tks for post

Alexis Baden-Mayer
Alexis Baden-Mayer
26 days ago

Yikes, great report! I wrote about the issue of vaccines and other pharmaceuticals being grown in plants–and all the times they’ve contaminated the food supply—funded by Fauci, of course:

But I guess I didn’t really see this for what it was… bioweaponry with a very powerful delivery system!

Alexis Baden-Mayer
Alexis Baden-Mayer
26 days ago

Interesting that the 2008 lettuce virus would show up in Iran. Ron Unz thinks the COVID Plandemic included a bioweapons attack on Iran:

“by late February Iran had become the second epicenter of the global outbreak. Even more surprisingly, its political elites had been especially hard-hit, with a full 10% of the entire Iranian parliament soon infected and at least a dozen of its officials and politicians dying of the disease, including some who were quite senior. Indeed, Neocon activists on Twitter began gleefully noting that their hated Iranian enemies were now dropping like flies.”
