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A Tribute to the Unvaccinated, You Are Homo Sapiens Indomitus

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A few months ago, Professor Fernando López-Mirones paid tribute on his Telegram channel to the unvaccinated who have held out despite the pressures put on them to “get vaccinated.”  He calls them “Homo sapiens indomitus” – humans that cannot be subdued.

Prof. Fernando López-Mirones is a biologist and documentary director. He was part of the jury of several international film festivals. His script for the feature film Guadalquivir was nominated for the Goya Prize for best documentary. He received the Medal of the Circle of Film Writers in 2013.

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Homo Sapiens Indomitus

By Fernando López-Mirones, 26 July 2022

Even if I were fully vaccinated, I would admire the unvaccinated for resisting the greatest pressure I have ever seen, including from spouses, parents, children, friends, colleagues and doctors.

People who have been capable of such a personality, such courage and such critical ability undoubtedly embody the best of humanity.

They are found everywhere, in all ages, levels of education, countries and opinions. They are of a particular kind; these are the soldiers that any army of light wishes to have in its ranks. They are the parents that every child wants to have and the children that every parent dreams of having. They are beings above the average of their societies, they are the essence of the people who have built all cultures and conquered horizons. They are there, by your side, they seem normal, but they are superheroes.

They did what others could not do, they were the tree that resisted the hurricane of insults, discrimination and social exclusion.  And they did it because they thought they were alone and they believed they were alone.

Excluded from their families’ Christmas tables, they have never seen anything so cruel. They lost their jobs, they let their careers sink, they had no money … but they didn’t care. They suffered immeasurable discrimination, denunciations, betrayals and humiliations … but they continued.

Never before in humanity has there been such a [discrimination], we now know who the resistance is on planet Earth.  Women, men, old people, young people, rich people, poor people, of all races and all religions, unvaccinated, elected officials of the invisible ark, the only ones who managed to resist when everything collapsed.

It’s you, you’ve had an unimaginable test that many marines, commandos, green berets, astronauts and toughest geniuses could not overcome. You are made of the makings of the greatest who has ever lived, these heroes born among ordinary men who shine in the dark.

Yes, it is you, the culmination of the spirit of Homo sapiens indomitus. A shout out.

Republished from Le Media En 442

Note: “French General Christian Blanchon took over and distributed the text “Homage to the unvaccinated,” but, according to, the author of the text is, in fact, the biologist and documentary maker Fernando López-Mirones,” Romania Posts English wrote.  For the text distributed by General Christian Blanchon, read HERE.

Featured image: Doña Ana’s preserve – Fernando López Mirones’ blog

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A Person
A Person
1 year ago

I’m a person (as my name attests to) and not any homo but people can call themselves what they want.

Bob - Enough
Bob - Enough
Reply to  A Person
1 year ago

You beat me to it, lol.

Reply to  A Person
1 year ago

A Person,
Sir or Ma’am, homo Saipan means in Latin “human”. It isn’t referring to a sexual preference, a honomym describing whom one has a sexual relationship with of the same sex. Just thought I’d pass it on. Have a great day.

Reply to  A Person
1 year ago

Ha! I had a Latin professor who pointed out that homo, as in homo sapiens, means “man,” from the Latin, while the homo in homosexual comes from the Greek word “homos,” meaning “same.” The punchline was, “So, the problem with lesbians is that they don’t know their Greek.”

1 year ago

So, in the true context, who can claim to be alive or a life?
Can any that portrayed a level of critical thinking and thus avoided the poisoning of their blood, still be considered alive or experiencing a life?
“You will own nothing and be happy” was an expose of the Truth as it stands for 95% of the worlds population today. They have been so brainwashed and indoctrinated that they failed to real eyes the fundamental Truth within that WEF statement.
JOE BLOGGS already owns nothing by his own volition. Including Mind, Body and Soul.
JOE BLOGGS isn’t a Man. It is a legal fiction devoid of all the qualities attributed to a Wo/Man. He is the walking dead. Can the dead own property of any description? Of course not.
Every body holds the key to their own prison cell where the door has always been open.
Freedom is nothing more than giving back that which does not belong to JOE BLOGGS.
Give back the NAME and the documents that belong to the real owner of the NAME. That one simple action counters the “You will own nothing” narrative. It really is that simple for Life to be returned to Joe of the family Bloggs.

Reply to  john
1 year ago

John, I’ve read the paper you link to. I agree with it completely. But I would like to know the answer to how I am going to survive without my fake identity. If I give up all the documents I will also need to give up my rented home that provides water, gas and electric which I need to pay to receive. If I buy a tent and sleeping bag and move with my small gear to live outdoors say, in the park or countryside I will likely be subjected to trespassing laws etc and be driven out of areas since all or most are privatised. Although they won’t be able to ‘persecute’ me I would still be unable to settle for any length of time near a river and abundance in animals and berries where I could hunt and gather foods. I do not want to join established communities, so what am I to do?

Reply to  Names
1 year ago

Who was given dominion (to care for) over the Land. Men and Women.
EVERYTHING belongs to The People defined as Men and Women. Absolutely NOTHING belongs to the Corporations. NOTHING. Those that claim to have authority in their role as a service provider, do so over other Corporations and those using legal fiction NAME’s.
If every body were to stand in their true capacity, this would all end immediately.
These service providers are funded by the credit belonging to the Men and Women which they are able to access because men and women choose to be the legal fiction.
Once the Crown has been removed as the Trustee of your estate when their NAME and documentation has been returned, they are unable to use said estate as a source of funding.
Why do you think their intent was/is to claim the jabbed as property using Patents to do so? Because it allows them to continue pilfering your credit with no remedy available for the Genetically modified organism they claim as their patented property.
There is a credit ledger attached to you as the flesh and blood woman. It is there to be used. In regards to utility payments, they have already been paid. These utility companies use a double dipping approach whereby they con the individual into paying again for the rent of the meter. Know your standing.
You speak of trespassing laws. As a man or woman, this is your Land to travel freely as you desire. How then can you trespass on your own Land. As for privatisation or private Land, for that to stand, it would have to be owned by another Wo/Man. NOT a Corporation.
May i suggest you continue to read other articles by kateofgaia as fundamentally Truth requires work. Even Truth comes at a cost.

Gordon Bird
Gordon Bird
1 year ago

Thank you Professor. In Early 2020 I smelled a rat! Too many coincidenses. Then James Corbet helped me. There is now an Everest of evidence against these monsters! Yet the susceptible STILL cling on!. For My challenge to Vicar Figg at Warton LA5 I got POLICE at My Door!. For my writing my protest graphity on MY garage doors my neighbours got the POLICE 4 times! Ash Trees GP Practice would not accept my challenge to debate. Neither would Ms Williamson head of Lancashire County Council. Neiyher would the Director of Public Health!…”Just Obeying Orders!”…..I,ve heard that before when I SAW the Dimbleby programme opening Belsen! I was 7 years old!…LA5 Lancs

1 year ago

Indeed. And some of us remained unvaccinated because we knew that pathogenic viruses don’t exist, it also means we knew that whatever killed people (if anything really killed them – China’images), that couldn’t be a virus.

This knowledge was the real life-saver because there was no level of coercion which could have worked on us.

And if this would have been a common knowledge IN TIME, many more lives could have been saved including a big bunch of children and elderly. The only base of vaccinating people with poisons is the belief of viruses.

Many have blood in their hands.

Steve Budden
Steve Budden
1 year ago

I enjoyed the acolaid of the article. Thank you. It was simple for me a decision made from hatred and mistrust of public servants and their blood sucking government masters. Who knew it would turn out like this. So sad for our world to be destroyed so easily and many lives lost so unnecessarily. I hate them all with a vengeance I cannot sate. It will consume me for the rest of my life unless they are all somehow brought to justice.

1 year ago

I caught covid in March 2020 & was very unwell with it with debilitating symptoms which lingered for over 2 years. During this time I was offered the “vaccine” numerous times. My thinking was “why would I want more of what has made me so ill injected into me again?” I knew covid didn’t kill me so why would I need a “vaccine”? Once the “vaccines” were rolled out I started researching the effects they had on people. From that point it was a no brainer not to be jabbed. I cannot understand why so many (especially younger people) have lined up for this. I have heard of many people who have died in the past year after experiencing a sudden decline in their health. It is a never ending horror story.

Reply to  Jane
1 year ago

Sorry, you never had “covid” because the virus never existed. They put graphene oxide in the 2019-2020 flu shots and that is how the hospitals had sick coming in that winter, along with the normal seasonal influenza (which I don’t believe exists and I’m a Registered Respiratory Therapist) and colds. So you had the normal cold or flu

Reply to  Dan
1 year ago

Why keep policing the language in this trollish manner? We all understand what one means by the term “covid” … whether you deny it’s a virus or call it a toxin, flu, myth, ghost or whatever, that’s besides the point and nobody cares … Just stop already.

1 year ago

I am no “super-hero” that is a fact!!!

I just knew what was going on-that is all.

If I feel sorry for any of the jabbed, my sympathies go out to those who caved in at the eleventh hour in order to keep their jobs. Let us not forget that most damnable slogan “NO JAB NO JOB”?

Rabbi Seamus
Rabbi Seamus
Reply to  Islander
1 year ago

I prefer, No jab, No funeral.

1 year ago

I didn’t take the jab. I’m not brave. I wasn’t put under undue pressure by anyone. I stopped watching and reading the mainstream media, outside of the odd cursory glance, a while ago. I already knew these people were professional liars with no morals. I already remember the Iraq invasion and how these monsters reported it. I already saw how they reported on Syria and lied though their teeth in order to cause public support for another brutal invasion and the deaths of many hundreds of thousands of innocent lives.

My family are all jabbed except my brother. Non of them looked at me any different or treated me any different. Neither did my friends who took the shot. I told them I wasn’t taking the vaccine, that I didn’t trust the government nor the pharmaceutical companies. I wish they hadn’t taken it, any of them, but they had been scared out of their wits, then reassured (lied to) about the safety and efficacy of this thing Through all this I worked in social care every day, travelled on public transport without a stupid mask, every day, shopped and went into peoples homes every day. I watched my mother, who had Alzheimer’s, die within a few months of having the shots. She was nowhere near that stage in the early part of 2021. She never forgot who we were, she passed years before she should have. I know, I’ve worked with people with dementia for a long time.

I guess I’m lucky, but I’m not brave. I don’t buy all this ‘Pure Bloods’ bull shit, nor this ‘them and us’ mentality that seems to have been fostered over time. I just don’t trust the narrative we have been spun for years, nor the people spinning it. They’re without morals. They’re bought and paid for.

1 year ago

I dont see there is any merit in simply seeing the risks. People seem to have been marching to a tune I could not hear, letting a stranger inject them with a substance deemed safe by the most corrupt industry on earth. It was like people did not know what a 0.09 risk meant. I have lost too much to pat mysrlf on the back, I am so angry, disappointed, discusted at the intellectuals and the tree hugging my-body-my-choicers to feel smug. I have buried too many…. I am no hero, heros are not bitter, I am angry hurt and bitter. And its not over.

Reply to  Rose
1 year ago

Great comment and describes exactly what I have experienced. Nobody will come out of this unscathed. Society will never be same, pre-hoax 2020. I have lost the anger and bitterness and have focused on my immediate family, my children and grandchildren. If the rest of the world wants to off themselves with a fatal toxin there isn’t much I can do about it.
Hang in there, the world is going to need people like you in the future. Logic and sound reasoning is lacking in the world and will be in demand when the genocide comes to an end.

Reply to  Rose
1 year ago

Yeah, I feel so torn between warning everyone I care about with brutal descriptions of what they could face, versus trying to protect their happiness and sanity, as much as possible, as this deadly beat plays on….
Could I have done more??.. Strangely, I’ve found that almost all the people who I stick my neck out for the most still get their Boosters, eventually!!-??.. One family member has taken 4-??
And then they announce their new, aggressive cancer, heart conditions, blood diseases, etc. “Can you take them to the hospital??”… I don’t understand the psychology of this situation, although I do think the contents of these shots impact their thinking and cognitive judgment!!-
That said, I now think Everyone needs to be aware that the nanogel component is not being filtered in our water system, so we’re all getting dosed, unless you use the best filters rigorously, and detox. Moreover, these poor people are shedding on everyone around them. I can’t even go to dinner with them safely!!.. This seems to be one helluva bio-tech weapon!!…

1 year ago

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1 year ago

Another great comment from Fernando back in April: “The Silence at Funerals”:

1 year ago

Praise for this most wonderful and uplifting text. Bless the author.
Thank you for the name you´ve given us.
I tip my hat, no, my hats to you.

Mark Deacon
Mark Deacon
1 year ago

The biggest thing that stopped me geting swept up in the covid hysteria was that all my life my government made my life a living hell. After that it was easy to adopt the self isolation as I sit on the edge I do not need human interactions like others.

Hence I cut of my family completely for trying to gaslight me to get vaxxed. 2 years now I no longer seek family contact when my argument was it is their choice to take this vaccine or not.

I did have a plan though after having had COVID in May 2020 I would wait 1 year after the rollout and see what happens regarding the safety especially when their is an indemnity clause and EUA in operation.

Frankly as the data came in only the stupid or those who are at risk of death should take this vaxx if they think it make keep them alive a litte longer.

That it does not work in preventing infectionb and transmission is a 100% fail and why it should be withdrawn. Taking the risk of injury and death for something that does not work is no better than a quack selling bottles of health elixir.

Frank S.
Frank S.
1 year ago

The tribute above was posted on my birthday so, double-thanks, Prof. Lopez-Mirones.

1 year ago

Recently it has been found that vaccinated people are producing spike proteins even after more than 1 year. Spike proteins are found in lymph nodes of vaccinated people that has died. These spike proteins are causing blood clotting. Because every cell dna is changed by messenger rna vaccine, spike proteins will always be produced in every cell of the body. I don’t want to scare any vaccinated friends here but the blood clotting risk is continuous. You need to detox yourself and boost your immune system in order to fight with these unnatural proteins. Ivermectin blocks ACE2 receptors to bind with spike proteins and helps to detox your body. You can get ivermectin to detox your body by visiting

1 year ago

Those perpetrating these scams for world domination (Climate change, mutilating children’s sex organs, teaching Marxism in schools, etc..) are Homo hubris & you know how that turns out. They may be clever & manipulative but they do not really understand the full consequences of their actions.

Arnold Gore
Arnold Gore
1 year ago

Profesor Mirones assumed we were unscientific in coming to an obvious decision where ther was NO benefit for healthy people only outsized risk with a technology NEVER before used in a human vaccine,No contest if you think about it.

1 year ago

I remember was waiting to buy a bread and food in front of a small shop to being allowed to enter…in winter…because I was not “vaccinated” and only the most smallest food shops were allowed for us to get in..and only if the number of people were not above what was set by corrupt politicians…Yes, friends, other, laughed at us, calling not educated (even though I have three bachelor degrees and two master)..You left alone as living in a zombie apocalypse movie.

Rabbi Seamus
Rabbi Seamus
1 year ago

Not really. I simply see the world populated by retarded sheep. If they want to kill themselves because corporate criminals tell them, I just dont want to pay for their fake vaccines, their medical issues and their funerals.

Narural selection has returned after too many centuries of coddling and effeminate crutches.

Reply to  Rabbi Seamus
1 year ago

But, the kicker is that they’re Shedding hard & spreading it all around, against your will. Unless you live on a Farm and have no social life, you’re still getting exposed to their shedding and the weird nanogel bots (on the list of ingredients!) flowing through every water system by now!!.. Disturbing, & potentially fatal!!- Plus, 5G, & even 6G, are being installed & cranking up!-

Jayna Dinnyes
Jayna Dinnyes
1 year ago

Thank You Professor for giving us a word of encouragement!
I believe that there is great merit in making wise choices and warning
others NOT to make poor ones that may harm and kill them and
their families. After all, it’s abundantly clear to me now that the TRUTH
about KILLER QUACKCINES and warning others about them will be mainly done by “word of mouth.” YES, WE ARE NOW IN GENOCIDE!
I post publicly and freely on MeWe. STAY WELL NATURALLY!

Bill Gates.jpg
AUssie pub` ```` crawler
AUssie pub` ```` crawler
1 year ago

Homo Sapiens Indomitusyeh….
personally: i’d be ‘plonking’ for some-thing more along the lines of:
Homo Sapiens Conspiratris ….few, if any, ‘alt-truthers’ got the Vₓₓ ….
that’s b’cs most, if not all, b’lv ab’t ⅗ of ⅝ of what the (dot) gov and the media tell them any-way(s) ;

how-ever: ‘conspiracy theorists’ don’t appear over-night….
its an actual, mental process of ‘training-yr-mind’ to, actively, not b’lv what yr being ‘told’ ab’t….oh….. pretty much EVERY-thing……

so, we could say: not all un-Vₓₓ’d are CTs ....</span>
<span style="color: rgb(119, 119, 119);">but</span>
(almost) all CT
s are un-Vₓₓ’d 😉

1 year ago

Why is it that the Criminal media,and I mean criminal<the likes like ccn /msm. They have lit the match,sowed the FEAR! Over and Over and Over. They need to be held accountable<<<Finally>>

1 year ago

Hell yeah !

1 year ago

that text is not from the imposter bystanders of doctors for the truth Spain controlled dissidence complicit in the genocide of toxic vaccines with graphene those statements are from general framces
French general Christian Blanchon calls them “Superheroes”
please rectify the article since they give publicity to the real enemy thank you and God bless you for the great work you are doing

1 year ago

As soon as they started to roll out the snake oil. I had a very strong gut feeling not to take it and i’m glad i listened to my instincts. I believe i recently caught what they’re calling ‘omicron’ after almost two and half years without a sniffle. Although it was mild but still unpleasant. I survived and felt better within a matter of five days. Would i have the jab even now? No. Do i regret not taking it? No. My immune system did a pretty good job of handling it without any jibjab, although i secretly suspect that my partner could have well infected me as she and all her family have had the shots except me. Because i fell ill and she did not. And she had recently been given the extra booster, i may be wrong about this but it could be a possibility.

Reply to  Stephanie
1 year ago

Yes, everyone catches it typically after taking the Booster!!. This is so common that I think that is the main purpose of the booster!…
And my unvaccinated friends with a spouse who is vaccinated have caught Covid multiple times, although they recovered much more rapidly than their spouse did. The vaccine sheds, so you get “vaccinated” by proxy. We’re all getting a dose of it now!!..

Reply to  Watcher
1 year ago

But, not to take away from this article.. Yes, anyone who said “No, thanks” or even, “maybe later” (i.e., Never) showed incredible character, resolve, and resiliency!!.. So True!!-