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The Great Reset: Klaus Schwab’s WEF has plans to implement a ‘Carbon Allowance’ that will restrict what you do, buy and eat

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In his 2020  book “THE DENIAL” journalist Ross Clark describes a dystopian future in which everything we buy or do has a carbon (CO2) value and each household or individual has a carbon allowance which is the maximum amount of CO2 they are allowed to use each month.

No household or individual is allowed to exceed their CO2 allowance unless they are part of the elites who, of course, have no restrictions on their CO2 use.

‘THE DENIAL’ was fiction until 14 September 2022 – that’s just a few weeks ago.

On 14 September 2022, Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum published an article titled:

‘My Carbon’: An approach for inclusive and sustainable cities

By David Craig; author of ‘THERE IS NO CLIMATE CRISIS

The World Economic Forum’s article can be split into three main parts –

Part 1 – The elites are amazed how easily we submitted

In the first part, the writers express what could almost be described as amazement at how willingly we submitted to their Project Fear Covid restrictions on our freedom

Here’s the key paragraph:

A huge number of unimaginable restrictions for public health were adopted by billions of citizens across the world. There were numerous examples globally of maintaining social distancing, wearing masks, mass vaccinations and acceptance of contact-tracing applications for public health

The article claims that our acceptance of Covid restrictions: ‘demonstrated the core of individual social responsibility’. But perhaps all it really demonstrated is how bullying authorities using Project Fear backed up by heavy-handed policing and mainstream media panic-peddling coerced us into abject cowering submission.

Part 2 – The Fourth Industrial Revolution

In this part the authors discuss how advances in technology allow our individual carbon emissions to be quantified and tracked

Here’s a section:

Fourth Industrial Revolution technology breakthroughs – Advances in emerging technologies like AI, blockchain and digitization can enable tracking personal carbon emissions.

The article gives an example of a smartphone app which can be used to measure an individual’s carbon emissions:

And explains:

There is a significant number of programs and applications enabling citizens to contribute towards carbon emissions by providing them in-depth awareness on the choices of personal carbon for food, transport, home energy and lifestyle choices.

Part 3 – How our carbon allowances will be controlled

In this part, Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum article proposes a model showing how our rulers plan to control our individual carbon usage:

This falls into 3 main approaches:

  • Economic Behaviour – our rulers will keep increasing the price of carbon so that ordinary people eat less, heat our homes less, buy fewer products and restrict our travel
  • Cognitive Awareness – we will have to monitor our personal ‘carbon footprints’ so that we can reduce our carbon usage as part of the transition to a net-zero-carbon society. As the article explains, reducing our individual carbon footprints will cover most areas of our lives: ‘choices of personal carbon for food, transport, home energy and lifestyle choices’
  • Social Norms – we will all be given fixed allowances of what are called a ‘fair share’ and ‘acceptable levels’ of personal emissions. These ‘fair shares’ and ‘acceptable levels’ will be set by the ruling elites

In case you don’t believe this is coming, here’s a link to Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum article:

The carbon-trading billionaires?

There is one part of our wonderful carbon-controlled future the World Economic Forum article doesn’t mention. I suspect that this carbon allowances scheme will also include a ‘carbon trading’ facility. This will allow ordinary people to sell parts of their carbon allowances to carbon-trading companies who will then sell them on to the privileged political, business and media elites. This will ensure that the elites can continue to live a life of unrestricted luxury with unlimited travel, the most expensive foods and other life pleasures while the rest of us huddle in our tiny barely-heated homes eating locally-grown potatoes, cabbage, insects or lab-produced fake meat.

(A cynic might claim that this almost has echoes of Soylent Green)

And those running the carbon-trading companies will all probably become billionaires at our expense.

Perhaps we should be grateful to Klaus Schwab and his World Economic Forum for so clearly describing the future they are preparing for us?

David Craig is the author of THERE IS NO CLIMATE CRISIS available as a paperback or ebook from Amazon

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1 year ago

“On 2/21/22 Tulsi’s name still appeared on Schwab’s WEF Young Global Leaders list. Less than month later her name was scrubbed from list of Young Global Leaders on WEF’s web site. Almost 300 powerful people in USA are listed as Klaus Schwab minions for his Global Reset into Global Marxism. Gabbard’s been saying lots of things seeming on the surface to align with Republican Party Platform positions. Yet she remained member of Socialist Democrat Party until 30-days out from mid-term election cycle. She wouldn’t be the first democrat to run for office as a Republican or Independent that wasn’t really Republican, Independent, or conservative-what we call ‘RINOs’ in Republican Party, pretend conservatives in speech but not in practice after elected. Tulsi endorses Biden in 2020 & is a Klaus Schwab trained ‘global leader’ whether she still appears on their web site or not”

Rosline Loutsios
Rosline Loutsios
Reply to  marlene
1 year ago

marlene – She obviously believes in these guys, so what do the wakened ones do?

Reply to  Rosline Loutsios
1 year ago

Believe their Bibles and “close in with Christ” as John Bunyan was wont to preach!

1 year ago

“One thing’s certain, when political firebrand President Trump answered the call of the people to enter the sewer of politics in 2015, causing an all-out open global assault on everyone & everything that bears the Trump name, he unified an AMERICA FIRST movement that had been swelling up for years. That movement may have now become the most powerful political movement in the USA & even the world, as people rise up against their failed socialist governments all over the globe. But since Obama’s Biden regime seized power in January 2021 the USA has been racing downhill like a snowball headed for hell. In less than 30-days The People will have a chance to wipe out the tyrannical totalitarian leadership in & beyond, creating our own AMERICA FIRST reset. If we don’t pay close attention & get it right there’s no one to blame but ourselves”

Rosline Loutsios
Rosline Loutsios
Reply to  marlene
1 year ago

marlene – I am not American, but I am wondering what you mean by “in less than 30 days the people will have a chance to wipe out ….”?
I would appreciate what you are trying to say.

Reply to  Rosline Loutsios
1 year ago

You might like to type in your browser;, also projectnsearch I only read the headlines today, they say “something BIG is about to happen” (they have been saying this since the fake capitol hill riots!), I don’t have the time to watch hour long videos every day, but have a look, hope this helps. I am sure “something BIG will happen”, at some point! I can’t always figure out how to attach links-such is the dullard I am!

J Smith
J Smith
Reply to  Rosline Loutsios
1 year ago

The mid-term elections are happening in the US when it’s expected enough Republicans (truly Republican and not sham candidates) will get into office meaning the Biden Democrats will be powerless. So much happening in the US. They could well save us all from the lunatics of the WEF and so called ‘Great’ Reset. Watch Steve Bannon of War Room Pandemic for great updates in the US.

Charlotte Creasy
Charlotte Creasy
Reply to  J Smith
1 year ago

I bloody hope so! Can’t take much more of these total pillocks. In the olden days, even Marxists had a brain and were able to organise a piss up in a brewery but todays Marxists are total fruit loops!

1 year ago

All very depressing, and it is not a case of you “painting a black picture blacker”. They will implement their evil plans to have us exactly where they want us-ultimately dead.
I see far too many people using their ‘spy in the camp’ smart 5G mobile phone apps in shops these days; the entrapment tool to enslave them, yet so very few see it. Glad I didn’t ‘progress’ from 2G!

Its all so ugly
Its all so ugly
Reply to  Islander
1 year ago

Americans are lazy and stupid. They have no concept of the treachery we face because they are spoiled. They have had it good for a long time and cannot conceive of a world where they have nothing like people in the third world. Stuff like that doesn’t happen here in their minds. They still think if they just keep working, paying their taxes and taking their jabs everything will go back to normal. They think digital currency is great because their took lazy to reach into their wallet.

Reply to  Its all so ugly
1 year ago

All too true but the Brits are exactly the same, instead of paying cash for everything they prefer flashing their phone or contactless card. I have neither but then I’m an old fart with different principles and a different past (your past shapes your future).

Reply to  Greyhair
1 year ago

I recently saw a guy pay for car parking with his watch. He thought he was being so impressive. I just gave him a look of utter contempt. I pay for everything (physically) in cash and boycott businesses that only take cards. I have also reduced what I buy online (obviously you can’t pay cash so I have to use a card in those circs).

1 year ago

These carbon ‘allowances’ will only apply to those unimportant people

who do not use private jets of course. These self-important psychopaths

seriously believe they can ration the natural elements because, you

know, they “own the science”. Please reopen the asylums and lock these

fookers away forever, they are anti-human. If the normies fall for and

comply with any more of this madness then they deserve what seems

like the next obvious stage, which will be an OXYGEN TAX.

Its all so ugly
Its all so ugly
Reply to  TurnAroundWhenPossible
1 year ago

They will comply. Anything that lets them be lazier they will happily sign up for.

Charlotte Creasy
Charlotte Creasy
Reply to  Its all so ugly
1 year ago

ironic really; many idiots in the ‘developed’ world think socialism is great as they can do as little as they like in terms of production while being kept by the state. But in genuinely communist countries it isn’t like that – they work hard. Idleness is NOT tolerated. I have several friends who grew up in the soviet bloc and have told me this. They are highly motivated, hard working individuals not like the useless, bone-idle lefties and snowflakes of UK/US.

joe stuerzl
joe stuerzl
Reply to  TurnAroundWhenPossible
1 year ago

I read that wearing a mask gives us 20% less Oxygen ,because breathing is a luxury.There is a carbon tax because we are mostly made out of carbon .We will be allowed to breath a number of times and after that no more breathing ,unless we pay extra .New masks will have a meter that will count your breath .I believe Gates is in on the new industry .

Charlotte Creasy
Charlotte Creasy
Reply to  TurnAroundWhenPossible
1 year ago

yep, I like your use of the word pyschopaths because that is exactly what these deluded multi-billionaires and their grateful stooges are. People don’t get that rich by being normal, nice people. Most CEOs are controlling psychopaths (ask their wives!). And even more so with the super rich.

1 year ago

Schwab and his cronies have failed to understand that we live in a Magical Universe which supports truth, reason, and kindness; and which disempowers and destroys his sort of cruelty based on lies and deceptions.

1 year ago

Schwab’s ‘great reset’ will never happen. We are awake worldwide and his hubris is being replaced by sweet Nemesis.

1 year ago

Schwab’s impoverishment policies would cause unprecedented destruction of our natural environment. the man’s a fraudster.

1 year ago

I’m genuinely glad I’ll be dead in a couple of decades. This world will be an unbearable Hell-hole then, just a playground for billionaires to strut around in, with no restrictions on *their* activities. There will be a backlash, sure, but it won’t be for many years.

Mark Deacon
Mark Deacon
Reply to  Matthew
1 year ago

Personally I am haning around for the fight ,,, it is called paback against those who implemnented a society that ws so benenficial for themsleves at everybody elses suffering.

J Smith
J Smith
Reply to  Mark Deacon
1 year ago

The only way. Look at how Trudeau quivered at the Lorry protests in Montreal and across Canada, and also the farmers protesting in Holland at their Government dictating how few cows they could farm. Joined by farmers elsewhere in Europe and by the Dutch Police. Blocked border routes. Fired cow shit at the Parliament buildigs Still going on. Not read about it in Mainstream UK Media? Thought not. Just as the recent admission in the EU Parliament that Pfizer had no idea if their jab would prevent Covid being caught and spread. The lies revealed: Take the jab and you will save other people’s lives.’ Huge, huge lies. Not read about it in the Mainstream UK Media? Thought not. Anyone got a huge supply of cow shit we could aim at ……?

J Smith
J Smith
Reply to  Matthew
1 year ago

Don’t be so sure. People are waking up to what’s going on. Huge backlash coming.

Randy Mason
Randy Mason
1 year ago

Klaus Scwab and the WEF can pound sand as far as participating in their vaccine ID Mark of the beast slave system. The global population must say no to this system at all costs. The US population will not comply to losing their God given rights as Americans. We must take our sovereignty back one country at a time. Enough is enough

J Smith
J Smith
Reply to  Randy Mason
1 year ago

If the dangerous loonies cannot take over the US, then they have lost. They need every country, especially one as large as the US, in order to carry out their evil plans. Love to see Bill Gates’ expression when he is led off to Guantamino Bay Prison in an orange jump suit with ankles chained. And all the other culprits.

1 year ago

The app the wef is promoting in that article was created in sweden. The first credit card with a carbon limit was also created in sweden it’s called do black. now you get it why greta thunberg is everywhere?

1 year ago

Just another reason to leave the cities.
If you are self sufficient and outside of wifi range you will be free from this stupidity.

Reply to  notbobagain
1 year ago

But, even on the relatively remote island I live on there are 5G masts in the remotest places-I can assure you! In fact, there is one about two miles away from where I live!
No doubt the exposure to this bioweapon will be far worse in the cities, especially if one is fully vaxxed.
I wonder whether a lot of recent motorway accidents are happening on the motorways in the highlands is because of the proximity of said masts?

1 year ago

The article says that cities account for 75% of our CO2 emissions (duh!), but that doesn’t mean we account for 75% of global emissions of CO2. Natural sources of CO2 dwarf our contribution.

Of course, the article doesn’t mention that, or the game would be up.

The other problem, of course, is that nobody ever bothers to ask, or to ask them, where it is written that they get to define how we live on this Earth. Who made them gods over our lives?

We all need to seriously push back against this power grab. We need to be ungovernable.

J Smith
J Smith
Reply to  Antonio
1 year ago

Becoming that way now what with rampant crime, streets unsafe and the WOKE mob causing chaos and the police standing back. Add some WEF and Great Reset Protestors to the mix, and illegal immigrants causing havoc in their thousands, and whole swathes of countries will be ‘ungovernable’. It will be Pandora’s Box in reverse – all the truly evil Globalists will be rushing to hide away and slide the bolt into place.

Its all so ugly
Its all so ugly
1 year ago

And the moronic public will accept this and shame/harass those who oppose like they did with the covid nonsense. People on FB will post “I ate my bugs today” banners like they did with the jab. sickening.

Adrian Paul McClaren
Adrian Paul McClaren
1 year ago

John 3.3, 33-34- This is the only choice one makes in this life that counts for eternity. Do this now or you will be in hell for eternity (Rev 13).

1 year ago

[…] Read More: The Great Reset: Klaus Schwab’s WEF has plans to implement a ‘Carbon Allowance’ tha… […]

1 year ago

[…] The WEF outlines its latest scheme to reduce carbon emissions from individual people, […]

1 year ago

I couldn’t care less what the WEF scumbags want to do. They are failing miserably.

1 year ago

[…] – The Great Reset: Klaus Schwab’s WEF has plans to implement a ‘Carbon Allowance’ that will rest… […]

1 year ago

[…] Expose-news (= 44): The Great Reset: Klaus Schwab’s WEF has plans to implement a ‘Carbon Allowan… […]

Steven Rowlandson
Steven Rowlandson
1 year ago

This Klaus Schwab has exceeded his authority to the point of treason and genocide against humanity. Will someone collect the man and put him in the sin bin along with his fellow travelers until a tribunal can be convened?

1 year ago
Watch the whole interview if you want to know who all of your masters are! They want to chip you and control you, hear first hand from one of the people Rockefeller befriended and tried to turn to the dark side.

1 year ago

[…] The Great Reset: Klaus Schwab’s WEF has plans to implement a ‘Carbon Allowance’ that will rest… […]

Charlotte Creasy
Charlotte Creasy
1 year ago

I don’t think Jo Public will be so gullible in future – surely they’ve realised by now what’s really going on? I think the pro-vaxxers, for example, have scored a huge own-goal. It will be a long time now before even the keenest pushers of vaccines take another shot…

1 year ago

[…] Craig, Expose News) Novinár Ross Clark vo svojej knihe „The Denial“ z roku 2020 opisuje dystopickú budúcnosť, […]

1 year ago

I am aware of the fraud going on concerning carbon emissions and so on. None of this is controlled by man. Our Lord Jesus controls everything. I will not partake in any of this ‘reset’ voluntarily. We are going to revisit feudalism again…Hurry Jesus…

1 year ago

[…] WEF – Plans to implement a ‘Carbon Allowance’ that will restrict what you do, buy and eat […]

1 year ago

[…] The Great Reset: Klaus Schwab’s WEF has plans to implement a ‘Carbon Allowance’ that will rest…  […]

1 year ago

[…] The Great Reset: Klaus Schwab’s WEF has plans to implement a ‘Carbon Allowance’ that will rest…  […]

1 year ago

[…] have been openly testing Digital IDs during the pandemic, they will come first. Notably, a recent article about an individual carbon allowance by the WEF blatantly states that the pandemic was a quote test […]

1 year ago

[…] have been openly testing Digital IDs during the pandemic, they will come first. Notably, a recent article about an individual carbon allowance by the WEF blatantly states that the pandemic was a quote test […]

1 year ago

[…] have been openly testing Digital IDs during the pandemic, they will come first. Notably, a recent article about an individual carbon allowance by the WEF blatantly states that the pandemic was a quote test […]

1 year ago

[…] have been openly testing Digital IDs during the pandemic, they will come first. Notably, a recent article about an individual carbon allowance by the WEF blatantly states that the pandemic was a quote test […]