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Corporate media is ramping up the fear about bird flu ahead of the vote on WHO’s pandemic plans

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Health officials are issuing very ominous warnings about a potential bird flu pandemic.  At the same time, the World Health Organisation is preparing for a vote on amendments to the International Health Regulations and a Pandemic Accord.

Given the opportunity, such as a bird flu pandemic, what sort of extreme measures would WHO decide to institute?

Please note: WHO was due to present two new texts for adoption at the 77th World Health Assembly being held in Geneva, Switzerland, from 27 May to 1 June 2024.  One is the amendments to the International Health Regulations (2005) (“IHR”); and, the other is the Pandemic Accord, which has also been referred to as the Pandemic TreatyPandemic Agreement and WHO Convention Agreement + (“WHO CA+”).  Both instruments are designed to do the same thing; WHO only requires one to be adopted to achieve their aims.  At the close of the third instalment of INB9 on Friday, it seems that due to a failure to agree on the text of the proposed Pandemic Accord, attention has shifted to “the way forward.”

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The WHO’s Pandemic Treaty And A Bird Flu Crisis Are Both Arriving At The Same Time

By Michael Snyder, 22 May 2024

Health officials are issuing very ominous warnings about the potential for an H5N1 (bird flu or avian influenza) pandemic among humans at the same time that the WHO is preparing for a vote on the global pandemic treaty at the 77th World Health Assembly at the end of this month. 

The global pandemic treaty will give the World Health Organisation far more authority than it had during the last pandemic, and a lot of people are deeply concerned about how that power will be used during the next major health crisis. 

As you will see below, two more human cases of the bird flu have just been confirmed.  If the bird flu mutates into a form that can spread easily from human to human, that will create an enormous amount of fear, and the death toll could potentially be catastrophic.  In such an environment, what sort of extreme measures would the World Health Organisation decide to institute?

In recent weeks, negotiators have been feverishly working to finalise the global pandemic treaty.  The following comes directly from the official WHO website:

Here in the United States, the corporate media has been strangely quiet about this treaty, but it is a really big deal.

Negotiations have been taking place for the last two years, and the plan is to submit the final draft for a vote at the World Health Assembly at the end of this month:

[Update: Since Snyder’s article was published, a press statement has been released regarding the failure of the INB9 to reach an agreement.  You can read WHO’s latest press release HERE.  However, Snyder’s points are still relevant as the IHR amendments are designed to achieve the same as the Pandemic Accord or Treaty and will be presented for adoption at the World Health Assembly whose meeting begins tomorrow.]

The 77th World Health Assembly will be held in Geneva, Switzerland from 27 May 27 to 1 June.

Member nations will cast their votes on the final draft of the global pandemic treaty, and it is fully expected to pass.

We have been told that the global pandemic treaty has been “watered down,” but in reality, all that has really changed is that some language in the treaty has been made more vague.

If this treaty passes, when the next pandemic erupts the WHO will be running the show, and most people in the general population do not realise this.

And the next pandemic may be a lot closer than most of us think.

On Wednesday, the CDC announced that there has been another confirmed human case of the bird flu in the United States:

So far, the two people in the US who have been infected in 2024 have both been dairy workers.

There may be many more dairy workers who have been infected but at this stage, a lot of those who work in the industry are very reluctant to get tested:

Meanwhile, we just learned that H5N1 is responsible for the deaths of four more cats:

This is not good.

If cats start getting sick and dying on a widespread basis, it is probably just a matter of time before the same thing starts happening among humans.

We don’t know all of the details about these latest cat deaths, but it was being reported that cats that previously died from H5N1 in Texas experienced “brain haemorrhaging” and “blindness”.

Does H5N1 have the potential to do that same sort of damage to humans?

We need an answer to that question because more human cases are popping up all the time.

In fact, there has now been a confirmed human case in Australia:

Since 2003, more than 50 per cent of the humans that have tested positive for H5N1 have died.

Can you imagine the fear that will erupt if millions of people suddenly get infected?

Global pestilences will play a major role in the era of great chaos that is coming.

Just think about the panic that we witnessed during 2020, 2021 and 2022.

If the next pandemic has a far higher death rate, the panic that we will see will be so much worse, and that is really bad news for all of us.

[Note from The Exposé: Don’t get caught up in the fear porn being promoted by corporate media.  In addition to being a poor attempt at manipulating public perceptions that WHO’s pandemic plans are necessary to “keep us safe,” corporate media’s fear porn is a wash, rinse and repeat of the same manoeuvres we have been subjected to with covid.  To help keep things in perspective, please read our article ‘Bird flu is man-made, that’s why they already have a vaccine for it’ and ‘Bird flu in 2005 was used to begin the biggest power grab in history – now it’s back’ and others.]

About the Author

Michael Snyder is an author, researcher and blogger who has written extensively on various topics related to chaos, prophecy, and the end times.

He has written several books, including his latest titled ‘Chaos‘, and has published thousands of articles on The Economic Collapse BlogEnd Of The American Dream and The Most Important News. He also publishes articles on a Substack page which you can subscribe to and follow HERE.

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1 month ago

Are you surprised when there exist legion of useful tools to peddle the fraudulent germ theory paradigm??

Reply to  Marc
1 month ago

What bird flu?

Reply to  Aabi
1 month ago

They tried that about 20years ago. that incompetent liar Ferguson.

1 month ago

I don’t understand the expose note at the end. Are you saying that bird flu isn’t something to worry about? Your writer suggests it should be as it kills more than 50%?

Mark Deacon
Mark Deacon
Reply to  Rhoda Wilson
1 month ago

My advice to people is if you do not see people dropping dead in the streets in front of you there is nothing to worry about.

Also note bird flu is a lung infection and vaxxes do not work for lung infections. I am surprised they are trying to push this one.

As for taking a vaxx unless the pharmaceutical immunity is dropped so people can get realistic compensation it is not worth the risk to voluntarily take. You get $1300 maybe for Myocarditis a disability just is not worth it.

On top of that it will not be 100% effective in preventing infection and transmissions so only the recipient of the vaxx will receive any benefit. There is therefore no moral obligation to take the vaxx for society to get herd immunity because that cannot happen with a leaky vaxx.

Reply to  Mark Deacon
1 month ago

Also note bird flu is a lung infection and vaxxes do not work for lung infections.
Of course not. Especially not for radiation pneumonitis, or the famous bilateral pneumonia we saw during covid.

It was known long time ago, affecting people after cancer treatment (radiation treatment).

Besides anything you breath in and poisonous or can deprive lung cells from oxygen can cause pneumonia. Normal depoisoning process also can because apart from the skin (rashes) and liver, kidney the lungs are also designed to help to get rid of the poisons.

Reply to  Stev
1 month ago

Just another man made fear porn event.

Reply to  Stev
1 month ago

It doesn’t exist.
They come up with the new virus idea when birds fell from the sky in masses – roughly the time of mass implementation the towers for mobile networks.
It is not only that microwave can partially fry them in the air, they can mess with their brain, body organs, and also with their navigation skill causing them over-exhausted and drop.
(And I didn’t mention other possible poisons affecting them…)

Lisa Franklin
Lisa Franklin
1 month ago

People are extremely gullible to believe the pathetic fear porn peddled by the globalist predators. I wonder how most manage to walk without a spine. The predators are piss poor actors too- no oscars for their acting skills. All this hangs on whether they can spread ‘the fear’ a second time. Clearly they are not satisfied with the depopulation programme-too many healthy left to pick them off when the tide turns.

clive grenville
clive grenville
1 month ago

be aware theres a petition at your last chance to stop the uns pandemic treaty-the 3 milion petition…its a worldwide petition it can be signed and reshared widely worldwide from any country in the world including sure to sign it and reshare it widely with as many like minded people and groups as you possibly can and be sure to ask each one of them to do exactly the same…it can signed and reshared widely on all platforms and alternative outlets but dont bother with gestapo book who you can be sure will suppress currently has over 2,389000 signatures it urgently needs many more…for much more information about the treaty check out both the james roguski substack and the steve kirsch substack

Reply to  clive grenville
1 month ago

Signing it just helps them, 1 they have a list who are in opposition (don’t forget to buy an EMF meter after that as your mobile or computer might start to grill you) 2 they know how much believer exist (how easy to use the brainwashed masses against the rest just how they did it during the covid forcing masks and vax to the non-believers)

Be very suspicious.
Besides the real opposition starts with saying NO. Enlightening people about the virus lie, resistance needs number, high number of people who are not dumbed down.

1 month ago

A i vi, majke vam jevrejsko-cionističke, sotonske i incestuozne Kurve JEBEM, se ponašate kao perfektni učenici “Protokola Sionskih Mudraca”.

UNIŠTIĆEMO vas uskoro SVE, ama baš sve i na cijeloj Planeti, zajedno sa SVIM vašim gojim-slugama.
Ovaj put totalno i irreparabilno = za sva vremena.

1 month ago

Sneezing birds in the summer. Why not?

Reply to  Miguel
1 month ago

I sneeze and full with unhealthy body liquid, sudden allergy-like running nose, etc, etc, during the times of heavy chemtrailing. Of course these poisons affect them, too. Also, I got asthma attack around vaxxed if they form a big group (crowded places), dry caught (just like the so called covid-caught), they emit radiation in the bluetooth range, measurable and the MACs also prove it.

1 month ago

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1 month ago

These clowns just don’t know the game is over. The tide as turned!

Mr O
Mr O
Reply to  :Stuart-james.
1 month ago

Now countries are making WHO to be the authority to decide when everybody must be vaccinated. And that is going to be the game over.

1 month ago

Don’t you mean “Bird-Brain flu” ?

Dave Owen
Dave Owen
1 month ago
The banks are being used against us as well.

1 month ago

Ebola, Swine Flu, Zika, SARS – The Anatomy of a False Flag Disease

Reply to  Strategos
1 month ago

Ebola was mass poisoning in areas where other countries wished to step foot and also a pre-run of hoax pandemics. It affected in mass those areas they wanted to send armies to secure things.
The ground zero patient never was found, the known first one and some more happened in a clinic in Africa where they gave “vaccines” against Malaria. The book propagating these type of deadly fevers was written for order. Other reasons they got interesting symptoms named as Ebola or Marburg were like poisoned wells with formalin, factories releasing poisons to farm-lands of the locals, etc (Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News). Ebola virus doesn’t exist, Ebola as an infectious disease doesn’t exist.
Zika also was a cover story for poisoning – namely for eliminating mosquitos.
Swine Flu started on an enormous swine-farm where the waste was kept in lagoons, as big as they were visible from the sky. They purred some chemicals into these lagoons, and the first cases happened after that. Then the CDC sent their “virus-hunters” to come up with something and they did.
The process was hitting many birds with one stone.
The company got away with poisoning.
The public got another pandemic (for pre-run)
They could sell vaccines .
They could ruin farmers

Read back Rappoport’s archive, he was very detailed on these, including the reasons, his research was deep and good.

1 month ago

Ramping up in NZ
Avian flu: waiting in the wings

1 month ago

Oh! really .🙄 Noone is listening here.

Reply to  GOLD
1 month ago


1 month ago

They are also linking it with raw milk … going for raw is frequent. They likely hope the ‘bird flu risk’ will finish it off for good. After all the product is really far too healthy

1 month ago

Theresa Tam’s Leaked Meeting Reveals H5N1 Launch

Mr O
Mr O
1 month ago

I think that there is one relevant question to ask; What is mr. depopulation, Bill Gates, doing in WHO´s board of directors?

Is he there to help population well-being?

1 month ago

[…] New York Times followed the corporate media line that we’ve been witnessing of late, fear-mongering about a bird flu outbreak.  The author of the article, Apoorva Mandavilli, also threw in mpox (formerly called […]

1 month ago

[…] urmat The New York Times linia media corporativă la care am fost martori în ultima vreme, dezvăluirea fricii în legătură cu un focar de gripă aviară. Autoarea articolului, Apoorva Mandavilli, a aruncat și ea mpox (numit anterior variola […]

1 month ago

[…] siguió la línea de los medios corporativos que hemos estado presenciando últimamente, sembrando el miedo sobre un brote de gripe aviar. La autora del artículo, Apoorva Mandavilli, también incluyó la viruela símica (antes […]

30 days ago

[…] New York Times followed the corporate media line that we’ve been witnessing of late, fear-mongering about a bird flu outbreak.  The author of the article, Apoorva Mandavilli, also threw in mpox (formerly called monkeypox) […]

30 days ago

[…] New York Times followed the corporate media line that we’ve been witnessing of late, fear-mongering about a bird flu outbreak.  The author of the article, Apoorva Mandavilli, also threw in mpox (formerly called monkeypox) […]

24 days ago

[…] New York Times followed the corporate media line that we’ve been witnessing of late, fear-mongering about a bird flu outbreak.  The author of the article, Apoorva Mandavilli, also threw in mpox (formerly called monkeypox) […]