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Here’s How They’ll Bankrupt You

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Their plan is to make every one of us bankrupt and they’re well on the way to succeeding. Only the billionaire conspirators are likely to avoid this. The conspirators must be delighted at the way things are going.

To start with, of course, the rising cost of food and energy will eat into our savings. Those without savings won’t be able to put anything aside. Every penny will go into paying for basic essentials.

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By. Dr. Vernon Coleman

In the UK, inflation will be well over 20% shortly after Christmas 2022. Other countries will see a similar rise in inflation figures.

Company earnings will be devastated by poor production figures (exacerbated by strikes, working from home and the bizarre new fashion, popular with the young, for doing as little work as possible) and so investments and pensions will go into a long, slow dive. The coming recession will quickly turn into a depression.

And, remember, nothing is happening by accident.

Interest rates will continue to rise and millions who have mortgages will find that they can no longer afford to pay for their homes.

The result will be a fall in house values.

And as values fall so those mortgage problems will get worse. It won’t be long before millions have a bigger mortgage debt than their house is worth. Their homes will be re-possessed and they will be left with huge debts. Alternatively, the Government may say: ‘We’ll take over your mortgage and you can stay in your house…but you will no longer own it’. I suspect that many bankruptcies will be inevitable.

Remember, none of this is happening by accident. It has all been orchestrated.

And those with savings won’t survive either.

Although interest rates will rise, they won’t go high enough to defeat inflation.

If interest rates go to 5% and inflation is 25% then investors and savers will lose 20% of their wealth every year.

Within a remarkably short space of time, the conspirators will have succeeded in destroying the wealth and independence of tens of millions of people in the UK and hundreds of millions around the world.

There will be no middle classes. The elderly will die in penury. The young will never own a home or have the security of having some savings.

The conspirators want us bankrupt because they know that money gives us freedom and independence.

All this has been clear for years.

But people didn’t listen.

And now, I’m afraid, it’s pretty well too late.

In practical terms, the only way to protect yourself now is to downsize, to reduce your debts and your outgoings and to be prepared for a simpler way of life.

Of course, there is just time for us to all rise up and say NO to the conspirators.

(At the beginning of the year I said I thought we had until Christmas to make a difference. I still think that’s correct.)

But sadly, I fear that there’s not going to be any real resistance.

There are too many collaborators and not enough of us.

And, sadly, too many of those who understand the crisis we are facing, and the horrors of the Great Reset, the disappearance of cash, the advance of a digital world and the social credit paradigm, simply shake their heads, settle in front of the television and do nothing to stop it.

Further reading:

Two of Vernon Coleman’s banned books are now available from the BOOKS section of his website:

Covid-19: The Greatest Hoax in History (available as a paperback and an eBook) contains the transcripts of all Dr Coleman’s banned videos from March 2020 to September 2020.

Covid 19: Exposing the Lies (available as a paperback and an eBook) contains transcripts of all Vernon Coleman’s videos made between January 2021 and May 2021, together with articles from The Light paper and elsewhere. Many of the videos were individually banned and deleted. The transcripts in this book describe in detail the dangers of the covid-19 jabs and the very real dangers faced by patients. There are transcript articles explaining that the lockdowns killed 91,000 people in the UK in 2020, offering startling facts about covid and the flu and pointing out why the PCR test is useless. There are transcripts on the horrors of social credit and why the elderly are deliberately being forgotten.

Featured image: UK inflation to hit 15% in early 2023, Citi predicts

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1 year ago

I believe Dr. Coleman is pretty much “Bang On” with his analysis.
The powers that be will not be defeated by men’s efforts, else how can the Lord Jesus Christ destroy the antichrist by “the brightness of His Coming” 2 Thessalonians 2:8?
Wickedness will increase until “the times of the gentiles be fulfilled.” Luke 21:24.
As Bunyan was wont to preach, “close in with Christ this day.”

“Seek ye the Lord while He may be found, call ye upon Him while He is near.” Isaiah 55:6.

Reply to  Islander
1 year ago

How do you know that every world in the Bible is true? The TPTB already falsified history, science, they lied even about the shape of the earth *, how do you know they didn’t tamper with the Bible using it to ‘paralyze’ us, idly waiting for our doom?

* Oh yes, they even lied about the shape of the earth, we are NOT on a spinning globe, but under a firmament, a dome. They tried to break it, operation Fishbowl, operation Dominic.
Watch the proof:

Reply to  GundelP
1 year ago

Every word of God is pure: He is a shield unto them that put their trust in Him. Proverbs 30:5.

I believe 100% in the plenary inspiration of the Abiding Word of God.

Briefly, the Holy Scriptures know absolutely nothing of a spinning ball shaped earth. What is more, the theory of gravity is a damnable lie from the pit of hell, Newton was an occultist.
There are some seventy plus verses in Holy Writ that speak directly of the motion of the sun and moon, yet you will not so much as find one verse that remotely suggests the earth moves (earthquakes apart!).
The heliocentric deception was an ancient Greek theory rehashed by the evil popes, foisted upon us back in the Dark Ages when they were busy at work burning Bibles. They wanted to keep the masses steeped in idolatry and superstition, so praise God for the bright spark of the glorious Reformation (sadly now about to peter out!). Via what became known as the Hegelian dialect (thesis, antithesis, synthesis), Copernicus/Galileo, the theory held sway. But not all Reformers including Luther believed the damnable deception-making God’s footstool (Matthew 5:35) into a microdot in the observable cosmos! Without heliocentrism, the other damnable deception (evolution) would never have taken hold, for vast distances, needed vast periods of time to travel!

Many Christians cite Isaiah 40:22 to ‘prove’ the earth is ball shaped, yet the Hebrew word in this verse is translated circle, not “ball”. If the inspired prophet had meant convey the earth was ball shaped, he would have used the same Hebrew word in Isaiah 22:18, where he writes toss thee like a ball. Some quote Job 26:7; where God hangeth the earth upon nothing, to ‘confirm’ the earth must be a ball. But surely God can hang any shape upon nothing?

As for rockets hitting the dome, that is correct, we are in a closed system as one says in that video. They were hitting the terrible crystal, Ezekiel 1:22. The dome or rather, FIRMament is solid, it cannot be penetrated, other than by spirit. Man’s efforts to do so will fail to the uttermost, for we are as grasshoppers in His sight! (Isaiah 40:22).

1 year ago

Living sentient beings having an experience as Wo/Man, CANNOT be bankrupted.
If a man or woman has been rendered unto a person, citizen, resident, legal fiction etc (slave acronyms), it is they that can be bankrupted.
Bankruptcy applies solely to Corporate entities. It is a mechanism of the underworld.

Bob - Enough
Bob - Enough
Reply to  john
1 year ago


Reply to  john
1 year ago

That’s sounds good but we are material beings, we have bodies with need eg. healthy proper amount of food, heating, etc. If you are bankrupted you can’t afford to pay for this and you can’t have it free except you start to take them away from others – in your weight-group because you couldn’t cope with the really rich.

Watcher Seeker
Watcher Seeker
1 year ago

Dr Coleman writes – “simply shake their heads, settle in front of the television and do nothing to stop it”. What can we do? Dr Coleman does a good job warning people about what is coming and so does The Exposé, but how many people read The Exposé or Dr Coleman’s web site? Due to its massive reach, the MSM is all-powerful.

The rest of us don’t have either the time or the IT skills to set up web sites like Dr Coleman’s, and posting on social media sites gets you banned or shadow banned and attacked by you know who.

My experience of trying to tell people in person, is that they don’t want to know. They listen for a while, but then dismiss the truth as “conspiracy theory”, a term that was created for the very purpose of undermining truth tellers. Either the truth scares them and they can’t face it, or they have “liberal” attitudes, i.e. warped and bigoted minds that dismiss anything they don’t like hearing. I believe it was Theodore Roosevelt who said, “If you want to anger a Conservative, lie to him. If you want to anger a Liberal, tell him the truth”. Of course, today he would have said “to them” rather than “to him”.

In his article of 18th July, 2021 – “Dr Vernon Coleman – “Everyone will know that the Covid-19 fraud is just that – the biggest fraud in history” – Dr Coleman made similar comments about trying to spread the word. How has that turned out? Does everyone know it? The people behind the coronavirus fraud are immensely powerful. They control the media, and thus they control the minds of the vast majority. There has been some some success in spreading the truth, as Dr Coleman says, once they wake up they don’t go back to sleep, but the vast majority still believe the propaganda from the government and the MSM about the success of the vaccines and they don’t know of the harm and the deaths. Very recently, a friend of mine told me that his wife had a stroke. Her doctor put it down to stress. Of course I don’t know for certain that it was a case of vaccine harm, but they never for one second questioned the doctor’s explanation and wondered if it could have been caused by something other than stress. They have complete faith in officialdom.

That July 2021 article \ video -”

Sorry to be gloomy. My reason for posting this was to seek suggestions as to what we can do.

Watcher Seeker
Watcher Seeker
Reply to  Watcher Seeker
1 year ago

That link shouldn’t have the quotation mark at the end – try this –

Reply to  Watcher Seeker
1 year ago

Let’s separate things out. You have been told all your life that 2+2=4. However one day someone says to you actually 2+2 =7, but hear me out I can explain why. You would listen and consider what he says.
So why is it that people will not listen to my reasonable suggestions that ADE renders Covid-19 vaccines worse than useless, or we should show our gratitude to Putin of Russia for bringing the Syrian civil war to an end – OK I know you don’t do any homework on these subjects, you’re only interested in your ‘olidays, that’s fine, I have done the work for you, and I am willing to explain things to you for free, free education.

Elon Musk would be interested in what I have to say because he believes in free speech. You are the opposite, you’re not interested. That’s your choice. I choose not to be your friend.

Freedom of Speech will return when people realise that their “cancel culture” will lose them friends.

Otherwise I do not believe in the Great Reset ( what is it exactly?) nor the NWO, nor do I blame the pharmaceutical companies for profiteering off people’s desire to be one of the crowd, people don’t want to be outliers, so that took the Covid-19 jab

Reply to  Watcher Seeker
1 year ago

Mass non compliance, pushing back.
A lot of small steps. I don’t need their supermarkets anymore when buying milk, eggs (farm), fruits and veggies 70% I produce, meat (orders from farms), tobacco (I produce), bread (local ‘bakery’ of one person or I made mine depending on my time) – I rarely go to supermarkets nowadays for anything apart from coffee or toilet papers, etc. Notice it’s just the matter of will and some extra work to screw their ‘starvation’ plan. Buying from farms, you help the farmer. We can form a ‘circle’, local groups helping each other, out of the ‘radar’. I overproduced tomatoes, so simply put them in front of the house in small bags to people who need it, that’s 4-6 families in every second-third days supplemented with fresh C from organic source. Will do the same with pears we don’t need. Act similarly, if many of us do it, there will be no dire starvation. As we need each other support in the coming days, pave the way, showing how. Everyone with garden, start to produce food.
The TECH used for control and killing:
Do with need their harmful tech? Do you really need a smart TV for brainwashing and bombarding you with harmful frequencies? The latest smart mobile? They are dependent on the tech, for manipulation, for causing harm and to bring in the cashless society but how they can do it if the majority is unwilling to use mobiles for paying? For tracking? Don’t use shop cards (records of your ‘need’ buying habits) and cards for paying, withdraw your salary and use cash only in shops and among each other. ….

1 year ago

[…] Dr. Vernon Coleman: […]

Bob - Enough
Bob - Enough
1 year ago

I think that is a spot on summary and I can literally verify it, as being true; because I have just lost my company that has gone into administration and soon (within a year = very shortly) it will go into liquidation … OH and I have been made personally bankrupt – well they do not say bankrupt over here, but try and get credit, a credit card or even a banker being civil to you and you are buggered. It was and is just so predictable now.

The only thing I disagree with is the sentence stating “There are too many collaborators and not enough of us.”… we can and will win, because we know this is literally a war for our survival.

1 year ago

We are told that rising interest rates will curb inflation but wait a minute… if almost everyone relies on borrowed money and the cost of money goes up, how on earth can we expect prices to moderate? Businesses put their interest costs into consumer prices, homeowners and renters have higher monthly payments for housing. Interest rates affect the price of everything in the marketplace… so how can raising the cost of money lower prices?

The only answer is by collapsing the economy. Business failures, bankruptcies, and consumer desperation turn the economy into one huge yard sale. Lenders and the rich scavenge valuable assets at fire sale prices and increase their wealth. Debt is like the casino chips you use to play in the marketplace. Lenders know that the chips themselves are worthless… it is the underlying assets you pledge in order to get a loan that are truly valuable. Although interest payments provide lenders with a continuous stream of income, it is only when borrowers default that the harvesting of true wealth becomes possible.

The people in charge of society are not our friends. They have played us for hundreds of years in a rigged economic game that we don’t fully understand. The only way to fight back is to disable the power tools of greed that they use against us, namely profit and the debt money system.

Reply to  donOld
1 year ago

You write “a rigged economic game that we don’t fully understand,” Correct! But more than this, I don’t think it can be fully understood, for the whole system is satanic!
The banking system (as I understand it); when underpinned by gold made sense up to a point, for in long bygone days if I took my gold into the bank, I was given a promissory note (bank note) which could be used in the wider marketplace to buy goods and services. At any time, if I wanted my gold back, I would redeem my bank notes. But my gold was much more secure in the bank vault, and the banking system was working really well, so why would I want my gold back? It was a cumbersome means of exchange (there is an analogy with cash/electronic payments in our day). For I felt really secure in knowing that I had a pot of gold in the bank with my name on it! They were looking after it for me. In the course of time banks got wise and realised that ‘their‘ gold wasn’t being recalled, and they could lend money with interest; in fact, they could lend innumerable amounts over and above what they had in their vaults! They had borrowers interest payments flying in from all directions on my one little pot of gold! Little wonder the bank buildings across the world reach up to the heavens! The whole thing is a giant Ponzi scheme, a scam, yet so few realised it!

I believe the micro hyperinflation event that took place in the Weimar Republic is a precursor to the coming macro event.

Reply to  Islander
1 year ago

The use of interest dates back to 3,000 BC and was in common practice when the abuse of the gold standard began. Interest is simply one way to “earn” a profit. Profit transfers wealth from the buyer to the seller making sellers richer.

Most of the essential goods and services in the modern marketplace are controlled by either monopolies or near-monopolies colluding to fix prices. Since their true costs are protected trade secrets, the public never gets to see how much profit is really embedded into consumer prices. Declared corporate profits do not reveal the true extent that corporate wealth increases. Much of the wealth transfer is hidden using clever accounting and tax loopholes. Perks included in the executive corporate lifestyle (think corporate jets, yachts, retreats and conferences) are legitimate expenses subtracted from revenues before profits are declared.

It appears that the extreme concentration of wealth that the billionaire elite now control has driven them crazy. They now believe they know more than God and creation itself. Even more dangerous, they believe they have the right to control if and how others live. If we don’t disable their money and economic system they will dictate and enforce humanity’s future. The solution is to decentralize authority and return regulation and justice to local bodies who are appointed and are directly accountable to the local community.

Reply to  donOld
1 year ago

Correct, the use of Interest/usury is certainly a very ancient practice, the Scripture’s first mention being Exodus 22:25:

If thou lend money to any of My people that is poor by thee, thou shalt not be to him as an usurer, neither shalt thou lay upon him usury.

Yet, they transgressed this commandment, and it has carried on to this very day, the rich getting richer, and the poor getting poorer.

God taxes no-one, Caesar, a prototype of the soon coming antichrist did this:

And it came to pass in those days, that there went a decree from Caesar Augustus, that all the world should be taxed. Luke 2:1.

Recent events certainly prove there is a massive uptick in the cost of living for the masses through WEF contrived means (and at what point, will it stop?). This being achieved (as you well know) via various iniquitous schemes designed to cause the maximum possible suffering. Meanwhile, as ever, the super-rich through their accountants, with their many and varied duplicitous devices avoid paying their dues! The Lord Jesus scolded the accredited (seriously wealthy) leaders of ancient Israel for laying such heavy burdens and grievous to be borne, and lay them on men’s shoulders; but they themselves will not move them with one of their fingers. Matthew 23:4.

There is no new thing under the sun. Ecclesiastes 1:9.

It seems to me at any rate, that many of those who are, and have been in positions of power and influence in every age, continually abuse those under them to the uttermost, far, far beyond what God would have them do to us! Democracy was prophesied to fail, what we have today are democratic dictators! God’s Theocracy will come on earth through the Return of Jesus Christ in that bright millennial morning when the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD, as the waters cover the sea. Habakkuk 2:14.

The only remedy, or way out of this satanic corruption is through God in Christ. His kingdom is assuredly Coming on earth as it is in heaven. Matthew 6:10. Man will not overcome the coming evil, that is alone the Lord’s prerogative.

Reply to  Islander
1 year ago

A bit off – sorry – but it looks you understand their game. What’s the game with Palladium? You hardly can buy it and if yes it is extremely expensive, more expensive than pure gold, but if you want to sell your palladium as scrap you can get a laughably low value for it.
What’s the game with it?

Reply to  GundelP
1 year ago

Palladium is extremely valuable as an industrial metal. It is used to catalyze organic chemistry reactions in raw materials production (think plastics, etc.). Also, there is not much of it available. I do not believe that it is held in the same regard as gold or platinum in the precious metals scene. If you are holding some, you should look to a catalyst manufacturer as a potential purchaser rather than your local gold/silver exchange.

1 year ago

[…] – Here’s How They’ll Bankrupt You […]

Rabbi Seamus
Rabbi Seamus
1 year ago

I advise readers to open Excel and calculate the Compounding Effect of Inflation.

At 20%, your purchasing power is gone in 3 years. Your salary would need to double in the next 3 years just to maintain the status quo of your household.

This does not include tax, which of course will increase to pay for the pandemic hoax.

Tell your employer you want a pay rise of 130% over the next 3 years.

1 year ago

[…] OD RHODY WILSON DÁLE 10. ZÁŘÍ 2022  […]

Paul m.
Paul m.
1 year ago

The interest % rates dropped as house prices soared in Australia, so much so that the average house in major areas and along the coast are around the $million! Now % rates are on the rise, the last half% meant around $300 extra a month has to be found. ‘They’ will keep doing this until people are at suicide point!

1 year ago

And, sadly, too many of those who understand the crisis we are facing, and the horrors of the Great Reset, the disappearance of cash, the advance of a digital world and the social credit paradigm, simply shake their heads, settle in front of the television and do nothing to stop it.
You stated the above and just exactly what do you think WE can do to stop this Avalanche? Give me a clue who can hold these Demons down?? Us I don’t think so. I am tired of you all
blaming the citizens for all of this. You tell me what we can do??? we have tried everything
the powers that are are too many, too strong,too rich it’s been going on for eons you tell me what to do??? What is YOUR solution???

Reply to  Mary
1 year ago

It might help. Faith?
I don’t share everything he tells but on many point I think he is right.

Learn to live without their tech, smart TV, smart mobile, even the digital money system based on using mobiles and tech is their weakest point. Start not to use them, use cash whenever you can.
Try to produce food, use people’ around you, like ordering from farms to keep them alive and going.

1 year ago

And millions of us must die, all so Bill Gates has more space and no fuel restrictions for his Lear Jet and fleet of cars.

1 year ago

[…] Coleman, Expose News) Ich plánom je priviesť každého z nás do bankrotu a sú na dobrej ceste k úspechu. Tomu sa […]