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Preliminary analysis of UK flu vaccine data suggests they contribute to deaths

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Joel Smalley has been analysing UK annual flu vaccination data.  In 2000, national flu vaccination programmes were introduced for those aged over 65. 

So, did the flu vaccines save lives?

Not according to Smalley’s analysis.  His preliminary analysis suggests the opposite is true.  Deaths have increased for those aged over 65 after the flu vaccine was introduced.

Annual flu vaccination programmes were first introduced in England in the late 1960s – vaccination was offered to those in certain clinical risk groups who were at a higher risk of severe illness. It was extended to all people over 65 in 2000. It has since been further extended.  By 2018, eligible groups for the flu vaccination included: the over 65s; people with pre-existing serious medical conditions such as diabetes; pregnant women; and those in care homes or other long-stay care facilities.

In 2020, the national flu programme was expanded to include people aged 50 to 64 years and some secondary school year groups.  But for the 2023 to 2024 season, healthy 50 to 64-year-olds will not be offered a flu vaccine through the national programme.  However, it has been extended to younger age groups; all children aged 2 or 3 years and all primary and secondary school-aged children will be offered a flu vaccine in the 2023 to 2024 flu season.

Related: Squalene in vaccines can cause our immune systems to self-destruct; it also decimates shark populations

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Does the Annual Flu Jab Save Lives or Take Them?

By Joel Smalley

There are currently no fewer than six flu vaccines available in the UK for everyone aged 6 months and older. But are they necessary and do they actually work?

Using my new mortality model, “Gompertz”, I set out to preliminarily test the hypothesis that the flu campaigns in the UK are beneficial in terms of public health, using empirical data rather than dogmatic assertion.

To keep things concise, and minimise the risk of confounding, I limited this analysis to women born between 1930 and 1950, i.e., aged between 50 and 70 when the public-funded, Big Pharma advertising public “health” campaigns really ramped up in the year 2000.

As it happens, no matter how I tried to slice and dice it, I could not calibrate my model to accommodate data before and after 2000 to 2010. The regime change was evident.1 But which way did things go? If the flu jab campaigns were responsible for the regime change, we should expect mortality to drop underneath the model after the inflection point.

Let’s take a look:

  1. For all birth cohorts between 1930 and 1950, mortality outcomes become demonstrably worse after the year 2000.
  2. The inflection points are at different ages, signifying that it was an exogenous (originating externally) event that was responsible for the regime change, rather than something that naturally occurs with age.
  3. The impact is not observed under the age of 65 (coincidentally, the target age to maximise uptake).

Looking at the annual excess mortality since 2010, it seems apparent that whatever was responsible for the substantial excess mortality in 2020 (the year of “COVID”) and even more so in 2021 (the year of the “COVID” “vaccine”), it was the same thing that has been killing elderly women in the UK for over 20 years, and getting progressively worse each year until the pull-forward effect finally kicks in.

My colleagues, who are vastly more experienced than me in matters of public health, suggested we consider changes to palliative care recommendations like the Liverpool Care Pathway that was introduced in the 1990s but eventually phased out by around 2013.2

Indeed, I noticed that the older cohorts (1920 to 1930, not included here, and also 1930 to 1940) exhibited unusual excess at least 10 years prior to the younger cohorts which would adequately explain and support this.

However, for me, the evidence here strongly suggests that the annual flu jab may be the causal factor in worsened mortality expectations, not improved.

Moreover, the maniacal response to covid has given us a trove of empirical evidence, clearly demonstrating that those who continually subject themselves to faulty inoculations, subverting their immune systems, ultimately end up with more infections, severe disease and death.3

If it’s respiratory pathogens, they are evidently getting more virulent, i.e., either systematically more pathogenic OR the host is getting more immunologically compromised. Occam’s razor leads me back to the latter, i.e., the jab interfering with the natural immunological process.

If it’s not flu vaccines, where’s the evidence of reduced mortality instead?

Whilst doing my (own!) research, I discovered this old piece I had shared on LinkedIn near the start of the declared covid pandemic, showing a very strong correlation between flu vaccination uptake and covid mortality:

And there is this corroborative information based on US data compiled and analysed by Jessica Hockett: Setting the Stage for Flu’s Disappearing Act.

Still waiting for the ONS to respond with a quote for the more complete and accurate dataset so that we can do a conclusive analysis but these preliminary results are not pointing in the right direction if you’re on the side of the public health agencies and their vaccine propaganda messages.

The only thing I’m currently convinced of is that the vaccine industry is an effective way to transfer public funds into private hands.



1 Incidentally, this regime change was not apparent in older cohorts, e.g., those women born in 1905, i.e., already dead or substantially moribund before they could “benefit” from these public health interventions.

2 Albeit still retained psychologically by medical practitioners of the era.

3 In case you thought getting more shots was a good idea, it’s really not, Jessica Rose, 17 June 2023

About the Author

Joel Smalley is a blockchain architect and an early-stage, polymath data-driven technologist. He has a background in capital markets, biotechnology, retail payments and blockchain architecture. He conducts pro bono covid data analysis for legal challenges and independent media seeking the truth.  He regularly publishes articles on his Substack ‘Dead Man Talking’ which you can subscribe to HERE.

Featured image: Most people in England, about 30 million, were offered a free flu vaccine in 2020, BBC

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7 months ago

They just want to kill us all!

Mark Deacon
Mark Deacon
Reply to  Tammie
7 months ago

The feeling is mutual.

Dave Owen
Dave Owen
Reply to  Tammie
7 months ago
Tracey R
Tracey R
Reply to  Dave Owen
7 months ago

Some are just killing us because they are stupid and incompetent.

Mark Deacon
Mark Deacon
7 months ago

This article is analogous as to why didn’t the general death count go down once the covid vaxxes started. In fact the results went the other way into excess deaths. The same thing happened with other highly vaxxed nations.

Things like SADS etc. and all the other diseases were around long before COVID right so they are not post-COVID diseases elevating the death count.

And … we get crickets … government will never answer that simple point. If this was an intentional population cull by the WEF and puppet governments the excess deaths was always going to reveal it.

7 months ago

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7 months ago

How are children going to build up their immune systems with all the vaccines they are given now? I didn’t often get sick and if I did, I recovered quickly. That was when I was given a flu jab by the football club that I was playing for. The next two or three years I caught every bug going around and recovery took much longer. Then I was back to how I was before the flu jab. Since then I decided not to have any more jabs and after the last few years, I have seen a lot of evidence that backed up my decision. If I knew then what I know now I would have been against my children being vaccinated.

Lisa Franklin
Lisa Franklin
Reply to  biggrump
7 months ago

Ditto. I came a cropper via the hep B jab due to working in healthcare. I had bad ME for 20 years. Of course I got gaslighted by the death service. Stick their jabs up Bill Gates arse. I treat it as attempted murder even if the numpties are brainwashed.

Chris C
Chris C
7 months ago

Once the facts emerged between 2021 and 2023 that the C-19 injections are neither tested nor “safe and effective”, and there is irrefutable evidence that they are WOMD; those doctors, nurses and pharmacists who KNOWINGLY administered the poison to people without their informed consent should be tried for CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY.

The article indicates that no “vaccines” have ever been anything other than poison, along with most Big Pharma products that have side-effects.

Do not be deceived: the real aim of the Illuminati is not just extermination of most humans (8 billion down to 1/2 a billion as we are led to believe), but the extermination of ALL LIFE to be supplanted by a demonic A.I., so these are CRIMES AGAINST CREATION in lawful terms.

Tracey R
Tracey R
7 months ago

Yes, when push comes to shove it is a great transfer of wealth from the citizen and/or tax payer. There is only one way to win in this tyrannical regime that is global and it is not fighting – it is to STOP COMPLYING.

We can’t wholly blame the sociopathic corporate welfare that make the billions and trillions of dollars, for without the minion mum and dad doctors and nurses, public servants, teachers, journalists, scientists all saving their job (oops I mean humanity and environment), the evil bastards profiteering and advancing themselves would have zero power.

7 months ago

[…] Preliminary analysis of UK flu vaccine data suggests they contribute to deaths Joel Smalley has been analysing UK annual flu vaccination data.  In 2000, national flu vaccination programmes were introduced for those aged over 65.  So, did the flu vaccines save lives? Not according to Smalley’s analysis.  His preliminary analysis suggests the opposite is true.  Deaths have increased for those aged over 65 after the flu vaccine was introduced. […]

7 months ago

[…] Preliminary analysis of UK flu vaccine data suggests they contribute to deathsJoel Smalley has been analysing UK annual flu vaccination data.  In 2000, national flu vaccination programmes were introduced for those aged over 65.  So, did the flu vaccines save lives? Not according to Smalley’s analysis.  His preliminary analysis suggests the opposite is true.  Deaths have increased for those aged over 65 after the flu vaccine was introduced. […]