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Midazolam was used to end the lives of thousands who you were told had died of Covid-19 & an NHS document proves Staff were ordered to do it

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An official NHS document proves that NHS staff were told respiratory depressing drugs “should not be withheld due to inappropriate concerns” about using them to treat Covid-19; a respiratory disease.

Midazolam can cause serious or life-threatening breathing problems such as shallow, slowed, or temporarily stopped breathing that may lead to permanent brain injury or death, and UK regulators state that you should only receive midazolam in a hospital or doctor’s office that has the equipment that is needed to monitor your heart and lungs and to provide life-saving medical treatment quickly if your breathing slows or stops.

The drug, which is criminally used in palliative care in the United Kingdom despite not being on the WHO’s list of essential palliative care medicines, should also be used with extreme caution in elderly patients.

But despite this, Matt Hancock and the Department of Health ordered two years worth of Midazolam in March 2020 in response to the introduction of the first lockdown. A two year supply that was depleted by October of the same year.

The reason being that the elderly and vulnerable were denied treatment by the NHS; a policy that was part of a pandemic response four years in the planning, and instead put on end of life care which involved withdrawing their medication, depriving them of food and water, and pumping them full of midazolam and morphine until they died of starvation and dehydration.

Evidence suggests that the drug midazolam was used to prematurely end the lives of thousands upon thousands of people in the United Kingdom who you were told had died of Covid-19, and this can be clearly seen from the data on out of hospital prescribing for midazolam coinciding with the waves of all cause deaths and Covid-19 deaths in the UK, as well as the Amnesty and CQC reports which found the blanket use of Do Not Resuscitate orders being used in care homes without informing the residents or their families.

Serious illness in Covid-19 presents pneumonia and accompanying respiratory insufficiency. Therefore typical symptoms include breathlessness, cough, weakness and fever. We’re also told that people who suffer deteriorating respiratory failure and who do not receive intensive care, develop acute respiratory distress syndrome with severe breathlessness.

Despite this, NHS staff were told in ‘clinical guidance for symptom control for patients with Covid-19‘ that excessive doses of morphine and midazolam should be given to ease the symptoms of Covid-19.

The drug label information for Midazolam on the US National Library of Medicine clearly states that “Midazolam hydrochloride must never be used without individualization of dosage. The initial intravenous dose for sedation in adult patients may be as little as 1 mg, but should not exceed 2.5 mg in a normal healthy adult. Lower doses are necessary for older (over 60 years) or debilitated patients”

But despite this, NHS staff were told to up the dosage of Midazolam in all Covid-19 patients if they were suffering “persistent anxiety or agitation”. At no point were they instructed to individualise doses based on the age or fraility of the patient.

The warning label states that because of the “danger of hypoventilation, airway obstruction, or apnoea is greater in elderly patients and those with chronic disease states or decreased pulmonary reserve, and because the peak effect may take longer in these patients, increments should be smaller and the rate of injection slower.”

Perhaps NHS staff also knew this, but they were told within the clinical guidance provided to them that their concerns were “inappropriate”.

Confidential NHS documents clearly show that the elderly and vulnerable were to be denied treatment and put on the end of life pathway in response to a pandemic, and the evidence clearly shows this was put into practice.

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2 years ago

Midazolam is a benzodiazepine. Benzodiazepine is the drug that is injected in a high dose into cats and dogs at the vet’s to ‘put them to sleep’. It takes under a minute to kill them, but they don’t ‘go to sleep’. That’s just a euphemism. I’ve watched it happen. It’s not pleasant. As a society we are cruel to animals and we are cruel to humans, especially the frail and vulnerable. We can be kinder than this.

Reply to  SarahVegan
2 years ago

I’ve watched it too, and it’s not cruel. It’s humane, and I hope that the same treatment will be given to those humans that so request.

Reply to  Karin
2 years ago

Its horrible. We should put them to sleep before putting them to death. They gadp for air and are aware and frightened. I put my animals to sleep first, then have the final injection.

2 years ago

It all makes one wonder just how many people have been lied to about how many different drugs and how many people have died over the past 100 years because of it? Good project for ya’ll…?

2 years ago

I’ve said it all along, “the population are living longer and costing the government more money in pensions” this is what the government were saying 3 to 4 years ago then at the start of the plandemic who was dieing mostly pensioners, just put two and two together, now they are going after the young vulnerable it doesn’t take a much research to get to the reality, with dnr’s in place and Midazolan to conclude they have and still are with the vacancies commitng genocide.

2 years ago


2 years ago

Here is the NHS document on the Dosing leaked yesterday

2 years ago

GENOCIDE continues at pace and still the masses sleepwalk with their fear muzzles.

Last edited 2 years ago by DAVID
Constanze P Asaad
Constanze P Asaad
2 years ago

I have no proof, I have only what I read and heard. I know that some hospital staff feel that really old people “lived long enough” and it would not surprise me to hear that a drug is being used which basically will kill the elderly. It is a scary time to live. Even my own father when he was in the hospital (in Germany) had a male nurse who told me basically that my dad had lived long enough. I was infuriated and told him that my father fought in WWII and worked hard all his life, and thank you, I would like my dad to live as long as possible. I believe that many people who supposedly died from Covid in the hospital, died from bad, negligent and the wrong care. Doctors are trained to follow certain protocols and this is dangerous because sometimes you have to think outside of the box to save a patient.

2 years ago

[…] August 2, 2021Midazolam was used to end the lives of thousands who you were told had died of Covid-19 & an NHS… […]

2 years ago

They did this to my grandad he died suddenly 😭

2 years ago

[…] Read More: Midazolam was used to end the lives of thousands who you were told had died of Covid-19 […]

2 years ago

Sono stati dei CRIMINALI, peggio dei Nazisti!

2 years ago

[…] Learn the Truth About Midazolam:Midazolam was used to end the lives of thousands who you were told had died of Covid-19 & an NHS document proves Staff were ordered to do it –… […]

2 years ago

[…] in our nations hospitals (and as we’ve documented, in other cases – Canada and the United Kingdom were also dispensing morphine or midalozam and putting the elderly to sleep to die rather than […]

Anna Poggesi
Anna Poggesi
2 years ago

Ci sono anche altri mezzi e sistemi tecnologici e non per uccidere la gente .
Si facciano serie indagine nell’: interesse di tutti

2 years ago

Was in hospital in USA for a abdominal surgery and they had me on a morphine pump for only pain. Nurse took my oxygen away saying I had to wean off oxygen but would not take me off morphine or give me alternative pain meds. When I started having low oxygen I was instructed to breathe heavily and cough repeatedly. It did not help! Suddenly the nurse was dressed in full PPE saying I had covid. Forced a covid test on me that showed negative later. Threw my power of attorney out of the room (my fiance). I left the hospital against doctors orders less than 24 hrs after surgery. I felt my life was in danger. I feel I was being set up to be another covid death. My oxygen went back to normal off morphine!

Anna Johnson
Anna Johnson
2 years ago

Thank you for giving us the truth, i have never known of such evil existing, but its out there, i pray the father delivers his justice on this ungodly filth SOON!!!! As i said thank you for giving the people the truth, may god bless each and eveyone of you

2 years ago

[…] DEATHS AND INJURIES REPORT Read more here: Read more at: […]

Louise Giannini
Louise Giannini
2 years ago


Ben McDonnell
Ben McDonnell
2 years ago

1/4 Midazolam is commonly used as an anti convulsant, that is, to control epilepsy.
It’s a benzodiazepine like valium, mogadon etc. As such it is a tranquilliser in low doses and a respiratory depressant in high doses.
2/4 But in a frail patient even a low dose could suppress respiration enough to endanger a patient.
People frequently overdose on it presumably because it causes unconciousness before fatality and is painless.
3/4 What interests me is that this document has no reference to end of life care. Is that missed out ? or does it literally mean every Covid patient should have it.
It’s also a hospital document so wouldn’t apply in a nursing or care home.
4/4 Some staff have always felt under pressure to overdose end of life patients. It’s distressing to care for people dying in respiratory distress.

Hugh May
Hugh May
2 years ago

Just realised my Mum was one of the victims of this poison, back in Aug 20

Mum poison.jpg
2 years ago

[…] Massenmord. Schweden nannte es „aktive Euthanasie“. Britische Krankenhäuser setzten tödliche Dosen des Medikaments Midazolam ein, um ältere Menschen medikamentös zu töten. Das Vereinigte […]

2 years ago

Please when you’re writing a story, spell out the acronym before using it. Not everyone knows what these acronyms stand for. I for one, don’t know what NHS is.

Reply to  Dalyce
2 years ago

National Health Service