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Todd Callender: A Marburg pandemic could be caused by lipid nanoparticles releasing the virus into vaccinated people using 5G as the trigger

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During a recent discussion with Man in America host Seth Holehouse, Todd Callender warned that covid was round one and was setting the stage for round two. Round two could be far worse than covid because it potentially relates to the contents of the covid “vaccines” which, using 5G as the trigger, could release the next pandemic.

But there are prophylactics and treatments, Callender explained. And so “we don’t have to be afraid, we don’t have to run to the quarantine centres, we don’t have to fall on bended knee with mask in hand.”

To stop this now, before more people are killed, he said, we have to get law enforcement to understand what is happening and get them to arrest those perpetrators that are within their capacity to do so.  All public servants, including the military, need to understand what is happening and work together to stop this.

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Todd Callender is an American lawyer. He has worked in the disability, health and life insurance industry for more than 20 years and focuses on the international convergence of biomedical, morbidity and mortality risks in the global legal context.  He currently serves as lead plaintiff’s counsel in the ongoing federal litigation relating to the compulsory covid vaccination of members of the US Armed Services.

Using patents and government research, Callender explained to Holehouse that using 5G to trigger the release of a previously injected pathogen has already been explored and tested, and in the US the legal instruments to deal with a Marburg pandemic are already in place.

The US Congress published a notice in the Federal Register on 9 December 2020 to declare a Marburg pandemic:

“I think there have been 10 Marburg deaths over 40 years so this is not what you could call a pandemic.  But nonetheless, the Secretary of Health Human Services saw fit to make such a declaration way back in 2020,” Callender said. “We are, according to our own government, in the middle of a Marburg pandemic.”

The US government declared the “Marburg pandemic” not because there is a pandemic but because it suspends the American Constitution, and the right to informed consent and not to be experimented on with “vaccines.”

With covid, the declaration of a national health emergency suspended the Constitution and effectively placed Americans under martial law, Callender explained.  The declaration of a public health emergency suspended our human rights such as the prohibition of medical experiments on people without informed consent. “[With covid] they experimented on us without consent because our human rights … were suspended,” he said.

In the second half of his discussion with Holehouse, Callender discussed the Bureau of Justice’s initiative ‘The Role of Law Enforcement in Public Health Emergencies’.  An initiative that was launched shortly after the World Health Organisation’s 2005 International Health Regulations were adopted.

The US Department of Justice created the Bureau of Justice which combines four different law enforcement agencies.  When a public health emergency is declared, “law enforcement, public health, corrections (that’s jail) and the judiciary (that’s our courts) all become one under the Bureau of Justice,” Callender said.

Marburg virus disease is a viral haemorrhagic fever (“VHF”).  VHF is a disease caused by four families of viruses. Some of the more well-known of these viruses are Ebola, Lassa, Marburg and Crimean-Congo virus.

We previously published an article about a lecture John Coleman gave in 1994.  During his lecture, Coleman said: “There were chemical and bacteriological warfare experiments ongoing in Sierra Leone, Africa. They used the Lassa fever virus for biological warfare purposes to get rid of millions of people in the world. They took the viruses back to the CDC. … Lives were in jeopardy from scores of man-made viruses like HIV and Ebola Fever.”

In an article, John Ward confirmed that somehow US defence contractor Metabiota was involved in nefarious activities during Ebola outbreaks in Africa: “Allegedly, Metabiota employees violated manipulation procedures during the treatment of patients and covered up facts of the involvement of the Pentagon employees, who used this company as cover. WHO Ebola coordinator Philippe Barboza confided to staff that the Metabiota goal was to extract highly virulent strains from patients and the deceased, and to export these strains to the US.”

And now, Callender has said the same. “The Marburg virus is man-made [and] we have all the science on this,” he told Holehouse. There have been outbreaks in Africa of VHFs where WHO and Bill Gates have been testing their experimental vaccines, he added. “They will do everything in their power to make us think that [VHFs are] airborne,” he said, but it is transmitted from one person to another through bodily fluids.

There is a treatment for VHFs available.  Dr. Peter Chambers, a 37-year combat veteran and former Special Operations Surgeon for the Green Berets, and Dr. Elizabeth Lee Vliet noticed in 2018 while reading through the Green Beret medical handbook that according to the US military, “if soldiers encounter Marburg or Ebola in Africa they need only take albendazole or fenbendazole and they’re good to go … it’s both prophylactic and a cure,” Callender said. “We don’t have to be afraid; we don’t have to run to the quarantine centres, we don’t have to fall on bended knee with mask in hand.”

Related: Albendazole Recommended for Marburg/Ebola Virus Treatment in the Army Special Forces Medical Handbook, 2nd Smartest Guy in the World, 13 September 2023

Callender reminded us that they prepare for these pandemics in advance, for example, Event 201 in October 2019 was a “training tabletop exercise” for a coronavirus pandemic that just happened to occur in 2020.  And in May 2022 the first-ever “global monkeypox outbreak” just happened to occur in the exact week as “predicted” in a simulation the year before. In the same vein, recently a job advert has been posted in the US for a ‘Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear (CBRN) Exercise Specialist (Planner)’ which specifies:


  • Provide exercise coordination capability for developing plans and exercises …
  • Shall have an in-depth knowledge of the effects and characteristics of chemical agents, hazardous material, toxic industrial material, radiological material, and biological agents and hazards such as Ebola.

“So, they are preparing for [a VHF pandemic] to happen,” Callender said.

As job advertisements are removed after the date for applications is closed, we have attached a copy of it as retrieved on 18 September 2023 from Glassdoor below.

Through the course of litigation, Callender has had a lot of whistle-blowers come forward and he also has a lot of research on anything that may have some bearing on the legal cases he is involved with. “[This] included electronic warfare and EMF radiation that coincided with the biological things we were seeing,” he said.

“We were directed to a litany of papers that make reference to the use of 18 gigahertz signals and the 5G system to cause the swelling of lipid nanoparticles … Three one-minute blasts, it’s called a pulse, cause the lipid nanoparticles to swell. 

“In the hydrogel in the kill shots, as I call them, for covid there are some commonalities.  Those commonalities were the use of lipid nanoparticles to carry synthetic DNA and RNA to reprogram people’s bodies.

“These same lipid nanoparticles were filled with all kinds of different pathogens.  It wasn’t just three different types of HIV proteins.  It wasn’t just the spike proteins.  It wasn’t just the coronavirus.  It was these strange chimeric diseases … part viral part bacterial – staphylococcus Ebola, Marburg E.coli.”

Callender explained that patents and scientific papers describe putting these chimeric pathogens into lipid nanoparticles for later – delayed, timed or remote – release. “That later release, we found in the scientific papers [ ] points to the use of an 18 gigahertz signal which causes those lipid nanoparticles to swell.  And when they swell, they release their contents.”

“The patents were quite broad,” Callender said.  “It wasn’t just Marburg. It wasn’t just Ebola, Lassa and other haemorrhagic fevers – it was a variety of pathogens … In one particular case … inside of the actual lipid nanoparticles that were injected into this poor person, were 99 pages of pathogenic materials; synthetic RNA, DNA, all kinds of stuff that included a laundry list of everything bad you can think of including proteins from Marburg and other such things.”

In Dr. Vliet’s opinion, Callender said, it is not necessary to have the lipid nanoparticles in a person’s body to cause these diseases.  Electric and magnetic fields or electromagnetic fields (“EMFs”) signals alone can be used to cause the symptoms that imitate any disease known to man.

Related: The Effects of Electromagnetic Pollution on Human Health, Wildlife & the Environment, Dr. Robert O. Young, 31 August 2023

This is just one of several methods they are using to destroy humanity, Callender said. “They are hell-bent on destroying us.”

You can watch Callender’s full interview in the video below.

Man in America: Todd Callender | Gov’t Will Trigger Deadly Marburg Pandemic With 5G. Covid Was a Trial Run, 14 September 2023 (57 mins)
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7 months ago

Marburg and Ebola are fake viruses that were invented to explain away illnesses in Africa caused by mining, industrial pollution, and drinking water contaminated with chemical toxins and parasites.

The reason that albendazole or fenbendazole is “both prophylactic and a cure” is because both of these drugs have broad spectrum activity against gastrointestinal parasites. Nothing to do with treating non existent viruses. 

“The Marburg virus is man-made [and] we have all the science on this,” 

The only science they really have on this is pseudoscientific fraudulent virology experiments. Likewise they have no good evidence that “it is transmitted from one person to another through bodily fluids”.

I have no doubt that there “were chemical and bacteriological warfare experiments ongoing in Sierra Leone, Africa” because chemicals and bacteria can be weaponised but non existent viruses cannot. 

I also have no doubt that “Metabiota was involved in nefarious activities during Ebola outbreaks in Africa” and they “covered up facts of the involvement of the Pentagon employees” One of the most nefarious of these activities was convincing the world that viruses like Marburg and Ebola actually exist when in fact they do not.

“Electric and magnetic fields or electromagnetic fields (“EMFs”) signals alone can be used to cause the symptoms that imitate any disease known to man.”

This is very true but what they absolutely cannot do is release non existent self replicating pathogenic viruses that can transmit illness from person to person. There has never been a true pandemic at any point in history. They have all been invoked to explain away deaths from other causes.

They do indeed “prepare for these pandemics in advance” but they are psy-ops. They do want to destroy humanity but rather than them being “hell-bent on destroying us” they prefer to fool people into destroying themselves by their own stupidity.

They have revealed their methods. They have hidden the truth in plain sight. As far as they are concerned you are not deserving of life if you keep falling for the same fake pandemic tricks over and over again.

Rodolfo Petronio
Rodolfo Petronio
Reply to  Sam
7 months ago

Quite reasonable!
Much of your discussion is included in the book by Arthur Firstenberg, “The Invisible Rainbow”, where he shows the effects of ELM waves frequencies developed by man technology and his appliances on human health, since the very beggining of experiments with electricity in the dawn of 18th century. The book is fully referentiated with an extense bibliography. All this stuff that culminated in the “plandemic” hysteria, which, on its turn, has been used (it´s not finished yet!) to justify lockdowns, masks, discard of and political misinformation on ivermectine and related drugs that could have saved perhaps millions of lives, mandates, firing people, and so on, is all disguting…

Reply to  Rodolfo Petronio
7 months ago

Yes i have heard about this book. Havent read it yet but it sounds like i should at some point.

Georges Luiz Segundo
Georges Luiz Segundo
Reply to  Sam
7 months ago

Very wise words brother, all viruses are a hoax, so, a ebola pandemic will be also another false emergency, based on complete illusion.

But the mechanism exposed here in this article is real, the first pandemic, it was Phase 1 of a more extensive plan, to inject people with the nanomachines that would be used to stage a greater illusion, but with higher number of deaths, at phase 2.

Phase 2 is mass killing, above at last a 100 million, caused by nanotechlogy in order to make the sheep obey the totalitarion conditions that will be imposed, in name of the “greater good”, and absolute evil. The endgame is absolute control of human mind, body, and natural resources.

I wonder, how many people are they going to kill in phase 2? Perhaps 1 billion? To make sure that this time people get really scared and do as the say?

Next comes phase 3, after 2028, where the game is

7 months ago

Scary stuff if true. No limits on how the ongoing genocide will play out. Your darkest nightmares will become reality. Thank you US military and government for bring this to the world. You never let us down.

Chris C
Chris C
7 months ago

Excellent informative article with good links, but will public servants and the military “work together” to bring back sanity I wonder?

Biden has ensured that the American armed forces are decimated by the Frankenshots, as Dr Jane Ruby in Florida has exposed.

Public servants serve only to destroy us, and it was the U.S. DoD who designed the synthetic biology to exterminate humanity, then passed the buck to Big Pharma factories, so I pray for their souls.

As Neil Oliver said last week on his Brighteon channel (as well as on his 6pm hour on GB News in the UK) “politics is done” and we need a (non-violent) REVOLUTION.
That can come about easily when the majority of us (because of mob rule democracy) STOP REGISTERING TO VOTE IN THEIR CORRUPT SYSTEM, stop complying with them, especially their “smart this and smart that” with which they are “connecting us” and create our own systems, even if we get “fined”.

Rodolfo Petronio
Rodolfo Petronio
Reply to  Chris C
7 months ago

Perfect, Chris!

Reply to  Chris C
7 months ago

No such thing as a non violent revolution. You can stop complying and stop voting they won’t care. They will turn off the food,water, an power. Voting is completely rigged. Both sides are chosen for you and you may vote but whoever they want to win will win and the votes will be made up and or replaced if anyone got on the ticket that shouldn’t be there. I don’t believe anyone would ever get on the ticket that isn’t their puppet. It’s probably been this way for 20 or more years hell maybe since people had a vote. People need to read about Marx theory. Democracy is socialism that’s a version of communism. Capitalism is a form of communism too. Communism the state owns everything and you nothing capitalism is the few own everything that control the state that slowly make it to where you own nothing. They never stopped having slaves they just made you think you were free to fail. What really happened is they have slaves they don’t have to house or feed. You can pick how you work as a slave. Pay your rent (or your land tax) an you can live in the slave quarters (houses where they are built and said to be built by zoning) or live on the street(don’t trespass or go to prison where slavery is legal by the constitution) the allusion of democracy (usa is no democracy was suppose to be a republic taxes where suppose to be for companies not people that changed when we got the private for profit central bank that issues bills of credit) is so you as a slave vote for your slave Master and they can then blame the choices that person makes on you too. Oh they got what they voted for!!

7 months ago

Is it possible that the 5G 18 GHZ 3 x 1 minute each pulse can be piggybacked upon the EAS (carrier wave) frequency?

FCC And FEMA Schedule Nationwide EAS Test for October 4th
Prion disease and 1p36 gene deletion = zombies?

1p36 Deletion Syndrome
Mad Cow (zombie) disease predictive programming?

The Simpsons: Do Not Eat Wendy’s 1 Cent Burger Sept 18th through Sept 22nd

Infectious prion diseases in humans: cannibalism, iatrogenicity and zoonoses
Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease
SARS-CoV-2, long COVID, prion disease and neurodegeneration

7 months ago

During a recent discussion with Man in America host Seth Holehouse…

The Plot to Steal America

Watch the video that was tweeted, shared, uploaded, and pinned by President Trump, and viewed by hundreds of millions worldwide.

“Wow! A Must See!”

Donald J. Trump, @realDonaldTrump

“Powerful & True”

General Flynn, @GenFlynn

Yesss, baby! : )

Reply to  karakorum
7 months ago
7 months ago

“Take the vaccine!”

Donald J. Trump

comment image

3 months ago

[…] Todd Callender: A Marburg pandemic could be caused by lipid nanoparticles releasing the virus into v… […]

Angie Bold
Angie Bold
3 months ago

There are remote controlled remote activated assassins all us that have mulue personalities. And the one they will activate is demonic. These people are the ones that she activated hcops have to shoot them 5 to 10 times in the heart or brain. I recommend burning them also. Sending ele triciry in their bodies will sue them rise up and continue learning their victims. Their technology is way beyond what they show us. Russ disdar spoke of a black awakening. It ny race but y black ops. The occult has spread far and wide. Not all of them want evil. But all of them are progrLrammed and their controllers are fallen angels I’msaying, pray for Jesus Rescue. Bible says i, (God Speaking in Revelation).if I didn’t shorten the time there would be no man alive to save

Angie Bold
Angie Bold
3 months ago

sam , the 2nd commenter, what he says about the water. It’s already being done. Jesus is our only hope . Wait on the Lord and do not love your life unto death. Release your spirit unto God and pray He will take you up out of here . And expect His rescue to bel last minute.. trust Him completely. Do not fear . Our God is more than able to remove your spirit and soul before any pain 9f death. You have to have faith. If you die you will be present with Jesus immediately.