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Here’s why all biotechnology experimentation should be outlawed

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We know only a limited outline of how genes function. What we don’t know is a far larger area of knowledge than what we do know. Blinded by pride, biotechnology advocates are pretending to know far more than they do. They know very little, but incredibly have promised the public that they will soon cure all diseases.  This is not true.

Biotechnology does not have any track record of economic, agricultural, or health benefits.  In fact, the reverse is true.

During a TED Talk in 2017, the Chief Medical Officer of Moderna, Tal Zaks, said: “…we are hacking the software of life [the genetic code] … [and] that has profound implications for the cure of everything from flu to cancer.”

Zaks’ idea of hacking our DNA to cure everything is a fantasy, Dr. Guy Hatchard said.  It is more closely connected to Moderna’s commercial objectives and need for further funding, than it is to any reality.  But this doesn’t mean we just should sit back and allow them to play out their destructive fantasies.

Below, Dr. Hatchard provides 20 reasons why biotechnology experimentation should be outlawed.

Further reading: Pfizer/BioNTech mRNA Incorporates into Human DNA In as Little as Six Hours, A New Study Finds

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Here Are Twenty Precautionary Scientific Reasons to Outlaw Biotechnology Experimentation

By Dr. Guy Hatchard

1. Complexity: Diagrams used to promote novel genetic interventions over simplify genetic systems. There are about 10 billion atoms in a single chromosome (we have 46 of them) and more than 42 million proteins in a cell. The processes that connect these elements and render their functions stable and exact are multidimensional and only vaguely understood.

2. Precision: The idea that the genetic structures which support life arose from a series of random events has given rise to the idea that genes may be edited safely. In fact, genetic structures are hugely precise, replacing even a small sequence can overturn their function as a whole and give rise to inherited defects.

3. Containment: Laboratory accidents and organism escapes are far more common than we have been led to believe. Genetic material is highly mobile, and interactive. Under certain circumstances, it can integrate into the human genome. Once released it cannot be recalled.

4. Intelligence: We have no idea how our awareness is supported by genes. Interfering with genetic functions can compromise our intelligence and even our humanity.

5. Multitasking: DNA is non-linear. Each gene performs many tasks in conjunction with other genes. They don’t operate alone. Editing genes inevitably cause off-target unintended mutagenic effects.

6. Epigenetics: Genes function as part of wider cellular, physiological and environmental systems. Even alterations to regulatory mechanisms in cells can permanently disrupt key ways genes express themselves.

7. Adverse Effects: Rates of adverse events associated with gene editing and therapy dwarf the rates of adverse effects from pharmaceutical medicines which are already unacceptably high and the third leading cause of death. An article in Nature published on 15 April 2021 concluded: Gene-therapy trials are on the rise, but more needs to be done to understand the long-term risks associated with this type of treatment…..[there are] growing concerns about the late adverse effects.”

8. Regulation: Self-repair mechanisms in cells are designed to protect the integrity of genetic structures and carry out tens of thousands of repairs every day in each cell. Deliberately introducing genetic changes amounts to bypassing these essential regulatory protections.

9. Electric Fields: Genes work in tandem with electromagnetic fields to ensure developmental stages follow a pattern. Altering genes or applying electromagnetic fields can stunt or alter developmental stages.

10. Chemistry: Cells constantly receive and send chemical signals and extract energy from the chemistry of food. The mechanisms that moderate the processes and transport pathways in the cell are little understood and certainly put at risk by genetic modification.

11. Shape: Shape is a fundamentally important molecular feature which determines interactions with cellular receptors, ion channels, enzymes, transporters and an array of other complex processes. Genetic modification can alter bio-molecular shape and hence block pathways vital for life.

12. Vibration: The transmission of information in cellular systems is believed to be based on the emission and resonance of electromagnetic patterns in the infrared frequency range generated by the vibrations of molecules. Altering genes can alter resonant vibrational modes and hence their function.

13. Transcription Regulation: RNA is the direct output of genetic information in DNA and it also regulates the process of genetic expression. It is not clear which came first nor is the exact balance of their respective roles fully understood.

14. Identity: Each person has a unique genetic identity. Editing genes alters our genetic identity and could alter our personal identity. Outcomes among organ transplant recipients indicate this can happen.

15. Nutrition: Health and immunity are known to be protected by diets high in fresh foods characterised by their natural genetic structure. Genetic modification can degrade natural nutritional profiles, and hence undermine health.

16. Cancer: There is an inherent risk of cancerous proliferation of gene-altered cells. A 2003 article in Nature concluded:There is a risk of treatment-induced malignancy from retrovirally based gene therapies.… Its spectre has always loomed over the field.

17. Agriculture: Our food supply relies on a complex balance of factors underpinned by genetic structures with which we have co-evolved over very long periods of time. There is no justification to introduce unquantified risks into agricultural systems, nor are there demonstrated benefits from previous attempts to do so.

18. Pathogens: Gain-of-function research involving the mutation of pathogens is highly risky. We have little evolutionary context to fight off highly mutated pathogens. There are convincing reasons to finger genetic modification as the source of the covid-19 pathogen.

19. Biosphere: The introduction every year of 2000 novel chemicals and biochemicals into our food, medicine, and the environment challenges the evolutionary stability of our symbiotic relationship with the biosphere upon which our health and survival depend. This has found expression in the rapidly growing incidence of chronic and inflammatory illness affecting more than 50% of individuals.

20. Compliance: Biotechnology regulation has proved in practice to be hard to police and enforce. The only sure way ahead is to outlaw experimentation.

In New Zealand, the plan of the National Party and ACT is to deregulate biotechnology by ending the effective ban on gene editing and genetic modification. This runs contrary to the available evidence and common sense. Biotechnology does not have any track record of economic, agricultural, or health benefits – the reverse is the case. No substantive evidence of safety or effectiveness has been presented to the public, nor does any exist.

Predatory commercial interests are trying to persuade governments to deregulate biotechnology. This process is being driven by the lure of vast profits for multinational corporations with government contracts, as has just happened during the pandemic. It is not in our national interest to deregulate biotechnology. There are continuing market opportunities for high-quality natural food that we produce that are serving our nation well. Deregulation of biotechnology will damage our national agricultural brand and crucially put the health of the nation at risk.

So, what should we do about politicians who put on a serious face and tell us we need to deregulate biotechnology to save the world? We need to laugh long and loud at them, they are not making any sense. I was heartened this week to watch the winning entry of Britain’s Got Talent – Viggo Venn, a clown. He made people laugh. We need a lot more of that.

About the Author

Guy Hatchard, PhD, was formerly a senior manager at Genetic ID a global food testing and safety company (now known as FoodChain ID).  He is the author of ‘Your DNA Diet: Leveraging the Power of Consciousness To Heal Ourselves and Our World. An Ayurvedic Blueprint For Health and Wellness.

You can subscribe to Dr. Hatchard’s websites and GLOBE.GLOBAL for regular updates by email. GLOBE.GLOBAL is a website dedicated to providing information about the dangers of biotechnology.  You can also follow Dr. Hatchard on Twitter HERE and Facebook HERE.

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8 months ago

[…]  RHODY WILSON  8. ZÁŘÍ 2023 […]

8 months ago

Hello The world was organic before chemistry. It was natural before physics. It was healthy before they states irrigating housing in cities, such a wonder, that overcrowding led to social transmitted diseases plagues and sexaully transmitted diseases.
The air was clean before the ENGLISH industrial revolution led us down the garden path to where we are now.

Reply to  Anonymous
8 months ago

Half truth.

8 months ago

Epigenetics is the study of how the environment causes genes to change. Humans are not separate from “the environment”. We ARE the environment and yes, our genome is constantly morphing. So it’s absurd for capitalists to think they can “own” living genes. Patenting life forms is just another scam.

Reply to  Iris
8 months ago

Indeed. A very similar hoax to viruses, a very good research on the subject.
At least we know why organ transplants fail so often. But what a business, testing also.

Chris C
Chris C
Reply to  Iris
8 months ago

Very good point Iris, which I never thought about.

For many years we’ve had the theory and proof that quantum proton tunnelling occurs naturally, usually harmless, as the PHYSICAL DISTANCE between atoms in genetic material (as in the double helix) is the same as the WAVELENGTH of those atoms (which strongly exhibit wave properties), so a hydrogen atom can miraculously hop over to another molecule (see Jim Al Khalili’s Life on the Edge).

Therefore as you say, deluded psychopaths (Big Pharma executives, DoD etc.) cannot “own” mRNA-jabbed people because over time, that genetic pattern mutates into something different, according to the Uncertainty Principle in physics (which the satanists can NEVER CONTROL ha ha). QED.

If colds and flu are actually a healing process where we detox (see exosomes, somatids etc.) from poisons, emf and malnutrition etc., then similar tunnelling occurs for “viruses”: so the computer trickery they are paid to use for “variants” and all “flu jabs” are also scams as you rightly point out.

8 months ago

Synodal Commission on Bioethics of the Russian Orthodox Church

comment image

Synodal Commission on Bioethics established 13.04.2021

Team, Members of the Commission

Alexander Grigoryevich Chuchalin

Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Society of Orthodox Doctors of Russia, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor



Since 2017, Chairman of the Russian Bioethics Committee under the Russian Federation Commission for UNESCO, Vice-Chairman of the UNESCO Intergovernmental Bioethics Committee.

Synodal Commission on Bioethics of the Russian Orthodox Church



COVID-19 and human security

A. G. Chuchalin

(see when it was added to bioethical works: 17.02.2023)



The article was prepared after materials of the report at the 22.12.2020 International Scientific Forum “COVID-19 and Human Safety” in partnership with the World Academy of Arts and Science and the Rome Club on the virtual platform of the Faculty of Global Processes of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Lomonosov Moscow State University”.

Full Text

We consider the following three issues: the noosphere and the modern reading of this concept, the viral gene pool and the prerequisites for new infectious diseases, as well as modern approaches to human security.


In the everyday use of modern language, we rarely use the word “noosphere” and more often resort to such an expression as “the fourth technological revolution”. …..

Reply to  karakorum
8 months ago


In the same link:

Synodal Commission on Bioethics of the Russian Orthodox Church

section “vaccination”:

Religious objections to vaccination or religious justifications for avoiding vaccination: do they really exist?

G.L. Mikirtichan, O.I. Kubar, et al.

The ethical concept of countering the anti-vaccine movement

G.L. Mikirtichan, O.I. Kubar, A.Zh. Asatryan

Who should live? COVID-19 has become a Bioethics exam

N.P. Shock

What should a parish priest do in the context of a controversial attitude to vaccination? For or against?

Archpriest Sergiy Filimonov, A.V. Zakrevskaya, M.A. Romanova

By refusing vaccination, you can become a murderer

of S.L. Khudiev

comment image


8 months ago

The Kurchatov Institute will hold the International Forum of Convergent and Nature-Like Technologies


In October 2023, Russia will host the International Science and Technology Forum of Convergent and Nature-Like Technologies. It will be organized by the National Research Center “Kurchatov Institute”.

Among the main tools for the development of nature-like technologies are synchrotron and neutron research methods that allow working with substances at the atomic level, as well as genetic technologies.

In Russia, both of these areas are developed within the framework of federal scientific and technical programs, where the Kurchatov Institute is the leading scientific organization.


Registration for the Kurchatov Genomic Forum is open


NRC “Kurchatov Institute” invites you to the Kurchatov Genomic Forum (“KurchatovGenTech-2023”), which will be held in Moscow, at the House of Scientists named after Academician A.P. Alexandrov, from October 17 to 20.

Within the framework of the forum, four sections are planned:

– “Applied Genomics”;

– “Fundamental genomics”;

– “Biosafety and ensuring technological independence”;

– “Genetic technologies for business”.

“KurchatovGenTech – 2023” will be held within the framework of the International Scientific and Technological Forum of Convergent and Nature-Like Technologies, which is organized by the National Research Center “Kurchatov Institute”.

comment image?size=500×333&quality=96&sign=a0064e6667661d40ca66adfdb866be50&type=album

Reply to  karakorum
8 months ago
Reply to  karakorum
8 months ago

No surprise here.

8 months ago

The Kurchatov Institute is developing a new way to combat pathogens

Russian scientists have synthesized a molecular antimicrobial complex, which is promising, among other things, for combating antibiotic-resistant pathogens. The results of the work are published in the journal Pharmaceutics.

The proposed method is based on the properties of substances that become active under the influence of light. As such, scientists used fullerenes – complex carbon molecules of spherical shape with a size of about a nanometer. These ultra-small “balls” easily penetrate the cell and convert visible light into energy, which excites reactive oxygen species and oxidizes the internal environment of the cell. As a result, the pathogenic microorganism dies.

To enhance the effect, scientists combined fullerenes with nanodiamonds, which stabilize the active substance in the biological environment and increase the antimicrobial activity of the complex. Another important component is a medical polymer (polyvinylpyrrolidone), which serves as a model of natural macromolecules and plays the role of a carrier of biologically active substances.

In addition, due to the ability of the nanodiamonds included in the composition to luminescence, the new macromolecule can become the basis for the development of drugs for the treatment of cancerous tumors by phototherapy. Nanodiamonds begin to glow under the influence of X-rays, inside the body this light will excite fullerenes, which, in turn, will provoke the work of reactive oxygen species to oxidize and destroy cancer cells.

Chris C
Chris C
8 months ago

I would not mind if at least some this expensive biotech research was going to benefit humanity, but only a tiny fraction of the population need help from such devices.
If that money was spent on preventative and God-given natural medicine, almost all of us on Earth could be healthy.

Most if not all of the biotech creations I see are intended for surveilling/controlling/harming/transhumanizing us, and having observed the nano-sized electromagnetic devices in the C19 vials, I am ashamed that our World has lost its ethical principles and the voices of The People are ignored.

Sadly the same sentiment applies to almost every other are of applied science, e.g. the 5G kill grid bathing us and deadly “vaccines” recommended for everyone, all of which is interlinked electromagnetically.

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