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UK Covid Inquiry must address excessive policy responses that hurt young people

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Last week more than 40 of the UK’s leading child rights charities and experts issued a scathing indictment against the UK Covid inquiry’s lukewarm acknowledgement of the impact of lockdown on 14 million young Britons.

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Save the Children UK, the NSPCC and the National Children’s Bureau are among the signatories of an open letter sent to inquiry chair the Rt Hon Baroness Heather Hallett asking her to commission experts to start recording children’s experiences immediately.

Dan Paskins, director of UK Impact at Save the Children said:

Children are being silenced by this inquiry…Children are not an afterthought or an inconvenience in this inquiry process. Their lives were turned upside down by government decisions and any barriers in the way of them having their say need to be removed immediately.

14 Million Children “Silenced” By Covid-19 Inquiry, Save the Children UK, 14 August 2023

The UK Covid inquiry must address the harms to children

The following was originally published by Collateral Global on 19 August 2023 and was written by Kevin Bardosh.

The open letter called for the inquiry to listen to the experiences and voices of children, especially from disadvantaged backgrounds. But this neglect of young people, notably absent from the inquiry’s opening pageantry, is merely the symptom of a larger global Covid policy disease: the sacrifice of the young for the old, or reverse ageism.

Children were not vectors of disease, despite pervasive media propaganda that toddlers would kill grandma. They were at minuscule risk from severe outcomes. Schools were never places of high transmission, something known as early as April 2020. Yet the expert classes, media and politicians hyped the risk to kids, dressing it up in a garb of unquestionable moralism that fed on our deepest fears: hurting children.

The public may have some inclination that covid policies harmed our kids but few really grasp the type and scale of harm that occurred. In health terms, pandemic disruptions caused increases in non-covid related excess mortality among children at much higher rates than covid. A staggering 32% of children and adolescents reported depression and anxiety, according to a recent review, while rates of attempted suicide and self-harm also increased.

Elsewhere, adolescent and child lifestyles changed drastically for the worse too. Screen time increased by over 50% among children in 2020, which continued into late 2021. Childhood obesity rose while studies also show communication and personal-social impairments in kids born in 2020. Add to that the increases in physical, psychological and sexual abuse among children throughout the pandemic period, and the scale of this crisis becomes all too clearer.

In education, UNICEF called pandemic school closures an “intergenerational inequality shock.” They estimated a 13% increase in global learning poverty, which may cost students upwards of $21 trillion in lost earnings during their lifetime. In addition, a World Bank report estimated over half a billion children missed 1.5 years or more of school, and that millions dropped out early.

Lastly, the deleterious economic effects. Over 350 million people fell into food insecurity and a similar amount dropped below national poverty lines. Pandemic spending lead to an estimated 44% of countries cutting public spending in 2023, exposing hundreds-of-millions of children to budget cuts in education, health and social protection. Moreover, young workers were hit hardest during the crisis, with job displacement, forced labour exploitation, child marriages and modern slavery all growing during this period.

Those who advocated for excessive policy responses hurt children worldwide especially those from poorer countries and households. Yet these experts now appear “resilient” to the harsh reality of their consequences. The UK Covid inquiry and other formal evaluations need to face the facts: we failed children in our response to covid. Let’s be grown-ups and not fail them again in evaluating our mistakes.

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8 months ago

[…] UK Covid Inquiry must address excessive policy responses that hurt young people […]

Watcher Seeker
Watcher Seeker
8 months ago

Not about children, but about the Covid Inquiry. This morning, 25th August, 2023, on the Radio Four Today programme at about 07:52, we were told that the Covid Inquiry will be looking into the deaths in care homes. They spoke to a man whose mother died in a care home. She was seventy-two. He told of how visits were banned and they couldn’t speak to her. Very soon, she suddenly died. The most important point about this item was that there was no mention at all of Midazolam. The lying BBC would have spoken to many bereaved relatives, but anyone who mentioned Midazolam would have been instantly rejected. They chose this man specifically because he was totally ignorant about Midazolam. As you would expect from the lying BBC – a cover up.

Nigel Watson
Nigel Watson
8 months ago

NHS doctors and nurses are compromised. All of them. And compromised people never tell the truth. They can’t do because they are compromised. NHS doctors and nurses took part in coercion. They injected people who were coerced via threats like, no jab, no job, or no jab, no foreign holiday. How about informed consent?? THERE WASN’T ANY! Doctors and nurses are taught medical ethics. This isn’t an opinion, it is a fact. Doctors and nurses are taught that they MUST blow the whistle on anything that they see that contravenes medical ethics. This clearly didn’t happen over the last three years. Unfortunately, 99.9% of NHS staff failed to blow the whistle on members of the general public being coerced into taking the COVID injections. They must have know that there was no informed consent either. Again, they elected to remain silent, meaning that they broke their own codes of conduct. Thus, the vast majority of NHS staff are compromised. This means that the last thing that they are going to do now is to admit their guilt. Basic logic.

Reply to  Nigel Watson
8 months ago

Excellent comment-the NHS doctors and nurses that are still in NHS employment are thoroughly compromised; brainwashed to the uttermost, and quite literally no better than a donkey trying to get the carrot at the end of the stick-that is their monthly salary-all they care about.

How will they ever “admit their guilt”? They won’t ever “bite the hand that feeds.”

8 months ago

[…] Go to Source Follow on Telegram […]

8 months ago

Unfortunately, there were a number of practitioners who were more interested in how much money they could make by jabbing people.

8 months ago

[…] UK Covid Inquiry must address excessive policy responses that hurt young people. LINK […]

8 months ago

[…] zdroj: […]

Chris C
Chris C
8 months ago

The covid “inquiry” is in reality the covid “cover up” because they will NEVER admit the core lie which is that they say viruses exist and spread disease.
There is not one scrap of evidence that viruses exist, and these camera-shy entities have never been shown to spread between organisms: only faecal matter, bites, stings or injections cause disease.

Therefore it follows that everything based on that one lie, i.e. the smaller lies about lockdowns, masks, social distancing, the need for fake vaccines etc. are secondary, and all those complicit in the fake pandemic should be in higher courts of justice.

I won’t hold my breath though, since 99% of our cult-owned Parliament, media and legal system are evil, cowardly and corrupt beyond words, brainwashed into believing that viruses have been isolated.

Andrew Bridgen MP has some MP’s who agree with him but do nothing to help him with actions; he was told by a colleague that it may take 20 years for the truth to come out and even then it may not be believed: also he was warned that there are dark forces at work.

A large proportion of the public DO know the truth, which IS out, and thanks to the internet more and more are becoming awake.

Watcher Seeker
Watcher Seeker
Reply to  Chris C
8 months ago

After the conviction of Lucy Letby, many politicians and the media were demanding an investigation into how it happened and they were shouting for an inquiry – outrage over possibly twenty deaths.

Andrew Bridgen asked for an investigation into excess deaths – tens of thousands of them. He was savagely attacked, expelled from his party and is now cancelled by the media.

See how determined they are to make sure the truth never comes out, so you are right about the Covid Inquiry. It will be a cover up, but drop all that “viruses don’t exist” stuff.

It distracts from the important points about the scamdemic – who and why. Whether or not viruses exist can be left to scientists to argue about after the guilty parties have been brought to justice. By pursuing it now, you are provoking an argument that causes division among truthers and puts off others in the general public who are yet to be convinced that it was all a crime. Trying to tell them that is hard enough, but telling them that viruses don’t exist very quickly has them rolling their eyes and saying “conspiracy theorist”. By pushing the “viruses don’t exist” issue you weaken the cause to bring the guilty ones to justice. You lessen the chance of that and thus aid them in getting away with their crimes.

Watcher Seeker
Watcher Seeker
Reply to  Watcher Seeker
8 months ago

After the trails have taken place and the plotters have been dealt with, then people will have seen proof that science can be corrupted and that lies and false theories can be spread.

As a result, people will be more receptive to the idea that viruses don’t exist, so if you wait for the next flu outbreak (after the trials have taken place) the public will be more inclined to listen to your argument about virusues.

Watcher Seeker
Watcher Seeker
Reply to  Chris C
8 months ago

This shows how determined they are to persecute anyone who stands in the way of the coronavirus plot, the objective is to make everyone too afraid to stand up against them.

“Judge who struck down government rules that children must wear COVID masks in German schools is given two-year sentence for ‘perverting the law’ ”

“Dettmar had already been suspended on probation pending the investigation, losing 25 per cent of his salary, and had his mobile phone and laptop confiscated after a police raid on his flat.”

So while you argue about the theoretical existence of viruses and ignore the real issues, not theoretical ones, they are getting on with advancing the plot against us all.

If your child suddenly fell very ill and in the hospital two doctors attend her bedside. One says she has a viral condition. The other doctor says there are no viruses. They get into an argument over the existence, or not, of viruses and forget about your child. What matters most – getting your child back to good health or having a theroetical debate?

Watcher Seeker
Watcher Seeker
Reply to  Rhoda Wilson
8 months ago

Yes, please do delete the second one Rhoda, the one that begins “Sorry if this appears twice”


Dave Owen
Dave Owen
8 months ago

What you didn’t know about the C19 vaccine – Dr. Mike Yeadon
Posted By: CrystalRiver
Date: Friday, 25-Aug-2023 15:36:09