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The Gain of Function (GOF) Lab Leaked Bioweapon Story is Pure Science Fiction

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by Simon Lee, Science Officer, Anew UK

Post 9/11 fear porn sets the scene

Post 9/11, bioweapons became a major concern pushed by the mainstream media with scary stories about labs genetically modifying “viruses” in order to make them more lethal. We were encouraged to believe that terrorists might unleash a deadly contagious viral plague upon the world.

This was amidst the apparent use of a very real anthrax bioweapon. Anthrax is a bacterial disease as opposed to a “viral” disease. This is a very important distinction because unlike “viruses”, bacteria do actually structurally exist and so do have the potential to cause disease and the potential to be weaponised.

Although the simplistic one germ one disease theory is too reductionist, and person to person transmission of bacterial disease has been greatly exaggerated, i do not completely reject all aspects of germ theory as some people do. It’s important to understand that germ and terrain theory are not completely mutually exclusive and certain aspects of both may be true.

However, fictional viruses are another story entirely. Since the introduction of SARS in 2003 other fake viral epidemics have been used to strategically prime the masses for the main event with “SARS-CoV-2”.

The main event

Virologists have claimed that the “coronavirus” probably resulted from regular contact between humans and animals, possibly in connection with wet markets in Wuhan, China, which is where the “virus” was first reported.

Initially, the lab origin narrative was censored, but this has now become the mainstream narrative. This alone should be enough to make critical thinkers suspicious about the voracity of this story, which has all the hallmarks of a limited hangout.

Many scientists and politicians are now demanding an investigation to determine whether “SARS-CoV-2” could have accidentally leaked from a lab or crossed into humans during collection or storage of samples. The Wuhan Institute of Virology is in the firing line because it is where “related bat coronaviruses have been extensively studied”.

No virologist has ever properly purified and isolated the particles that they assume to be “viruses” directly from a sick person and then proven them to be pathogenic. Therefore, it should be obvious that if these “virus” particles do not even exist, then it is impossible to genetically modify these fictional entities in a lab in order to create a contagious bioweapon.

This simple logic appears to have escaped many people who believe that “SARS-CoV-2” must have been developed in a lab and unleashed upon the world in order to create a new contagious disease and a global pandemic.

The people who believe the lab leak story seem to be ignoring some simple facts. None of the symptoms associated with “Covid-19” are new, unique, or specific, so there simply is no new disease. “Covid-19” is just a rebranding of old diseases and symptoms. There is no proof of transmission and/or contagion except for a few highly flawed epidemiological studies.

There was never any need to create a “virus” bioweapon when all that was needed to control the masses was relentless propaganda and a fraudulent PCR test.

There is no new “virus”, no new disease, no contagious bioweapon, and there has been no pandemic. It is pure science fiction based on pseudoscientific cell culture and genomic experiments.

Those that have been fooled by the GOF/Bioweapon narrative, seem not to be aware that there is no evidence of any purified and isolated viral particles ever coming directly from human samples that have proven pathogenic in a natural way.

Virology can not dispute this. If they can not find a “virus” in nature, they can not modify one in a lab. It’s that simple.

What is Gain of Function (GOF)?

Gain of function (GOF) refers to any modification that increases a pathogen’s ability to cause disease or spread from host to host. This is allegedly done to “viruses” by altering cell culture material in a lab, combined with genomic sequencing.

GOF research done in the laboratory has been described as being a “proactive” approach to understand what will eventually happen in nature.

Viral GOF studies are nothing more than the exact same cell culture experiments using the exact same genomic sequencing technologies and tricks that virologists always use. The only difference is that they are combining different culture supernatant and genetic materials together into one, in order to create a brand new artificial computer-generated sequence.

At no stage are any purified/isolated particles ever used in these studies. In fact, there are no EM images of the new “virus”. The same pattern of pseudoscientific methods coupled with illogical reasoning, that apply to the original virology papers, also apply to GOF studies.

It is interesting to note how the definition of the word “virus” has changed over the years. The modern definition is that viruses are “infectious agents of a small size and simple composition that can multiply only in living cells of animals, plants, or bacteria” whereas the older definition taken from Latin means simply “liquid poison”.

GOF studies are not creating “viruses” in the modern sense of the word, instead they are creating liquid poison cell culture soups that are not infectious or contagious. These cell culture soups can not be transmitted through the air and so can only potentially cause harm if they are injected.

GOF studies and the bioweapon narrative are a limited hangout designed to keep people believing in the lies of virology. Fear of an invisible enemy that can be unleashed upon the world, either accidentally or intentionally, at a moments notice, is an effective method of controlling the masses.

All that is required is that people continue to believe that “viruses” exist and that they can be manipulated in a lab to make them more deadly.

Animal torture

GOF involves culturing toxic material, injecting animals with the toxic concoctions, killing them and grinding up their remains, and then injecting this toxic soup into other animals in an attempt to make them sick. These kinds of horrific experiment have been a part of virology since the very beginning.

During GOF studies, the researchers look for subjective signs of illness in lab animals and when certain subjective thresholds are reached the animals are then killed. These subjective signs often are unrelated to the human disease supposedly being studied, for example fur loss in mice is taken as evidence that the mouse has “covid”. This allows for fatality rates due to the imaginary “virus” to be artificially inflated.

The high fatality rates are a subjective assessment based on an arbitrary scoring system, leading to animals being killed unnecessarily, and their deaths being blamed on the “virus”.

Other causes of illness, such as the harsh experimental conditions the animals are exposed to, are completely ignored and are not controlled for in accordance with the scientific method.

Fake viral genomes

Researchers claim they now use advanced molecular technologies, such as reverse genetics, which allow them to produce de novo recombinant “viruses” from cloned cDNA. In reality, they mix genetic material from different sources, inject this toxic soup into lab animals thereby making them sick or killing them, and then analyze the resulting mixture on computers and claim that the computer model is a new real world viral creation.

They create consensus sequences through alignment to reference genomes, using computer software and algorithms, from unpurified material.

Using these pseudoscientific genomic methods means that virologists can’t sequence the exact same “virus” every time. Rather than admitting that the methodology is seriously flawed and unreproducible, virologists claim that “viruses” naturally “mutate” every time an individual is infected.

Researchers use targeted host or “viral” genome modification using small interfering RNA or the bacterial CRISPR-associated protein-9 nuclease as an editing tool for GOF experiments.

These studies are sometimes nothing more than comparisons of genomic sequence data. There is never a “virus” involved in the study at all, just the random A,C,T,G’s displayed on a computer screen as a proxy for an actual “virus”. Many of these studies even fail to explain how these genomic sequences were obtained.

They are doing nothing more than looking at computer data, rather than anything that physically exists in the real world. Data accumulation and analysis is not science as per the scientific method.

The virus believers preach to their faithful flocks

The false narrative that the “virus,” was created through secretive GOF research, and must have either accidentally leaked from the lab, or was deliberately released for nefarious purposes, is now being pushed by many people.

This false narrative is being championed by people who, apparently, have never questioned the lack of scientific evidence for the existence of “viruses.” For those who have studied this topic in detail, it is absolutely clear that the gain of function/bioweapon/lab leak narrative is fear-based bait, used to hook those questioning the official pharma storyline back into the broader lies of the medical-industrial complex.

Unfortunately, this false narrative is now being heavily promoted by influential people within the so called “freedom” movement. These people have gained the trust of many by preaching about the dangers of the vaccines and toxic pharma drugs, as well being opposed to the draconian measures that took away our freedoms and rights.

Yet, in spite of this opposition to draconian measures, they continue to push the idea that there are deadly transmissible invisible particles floating about, that can cause disease, thus necessitating these very same measures. Many are sticking to this narrative in spite of the overwhelming evidence that it has no basis in fact.

Since there are no “viruses”, there was and never will be, any need for any of the various draconian measures forced upon the public in the name of a “pandemic”. It seems self evident to me that understanding this concept is crucial, so that nobody falls for the fake virus pseudopandemic trick again.

One way that pushers of the virus lies try to defend their belief in these fictional entities is by reference to genetic engineering and GOF studies. They insist, that this is proof that “viruses” do indeed exist. This position is scientifically invalid and should be rejected no matter what trust has been built up by a commentator on other issues.  

In order to manipulate any “virus,” the “virus” in question must be scientifically proven to exist first. This has not been done once in over 100 years of virology.

In reality, what this GOF research involves is generating the same toxic cell-cultured soups used in regular virology studies but using even more synthetic additives thereby making them even more lethal to the lab animals that are unnaturally injected with, or exposed to the toxic soups.

No “virus” is ever properly purified, isolated, and scientifically demonstrated to exist, to act as an independent variable, in these experiments which is in violation of the scientific method. These “virus” particles are just assumed to exist within the sample using fraudulent PCR results.

However, none of this has deterred some people in a position of influence from pushing this bioweapon/lab leak narrative to their audience, and it seems like a large proportion of their audience actually believe it.

Here are a few examples of the statements made by those in a position of influence pushing this bioweapon/lab leak narrative to their audience:

“Their conclusion: SARS-CoV-2 came out of nature. My conclusion: it definitely was a lab leak.” Steve Kirsch

“The totality of evidence available today is indeed best explained by the lab origin hypothesis.”Jeremy Hammond

“This gave cover for Dr. Fauci, the NIAID, DTRA and the NIH to ignore the ban on gain-of-function research and continue with this research. As we now know, that is how SARS-CoV-2 was created and then accidentally released on the Chinese people. At least we hope it was accident.” Dr Robert Malone

“The willingness of U.S. authorities to cover up the origin of SARS-CoV-2 means that countries can now assault us with bioweapons indefinitely, with full impunity.” Dr. Joseph Mercola

“I am now under the belief that this is a man-made virus.” Del Bigtree

“The world now has proof positive that SARS-CoV2 is an engineered laboratory creation generated with technology developed by Ralph Baric with U.S. government funding.” Robert Kennedy Jr.

Is it really feasible that billions was spent on GOF research to produce a bioweapon with the same symptoms that are commonly seen every single year? Billions spent to cause a mild flu with a 99% survival rate, that specifically targets the elderly, infirm, frail, and vulnerable?

The “evidence”

Often cited as proof of the bioweapon narrative are the “leaked” Fauci GOF emails from June 2021. Leaving an email trail with the heading “Coronavirus bioweapon production method” doesn’t make much logical sense. It is highly likely that these emails have been doctored or are fake, created with the full intention of them being “leaked” at the right time.

Another piece of “evidence” for the lab-leak/bioweapon narrative is a grant proposal that EcoHealth Alliance filed with Fauci’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease. Obtaining funding for research is not proof that the research is valid, that the researchers can do what they claim, or that the research was actually carried out. Fauci has a history of funding “do nothing” research dating back to the 1980s.

NIH Principal Deputy Director Lawrence Tabak specifically stated in a letter to the US congress that the research conducted did not meet the definition of GOF nor could the experiments have resulted in “SARS-COV-2” due to the unrelated “genomes” of the “viruses” studied.

“Leaked” Fauci emails, grant proposals, and letters to Congress all fail to meet the basic scientific evidence needed to prove the existence of a lab made “SARS-COV-2.” This is not very credible evidence for the lab-leak/bioweapon narrative but many people seem to believe it.

There are no scientific publications showing that any GOF experiments ever occurred that resulted in “SARS-COV-2″.

Money trails, “leaked” emails, grants, and letters to Congress are distractions from the deeper underlying lack of scientific validation for virology.

The GOF/bioweapon narrative is a red herring used to keep people in a chronic state of fear of a potential biological terrorist attack. It is a smokescreen for the uninformed to dissuade them from digging deeper. It seems to be working.

Robert Kennedy Jr.

Robert Kennedy Jr. is a very high profile believer in the GOF lab leak bioweapon narrative. He considers himself not to be “anti-vax” but actually advocates for “safer” vaccines rather than eliminating vaccination altogether. On the other hand, he has done some good by exposing the true nature of Anthony Fauci to the public:

“As director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), Dr. Anthony Fauci dispenses $6.1 billion in annual taxpayer-provided funding for rigged scientific research, allowing him to dictate the subject, content, and outcome of scientific health research across the globe—truly a dark agenda. Fauci uses the financial clout at his disposal in a back handed manner to wield extraordinary influence over hospitals, universities, journals, and thousands of influential doctors and scientists—whose careers and institutions he has the power to ruin, advance, or reward in an authoritarian manner.” – Robert Kennedy Jr. The Real Anthony Fauci

During the AIDS crisis, Fauci enabled fraudulent “do-nothing” studies, and then pressured US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulators into approving the deadly chemotherapy agent AZT, which he knew was useless against AIDS. Fauci repeatedly violated federal laws allowing his Pharma cronies to use poor and dark-skinned children as lab rats in deadly experiments with toxic AIDS drugs and cancer chemotherapies.

In early 2000, Fauci embarked on a partnership with Bill gates that enabled them to control an increasingly profitable $60 billion global vaccine business with unlimited growth potential. By cultivating personal relationships with heads of state and leading media and social media companies, the Pharma-Fauci-Gates alliance now has dominion over global health policy.

Strangely, despite Robert Kennedy Jr. uncovering Fauci’s funding of “fraudulent do-nothing studies” with regards to HIV in the 1980’s, he is now pushing the narrative that Fauci has recently been funding GOF studies that are supposedly not “fraudulent do-nothing” studies. It seems not to have occurred to him that the GOF studies may also be “fraudulent do-nothing” studies with a paper trail purposely created for people to find.

Robert Kennedy Jr. has claimed that he is not qualified to be sure if “viruses” actually exist as he is not a scientist. He has nonetheless decided that they do exist without doing any independent research of his own. However, he does regard himself qualified enough to understand the science behind GOF research in order to sell the narrative of Fauci creating deadly “viruses” in Wuhan labs.

Vested interests

It is clear that there is a concerted effort by many in positions of influence to divert anyone questioning the “viral” paradigm down the bioweapon/gain of function path, in spite of the lack of any credible scientific evidence supporting it.

Why have seemingly intelligent people embraced the fear-based bioweapon narrative, but are unwilling to question the foundational evidence for the existence of fictional “viruses”? The most likely explanation is that many of these people have vested interests.

Steve Kirsch is a Silicon Valley entrepreneur and philanthropist who founded the COVID-19 Early Treatment Fund (CETF) at the beginning of the “pandemic”. This team is comprised of experts from a wide range of fields including medicine, technology, philanthropy, and business. They have become the world’s leading fund that focuses on early treatments for “COVID-19” that leverage repurposed drugs. Not surprisingly he is a vociferous virus believer and preacher.

Dr Robert Malone holds numerous patents in the fields of gene delivery, delivery formulations, DNA vaccines, and mRNA vaccines. Since January 2020, he has been leading a large team focused on clinical research design, drug development, computer modeling, and mechanisms of action of repurposed drugs for the treatment of “COVID-19”. Entirely by coincidence he is also a virus believer and preacher.

Virus cultist Jeremy Hammond has proposed nitric oxide, N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine, Quercetin with Zinc, and vitamin D3 as “covid” treatments. Conveniently, these can be purchased at his online shop. Dr. Joseph Mercola also sells similar products online.

Questioning the lack of scientific evidence for the existence of “viruses” is either met with angry hit-pieces by Steve Kirsch and Jeremy Hammond, excuses like the public not being ready to go down the “virus” rabbit hole by Del Bigtree, attempts to convince people that questioning the existence of “viruses” will damage the “truth” movement as suggested by Dr Mercola, or claims of lack of scientific credentials as seen in the case of Robert Kennedy Jr..

These people will write articles and books to warn the public about the threat of these GOF experiments but they will not examine the foundational evidence for the alleged existence of “viruses”.

They apparently, fail to read the GOF studies or put any critical thought into whether or not the results and conclusions are scientifically valid. They just report on them as though they are true and use the conclusions to boost their fear-based message about the threat of viral bioweapons.


Proponents of the false bioweapon and false virus narrative often gain peoples trust by condemning the “vaccines” and the draconian measures implemented during the pseudopandemic. However, their belief in these fictional genetically engineered particles allows them to justify the need to find “safer” vaccines or to sell alternative pharmaceutical treatments.

In reality, there is no need for any treatment, nor is there such a thing as a “safer” alternative as there was never a “virus” causing a new disease to begin with. The promotion of this fraudulent concept keeps the fear-based propaganda going and lures people back into the web of lies. This may be intentional or it may be unintentional depending on the individual and their vested interests.

Only once a “virus” has been put through a rigorous process to scientifically prove its existence could it then be  genetically engineered to make it more lethal. Only then would GOF studies and a bioweapon/lab leak origin for any “virus” be hypothetically possible. This scientific process has never once been performed in over 100 years of virology.

The “virus” particles must be proven to exist first. They can not just be assumed to exist. This is straightforward simple logic that is somehow lost on many commentators and their followers.

“Anyone looking at virology openly and honestly will come to the conclusion that this burden has never been met for any “virus.” All one has to do is to pick a “virus” and look to the evidence from the foundational paper presented to see whether or not this is the case. I have done this work for the last 5 years. I have read the original studies to see if the researchers ever fulfilled the scientific requirements. Many of my peers have done the same. Because of this, we all came to the very same conclusion that the scientific evidence for the existence of any “virus” simply does not exist. Thus, we speak on this topic not from ignorance but from knowledge.”

Mike Stone

A good scientist would never just blindly stand “on the shoulders of giants”. A good scientist checks to see if the giants were actually right to begin with. A good scientist practices their craft adhering to the motto “nullius in verba” or in other words, they take nobodies word at face value and they check the evidence for themselves.

If the “virus” believers were to stop promoting science fiction and learn to understand real science, they would realise that the truth about the lack of scientific evidence for “viruses” does not hinder the health freedom movement but instead strengthens it greatly.

Once they understand that “viruses” do not exist and so can not be engineered as bioweapons, they will understand that there is no need for the toxic practice of vaccination at all. They will also reject any potentially toxic alternative pharmaceutical treatments.

Realising that contagious “viruses” do not exist strengthens the message against completely illogical and entirely unnecessary lockdowns, quarantines, social-distancing, masking, etc.

Arguing from a position of knowledge and strength, rather than a position of ignorance and half truths, puts the onus back on those making the claims to prove that they are correct in accordance with the scientific method.

This allows people to completely escape from the fear-based sick cycle system of the toxic pharmaceutical paradigm which has never been about good health and longevity.

It’s time to reject the science fiction, to stop spreading fear, and to demand that real science should be carried out. This can only happen if people are willing to be intellectually honest.

Its time for the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth about “viruses”.


1) Gain of Fiction. Mike Stone. viroLIEgy

2) It’s Gain of Fiction Story Time with RFK Jr. and Friends! Mike Stone. viroLIEgy

3) Wet Market Theory Re-emerges https://stevekirsch.substack.com/p/the-wet-market-theory-re-emerges

4) Origin of Sars Cov2, Lockdowns, and Covid-19 Vaccines https://www.jeremyrhammond.com/2021/06/18/interview-origin-of-sars-cov-2-lockdowns-covid-19-vaccines/

5) Malone, Ebola This is Not Over https://rwmalonemd.substack.com/p/ebola-this-is-not-over

6) Children’s Health Defense -Did Fauci, Collins Suppress Evidence of COVID Lab Leak for Political Reasons? https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/fauci-collins-evidence-covid-lab-leak/

7) Del BigTree https://www.podchaser.com/podcasts/the-highwire-with-del-bigtree-519460/episodes/is-covid-19-a-bio-weapon-91383003

8) New Analysis of COVID Virus Suggests Fauci and Baric’s Fingerprints on Pandemic Bug • Children’s Health Defense https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/covid-pandemic-nih-unc-fauci-baric/

9) Steve Kirsch https://www.treatearly.org/our-team

10) Dr Robert Malone https://www.vacsafety.org/about

11) Jeremy Hammond https://www.jeremyrhammond.com/shop/

12) Dr. Mercola https://drjosephmercola.com/market/

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7 months ago

a very interesting standpoint. Dr Martin said right off the bet, that there was no new virus, no new illness. The ‘virus’ is the same as what they say, causes a common cold. Gramma told me that you get a cold when you are weak to begin with, and then stand in a cold draft. I think lots of diseases are caused by poisons in our food, sprayed on the land, injected in animals and humans. These things do not belong on our vegetables and in our bodies. Recently I read a book by Guylaine Lanctot, giving yet another view on health and illness, but mostly on the corruption of the govt and health (or should I say sick) insurances, docs, hospitals etc who live off our money)I copied this article because I will have to read it several times. Thank you for posting it.

7 months ago

[…] Go to Source Follow altnews.org on Telegram […]

John L. Bengfort, M.D.
John L. Bengfort, M.D.
7 months ago

This paper, sadly, is nothing more than unsupported opinion. Not helpful.
It adds to the profound confusion.

Reply to  John L. Bengfort, M.D.
7 months ago

I am the author of this paper and i challenge you to support your unsupported opinion right here.

Mark Deacon
Mark Deacon
Reply to  Sam
7 months ago

From personal experience I thing an environmental effect such as 5G affects the bacteria in the stomach and lord knows what else causing illnesses.

I was given free 5G internet I do not turn it on now it makes me ill. So all along I was the product, government trying to increase 5G coverage needs patsy beacons.

Try the test for yourself, 5G emitter and then adjust the average 5G signal but compress the time period increasing the amplitude. That amplitude even if your meter says it is safe may not be safe.

They do not tell you this about 5G.

Dave Owen
Dave Owen
Reply to  Mark Deacon
7 months ago

Hi Mark Deacon,
Regarding 5G, it has been said, that Mr Putin, has destroyed all the 5G masts in Russia.
Maybe the signal does interact with the magnetic particles ?
The same system that gives you a Mac address, picked up by Bluetooth phones.

Reply to  Dave Owen
7 months ago

Hi Dave, please allow me to correct this. Sputnik, their vax was examined aboard as they had sold vials. It had the same / similar graphene oxide based nanotech what was found in all the popular western covid vaccines. As one of the purpose of the vax is to connect people to the Internet of Bodies network it is very unlikely that Putin would have removed 5G. On the other hand the controllers try to hide the antennas, they are not always big masts everywhere but built in in tree, chimneys, under the road in man holes where they are invisible. Also there is no EMF meter available to common folks able to measure it, because the meters measure only till 8GHz but above while the 5G range is much bigger than that.

Putin actively took part in the covid hoax and actively took part to push their ‘vaccine’ to their citizens, using one of his daughter as ‘vaccinated example’. I don’t know where your info comes from but doesn’t look reliable, sorry.

Dave Owen
Dave Owen
Reply to  Abigail
7 months ago

Hi Abigale.
Decided to look into my claim about 5G.
Wow, there are lots of similar claims, about 50/50.
We need some information from Russia.
Are there 5G masts or not.

Reply to  Mark Deacon
6 months ago

The radiationS that were used affect the stem cells , that is what made people sick ; The waves , many people getting sick in the same area , were created by radiationS at a local geographic area .These radiations could have come from WIFI ; it is a possibility.

Chris C
Chris C
Reply to  Sam
7 months ago

“Doctor” Bengford is profoundly confused because he practices establishment fake “medicine” that is mostly poison to make people more sick so that Big Pharma gets more money.

What a wonderful world it would be if preventative and natural medicine was allowed to flourish, as from the likes of Drs Amandha Vollmer, Tom Cowan, Andrew Kaufmann etc.

Abigail24 M D
Abigail24 M D
Reply to  Sam
7 months ago

I support your argument and proof Sam 😁

Reply to  Sam
7 months ago


Reply to  John L. Bengfort, M.D.
7 months ago

Hello here in France and Belgium, we read about viruses not existing.
Arguments are convincing.
Now hard for doctors and virologists to wipe the slate, and rethink.

Dave Owen
Dave Owen
Reply to  John L. Bengfort, M.D.
7 months ago

Hi John L. Bengfort, MD.
There is no confusion about Dropping Dead Suddenly.
This is caused by the C19 fluid, being a Bioweapon.
Mainly paid for by Military contracts in the USA.

7 months ago

Is this the official position of “the Expose”? That disease causing viruses don’t exist?
Because if it is, I would suggest that your embrace of such a speculative theory is calling into question your positions (and possibly the validity of your claims) on a whole host of other issues.
As a subscriber, and occasional contributor, I need to have confidence that your reporting is accurate and based in reality. To portray the ‘no disease causing viruses’ theory as fact severely undermines the credibility of your publication.

I have no problem with presenting speculation and ‘conspiracy theories’….. as long as they are labeled as such, with an appropriate disclaimer.
I want to know that I am reading verified FACTS…..

Chris C
Chris C
Reply to  Mark
7 months ago

In defence of The Expose, please look at the marvellous videos and BOOKS by the eloquent Dr Sam Bailey: she will put you right over the Virus Mania/Delusion.
Until 2020 I myself believed in viruses to a certain extent, my sister having polio effects from 4 to 80, but she was exposed to industrial toxins; ALL “virus diseases” are in fact caused by things stated in my main comment: it’s that simple and not rocket science or quantum mechanics (although proton quantum tunnelling causes mutations of viral waste that does not incur much change in our body).

Reply to  Chris C
7 months ago

Just wondering—how about measles? That’s been around for centuries and has had devastating effects on native populations at first exposure. I had it myself as a child. For most Americans it was a mild illness, but I was born with a weak thyroid gland and was extremely ill. I still remember lying in a darkened room in misery.

Reply to  Kay
7 months ago

Nobody is disputing that illnesses such as measles do not exist. What is being disputed is the cause. No measles virus has even been proven to exist.

Reply to  Kay
7 months ago

Not a virus, certain vitamin deficiency is needed to develop it, can’t recall which one, you’ll find tons of materials about it in whale.to. The cure is that vitamin (was it A? I am not sure) and high doses of C.

Reply to  Kay
7 months ago

Getting remember .. There was a childhood vaccine which blocked vitamin A (absorption?) and caused cases. Cure is vit A+C. Vit C works for all the so called ‘viral’ diseases.

All the affected area including the skin is used by the body for eliminating either poisons or just dead cells due to the fast growing phase of children.

Your story is interesting, I would be curious what types of vaccines you got before it, but it’s also possible that your weak thyroid (takes part in growing) caused a worse case of de-poisoning. Anyway, Stefan Lanka finally won the case of the ‘measles virus doesn’t exist’ on the German high court.

I also read that it basically disappeared in developed countries where the children were not malnourished before the vaccination which brought it back.

Watcher Seeker
Watcher Seeker
Reply to  Chris C
7 months ago

“the eloquent Dr Sam Bailey”- many of history’s biggest liars were eloquent.People fall for eloquence.

Watcher Seeker
Watcher Seeker
Reply to  Watcher Seeker
7 months ago

I’m not saying that Dr. Bailey is a liar, my words were a general comment along the same lines as many others such as the story of Pinocchio.

Watcher Seeker
Watcher Seeker
Reply to  Mark
7 months ago

“Viral origins and dystopia” – Prof. Angus Dalgleish.

Prof. Angus Dalgleish is one of the most highly qualified medical scientists. See him in this interview telling a lot of vaccine truth, including criticism of Fauci based on his meetings with Fauci –

“Professor Dalgleish”

Clive Bragdon
Clive Bragdon
7 months ago

What an excellent article!! I’m an old man and I have known or at least suspected for most of my life that “viruses” and indeed, almost everything else is a FRAUD cooked up like so much spaghetti to make the masses extremely pliable for manipulation. And so they are.

Reply to  Clive Bragdon
7 months ago

You might be old, but your faculties are in full working order!

Reply to  Clive Bragdon
7 months ago

They are very visibly faked but the problem is that we forgot to use our own brains and common sense. The artifact they showed us showed ball shaped colorful viruses with ‘spikes’ (called corona effect). But the the rule of identification is that they all should look similar (similar shape, size, etc). In reality the electron-microscope photos are black and white. They ruin the material during the process however even if they would have been sliced would not change the proof of fraud.

When you slice a ball, like an orange (or their viruses) you end up with circles with different diameters.. But they don’t show you anything like that.

Peer Sutton
Peer Sutton
7 months ago

Sorry but I am totally unconvinced by the “no such thing as a virus” theory.
If it were true why did my mother take me to “measles parties” back in the early 1960s and a few days later I would be “miraculously” covered in a rash as would every other child attendee ?

Does GOF exist ?
I very much doubt it
Was there ever a “Covid pandemic” ?
Absolutely not.
Are vaccines safe, effective or necessary ?
No on all counts.

Reply to  Peer Sutton
7 months ago

Myself and many others have written detailed articles about the pseudoscientific methods used by virologists. There really is “no such thing as a virus” that is a fact not a theory. The synchronous appearance of symptoms such as a measles rash does not prove the existence of fictional virus particles. You could perhaps read my article “virology is out of control” for further details or maybe check out Mike Stones excellent viroLIEgy website.

Chris C
Chris C
Reply to  Peer Sutton
7 months ago

W.r.t. “measles parties” you should look into biophotons, “tribal triggering”, somatids etc. and ask yourself if you ate the same toxic food as your classmates/friends.

Reply to  Peer Sutton
7 months ago

Not every children, some are unaffected despite of taking part on these parties, I never got it. There are two things to consider, first is I wrote above that fast growing children need a method to get rid of the not required cells, tissues and the body uses the skin, too for eliminating these. The other is our biofield, we send invisible signals to people around us, if they resonate with it and in need of that type of depoisoning, they go ill, too. Not really ill, when you feel it that part is the healing process.

Real causes of pox diseases at 2:22:51 but I would suggest to watch the whole, full with proof and very enlightening.


Chris C
Chris C
7 months ago

Great article that everyone should read before saying “my auntie has got covid”.

Covid and viruses do not exist, and pandemics have never existed: if they they did, as Mike Yeadon explains, they would self-extinguish.
The Spanish “Flu” has been proven to be bacterial pneumonia and as the article points out: bacteria are real, BUT they are our body’s clean-up agents created from somatids and usually able to cope with a local problem.

About 99% of so-called spreadable diseases are due to toxic environments (additives, stress, 5G etc.) or malnutrition, the remainder being transfer of faecal matter or raw flesh, insect bites etc., and flu/colds are healing detox processes where the SOMATIDS produce good biophotons in our cells: information hidden from us by MSM and The Cult owned by The evil Illuminati.

The Cult would never unleash a real deadly virus on themselves, so they enabled the (D.o.D.) to creat a fictional in silico virus with variants, calibrating the fake PCR Test and sniffle symproms to create “cases”.

Everything The Cult came out with to “protect” us from imaginary viruses has been harmful: lockdowns, hand gel, nanotech-containing nasal tests, masks, devil juice C-19 injections, social distancing from dying relatives whom they killed etc.

The “people” who knowingly did all this to us must be guilty of Crimes against Humanity.

Dave Owen
Dave Owen
7 months ago

What is most important about the C19 fluid, is the Graphene Oxide.
In the UK our coins are made out of steel.
People were sticking coins onto the C19 injection site.
The Graphene Oxide takes iron out of the blood and makes a magnet.
When several of these magnets are made they stick together, making a magnetic clot.
These clots can block veins or arteries, causing Sudden death.
The more blood you pump, the more danger.
Sportsmen, like Cyclists, Weightlifters, Football and Rugby players, Runners, Tennis players and Pilots, have been dropping dead suddenly.

Reply to  Dave Owen
7 months ago

Bless you Dave, you’re one of the people i love here and know i would love in real life.

Your comment is so lovely and logical if you believe the narrative. I don’t it me darling, don’t believe it in so many ways.

Reply to  Demeter
7 months ago

Oops! Second guessed there and messed up my comment. Oh well, know you’ll understand it anyway.

Reply to  Demeter
7 months ago

Not many of them here but i do laugh at the spiteful scum who think upticks equal worth, so down vote comments they don’t like.

Small minds doing what they do.

Reply to  Dave Owen
7 months ago

Just to the margins, graphene oxide itself becomes magnetic when it touches biological material, the sudden hearth death are usually not because of a clot (could be) but more often arrhythmias. G O wanders towards the stronger magnetic field, in the body these are the heart and brain. When it gets boosted by electromagnetic waves (wireless radiation) it causes arrhythmia, was recorded with rat heart, very visible, graphene ‘lights up’ when gets boost.
They explain it.

Here you can see the heart itself on video and the process.

Dave Owen
Dave Owen
Reply to  Abigail24
7 months ago

Hi Abigail24,
I like to keep things simple.
If John O’ Looney in the UK, was finding clots, in veins of dead bodies.
That is good enough for me.

Watcher Seeker
Watcher Seeker
7 months ago

“Viral origins and dystopia” – Prof. Angus Dalgleish.

Prof. Angus Dalgleish is one of the most highly qualified medical scientists. See him in this interview telling a lot of vaccine truth, including criticism of Fauci based on his meetings with Fauci –

“Professor Dalgleish”

7 months ago

Discovered this quote in a magazine which is far too gnostic for my comfort, however, think it near perfectly encapsulates what we’re experiencing:

“Things aren’t going wrong, they’re just getting uncovered.”

Ain’t that the truth! I’m an old dear who’s had some idea of what’s happening now, for over 40 years.

Frank S.
Frank S.
7 months ago

Through Karen Kingston’s research, she has proven that the “COVID virus” and the “COVID vaccine” are one and the same. The original “contagion” was nothing more than the purposeful release of this toxic soup through aerosolized air, surface and food contamination. All with the intent of mimicking a real contagion to inject the “worried well”.

Reply to  Frank S.
7 months ago

That’s very likely, I don’t know how many of you in the UK remember to the fall/winter of 2019. “Covid” was here earlier than the first news about it. On that fall, many were very ill with an extremely nasty ‘flu’, long period of irritating dry caught then terrible amount of discharge, we had to sit on the bed at nights to be able to breath and cough. It came in 3 waves, you recovered, you started again, the last in this area was in late Dec. But if you travelled abroad you miraculously recovered just in 3-4 days – constant, repetitive poisoning. However pets were not affected that time, it was not in the air. In my opinion, not in food either or not in meat. The only difference were between us and the pets were that they didn’t take showers. We back then suspected something like legionella bacteria, something you inhaled with steam/humidity what showers create. There was an opinion that they put something cyanide-stuff (can’t recall the exact name) into gas or diesel fuel. Also possible, pets didn’t drive on busy roads, we did.

Alan Cummings
Alan Cummings
7 months ago

I am just an ordinary guy and find all of this argument / lies / “proof” etc. makes decisions impossible. I do not have the knowledge to judge truth. However, many have stated that there was and is no “virus”. Well, if true, the situation opens a whole can of new worms. One of these is, of course, how can a “vaccine” have been produced? If true, was the fake virus simply a way to stampede the sheep to take it – and was it simply an “experiment” that went wrong or a deliberate bio-weapon? Have government and other agencies been complicit in mass murder?

We “ordinary” people need independent scientists with knowledge and integrity to clarify for us unambiguously. This could be the trigger required to bring down governments, corporations, careers etc. and because of the scale of such consequences, probably why none of the above will ever happen.

Reply to  Alan Cummings
7 months ago

Sweetheart, harder for younger people to understand but i can promise you purported vaccines have always been a mechanism, to convince people to accept something which will harm them.

In several ways. Personally lived through several pandemic scares, which were lies. Covid and the supposed myriad possible, are pure bull.

Reply to  Demeter
7 months ago

It’s all about pushing fear buttons, making you so frightened, you’ll accept poison.

Reply to  Alan Cummings
7 months ago

Yes, they are complicit in mass murder, they were even reported to the police by Mark(?) Saxton ex inspector and Mark Steele but they buried the case. The Expose wrote about it, a laboratory report about the ingredients (graphene oxide, graphene composites) was attached. They buried it and carried on injecting with that poison.


7 months ago

Goodness, our ability to access knowledge now is so limited, even Anatoly Fomenko’s New Chronology site is impossible to find, even using startpage.

Unlike him, i believe we live in a simulation, he seems not to but demonstrates very logically, chronology is 1,000 years out. As in adding 1k years to the date we’re given for apparent ancient history, interesting stuff for sure.

7 months ago

Well this certainly is an opener for a serious scientific debate. This reminds me of the current debate in cosmology over the nature and dominating forces in this universe. It’s all big stuff with many dollars of investment and even machismo on the line. So what is the difference between bacterial and viral pneumonia…if any?

Reply to  ICFUBAR
7 months ago

Great comment but what you think is science, like so much else, is what we’re told. Sadly, all the important stuff is provably false, lies in fact.

That’s just looking at the purported reasons for the 1st and 2nd world wars, so many revolutions etc. Personally think we live in a simulation of somewhere real, hence all the truth revealed/predictive programming via many mediums.

Reply to  ICFUBAR
7 months ago

Nothing, here comes the trick. Even in the case of bacterial pneumonia they CAN’T FIND the bacteria in the lungs at once just later, about 48 hours later or so. Means that the bacteria is not the cause but the result, trying to get rid of the dead lung tissue. But the process needs lots of energy and produces waste, so if you are unlucky the healing part can kill you. This is why I still think that antibiotics can be very useful in serious cases to slow down the process.

The lung damage called pneumonia is either poison or most recently “They cooked the lungs in Wuhan with microwave radiation” (just how your micro cooks the food).
At the beginning of part 2.

Reply to  Abigail24
7 months ago

Really like your comments Abigail but personally think what’s happening now is just so much b.s but we’re literally programmed to believe it.

I grew up in a time where similar, even worse threats supposedly existed but people didn’t live their lives in fear. The majority of us haven’t had the decency to pop our clogs, much to the Filth’s disgust, it’s a work in progress for them.

Toasting us is paramount for them, we remember when ordinary people had some power and those like me try to pass the knowledge to the young.

I think both Orwell and Huxley were right but Huxley is more relevant to what they’re trying to make happen. Younger people will accept their enslavement/servitude because it’s what they’re being programmed to do.

Both of them were certainly useful tools for our enemies but had qualms and wrote about them. Personally think Huxley was more relevant to the ultimate goals, which he didn’t present as a good but accurately stated most people would comply with.

Reply to  Demeter
7 months ago

í totally agree with you on the fear part. They constantly try to keep us in fear and it must have a reason why.

However I don’t agree with the bs part, our experiences are probably different. In my opinion they target a person, people or area when it fits to them and they do it using radiation.

A part of it measurable and I can prove it. Because of a ‘miracle’ my mobile phones are radiating like hell (measured, have photos to prove). Doesn’t matter if I change the SIM (number) when the mobile (software) identifies me, it starts again.

It started in 2020 early spring. I got a weird call where the caller wanted to know just one thing, that was I the one who used that phone. Shortly after this, I got very bad asthma attacks from the phone, using it chatting for just 2-3 minutes, it was like a pressure on the chest, I couldn’t breath normally and last about 8-12 hours or so. I was not suspicious at first, simply didn’t understand.
Soon after this, 5 kittens out of nowhere went down with a “there is no known cat illness like this’ (vet), first they looked partially paralyzed, limping then two days later all had life-threatening level pneumonia, all of them! Poor things slept under a table on the rug and above them there was my phone left for the nights. That was the point we connected the dots and gave up on using mobiles as much as we could, binned the wifi (net is cabled) and shielded the house. Since then they are ok.
There was another case, much milder (only the limping phase) and they recovered in a couple of hours. That happened when we forgot to switch off the Bluetooth on a tablet we had used to check people MACs then forgot to switch it off and left it close to the armchair they slept.

I am 100% they use our devices via software or as cross on you for Gs, satellites, I don’t know. Some people who are ‘vaccinated’ to the score are still well. I frequently suffered from being zapped and my husband, too. The worst was when he went ‘sunburn’ at night after having a smoke in the opened window. The ‘sunburn’ affected only the areas of the body above the window’ frame. The wall under it is EMF shielded, the window (this time behind his back) have silver foils (mirroring, sending back radiation) – his back also went ‘sunburned’ and he had some very badly swollen lymph nodes out of nowhere.

They are zapping us, period.

Reply to  Abigail
7 months ago

Absolutely agree with you Abigail, just can’t express all my personal thoughts in one comment. It would be book size if i tried to anyway and nobody would bother reading it.

Like Icke, i think we live in an operating system style simulation, really makes sense to me. The things you describe in your comment are what i call frequencies, believing we’re affected by good and bad ones. Absolutely certain we’re bombarded with harmful, even evil frequencies.

Personally try to promote good frequencies in my life, been vegetarian/leaning to veganism for well over 40 years, use essential oils in diffusers, calming light at night etc. Yep, i am one of those laid back people who keeps a sharp eye on what’s going on but don’t fret over what i can’t do anything about.

Believing this is a simulation really helps me, think it’s essential to be aware of what’s happening and inform others, so hopefully they can deal with most of the bad frequencies too.

Hope that makes some sense.

Reply to  Demeter
7 months ago

Aww, some poor, benighted soul has been very busy down voting my comments. Might offer them temporary relief from what ails them but will worsen the affliction very quickly.

Reply to  Demeter
7 months ago

Icke is also a fake prophet with lots of truth but in exchange leading us to a path which led nowhere. Matrix the movie was not a clue, a revelation but an allegory of the modern day slavery.

This alien, Matrix, space movies line came very suddenly. AFTER that they sent admiral Byrd to Antarctica, he came back told what was found and died suddenly.
These happened fast:
NASA was established and faked a moon landing
Countries behind our back made the Antarctica treaty.
The idiots at NASA tried to break the firmament with nukes but failed. Even the names were very telling, operation FISHBOWL and operation DOMINIK (of the Lord).

The point is that there are no superior helpers and overlords above the known psychopats, they found something important in Antarctica, as important that they started a full blown desinfo campaign fast and a war on us.

They started to bombard us with UFO stories, reptiles, fake space and now the newests are ‘you live in a Matrix’ or join to the ONEssness (nice alternative name for the planned one religion).

Even if it would be God’s matrix vs satan’s personally I feel the controlling & culling experiments to be very real.
With any real, useful helper they wouldn’t make such errors they did when shut the firmament.

You probably feel it matrix-ish because of the ongoing totally crazy actions of them ruining the society with new sick abnormals. Go out dear Demeter, give a hug to the cat or dog, feel how warm, loving and real they are. Pick an apple from the tree, say tank you to the tree and start to chew the fruit, that sweet, refreshing feeling feels like matrix?🙂

Reply to  Demeter
7 months ago

I wrote a long answer ‘awaiting moderation’. No, we don’t live in a Matrix. Hug a dog or cat, smell it, kiss it, enjoy their happiness and love – real enough?
If you believe you live in a Matrix you don’t value life anymore, because it doesn’t matter what happens, all are just simulation.. As long as it is only you – it is your decision. But it is certainly not a Matrix to any of my pets whether they are happy or suffering.

I see this matrix stuff to be a very dangerous psyop, especially for our children living already in a very sick and cruel world. When they believe it they either become more hooked to a false reality like the metaverse or become suicidal to escape the the matrix.

Time to buy pets to the children and to drag them out to nature for balance.

Reply to  Abigail24
7 months ago

Bless you Abigail but you have the wrong end of the stick, i certainly don’t think we live in anything like the Hollywood Matrix. As for Icke, he could well be a false prophet who offers morsels of truth, also possible he’s sincere in what he says. Doesn’t matter to me, as with so much else i listen to what seems logical to me, even if it’s only for a while until something more likely turns up.

I believe in a loving Creator and think we live in a simulation of the beautiful home he created, so the existential questions raised can be played out. Seems logical to me, our real home was a labour of love and i’m sure is wonderful beyond our current comprehension. Also sure he knew that the gift of free will to his creation meant existential questions were always going to be raised, so made arrangements for them to be played out. Hence the simulation i think we exist in.

Personally have a pretty open mind so i’m always open to new information, however, what i’ve explained above seems the most logical to me, so far.

Reply to  Demeter
7 months ago

Thanks for clarifying and sorry if I misunderstood. Would be happy to share your view but probably due to my sad life I see the Creator as a highly intelligent but also pretty sadistic power. Of course still much better than the present ruling satanist psychos but if I would be the Creator I would have created a world where we are not condemned to eat each other. Plants also have feelings, Roselab: Vera the singing aloe vera plant. Plus due to how we were created the newest and best working cancer cure is the strictly carnivore diet. But even if we don’t eat meat, we are in horror when a shark eats a human or a bear, but from the smallest level we eat each other in a horror killing, mostly half alive, spider the bug, cat the mouse, etc. With that level of intelligence, why the world is so cruel? Anyway, I ended up with admiring the intelligence of the Creator but but also condemning he/she/them for this level of sadism.

Reply to  Abigail24
7 months ago

No worries Missy, as i said in a previous comment one can only express a sparse outline of what we’re thinking, without writing a book length comment. It’s very easy for misunderstandings to arise.

Personally been there, thought that etc on so much of the other stuff you said. However, if you read what it says in Genesis about our existence before the fall from perfection, it does seem the cruelties and evil you mention are a product of the fall.

Hence why i think we exist in a simulation of our true home. The questions raised about the necessity of listening to our Creator’s guidance, are being answered in the most clear way and won’t arise again.

Hope that makes some sense, i personally hope to live in our true home where we can achieve our real potential.

Reply to  Abigail
6 months ago

you are absolutely right ; COVID 19 started in Nov 2019 ; in April 2020 , they were sending in the “sky” , high up in the air THOUSANDS of “satellites” ….that were NOT needed…for anything else.

7 months ago

I’m not a scientist, I’m an engineer. But having been a sceptic all my life(63 now) I have done a huge amount of research since the obviously fake pandemic was started.

Furin cleavage site…..

On reading about this a couple of years ago it could be deduced that this particular “site” could not happen in nature. It was manipulated in a lab. I believe that Moderna(CIA) have patents for this. They also had patents for the “vaccine” ingredients before the “pandemic” started.

This is all just confusion in an already confused space.

I HAVE read about the NO virus proponents but as I’m not a virologist I couldn’t confirm or deny their theories.

I hope this is resolved somewhat because it merely muddies the already thick swamp.

Remember this is a PSYCHOLOGICAL war on our minds.

Be safe, be healthy and keep your mind open.

Trust NO-ONE in this current climate.

The Expose? Questions arise in my mind..


Reply to  Dukes
7 months ago

I am the author of this article. I am an experienced biomedical scientist who did diagnostic virology testing for several years. 

Regarding your research on the “Furin cleavage site” what you were studying is bioinformatics data. That data did not originate from purified/isolated virus particles as per the scientific method. It was generated from sequences obtained from a complex multi-species biological soup and then manipulated using unscientific bioinformatic computer programs. 

The furin cleavage site did not happen in nature it was generated on a computer. It was not manipulated in a lab since there was no particle to manipulate. Patents for vaccine ingredients in no way prove the existence of a virus particle, neither does having advanced knowledge of the “covid” psy-op prior to it being launched.

There is no reason to be confused since many people have written extensively on this subject. Mike Stone (viroLIEgy) and Drs Sam and Mark Bailey are excellent sources of good information on the topic. I have also written several articles on this important subject (more on the way).

The people who are muddying the waters have vested interests or they are ignorant of the details with regards to the pseudoscientific methods used by virologists.

Frank Jacob
Frank Jacob
Reply to  Sam
7 months ago

Sam thank you for putting together this amazing and well-researched article. I’m not a scientist but I spent a few years digging into the ‘virus’ theory. My conclusions are reflected in what you have aptly summarised herein. Far more I believe what is happening has to do with using nanotech to drive a transhumanist agenda, which I explored in an interview with Dr. Ana Mihalcea. Would it be possible to interview you for my channel? I think this information needs to get out to as many as possible. If yes, please send me how to get in touch directly. Many thanks

Reply to  Dukes
7 months ago

Sorry Duke, this is the new line now coming from everywhere “HAVE read about the NO virus proponents but as I’m not a virologist I couldn’t confirm or deny their theories.”

As they can’t prove existence the newest is : It’s UNDECIDED but very likely exist based on ‘ what made me ill’ or ‘bioweapons on the run are real’ – suggested conclusion to the masses: Don’t care about it, this debate will never end, but you had the flu so viruses must exist.

I am not a professional either, but to understand the process of the fraudulent isolation is very simple. Even for a child.

The HART just tried similar, ‘we can’t prove but they must exist’

Mockingbird media newest.

7 months ago

There may not be a new virus, but the clot shots are nevertheless deadly weapons. They have been proven to contain nanotechnology and hydrogel technology, and the ‘died suddenly’ reports ought to be enough to counsel empathy when writing an article such as this one.

Reply to  Snowflake
7 months ago

I wrote this article. I have also written about the clot shots. Two members of my extended family are now dead due to the clot shots. My cousin had to be hospitalised after getting her first shot and another relative is now seriously ill. Are you suggesting that i lack empathy?

Reply to  Sam
7 months ago

Dear Sam, if you have time wouldn’t be so kind to dig into the DNA fraud part? Their other and still strong ‘weapon’ is the ‘sequencing’ then using it as proof. Only if you are interested of course, you already wrote great materials.

Reply to  Abigail24
7 months ago

Im always interested in spreading the truth. Can you please explain exactly what you mean by the “DNA fraud”?

Reply to  Sam
7 months ago

Northen Tracy’s Amino age, the truth about genetics
Medical debate, Genome in Dissolution, 2008 California
Dr Tom Cowan (odysee) DNA: Is It Really What We Thought? Webinar from May 3rd, 2023

One of the biggest fraud ever, changes everything but my English is poor and don’t know the proper professional knowledge either.

Very likely that even their patented seed game is a fraud. Not to mention their ‘tests’ when they decide, you were the murderer based on your DNA. It makes mRNA and gene editing (targeted but random) impossible. Please have a look, start with Northern Tracy’s. Thank you.

The Islander
The Islander
Reply to  Abigail24
7 months ago

Your English seems fine to me!

Reply to  The Islander
7 months ago

No but thanks.🙂
The Northern Tracey’ material itself a wonderful research work but too long and sophisticated, ppl don’t like to read a lot. I shall give the written materials’ link to Sam.

Reply to  Abigail24
7 months ago

This is an interesting topic. For technical reasons i cant really do long videos. Do you have any good information about this in written form that i can study?

Reply to  Sam
7 months ago

Easy to understand, spreadable to the masses summary please? (I don’t fully understand everything due to partially my lack of basic professional knowledge and limited English), I am not suitable, one error and I can discredit the whole. It’s too important.
(comments are also interesting)

Genetics’ debate (to support Tracey)

Reply to  Abigail24
6 months ago

Interesting stuff. Dr Harold Hillman is mentioned in one of these articles. I have already written an article about him titled “modern medicine a castle built on sand” which might be of interest to you.

Reply to  Abigail24
6 months ago

There is a lot of techno jargon to read on those links, but one thing DID stick in my mind as a result of reading it all (especially the second link) and that is GOD!
Scientists trying to get to the root of the matter (Job 19.28) is akin to them trying to put a scrambled egg back into its shell-it cannot be done (only on playback video!).

Canst thou by searching find out God? Canst thou find out the Almighty unto perfection?
It is as high as heaven; what canst thou do?
Deeper than hell, what canst thou know?

Job 11.7-8.

John Rawlins
John Rawlins
7 months ago

If virus do not exist, how have people caught Polio (caused by a Virus as reported in Google) and why do Polio vaccinations protect people?

Reply to  John Rawlins
7 months ago

It was caused by pesticides sprayed on kids. You still can find the newspaper adverts back then “DDT is good for you”, with smiling cow, housewife and kid. When it bowed up US sold the stock to Europe and the polio ‘epidemic’ started here, too.
Details: Eleanor McBean’s The Poisoned Needle, free download from whale.to and from Truthcomestolight.com

Dave Owen
Dave Owen
Reply to  Abigail24
7 months ago

Hi Abigale24,
You are so correct, they even called polio, The Summer Disease.
Because that is when the farmers were using the DDT.
It was only mainly cured when DDT was banned.
Later it was from the vax, like C19.

The Islander
The Islander
Reply to  John Rawlins
7 months ago

“as reported in Google”? That should raise a red flag!!

7 months ago

As I suspected. Brilliant. What took you so long to share it, but thanks for giving me, us, the talking points necessary to pierce the veil of bullshit.

7 months ago

Saturday, 30th November 2019

Contact Report 728

So all US state officials are to be called state and humanity criminals in the same way and in this respect to be put on the same level as the NAZI empire in the 20th century.

The same principle has always prevailed in China, too, and continues to do so, … (Note FIGU: The origin for the criminal secret research on the Corona virus was a decision dating back to the 1970s. 

At that time, the leader of China, Mao Zedong, met with a vengeful American citizen who presented the Chinese party leader with the idea of developing a viral bioweapon, which Mao Zedong then took up and had implemented as a secret matter, which is still being worked on today and from which the Corona virus has now emerged. 

This, however, without the current Chinese government being involved in the project in any way or also having the slightest knowledge of it).

In the 1970s, a decision for clandestine research in laboratories was implemented between the Chinese state ruler Mao and an American, which has remained so to this day and is still carried on because hatred literally outlasts generations.




Mao and the vengeful American can be seen in my link below.


7 months ago

Virus? The sky will fall on our heads? The reason our homeostatsis changes is never one thing. The big gve away here is what has happened to the veterans in this field who agree the virus theory is false. Big money is involved here. Very sad that people can’t put their own ignorance and fear aside to realise what that money is doing.

Kalle Möllmann
Kalle Möllmann
7 months ago

If I get you right – the word “virus” (Definition: poison) has been used as CAMOUFLAGE – in that recent secret DEPOPULATION-WAR, where real people died from multiple causes . . . ?
So WHAT exactly was used as that unknown BIO-WEAPON – to KILL THE PEOPLE & DEPOPULATE the planet – if it was NOT any virus?
Or do BIO-WEAPONS – like that “SARIN” the NAZI’s used, or that “agent orange” from the US-Air Force in Vietnam, or the poison they use for that WEATHER-MANIPULATION, that “We The People” call “Chem Trails” – is also science fiction . . . ?

Reply to  Kalle Möllmann
7 months ago

Radiation + killer hospital protocols.
Even the 2019 flu shots (at least 2 types) had graphene oxide which interacted with environmental non-ionizing radiation (our wireless stuff & their antennas) but 5G itself can and probably caused some cases eg Wuhan, New York, cruise ships, playing with 60Ghz doesn’t require extra graphene oxide to be a killer.

Summary: They used different methods to kill but all were called to covid cases.

Reply to  Abigail24
6 months ago

correct ; they were testing all their different technologies/weapons .As they do during many wars , Afghanistan etc…

7 months ago

Checked this article yet again and am personally fascinated by the lack of trawling from supposed truth news sites, apart from altnews.org. Which was at the beginning of our comments

Suggests a lot of comments here are too uncomfortable/true for recommendation by the usual crews. Definitely far from just mine, much interesting stuff discussed below this article.

Would be interested to know if others have opinions about this.

6 months ago

Hello mr Simon Lee
Hope You are still answering comments here.
I read this article with great interest. It’s the first time I’ve seen reasoning to support the no virus argument. Thanks.
I have a question:
I’ve read that the so called Spanish flu should really be called the Rockefeller flu…….they injected 10’s of 1000’s of American troops then sent them into the tail end of ww1 thus spreading the ‘disease’ world wide with the returning troops.
Can you explain how troops injected with whatever poison that was used could end up spreading that condition to 100’s of thousands more people??

Reply to  Dmx
6 months ago

Hello. There is no evidence that the Spanish flu was contagious. Several attempts to transmit the disease from person to person failed. The shots that you mention were for bacterial pneumonia and they did cause illness in the recipients. Retrospective analysis of tissue samples from that time revealed that many people died from bacterial pneumonia and not a “virus”.It was also common at that time to use very high doses of aspirin which was another cause of death in large numbers of people. Other factors such as stress, malnutrition, poor sanitation, toxic gas, and the introduction of new war related communication EMFs also played a role.

6 months ago

This entire article, trying to demonstrate the non existence of viruses, provides no supportive research, let alone evidence that supports any of these claims. Next time, please first even remotely, try to provide some sort of proof that can be traced and checked, and if any scientists are interested, can be reproduced anywhere in this world. THANK YOU. Like this, it much more looks like the author has an ‘own’ agenda.

6 months ago

The lab leak theory is just to keep us “distracted” , meaning to take our attention from something much more important.Nobody wants to release any engineered virus to hurt someone else , simply because it could fire back any time.These labs are most likely a way to steal money from “our” government.
There was no virus causing waves of disease ; those waves were caused by RADIATION , at night , in precisely timed cycles .These tools were military in nature.Nobody else has these tools ?

Angie Bold
Angie Bold
16 days ago

The lipid nanoparticles system carries payloads sitting dormant in these people until activated by a frequency . The cell phone should be abandoned because these nanobots are building crystal antennae systems around the nervous system . They will remote control people. But also a payload similar to rabies is what has been said will cause their fantasy of a zombie apocalypse. And their cell phones will send a signal to the NaNobots and the new poison released. The doctors in many podcasts have said there is no disease there are only toxins and parasites. And that the vaccines are infested with parasites that lie dormant for years until some other toxins comes into contact and here comes the new disease . And that fungal parasites have spore egg sacs that look identical to tumors. Demonic psychopaths with knowledge from fallen angels who are probably threatening to kill us all unless the leaders go along with genociding the old and und disabled and inform I think they only want people who can survive these poisons. Because yet gave created a hybrid mutant race. Walking among us and they drink blood and eat us Jesus bloodline people. But only the unsaved can be captured and sacrafices. I don’t think the babies of true born again Christians can be stolen and sacraficed. Why are the so called Christian trigger channels that are exposing these awful things reporting about the number of true Christians effected by any of these plots over the years our leaders consult the very fallen angels that engineered the Genesis giants. People are actually proud to be numbered among their ilk. They believe they are the conquerors the dominant racem they truck their offspring inti thinking the biblical God is fake or evil and they are building an army against God using our Christan hearted soldiers to do the dirty work. There is a story here about disassociated children in a Dreamland . I think these occult bastards have figured out how to soul stack soul swap etc. but God is secretly orchestrating it all for His purpose. They must be the bloodline children of the lost tribes of Jacob. Please pray for the souls of sacraficed and aborted babies that God has found all his lost sheep off the lost highway. There are earth among us. What do the broken hearted credit there endurance and survival of suicidal thoughts to? Music. Preachers call it devil music even thou ge occult symbols are all over there Christians music media. There again Gif is secretly(to them) in control and the only way angels could minister to us who are his chosen children, is if they were earth angels writing songs about love and loss and healing the broken hearted. It’s s theory . But I have thebHoly Spirit to guide me and if I am wrong this will it even be here for you to read. I am seeking where are the lost tribes of Jacob. Many songs seem to be sung to this group of children who seek bodies to I’ve in but the only ones they can get in are the ones the scientists prepare for demonic possession in their MK ultra programming. God opens a door or a window gir those children who are suffering the demonic rituals of trauma based mind control and Satanic ritual abuse. Satan is real m he is behind the evil. But God is working it out for ge good of those who love Him. We tend to live by the golden rule and give all credit to the Father and Jesus our Savior . Come to the Father like a little child. Some would say gullible naive blind trust . And they think it’s a deadly bad thing I tell you it’s the only way to impress God
.the Father. The God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob..The Bible says we overcome Satan by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony. This is my testimony and some is my theory. But I am just seeking the kingdom of God . And the truth of the mysteries that are being revealed by the Father. First time his children and then to all others who care. Try Jesus. All my love.Angela Bold born April Fools 1965.( For the benefit of seeing the irony*) not astrology.