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Dr. Ahmad Malik seeks legal action: “If there is no freedom of speech, there can be no patient safety”

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Dr. Ahmad Malik is a UK Orthopaedic Surgeon who has been practising for 25 years. He was suspended without pay and cancelled because he dared to challenge the UK government’s narrative. He has defended informed consent, opposed mandates and lockdowns, questioned experimental injections and insisted that there are only two biological sexes.

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In December 2022, Dr. Malik posted a video on Twitter that went viral. It raised the issue of significant adverse events from the experimental injections, that safety concerns were being covered up and asked for a suspension of the “vaccines” so that an investigation could be conducted to find out what was happening.

To his surprise, two executive doctors from two large private hospital groups contacted him and demanded that he withdraw his video and stop posting on the subject. He challenged them both but they did not respond.

An anonymous member of the public made a complaint that he was an “anti-vaxxer” and Dr. Malik was called in by his clinical director to answer the complaint.

In June he was presented with emails objecting to him expressing his belief that no matter how someone wishes to identify, biological sex is immutable and that children should not be undergoing medical procedures because they wish to identify as the opposite sex. He was required to attend another meeting to discuss these statements.

On 21 September 2023, he was told that his practising privileges were suspended with immediate effect. It was claimed he had breached the practising privileges policy by not notifying them he had been referred to General Medical Council (“GMC”). He had no idea he had been referred to the GMC.

The GMC referral petered out but he remained suspended.

As result of the suspension, has lost most of his work and income, and with each passing day that the suspension continues his reputation is being damaged and his professional practice diminishes. He has been left with no choice but to seek legal advice and, because of the time limits involved, start proceedings.

“This is not only to protect my reputation and livelihood but to stand up for the beliefs and principles that guide my life,” he said.

Further reading: Dr. Ahmad Malik is a surgeon who refuses to be silenced, Ian Brighthope, 25 October 2023

Doc Malik: Support Doc Malik’s Right to Free Speech, 24 October 2023 (3 mins)


My name is Ahmad Malik and I am a consultant surgeon in the UK.  I’ve been practising for 25 years and have an excellent clinical record, having treated thousands of patients. The daily bread and butter of my job as a surgeon involves consent.

You and your family, will all at several points in your life, have to make decisions about the care that you receive.  Whether you see a doctor or any health professional, you expect to be told the risks as well as benefits of a medical intervention.  Whether it be a heart drug, antidepressant or surgery to remove a growth.  Do you expect to be given that information before agreeing to the suggested treatment?  Of course.

I believe in informed consent.  And so should you.  It is a fundamental pillar of medical ethics and ensures that you, the patient, is the most important person in the room.

But it seems like medicine has moved to a place where we are not being completely honest with our patients.  This certainly became apparent over the last few years with widely-held concerns that the covid injections, which don’t really operate like vaccines, might pose more harm and risk than benefit for their patients.

I was frustrated by the lack of honesty I could have with my patients about that. Because I don’t think people are stupid.  They will do the right thing for them, given all the information.

I can see a similar thing happening in the area of transgender people. Young people often being offered procedures which might not be in their long-term benefit.  I think we need to be honest in those conversations and let them choose.

Free speech and the ability for doctors to speak freely and factually is a necessity, a necessary foundation of informed consent and for all of the work we do.

It seems that because I believe this, because I have refused to stay quiet, I have lost my job.  I have been left with no option but to take legal action. And this is expensive.

But I believe in these principles not for me, but for my patients – for you at home, all of our parents, our children and our loved ones.  So that if they ever find themselves needing medical intervention they are informed of the risks and benefits, the pros and cons.  Without it, there is no informed consent and no medical ethics, and patient safety is at serious risk.

We must fight to preserve the concept of free speech and honest conversations with all patients, without fear.

Thank you for supporting me.  Please donate to my Crowd Justice fund.

You can donate to Dr. Malik’s legal action HERE.  You can follow Dr. Malik on Rumble HERE and Twitter HERE.

Featured image: Dr. Ahmed Malik on Twitter

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6 months ago

If the government has nothing to hide, why try to suppress speech?

6 months ago

Thank you Dr Malik for your ethical bravery

6 months ago

Where are all of Dr. Malik’s professional colleagues? I hope they are supporting one of their own. The same goes for Dr. Carl Heneghan who was insulted by one of the solicitors during the hallett inquiry. If doctors do not support their own, what does that say about our doctors?

Reply to  M.dowrick
6 months ago

there all on strike asking for more pay.

6 months ago

Another blood pressure-raising assault on our sense of fair play, justice, bodily sovereignty, and the integrity of our cherished medical legacy. But why do we yet again find ourselves apparently outside the penumbra of supposedly reasonable discourse? In every society there is a (usually small) minority of dissenters, who are dealt with in the way Dr. Malik is being dealt with here, by expulsion from society, and their ostracism is applauded as a confirmation of our joint agreement about how things should be run. Every minority sees its cause as just, and seeks to expand its influence. The countervailing resistance of the majority is a herd response to a felt threat to its integrity. There is nothing “rational” about this self-protection mechanism. Membership – solidarity – of the herd is the only criterion of rightness. It defines rightness. What is “reasonable” is whatever myth the herd agrees on. And it can only ever be a myth; or a convention, if you prefer. That we’ve not seen it this way before is because we’ve been inside the tent, pissing out. We, and Dr. Malik, are now outside the tent, pissing in. There is no point in appealing to the authorities. It’s the authorities we’re up against. They’ve changed the rules, and the herd will as always go along (blindly, trustingly) to get along. “I have seen the enemy, and they are us” – Pogo.

watching from the sidelines
watching from the sidelines
6 months ago

When the goal of the UN , WEF , ultra leftists and Agenda 2030 is to eliminate billions of excess population from Earth. Doctors speaking truth, saving lives and speaking of natural order of sexes cannot be allowed. Such dissent from the agenda must be crushed, crushed in such a way no other will dare raise their voice.

6 months ago

Sad, not only England has a ceiling on free speech but it seems a disease being caused by corrupted politicians all over. Next election don’t vote for any of them in power as either there the problem or the cause of the problem and if there not the problem then start getting some balls or guts, depending on if your a he or she

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
6 months ago

You are a BRAVE man. Your integrity speaks volumes with vast majority of your profession hanging their heads in shame. THANK YOU

6 months ago

“During Times of Universal Deceit, Telling the TRUTH becomes a Revolutionary Act” George Orwell

6 months ago

[…] Read More: Dr. Ahmad Malik seeks legal action […]

6 months ago

Thank you Dr. Ahmad Malik. Anyone who publicly questions the disastrous unsafe ineffective and dangerous experimental covid vaccines gets fired, because we must all bow down and pray to the vaccine is magic cult without any proof or RCTs safety testing.I wish I could contribute.