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Boris Johnson Accuses the “Deep State” of Endeavouring to Reverse Brexit

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In a few weeks, PM Johnson said in a speech in the House of Commons on Monday, he will “hand back the controls” of the Conservative Party. “After three dynamic and exhilarating years in the cockpit, we will find a new leader, and we will coalesce in loyalty around him or her, and the vast twin Rolls-Royce engines of our Tory message, our Conservative values, will roar on: strong public services on the left and a dynamic free-market enterprise economy on the right, each boosting the other,” he said. 

Speaking of Brexit he said: “Some people will say, as I leave office, ‘that this is the end of Brexit’. Listen to the deathly hush on the Opposition Benches! ‘The Leader of the Opposition and the deep state will prevail in their plot to haul us back into alignment with the EU as a prelude to our eventual return’. And we on this side of the House will prove them wrong.”

Prime Minister Boris Johnson, House of Commons, 18 July 2022

Watch Johnson’s full speech during the ‘Vote of Confidence in Her Majesty’s Government’ debate on Parliament Live TV HERE from which, the video above is clipped beginning at timestamp 17:27:51.

You can read the transcript of the full debate in the House of Commons HERE.

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This is not the first time the Prime Minister has made mention of the “deep state.”  In 2019, during a debate in the House of Commons on the European Union (Withdrawal) Act, six months before he became prime minister, Boris Johnson Member of Parliament for Uxbridge and South Ruslip said:

“I do not think we can seriously contemplate delaying article 50, because after two and a half years of procrastination, the public would accuse us in this place of deliberately setting out to frustrate their wishes. They would conclude that there was some plot by the deep state to kill Brexit.”

Who Is the Deep State?

The term “deep state” may mean different things to different people.  What Boris Johnson meant by the use of the term only time will tell.

“Deep state” is a translation of the Turkish phrase derin devlet. As historian Ryan Gingeras has explained, it arose as a way of describing “a kind of shadow or parallel system of government in which unofficial or publicly unacknowledged individuals play important roles in defining and implementing state policy.”  In the Turkish case, those “unacknowledged persons” were, in fact, agents of organised criminal enterprises working within the government, wrote Business Insider.

In 2019, Forbes described the “deep state” in the context of Brexit as an alliance of an entrenched bureaucracy: “Those possessing intimate knowledge of the regulatory frameworks affecting most economic sectors, from finance to air travel, from ports to communications, know the myriad implications and unintended consequences of relevant changes.” But, as Forbes noted, for some time, the members of the deep state, especially the intellectuals who support it, tried to deny its existence.

According to Forbes Brexit, Trump, and the election of Jair Bolsonaro in Brazil caught most of the bureaucracy by surprise and many were determined to resist: “The deep state has abundant allies in the media, which always finds way to create fear about the logical unknowns of liberalisation. They are also conjuring fears about a post-Brexit future. If pro-free market Brexiteers point to Singapore as a model, the Remain side tells them that it is impossible.”

Wikipedia describes the “deep state” as a type of governance made up of potentially secret and unauthorised networks of power operating independently of a state’s political leadership in pursuit of their own agenda and goals. The range of possible uses of the term is similar to that for shadow government. The expression state within a state is an older and similar concept.  The deep state refers to a hidden organisation seeking to manipulate the public state. Potential sources for deep state organisation include rogue elements among organs of state, such as the armed forces or public authorities such as intelligence agencies, police, secret police, administrative agencies, and government bureaucracy.

According to a 2020 article in The Conversation – which explored the use of the term during the Trump era in the context of religion – the deep state became a watchword of the Trump era, a term used by his supporters to depict Trump as an outsider fighting a corrupted political system.

What Events Have the Deep State Manipulated?

What kind of activities has the “deep state” been involved with apart from attempting to stop and reverse Brexit?

Many nefarious activities have been attributed to the “deep state” and there are countless mentions of them online, in particular in independent and on social media, which are not hard to find when searched for using uncensored search engines and platforms.  Below are a few examples:

During a podcast, Whitney Webb and Robbie Martin discussed the suspicious pasts and 9/11-Anthrax ties of Rudy Giuliani and his protege Bernard Kerik and how the “Giuliani Gang” has returned to publicly promote pro-Trump and often Qanon-related narratives that claim to challenge the very “deep state” they have long served.

In a recent essay, Matthew Ehret explored the roots of the technocratic and transhumanist policies currently being pushed onto society. He traced two centuries of British imperial grand strategists who adapted Thomas Malthus’ system of scientific governance of useless eaters in opposition to the deeper creative impulses of the human species:

Cybernetics for Global Governance

The key to understanding the attraction of cybernetics to a scientific dictatorship desirous of total omniscience and omnipotence is the following: In the context of a large boat, only the helmsman need have an idea of the whole. Everyone else need only understand their local, compartmentalised role.

With the application of cybernetics to the organisation of economic systems, vast complex bureaucracies emerged with only small nodes of “helmsmen” embedded within the newly emerging “deep state” complex who had access to a vision of the whole. This idea was carried forth by the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Developments’ Sir Alexander King, who co-founded the Club of Rome and helped to apply these ideas across governments of the trans-Atlantic community during the 1960s and 1970s. This system was viewed by its proponents as the perfect operating system for a supranational technocracy to use to control the levers of the New World Order.

The Revenge of the Malthusians and the Science of Limits, Matthew Ehret, 28 June 2022

In an earlier article, Ehret exposed how the true history of invoking The Emergencies Act in 1970 by Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s father revealed important yet unsettling parallels and lessons to Trudeau’s efforts to end the Freedom Convoy and related blockades:

Revisiting the October crisis of 1970 is important given recent events as they relate to the Canadian Freedom Convoys and related manifestations.

There are unsettling similarities between what transpired in 1970 and what is happening now, with the staging of Confederate and Nazi flags within the currently ongoing Ottawa protest movement, which has been used to exacerbate the State’s narrative that these peaceful protesters are ‘violent racist insurrectionists’ that must be stopped at all costs and the February 14 warning delivered by the former head of Trudeau’s security detail of an imminent false flag in Ottawa that would be sparked by firearms planted in or around the Freedom Convoy. This exercise will not only help us gain a better understanding of the nature of the game at play, but also the weaknesses of the “deep state” apparatus long embedded within the heart of Canada’s political and intelligence establishments.

The Importance of De-Christianising Society

The story of Trudeau’s recruitment to the Fabian Society, and the role of the Privy Council Office is told in full in my two-part series Origins of the Deep State (Part one and Part two).

Like Father, Like Son: How the Trudeaus Manufacture Crises to Justify “Emergency Measures”, Matthew Ehret, 17 February 2022

The “deep state” isn’t a “conspiracy theory” – it is a conspiracy.

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1 year ago

Is this not the usual reverse psycho-op tactic that is often deployed by the globalists? Not so long ago they were accusing the BBC of being controlled by an elite group of London lefties. Which was the polar opposite of the truth (there are in fact a few independent surveys that unequivocally prove this) however I witnessed well educated friends totally devour this piece of sublime misinformation.

Rabbi Seamus
Rabbi Seamus
Reply to  Tighe
1 year ago

Who founded the BBC – Shell Oil Maurice Samuels. Its always been a propaganda tool.

M. Davies
M. Davies
Reply to  Rabbi Seamus
1 year ago

Unsurprisingly, Gates is also involved with the BBC, The Gates Foundation money goes towards media programs and has been split up into a number of sections here:

Awards Directly to Media Outlets:

Together, these donations total $166,216,526. The money is generally directed towards issues close to the Gates’ hearts. For example, the $3.6 million CNN grant went towards “reporting” on gender equality with a particular focus on least developed countries, producing journalism on the everyday inequalities endured by women and girls across the world,” while the Texas Tribune received millions to “to increase public awareness and engagement of education reform issues in Texas.” Given that Bill is one of the charter schools’ most fervent supporters, a cynic might interpret this as planting pro-corporate charter school propaganda into the media, disguised as objective news reporting.
The Gates Foundation has also given nearly $63 million to charities closely aligned with big media outlets, including nearly $53 million to BBC Media Action, over $9 million to MTV’s Staying Alive Foundation, and $1 million to The New York Times Neediest Causes Fund. While not specifically funding journalism, donations to the philanthropic arm of a media player should still be noted.
Gates continues to underwrite a wide network of investigative journalism centers as well, totaling just over $38 million, more than half of which has gone to the D.C.-based International Center for Journalists to expand and develop African media.
These centers include:

In addition to this, the Gates Foundation also plies press and journalism associations with cash, to the tune of at least $12 million. For example, the National Newspaper Publishers Association — a group representing more than 200 outlets — has received $3.2 million.
The list of these organizations includes:

This brings our running total up to $216.4 million.
The foundation also puts up the money to directly train journalists all over the world, in the form of scholarships, courses and workshops. Today, it is possible for an individual to train as a reporter thanks to a Gates Foundation grant, find work at a Gates-funded outlet, and to belong to a press association funded by Gates. This is especially true of journalists working in the fields of health, education and global development, the ones Gates himself is most active in and where scrutiny of the billionaire’s actions and motives are most necessary.
Gates Foundation grants pertaining to the instruction of journalists include:

The BMGF also pays for a wide range of specific media campaigns around the world. For example, since 2014 it has donated $5.7 million to the Population Foundation of India in order to create dramas that promote sexual and reproductive health, with the intent to increase family planning methods in South Asia. Meanwhile, it alloted over $3.5 million to a Senegalese organization to develop radio shows and online content that would feature health information. Supporters consider this to be helping critically underfunded media, while opponents might consider it a case of a billionaire using his money to plant his ideas and opinions into the press.

Media projects supported by the Gates Foundation:

Total: $97,315,408
$319.4 million and (a lot) moreAdded together, these Gates-sponsored media projects come to a total of $319.4 million.


Rabbi Seamus
Rabbi Seamus
1 year ago

He is turning on his handlers.

1 year ago

Well Bozo the clown should be on intimate terms with the
‘Deep State’…

Having enacted ‘its’ draconian policies for the last two and a half years..

Bozo himself being the ‘Rolls Royce’ engine of mendacious imbeciles..

1 year ago

I quote from the above article:

“In the context of a large boat, only the helmsman need have an idea of the whole. Everyone else need only understand their local, compartmentalised role.” Very true!

This is exactly how they pulled off the fake moon landing stunt in 1969! (To hide God!). The minions downstairs didn’t know what the few upstairs were doing, for they all had minor interconnected roles-they couldn’t see the big picture. A bit like an ant crawling around on a giant tapestry!

Furthermore, if anyone here really believes the crooked president Nixon talked to those astronoughts on the moon from the Oval Office via telephone in 1969, well….

It is interesting reference is made to “The Importance of De-Christianising Society”.

This they must do! For Satan is the “god of this present age”, that is “the prince of the power of the air”. He is the one in control of “spiritual wickedness in high places”. Things will only get more anti Christian in the future, for Antichrist must come first, then the Lord Jesus Christ “shall destroy him by the brightness of His coming.” Then He will inaugurate His millennial reign on earth, where peace and righteousness will prevail, and thereafter eternity.

The aforesaid quotes are from the Holy Bible.

Johnny Dollar
Johnny Dollar
1 year ago

Yep! & The clown still doesn’t realise that DEEP STATE is throwing hm under the bus ( metaphorically speaking ) After using him to the detriment of The People

1 year ago

Yep! & The clown still doesn’t realise that The “DEEP STATE” is throwing him under the bus ( metaphorically speaking ) After using him to the detriment of The People

Deirdre McKervey
Deirdre McKervey
1 year ago

Maybe he IS just realizing he is being made the fall man? It will happen to them all sooner or later! A subtle warning to his fellow politicians?

1 year ago

Tell us something we don’t know.

M. Dowrick
M. Dowrick
1 year ago

Boris did not do as he was told and he had to go. Then the cabal attempted to slip a little known WEF puppet into the race for Prime Minister. She is was voted down today by Parliament.

Reply to  M. Dowrick
1 year ago

Any replacement too Boris will be a WEF puppet.

Reply to  M. Dowrick
1 year ago

Come on… he’s done everything and more… he’s delivered his brief with flying colours and now it’s time for him to depart, so he can reap his rewards, with the usual multimillion pound round of advisory roles and circuit lectures and talks… he’s always had his eye on the money… just look at Tony Blair… same feathers just different colours…

Mark Deacon
Mark Deacon
1 year ago

I find BREXIT amusing and I did vote BREXIT.

The UK BREXIT or BREMAIN was always going to find itself in the economic position it does today because it is babnkrupt and only printing money keeps it afloat.

So why did I vote BREXIT? Because I wanted parliament answerable too the people and not some foreign government called the EU in a foreign land. All the UK parliament did was blame the EU legislation as if theyt were not responsible.

Matters not now as constitutionally I would never vote BREMAIN after hundreds of years of English family history because if one person votes BREXIT then the rest commit treason against the country and unwritten constitution.

1 year ago

[…] Boris Johnson Accuses the “Deep State” of Endeavouring to Reverse Brexit Speaking of Brexit he said: “Some people will say, as I leave office, ‘that this is the end of Brexit’. Listen to the deathly hush on the Opposition Benches! ‘The Leader of the Opposition and the deep state will prevail in their plot to haul us back into alignment with the EU as a prelude to our eventual return’. And we on this side of the House will prove them wrong.” […]

1 year ago

[…] by Rhoda Wilson, Expose News: […]

11 months ago

[…] Related: Boris Johnson Accuses the “Deep State” of Endeavouring to Reverse Brexit […]

11 months ago

[…] Related: Boris Johnson Accuses the “Deep State” of Endeavouring to Reverse Brexit […]