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Chemtrails are not a theory, they are a conspiracy fact

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In 2014 a whistle-blower described how she discovered the US Air Force was involved in chemtrail operations. “Geoengineering is occurring, it’s been occurring, and it’s not new. And your tax dollars are funding this … I 100% know that the US Air Force was involved,” she said.

Fast forward to 2022 and Bill Gates openly admits to funding SCoPEx’s chemtrail experiments to “create a global cooling effect.” Gates is a prop in a global disinformation campaign, GeoEngineering Watch says. The experiments themselves are nothing more than an orchestrated distraction from the ongoing global climate engineering operations that have been deployed for approximately 74 years – over a decade longer than Bill Gates has even been alive.

Read the following and, if you haven’t already done so, you’ll realise that chemtrails are a conspiracy that disinformation campaigns have been trying to cover up for decades.

Let’s not lose touch…Your Government and Big Tech are actively trying to censor the information reported by The Exposé to serve their own needs. Subscribe now to make sure you receive the latest uncensored news in your inbox…

Kristen Meghan, former US Air Force (“USAF”) industrial hygienist and environmental specialist, gave a presentation of what she had discovered about chemtrails at the first Annual Save Long Island Forum held on 17-19 January 2014 in Hauppauge, NY.

Meghan spoke from the heart of her personal experience involving her career while serving at the Warner Robbins Airforce Base and when she came across huge shipments of toxic chemicals (aluminium, barium, strontium), oxides and sulphates being used in the sky and exposing organic lifeforms to these carcinogens.

While working for the air force, “in an attempt to debunk the [chemtrail] ‘conspiracy theory’, as I thought it was – I didn’t debunk it, it literally changed my life,” Meghan said.

One of her duties was to approve materials for use by USAF.  One day she was going through the computer system used by the USAF to approve the use of hazardous materials and she found extraordinarily large quantities of aluminium, barium and strontium in the forms of oxides and sulphates.  She asked: What are these being used for? She didn’t get an answer so she refused to approve them.

She was asked why she wasn’t approving the chemicals for use and pressured into doing so. But she stood her ground and instead asked further questions. “At that point … [the] demonisation [of me] began,” she said.  She was moved to Warner Robbins Airforce Base and she found the same large quantities of the same chemicals.  She began to investigate. She conducted tests on air and soil samples and found high levels of these chemicals in the samples.

When she started asking questions again, she was threatened with being placed under psychological evaluation. “As I heard that, I knew. It validated everything I ever thought,” Meghan said.

“People say: ‘If this is true, we are spraying the people, where are pilots [speaking out]?

“I don’t know if you pay attention but look at [Edward] Snowden. Look at [Chelsea] Manning.  People don’t come forward because these supposed whistle-blower act protections that you have are not enforced, they’re not supported and they really don’t exist.

“Geoengineering is occurring, it’s been occurring, and it’s not new. And your tax dollars are funding this … I 100% know that the US Air Force was involved.”

Ex-Military Kristen Meghan on chemtrails, Save Long Island Forum (2014) (21 mins)

If the video above is removed from YouTube you can watch it on Rumble HERE or Odysee HERE. To watch presentations from other speakers at the 2014 Annual Save Long Island Forum, follow this LINK. See more from Kristen Meghan on her website HERE.

It’s important to recognise that climate and weather are not the same. Weather is local while climate is global.  Geoengineering aims to change the climate globally whereas weather modification activity aims to change the weather locally.

Geoengineering involves solar radiation management through the injection of aerosols into the stratosphere, and carbon capture and storage.  The dominant form of weather modification is cloud seeding but other approaches to influencing the weather include the use of ultrashort lasers, satellite systems, electrical charges and sound waves.

To block out the sun, Stratospheric Aerosol Geoengineering (“SAG”) and Solar Radiation Management (“SRM”) are solar geoengineering programs designed to saturate the stratosphere with reflective aerosols through the use of modified jet aircraft.  These are examples of what are often referred to as chemical trails or “chemtrails.”

For those who think chemtrails are fiction, there are a plethora of “official” sources that can easily be found on the internet that say otherwise.  For example, a 2022 article published by Forbes stated that Bill Gates was a proponent of solar geoengineering and had backed a Harvard University experiment called SCoPEx to look at the effect of spraying particles into the stratosphere to “create a global cooling effect.”  In response, many have called for solar geoengineering to be stopped and have begun a petition which has so far garnered more than 2,400 signatures.

According to GeoEngineering Watch, Gates is nothing more than a prop in the elaborate power structure disinformation campaign on the climate engineering issue. Though Gates may be contributing to SCoPEx, the experiment itself is nothing more than an orchestrated distraction from the ongoing global climate engineering operations that have been deployed for approximately 74 years – over a decade longer than Bill Gates has even been alive.

By October 2014, GeoEngineering Watch stated, SAG and SRM programs were cited in approximately 150 patents and documents; openly discussed in US Congressional hearings on weather modification; and, outlined by numerous scientific agencies including The Royal Society, United Nations, and Royal Meteorological Society.

Below we give two further examples of “official” sources which demonstrate chemtrails as fact, not fiction. We don’t have an easy way of determining whether or not these particular examples are included in the sources referred to by GeoEngineering Watch.

In the video above Meghan talks about David Keith, a Harvard professor and head of SCoPEx. Keith published the 2013 book ‘A Case for Climate Engineering.  In it, he argued that climate engineering should be considered to “slow the pace of global warming by injecting reflective particles into the upper atmosphere.”

Even though, as GeoEngineering Watch identifies, Keith is a primary actor in the “Carnegie Science” geoengineering deception effort, Keith has “done more for the truth movement of [geoengineering] than anything,” Meghan said.

In another example of geoengineering being admitted in official sources, five years before Meghan gave her presentation, chemtrails were openly discussed during a hearing in the US House Science and Technology Committee.

In November 2009, Representative Adrian Smith expressed a wide range of concerns about the concept of geoengineering – the deliberate large-scale modification of the Earth’s climate.  Rep. Smith expressed his concerns regarding the impact of these theories on livestock agriculture.

On the panel of “experts” was Dr. Ken Caldeira, another primary actor in the “Carnegie Science” geoengineering deception effort.

Caldeira said: “We don’t know how well these methods will work, these solar radiation methods will work, at affecting regional climates.”

Rep. Adrian Smith: Smith questions altering earth’s climate through “geoengineering”, 10 November 2009 (6 mins)

Further reading from The Exposé:

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Wirral In It Together
Wirral In It Together
11 months ago

Brilliantly researched piece. As James Corbett said in his “Magic Words” video, “Stratospheric Aerosol Injections / Geoengineering” is the search term you need to cut through the crap and get to the nitty gritty on this subject.

Reply to  Wirral In It Together
11 months ago

thank you for letting the public know how to do their own research on this subject. I had to cut and paste so I would remember later on. so thanks again.

11 months ago

The sky was so bad yesterday it was criss crossing all over our sky
I was expecting the planes to play ‘noughts & crosses’ afterwards

Reply to  vaboon
11 months ago

In the SE of UK yesterday & today ALL the time. Horrendous

M. Davies
M. Davies
11 months ago

I have found that, at least here in the UK, who is responsible for this. It is the Oxford University.  Oxford Geoengineering Programme Website:

At least it shows, to the unenlightened, that geoengineering exists and that what we are witnessing are not contrails!

11 months ago

Have none of you (including Rhoda) learned any science? What you see in the sky are CONTRAILS (not “chem”trails), CONDENSATION TRAILS!!! The burning of hydrocarbons combines hydrogen and oxygen which is WATER, released as a gas (water vapor) and which condenses at the low temperatures in our stratosphere.

These signatures have been around since propeller planes flew that high (watch videos of B-17s and Lancasters on their missions over Europe).

Reply to  Rhoda Wilson
11 months ago


The trouble with this subject is the conflation of good evidence with bad. Yes, it’s clear that chemtrails “exist”, that there have been/are experiments, limited programs, and intent and capability (the IP supports that). But then the average lemming extrapolates all that to “understand” that every contrail in the sky from every commercial jet is a chemtrail, which they cannot sensibly be.

The majority of evidence for all contrails being chemtrails is still circumstantial and by implication rather than incontrovertible fact. If every commercial jet was built or retrofitted with the storage and mechanism to disperse and they tanked up at every fuel stop, there would be no way to hide it. We’d see it, we’d have many whistleblowers, and we’d have photos of the apparatus and procedure. Have you ever seen any of that? Why not?

And then all the questions about why some days and not others; why at some altitudes and not others; why the trails start and stop, change as they go through differing meteorological conditions like shear and fronts. All of that in expected ways that correspond to known meteorological science. And it’s absurd to suggest, as many do, that all the planes are just up there to fly grids – not just because the scale is impossible, but because few stop to consider that when one commercial jet flies a path down a flight corridor and then the wind shifts that trail, the next plane down the corridor will leave a trail separated and parallel, and that explains the criss-cross patterns. Etc.

I’ve looked into this and I don’t see convincing evidence that every contrail is a chemtrail. That theory is what keeps non-thinkers scared of the sky – “Oh, it’s a heavy spray day…”, let’s bring on some psychosomatic symptoms to validate my belief, reinforce my belief to keep up my anxiety. That’s toxic.

Just more fear porn disinformation that is also easily debunked and keeps the subject a joke in the mainstream, so that the real stuff can continue apace in the background without any consequential scrutiny. Cognitive shortcuts like “conspiracy theorist” work because of this. Why won’t we recognize how much disinfo circulates in the alternative community?

Chemtrails, and many other questions like nanotech or snake venom in the shots that are not satisfactorily answered and seem on their face likely psyop disinfo, are items that I hold an agnostic relationship to, allowing me to be a conspiracy realist instead of an easy target for ridicule; and I suggest that if the “movement” is to maintain credibility, this is a line the gatekeepers must hold with integrity.

Mehmet Denek
Mehmet Denek
Reply to  Rhoda Wilson
11 months ago

Wonderful. I made the same “observations” myself. I have a lot of experience in my lifetime.
I took note of what changes happen when these planes fly over our city.
On the other hand, our city is not on the international air traffic route. Our city’s airport is also far from the city. Even on domestic flights, they fly outside the city air borders. I have been living in the same city for the last forty-five years. In the last fifty-five years, I haven’t seen a plane that flies over the city so often, and one that leaves a black line, other than the one that leaves a white line. But I’ve seen it in the last three years. In addition, when such planes fly, when I follow the flights with the live weather radar program, I also saw that these planes do not have flight – tracking codes.
In short, these planes and flights are not “innocent” either.

Dave Owen
Dave Owen
Reply to  Mehmet Denek
11 months ago

Hi Mehmet Denek,
Pleased that you reported your observations.
I had similar sightings.
Where I live in the UK, we are not on a flight path. Yet one day two weeks ago, 50 Chemtrail aircraft flew over in cross hatch formation.
I wrote to my MP Ed Miliband, asking if the Chemtrail pilots had been given C19 fluid.
Because pilots of large aircraft, had been dropping dead, in flight.
Never got a reply.

Reply to  paxvialucis
11 months ago

Thank you, Rhoda. I appreciate your receptivity and willingness to parse the nuances. We must do this to have a serious conversation about all these consequential subjects and to bust facile narratives, dealing in fact and specifics.

(Meghan, unfortunately, does not do this, but rather commits the sin of proceeding from generalizations to belief. As such, she sounds more like a shill and less a whistleblower. She shows her opening video to establish “proof” that geoengineering is real – something no serious person would dispute, and then proceeds to stitch together a very poor argument, and it’s not quite clear for what, other than that generalized “belief in chemtrails”. Just another. I don’t think she should be let off as a hero for this, but that her presentation should be reviewed skeptically and critically by hearing what she is and is not saying in the fine particulars.)

I think the most important point we need to keep presencing is that these are not things to believe in (religiously), but with which to maintain an ongoing working theory relationship – best evidence to date suggests… There’s no such thing as settled science, especially in the context of government or public/private partnership programs.

We are in a psychological (5th Gen) war, and the subversion of truth and knowledge is constant. If we identify (on an egoic level) with any particular aspect of the agenda particulars, we become vulnerable to manipulation, if only to be sorted to one side or the other of the great divide. In that sense, we become de facto controlled opposition agents.

Reply to  Rhoda Wilson
11 months ago

How I hate that word diversity, and the modern connotations thereof!
The word diversity has been hijacked to bring about a politically correct and wicked agenda as you well know.

I do appreciate that there may be diverse methods to bring about a man made solution to whatever problem we are faced with, nevertheless, the Bible teaches us in no uncertain terms that the Truth is singular and lies are plural-diverse.

I agree, Paxvialucis does indeed make “some valid points”, he/she is a thinker!

Rather, the Lord Jesus Christ “is the Key to our survival”.

Seek ye the LORD while He may be found, call ye upon Him while He is near. Isaiah 55:6.

Dave Owen
Dave Owen
Reply to  Islander
11 months ago

Hi Islander, my friend.
Just as a matter of interest.
Do you have Chemtrail aircraft flying over you .
I was once at Scotch corner when 4 chemtrail aircraft did a full 360 degree turn, even the wife thought it strange.
If the planes had passengers on they would all have been sick, as the turn was so tight.

Reply to  Dave Owen
11 months ago

To be perfectly honest with you, no I have not once; no, not ever, at any time witnessed with my very own eyes, the criss cross chem/contrail patterns that we have seen on manifold videos, eye witness/photo accounts by many on sites such as this. I do see the odd chem/con trail up above as and when jets fly by, but nothing like the criss cross grid lines just mentioned. Whether this is because I live “far from the madding crowd” or no, I really don’t know.

Dave Owen
Dave Owen
Reply to  Islander
11 months ago

Hi Islander, my friend.
Thank you for your comments.
I am wondering if they use Scotch corner as the turning point on a regular basis.
Had 30 chemtrails over me today in the cross hatch pattern. Fri 26 May.
Looks like we in Yorkshire are the target, along with the South, of UK.
I contacted a friend who worked with the radar at our local airfield.
He said, they only track aircraft to 25,000 feet, the Chemtrail aircraft are at 35,000 feet, so are military.

Reply to  paxvialucis
11 months ago

O my God…

Susan M. S.
Susan M. S.
Reply to  paxvialucis
11 months ago

Well, my dear, if you really are open to learning the truth and not just defending your belief, you can get online and check out the maps of commercial airline routes and daily flights to find out what jets are in the air….then look at the sky when it is being streaked with Chemical spraying. By comparing those two visuals, the published map of commercial flights with what your eyes are witnessing, you will find out that those streaks are NOT condensation trails from commercial airlines.
And if you really want to wake up to what’s happening, take notice of the weather changes after the streaking. There is consistent abnormal weather patterns being engineered, like hail storms by chemical ice nucleation for just one example.
With eyes wide shut, you will walk ignorantly towards the gates of hell all the while defending the indefensible.
check out
Dane Wigginton knows the truth and he has been educating the world for decades, but because people want to believe their own ‘conspiracy theories’ while trying to debunk what truth is being told by others, they are hastening the demise of humanity.

M. Davies
M. Davies
Reply to  Norman
11 months ago

Contrails DISIPATE quickly and do not hang around and turn a beautiful blue sky into a white chemical soup, layering in a deliberate crossing pattern. Sorry to upset your ‘science’ theory. Here’s some enlightening reading.

Oxford University.  Oxford Geoengineering Programme Website:

Mehmet Denek
Mehmet Denek
Reply to  M. Davies
11 months ago

Everything written there is fraudulent, lies.
Because the level of carbon dioxide that our world needs is low.
If you reduce carbon dioxide, the tree you plant will not grow.

Susan M. S.
Susan M. S.
Reply to  Norman
11 months ago

Look up and Wake up!!! What you don’t know will kill you and the rest of humanity. The chemicals sprayed on the earth are killing the wildlife, the vegetation, and infecting humanity with aluminum, selenium, barium and nano particles designed to destroy life. The water is also polluted from the spraying. Check out and listen to Dane Wigginton.

11 months ago

everyone is brainless this is not geo engineering its geocide. They know about earth disaster cycle since at least from the 50s they know the future is cold. Everyday the science is finally coming out even as funding is gadzillons for brainwashing. For kicks look up combing aluminum with glycophosphates (spelling of course but you get it). read about the changing ocean currents. Just yesterday the change in the western pacific current is going crazy. The “beaufort gyre” is going to release Hugh =amounts of fresh ice melt into the Atlantic and shut down an already slowing current (slowest ever measured). GOOD BYE HEAT PUMP hello snow ball earth. but who cares, our sun will micro nova most likely within 20 to 30 years max. Everyone can feel the change coming, the magnetic reversal of our planet the sun and solar system and likely the galaxy is at hand. anyone heard of the x7 cloud heading to the center of the galaxy or the Taurus as it called. here comes the teacher.

11 months ago

how do you spell graphene oxide, 666 i think.? how do you spell Ai,
how do you spell you will own nothing and be happy? I am sure ggggg is good for you. a healthy directed energy beam of frequencies aimed right at your phone. But hey, its all good, man is the king. except for the fact that there are two sons, who are princes, only one will survive. two adm’s, tow Barabbas’s but only one has survived. the Teacher cometh. people get ready.

Peter Westwood
Peter Westwood
11 months ago

The Barium, used to enhance performance of antennae in mobile phones, is sprayed to make human beings into antennae such that the mind control will work. Nothing to do with geo-engineering. More to do with controlling the mass mind of humanity. Hence the blank looks and hostility when you mention anything to the sheeple.

11 months ago

They are constantly spraying over Cheshire. We have suffered an all out assalt this year. They are not air passenger planes. Recently they have been releasing a dark grey solution that hangs in the sky like a massive dark grey feather. It happened the other afternoon against a blue sky. I know they are poisoning our food and water. Our Government is doing as its told. Why? Who is behind this? We know this is the WEF, but who or what are they? .It is an anti human agenda. We are sheep to the slaughter have no doubt. There is no help for the people that deny Geoengineering. I use there are many videos made by Dane Wigington in the USA. He has the evidence.

11 months ago

[…] Chemtrails are not a theory, they are a conspiracy fact. LINK […]


This is the problem with an unqualified statement that demands a binary verdict. OK, so chemtrails are conspiracy fact insofar as they exist in principle (and at times and places in fact), but is every contrail a chemtrail, every airplane spraying? And should we cower in fear every day all day or just some days? And equally in Nepal and Guatemala?

No, unless you can name the who, where, when, why and what, specifically, and distinguish between this and that, then such a blanket statement is not useful.

I can claim that Santa Claus is real and take you next Christmas to the shopping mall where you can see him with your very own eyes, but I’m guessing you’d have some qualifying questions and wouldn’t let me get away with that being my proof.

One swallow does not a summer make.

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Dylan Jones
Dylan Jones
11 months ago

Solar Radiation MISmanagementMediarologists, on one of those black swan events when they actually address the possibility of actual, ongoing geoengineering operations, brush them aside with their characteristic lack of grace.

However, occasionally, perhaps they let something slip about the true nature and purpose of persistent aviation-induced cirrus. In this one-sided but candid interview with Wigington, they attack his stance on the cooling intention of covert geoengineering yet also reveal an opening in their screaming omerta.

“But if there was a conspiracy to use jet produced clouds to cool the atmosphere, would it work? No.” Meteorologist, Chris Edwards, on Detroit’s WXYZ News, bluntly answers his own question and defers to a heavyweight. 

“Contrails that are spreading, that you can identify as contrails, those would tend to warm the atmosphereeverything that we know aboutwould say that.” Joyce PennerUN IPCC Climate scientist, weighs in on the debate. Emphasis mine

Contrails, or as Wigington prefers to call them, particulate trails, in addition to forming line-shaped clouds, spread out to form aviation induced cirrus clouds. The higher cirrus clouds, unlike the lower clouds, have an overall warming effect on the globe. Penner is correct on that one.

“But if there was a conspiracy to use jet produced clouds to cool the atmosphere, would it work?

No.” Emphasis mine

But what if we were to turn Edwards’ question on its head?

If there was a conspiracy to use jet produced clouds to WARM the atmosphere, would it work?


You see where I am going here?

11 months ago

Not sure why my last comment was censored. You can get rid of the haze above your home by boiling 1 US gallon (3.78 litres UK) of distilled white vinegar outdoors. Sounds ridiculous but it works.

Scrambled Egg
Scrambled Egg
Reply to  Rhoda Wilson
11 months ago

Yeah, to be fair I used a load of capitals which wasn’t necessary.

11 months ago

[…] Chemtrails are not a theory, they are a conspiracy fact […]

Dave Owen
Dave Owen
11 months ago

Chemtrail Awareness – I Do Not Consent (short Video & many Photos)
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Tuesday, 30-May-2023 01:34:29

3 months ago

[…] Chemtrails are not a theory, they are a conspiracy fact – Se også videoen som er linket I same artikkelen: “Ex-Military Kristen Meghan on chemtrails, Save […]