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Carbon Dioxide isn’t Warming the Earth. How do we know? It’s simple really …

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You have been told that carbon dioxide (“CO2”) is warming the Earth.  It’s a lie. 

Within a few minutes, host of The New American Ben Armstrong debunks the entire climate change story touted by Al Gore, Greta Thunberg, United Nations, World Economic Forum, corporate media, governments, professors, school teachers and anyone else who follows Agenda 2030’s climate change narrative.

What climate alarmists have done is reverse cause and effect.  They are saying the effect of something is the cause, said Armstrong.  However, rather than being the cause, CO2 in the atmosphere is the effect of warmer temperatures – first, there are warmer temperatures and then higher CO2 levels in the atmosphere follow. 

How can I prove this? Armstrong asked. The oceans.  The Oceans are the number one contributor to CO2 in the atmosphere.  Watch Armstrong’s full explanation in the video below. It’s so simple even a child will understand.

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1 year ago


Brin Jenkins
Brin Jenkins
Reply to  Ldrhawke
1 year ago

They are related as a Hegelian crisis management tool. Two Global crisis, what a coincidence??

Reply to  Ldrhawke
1 year ago

These scams are pushed by the SAME people! They also push teaching hateful & divisive Marxism in schools, mutilating & sterilizing our children, open boarders to invite millions of criminals into the US to overwhelm our systems & to increase violence in our streets where THEIR de-funding of LOCALLY controlled police cannot maintain civil functionality & safety. That will eventually require the citizens to call for federal troops to come in & they will institute martial law confiscate all guns & food, & be under control of & support the central government. Anyone who objects will be labeled as “insurrectionists” or “Freedom Fighters” & hunted down by the US Army who trained for this last summer. These same people will achieve a police state that supports THEIR government OVER the people.

Reply to  Greeboz6
1 year ago

Don’t give up on your weapons or food, no matter what! You can’t protect your food without the first and you can’t survive without it. Compare the present number to the Georgia guide stones’.

Jayna Dinnyes
Jayna Dinnyes
Reply to  Greeboz6
1 year ago

Yeah. And THAT government will be The Christian Vatican in Rome, Italy! The Mark of the Beast, Revelation 13:18, is Christianity! Yes! We have been so lied to! I post publicly and

A Picture of the Vatican
Josef Marek
Josef Marek
Reply to  Greeboz6
1 year ago

Absolutely correct, this is the mechanism which the totalitarian forces comes to the power.First to destabilise the system and than to come with ,,only solution,,-totalitarian protection.Only what those will not tell you is that it will protect just them from loosing the power and control over you.

Reply to  Ldrhawke
1 year ago

Since about May this year many people have noticed a great increase in the wailing of sirens along city streets. Red-pilled people put this down to a high number of citizens being rushed to hospitals in ambulances after being poisoned by the mRNA Gene Modifiers. Blue-pilled people believe it’s because of the high number of citizens being rushed to hospitals and morgues because of SARS‑CoV‑2.
Both of these groups aren’t quite correct. The reason for the increase in the wailing of sirens is a part of the Great Reset agenda. It was planned back in the 1990s.
They planned for an increase in the frequency of wailing sirens to begin in 2015. At this time ambulances and other authority vehicles with sirens were told to switch on their sirens even when they were travelling the streets in non-emergency situations.
The reason for this is to cause anxiety in people. It’s to keep citizens in an anxious state of mind. No matter what camp you are in, the wailing sirens are a constant reminder that many sick people are constantly being rushed to hospitals. It’s also a constant reminder to citizens that the Authorities are always close by, and watching.
Prior to 2015 they had incrementally increased the loudness of emergency vehicle sirens. As early as 2012 people on city streets could be seen covering their ears as ambulances and police vehicles wailed past with decibel levels almost equalling jet engines on take-off.
They needed to increase the loudness of the sirens so that people in their beds at night would hear the wailing of emergency vehicles as they drove past with their sirens blaring – with there being no real need to have them blaring.
At first, I believed the ubiquitous sirens were because of the high numbers of people being rushed to hospitals. Of course, people needing emergency care is part of the cause. But then I started noticing emergency vehicles driving along deserted streets at the dead of night with their sirens needlessly wailing. 
Prof. Dolores Cahill on has more on the real reasons for the ubiquitous emergency vehicles with blaring sirens and how it was part of the Great Reset agenda from at least two decades ago.
Using sirens as an anxiety raising tool ties in with the current general push to make people believe there is indisputable proof that viruses exist. People that are kept in constant fear, on edge and in high states of anxiety are easy to manipulate and control. They’ll also fight among themselves and this helps to increase division and make them more malleable and favourable towards enslavement.

A Person
A Person
Reply to  creamwalls
1 year ago

I remember how my friend once was like, “One day, I saw a fire engine with the siren on so I followed it to see where it was going but they just pulled in and got a pizza”.

david huber
david huber
1 year ago

yes, checked his facts out and they are facts for sure.

1 year ago

Tony Heller has been saying it for a long time that CO2 is not the enemy.

Reply to  Sylvain
1 year ago

Indeed. He used a good visual example too a while back showing what we’ve all witnessed but never really thought about – what happens when you open and pour a cold carbonated drink into a class? It instantly releases the CO2 because it’s… warming. Shock horror!

Bob - Enough
Bob - Enough
Reply to  Lancer
1 year ago

Hmmm, sorry Lancer – but I cannot let that one go (as I am a Chemical Engineer). Unless you are sitting in an active volcano, I am not sure that the temperature has much or anything to do with it.

A phase diagram, is something which shows when things are solid, liquid or gas … like H20 can be … ice, water or steam (water vapour, clouds etc). Predominately pressure and temperature.

The PRESSURE inside the bottle is higher than the pressure outside the bottle, which as you state, keeps the drink carbonated. That is, the additional pressure at the surface of the liquid inside the bottle forces the bubbles to stay dissolved within the drink.

When the bottle is opened, there is suddenly a pressure differential. The initial loud hiss that is heard is this pressure differential equalising itself … ie the gas (CO2 takes and moves to the lower pressure) – the gas flow is the initial loud hiss you hear.

Blah blah blah and thats why the “carbonated drinks” go flat over time when the only gas left dissolved in the liquid will be the gas that is held back by the relatively weak atmospheric pressure.

comment image


Reply to  Bob - Enough
1 year ago

The data agrees that CO2 increase lags behind temperature rises, sometimes by as much as several years. The two most important for life on earth are water and CO2.

Bob - Enough
Bob - Enough
Reply to  biggrump
1 year ago

Yes I know, but that has no bearing on why you hear a hiss, when you open a bottle of carbonate drink, which is the comment by “Lancer” I was specifically answering.

PS I would add Nitrogen to your list as well, but for another discussion.

Reply to  Bob - Enough
1 year ago

Is not the fourth state of matter plasma?

Bob - Enough
Bob - Enough
Reply to  Merv
1 year ago

Matter and plasma ?.. I would go something similar to plasma, being conducted through the nanoparticle setup from the jabs …(BUT I am just guessing) and it is Friday night, so back to my drink and guests (uninvited guests I may add). No offence.

Richard Greene
Richard Greene
Reply to  Bob - Enough
1 year ago

Carbonated drinks tend to lose their fizz at higher temperatures because the loss of carbon dioxide in liquids is increased as temperature is raised. This can be explained by the fact that when carbonated liquids are exposed to high temperatures, the solubility of gases in them is decreased.

Bob - Enough
Bob - Enough
Reply to  Richard Greene
1 year ago

If you go up 5 posts, I have added the phase diagram for CO2. Of course temperature has an effect as I have already stated, however the much larger contributing factor for the drinks is the pressure differential between the bottle and the atmosphere when it is opened.

They even mention temperature here, but please have a look as I am no longer going to argue / discuss that matter (as I am watching football) =

Reply to  Sylvain
1 year ago

CO2 means lush vegetation, the level is already too low, we are led by psychopaths’ ruining everything.

1 year ago

I still do not anderstand the cause of the higher temperatur that we experins now

Reply to  Peter
1 year ago

IONOSPHERE HEATERS, google after it. They use the weather as a weapon, they can heat the ionosphere, they can cause floods or droughts, ionosphere heaters and cloud seeding are can be found even on the wikipedia.

Reply to  dfsz
1 year ago

And haarp is used for this purpose? At least acknowledged, but may have other uses unacknowledged.

Bob - Enough
Bob - Enough
Reply to  dfsz
1 year ago

Yep. Also have a look where they have moved the weather monitors (that record temperatures plus plus) … into cities where the breeze / wind can not cool things down and …. wait for it airports.

Said the same on the DM – or here today (nobody listens), but weather modification is so easy … I know number 1 works because I have done it for the last fe years after seeing it work in Prague.

In Summer – (well before summer) buy a high pressure nozzle for your hose pipe and when it is becoming too hot, just switch it on and you will feel an immediate cooling of the air.

In Winter – do the same thing if you want snow or ice.


You have snow and ice machines for the Winter Olympics, you have Countries like Spain and China stating they caused rainfall and and…but nope; people still wander to the cliff like lemmings believing their governments.

Imagine using high intensity sound waves, chemicals as you mention and spraying 30,000 ft up and not in a garden….

Richard Greene
Richard Greene
Reply to  Peter
1 year ago

Here’s a list. pick the ones you like best:

The following variables are likely to influence Earth’s climate:

1)   Earth’s orbital and       
    orientation variations
2)   Changes in ocean circulation
             Including ENSO and others 
3)   Solar activity and irradiance,
including clouds, volcanic and manmade aerosols, plus possible effects of cosmic rays and extraterrestrial dust

4)   Greenhouse gas emissions

5)   Land use changes
         (cities growing, logging, crop irrigation, etc.) 

6)    Unknown causes of variations of a
       complex, non-linear system

7)  Unpredictable natural and 
       manmade catastrophes
8) Climate measurement errors
    (unintentional or deliberate)

9) Interactions and feedbacks,
     involving two or more variables.

Frank Shulse
Frank Shulse
1 year ago

His facts are only partially correct. Really it appears to be a chicken or egg first situation. What produces CO2 is the real question. I think the answer to it is fire. Plants store CO2. Oceans at the poles and tundra store CO2. Fire from burning plants, oil, coal and gas releases heat which warms ocean which releases more CO2. Bombs help also. Which came first CO2, chemistry, or the gods?

Frank Shulse
Frank Shulse
Reply to  Frank Shulse
1 year ago

Oh, and I forgot to mention that cows burn plants too. Cow farts count. So do biodigesters like the local landfill.

Reply to  Frank Shulse
1 year ago

Plants don’t store it to my best knowledge, they breath co2 in and breath out oxygen. This CO2 campaign a BS based on the ignorance level of the public. Less CO2 means less plant’s and trees (=food) and less breathable oxygen to you.
I don’t have patience anymore of the suggested material by someone I lost trust, hence didn’t see the video but this documentary is a good one and the CO2 past is involved.

Reply to  dfsz
1 year ago

Excellent doco, IMO. Watched it many times.

Reply to  Frank Shulse
1 year ago

Research from ice cores (Greenland) clearly show around an 800 year lag of CO2 vs. temperature.

Richard Greene
Richard Greene
Reply to  Merv
1 year ago

800 years average refers to oceans outgassing CO2 as a RESULT of ocean warming from natural causes

That DOES NOT apply to adding manmade CO2 to the atmosphere.

They are two different processes unrelated to each other. In one process CO2 is the RESULT. In the other process, CO2 is the CAUSE.

Reply to  Richard Greene
1 year ago

Back-radiation of co2 reacts to three main temperature bands at 800 Celsius 400 Celsius and -80 Celsius.
Therefore any effect takes place in the thermosphere and is due to insolation.
The presence of co2 is that of transparency.
Man creates no energy on this planet. He merely converts stored energy that then re-enters its majestic cycle.
In one hour the sun CREATES and supplies more energy to earth than all of mans activity in one year.
1/8760 th !

Again, man does not add energy to this system.

AGW is communist delusion.

Reply to  Frank Shulse
1 year ago

1) “Higher temperatures” than what? It is agreed that we live in a time that is warmer than the cold we came out of in the 17th, 18th century. That’s normal fluctuation. However, much of the supposed ‘warming’ in the last years is due to changes in measuring. Many stations are now within urban invironments and those “out in the fields” aren’t used. This is how an impression of ‘warming’ is produced. Also, of course, colour-schemes (i.e. in the news) are changed to suggest higher temperature, when they really aren’t. One-sided focus on some parts where glaciers retreat whithout mentioning other parts of the world where they actually increase etc. (Kary Mulis talked about that)
2) We’re far from the latest optima (that’s what they’re called in ‘science’ and for a reason), seen in the High Middle Ages and before that at the golden age of the Roman Empire. Things will get colder most likely.
3) The main driver of climate is, of course, the sun. The tiny bits of CO2 emitted by humans are pretty insignificant, certainly in the atmosphere, especially since the stuff mostly lingers on the ground. Even ‘atmospheric heaters’ and such massively overstate the effect of humans on climate. So, if it’s really 0,5 or 1º warmer now, that it was 100 years ago, it’s due to natural circles and I recommend everyone enjoy it as long as it lasts.

1 year ago

a breath of fresh air thank you Ben Armstrong at last facts not fiction

1 year ago

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1 year ago

more lies to scare the people who have no brain

1 year ago

So more CO2 in the atmosphere is proof of warming oceans and climate change.
CO2 is not the enemy, chemical pollution is and that is man made !

Reply to  VoicefromEurope
1 year ago

Amazing how much the Earth is able to remain in homeostasis.
Oil, coal, LPG are natural resources.

Jayna Dinnyes
Jayna Dinnyes
1 year ago

HA! Plants breathe in the carbon dioxide that we exhale. Plants give
off oxygen. How can any of this be BAD for us and Planet Earth? Duh

1 year ago

[…] You have been told that carbon dioxide (“CO2”) is warming the Earth.  It’s a lie.  Within a few minutes, host of The New American Ben Armstrong debunks the entire climate change story […] The Expose […]

Rob Hill
Rob Hill
1 year ago

My first glance at this video suggested a very simplistic almost moronic viewpoint by Ben Armstrong.
Ben Armstong however, is not simplistic nor moronic. He is a highly skilled and educated professional.

I have no doubt that he is baiting for a critical comment from the likes of:
1- A Power drunk Al Gore
2- A retard Greta Thunberg
3- A captured UN
4- WEF New world Order
5- And the weak followers: corporate media, governments, professors, school teachers and anyone else who follows Agenda 2030’s climate change narrative.

I believe he has sufficient ammunition to expose much, much more and I look forward to the road show ahead.

Well Done Ben
You are courageous

Richard Greene
Richard Greene
Reply to  Rob Hill
1 year ago

Mr. Armstrong is scientifically illiterate.
Do not waste your time listening to him.

1 year ago

I couldn’t take anymore. After 7 minutes of childish, playground, sing-song baiting, promising to “Red Pill” me and presenting nothing but hollow Straw-man arguments and moralistic huffing, I’d had it. I could rip this clown a new ass-hole in a tenth the time he spent strutting around insulting people who actually think. Clue to the clueless: Next time some pseudo-Neo begins his diatribe with nothing but a string of insults aimed at his opponent, please ask yourself, “Did he bring any of said opposition on the show?” Y’know, is he man enough to face the other side?

Reply to  rudy
1 year ago

BTW, nothing convinces me more about Climate Change than listening to the shallow, hollow deniers. If THIS is the best they’ve got, there is no adult counter-argument.

1 year ago


Valid point that correlation is not causation. Three other points worth mentioning:

  1. Water vapor is by far a much stronger green house gas than CO2. Water vapor controls the temperature of the planet. This is a self-regulating mechanism in that when the oceans get warmer more water evaporates into that atmosphere (clouds) which block the sun, reducing the amount of the sun’s energy reaching the ocean and ultimately reducing the temperature.
  2. The closed loop control mechanism in #1 is inherently stable (poles in the left-hand S plane), so there is no danger of runaway temperature change. IOW, if the ocean heats up, then the evaporation mechanism will cool it down and vice versa.
  3. The left has no hope of taxing/controlling water, so they had to pick a different target; hence CO2.
Richard Greene
Richard Greene
Reply to  AttilaTheHun
1 year ago

 “Water vapor controls the temperature of the planet.”

Actually, the temperature of the troposphere determines how much water vapor it will hold.

“there is no danger of runaway temperature change”

Runaway warming has never happened in 4.5 billion years, or else there would be little or no life left on our planet. There is no logical reason to believe it will happen in the future.

Bjørn Palmqvist
Bjørn Palmqvist
1 year ago

Come on. Obviously science is in jepardy after the covid vax madness. And obviously Any narrative should be in question. However, this is riddiculess. It ceryainly does not convince me. Might be right. But its ceryainly not a solid argument.

Richard Greene
Richard Greene
1 year ago

Oceans release a small amount of CO2 as they warm.
The amount is small, perhaps +25ppm per +1 degree C, warming, at most. However, oceans are still net CO2 absorbers — they merely absorb less CO2 if they get warmer.
The author is absolutely clueless on climate science.
All increases of CO2 since 1850 were from manmade CO2 emissions. Nature remains a net CO2 absorber. And oceans are part of nature

Bob Johnson
Bob Johnson
1 year ago

Try reasoning with a liberal/Covid/Climate change believer. You can’t. It bounces off like you never said anything, If only these facts mattered to those blue pilled Zombies.

1 year ago

He’s missing the leftist argument that any extra CO2 from cow farts or cars prevents prevents cooling at night. Thus the extra from man plus the normal from sun heating the ocean equals a human made death spiral of heat, hurricanes, blizzards or anything else they want to imagine that starts at the poles and by the time it hits the equator the earth is an oven. Garbage argument but that’s what they are pushing and succeeding very well at while we are stuck with a green agenda that will kill billions and leave the rest living like cave men eating shrubbery.

1 year ago

[…] – Carbon Dioxide isn’t Warming the Earth. How do we know? It’s simple really … […]

Mike Blain
Mike Blain
1 year ago

The whole argument in this video is everything you say is “fact” and everything about climate change is “theory”. So its a meaningless assertion. The problem is the facts listed here (sun, earth tilt, etc) have nothing to do with climate change.
Maybe oceans add vast amounts of CO2 to atmosphere, but where does that come from? It is absorbed FROM the atmosphere as well. There is no “source” of CO2 within the oceans, they are just a reservoir cycling some of the carbon back and forth.

1 year ago

It would be great to have a transcript of this.

Bruce Mills
Bruce Mills
1 year ago

0.012 % content of the entire Atmosphere by volume is CO2 is supposed to be the ‘control’ knob of the entire climate ? What bollocks. Where is CO2 locked up most. In the sea. What warms up the sea ? THE SUN ! It is possible that undersea volcanic activity can push temperatures up which would cause outgassing. Maybe visit a Coca Cola bottling plant. To get the CO2 gas into the Coke, you have to chill the liquid down and then introduce the gas so that it is held in the drink. Serve chilled they say. To keep the bubbles in the bottle and in your glass. As the Coke warms up it loses the bubbles. Easy to see. Most folks don’t know that to liquify CO2 you need huge pressures. On the release of liquified CO2 it freezes the air to Minus 57 Celcius – that is how a CO2 fire extinguisher works. What makes up the balance of the atmosphere ? Nitrogen and Oxygen and some other tiny amount gases [of which CO2 is one]. So it cannot be CO2 doing the work as plants, trees and the oceans sequester [ absorb] CO2 anyway. Bullshit baffles brains – truth is easy to comprehend. The SUN is cooling and has cooled since 1939.

Dudley Platt
Dudley Platt
1 year ago

Excellent review of the Milankovitch cycles!

1 year ago

[…] Carbon Dioxide isn’t Warming the Earth. How do we know? It’s simple really […]