Biden Wants Arms Deals With Israel to Be Done in Complete Secrecy.

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Western governments refuse to call for a humanitarian ceasefire in Gaza, yet in the United States it has been reported that it is what 66% of what the electorate wants. This is causing the U.S. President a dilemma with an election coming up, but instead of adhering to the democratic, humane, and legal decision, he is still choosing the kleptocratic option to send billions of taxpayers dollars to Israel for them to purchase weapons from U.S. sources.

Biden cannot be seen to be funding war crimes that violate International and Humanitarian Law and wants to switch to incognito mode to avoid the interference and disapproval of both the public and even congress. Biden clearly knows that U.S provided arms are aiding war crimes, but is not willing to stop funding them, but cannot even publicly show that he is. This “points to a deep moral rot in our system.” according to Josh Paul Former director of congressional and public affairs for the Bureau of Political-Military Affairs in the State Department.

Biden Wants Arms Deals With Israel to Be Done in Complete Secrecy

The following article was written by By Sharon Zhang ,and originally published in TRUTHOUT

“I’ve never seen anything like it,” said Josh Paul, a former top State Department official.” In a highly unusual move, the White House has requested for it to be able to conduct arms deals with Israel in complete secrecy, without oversight from Congress or the public — in a time when the U.S. is supporting a military that experts say has been committing war crimes in Gaza and beyond.

The White House made the request within a $106 billion supplemental defense funding request sent on October 20. As reported by Women for Weapons Trade Transparency for In These Times, the White House is asking for up to $3.5 billion in military funding for Israel to be able to purchase weapons and other equipment, from sources like the U.S. military or U.S. defense contractors, without the spending having to be approved by or even disclosed to Congress.

Crucially, such notifications to Congress are also logged in the Federal Register, where they are viewable to the public — but the White House is trying to get rid of that transparency for Israel for funding through September 2025 and potentially beyond if Israel chooses to set aside funding before then.

Experts have said that the move is alarming and rare. “I’ve never seen anything like it,” Josh Paul, the former director of congressional and public affairs for the Bureau of Political-Military Affairs in the State Department, told In These Times. Within the State Department, where he worked for 11 years, Paul helped the bureau in its work on arms deals and resigned in protest of a push to increase arms sales to Israel amid its genocidal siege on Gaza.

​“A proposal in a legislative request to Congress to waive Congressional notification entirely for [Foreign Military Financing ]-funded Foreign Military Sales or Direct Commercial Contracts is unprecedented in my experience,” Paul said. “Frankly, [it’s] an insult to Congressional oversight prerogatives.”

Paul added that the White House is already allowed to unilaterally approve foreign military transactions in “emergency” situations but still has to notify Congress. The move, then, seems calculated to specifically create opacity around Israel sales. “This doesn’t actually reduce the time, it just reduces the oversight,” he said.

John Ramming Chappell, advocacy and legal fellow on U.S. issues for the Center for Civilians in Conflict, told In These Times that Congress should reject the White House’s request. “The waiver would further undermine meaningful scrutiny of weapons sales on Capitol Hill at a time when U.S. support is enabling bombings that have killed thousands of civilians,” Chappell said.

The request comes as the Biden administration has sought to crush dissent on its support of Israel, even within its own ranks. A new report by HuffPost published Thursday found that Biden officials are sidelining work within the State Department on the atrocities that Israel is committing in Gaza, seeking to seemingly cover up the issue and disallow employees from speaking up against the genocide.

Citing Paul and five workers within the agency, the outlet reports that State Department staff have been told by higher ups that they are not going to be able to move the needle on the executive branch’s approach to Israel, no matter their credentials or the horrific things they report coming out of Gaza.

The workers say work from staff on conditions in Gaza is being ignored — perhaps like a recent internal State Department report finding that over 80,000 babies under six months and pregnant people in Gaza are being forced to drink contaminated or brackish water due to Israel’s blockade.

Rather, State Department staff told HuffPost, the administration seems to be sweeping aside evidence of the humanitarian crisis and genocide, even from its own staff, in favor of fealty to Israel’s fascistic military and leaders. At listening sessions within the agency, discussion about the genocide is redirected to fears of antisemitism, while some staff, particularly Muslim workers, say that they feel like they have to censor themselves.

This culture of silence is happening even as senior agency officials may acknowledge in private that Israel is committing war crimes, according to the report. “Over the past weeks, as I have heard from numerous officials across both the executive and legislative branches, it has become clear to me that many senior leaders not only fully understand how Israel is currently using U.S.-provided arms in Gaza, but are even, behind closed doors, willing to acknowledge that these actions include ‘war crimes,’” Paul told HuffPost. “The fact that none are willing to do so publicly … points to a deep moral rot in our system.”

By SHARON ZHANG a news writer at Truthout covering politics, climate and labor. Source

Our grandchildren will read history books that will report, Western nations, including the U.S and the UK, supported and even aided and abetted the war crimes that are being committed today. Thankfully there is alternative media to document the truth that the people were against the horrific war crimes and were calling continually for a ceasefire and being ignored, this is another reason why they want us silenced. Don’t let them do it.

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Watcher Seeker
Watcher Seeker
6 months ago

“House Quietly Passed Resolution That Suggests Using Force Against Iran”.

6 months ago

Please make the articles audible as well like you used to. It is a great time saver convenience
Thank you

6 months ago

Don’t be deceived. The Creator didn’t abandon Creation; no, far from it. What is playing out here is our drama — as each one of us makes our choices and sees the effect, yet at any moment, we can change our answers. You are seeing the impact of the Satanist hard-liners pulling every kind of deceit and deception there is, going full out in their spider web of lies and substitutions and play-acting. Will it profit them at all? No. They will reveal themselves for who and what they are, so that they are fully identified, not only to the Creator who already knows them, but to all of us as well. What then, is the purpose of all this drama and strife, this insanity of warmongering, these pernicious delusions? It identifies those who are sick, those who are weak-minded, those who are deluded. The atmosphere being generated now is like a giant centrifuge that will well and truly separate the sheep from the goats. Realize that this is not the culmination of one life. No, this is the drawing together of many timelines and many lifetimes, like tissue-paper shadows layering down, one upon another, to build the totality of experience and expression of Nature as we approach and pass through the Zero Point. Don’t be deceived, and don’t be afraid. The logic and the love that have created you and preserved you and nurtured you through All of It, will be with you still. Mind and heart will connect and the great circuit of manifestation will begin like a slow moving wave on the horizon. From small things accumulating the great things come; from each heart and mind, like the voices in a choir, the anthem of life swells. Underlying it all is the frequency of love eternal, ever present, ever expanding, unstoppable, unpolluted, and pure. There is nothing the criminals can do about that, and so, the future of the Earth is assured; those who love the Earth in truth need not worry. Those hypocrites who ruin the Earth with one hand and tax others for it with the other, are the ones who have to worry. As for us, our deliverance comes.

Reply to  john
6 months ago

Amen……… be it. Good words brother John.

Reply to  john
6 months ago

Thanks John. All the best from New Zealand.
John 8:32
Christ Jesus said, “Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free” (John 8:32). That’s a wonderful promise that can be taken seriously, especially when you feel the need for some sort of healing – whether the difficulty is injury, illness, financial hardship, a troubled relationship, or anything else.

6 months ago

[…] Go to Source Follow on Telegram […]

6 months ago

A “humanitarian ceasefire” will only allow Hamas to re-arm, regroup and keep fighting, which will lead to more civilian suffering on both sides.
It would be better to just have it done, unless the goal is to save and protect the Hamas terrorists.

Watcher Seeker
Watcher Seeker
Reply to  Mark
6 months ago

“unless the goal is to save and protect the Hamas terrorists” – you know what the goal is – to steal the Gaza Strip for its coastline and gas field.

You ought to be ashamed, but you won’t be, you have no human decency and the majority of Israelis do not hold your hate-filled views – Jewish Rabbi’s call for Gaza Ceasefire

“When Did Genocide Become Self-defense?” – An Occupying Power Has No Right to Self-defense.

Fortunately most of the world aren’t vile hate mongers like you –

“Global South Countries Sever Ties With Israel, Recall Ambassadors, As Gaza Deaths Mount”.

Watcher Seeker
Watcher Seeker
Reply to  Mark
6 months ago

Childhood should be a time of play, fun and carefree days – but Mark wants them to continue being killed.

“Palestinian children write their names on their hands so their bodies can be identified if they are killed”

“Queen Rania of Jordan rages against the West for its support of Israel and says there’s a ‘glaring double standard’ in treatment of war that ‘began before October 7”

“Six thousand civilians killed so far, 2,400 children – how is that self-defense? We are seeing butchery at a mass scale using precision weapons” she said – and those numbers have increased greatly since that article was written,

Mark approves of killing, so he should enjoy reading this – “Israel’s military was ordered to attack Israelis on 10/7”

Reply to  Mark
6 months ago
Reply to  UltrZero
6 months ago

I don’t know who down voted this but it won’t let me upvote it. It happens to be true.

Reply to  Mark
6 months ago

Mark, you’re literally repeating what Killary Clinton said. You can’t be this big idiot. I don’t buy it.

Reply to  Mark
6 months ago

How many wars is Israel supposed to fight with these savages? It says right in their Charter that their goal is to wipe Israel off the face of the earth. When someone tells you something, you should believe them. G-d knows they have tried often enough. Israel gave the civilians warning to leave the war zone, if Hamas & Egypt & the other Arab nations won’t come to the aid of the Gazans what is Israel supposed to do. What other army in the history of warfare has given warning to civilians? NONE.

6 months ago

This quiet message is to all the remaining clueless persons out there trying to scare Americans with the threat of “martial law”.  

We’ve lived under martial law since 1863.  

We’ve been occupied by our own flipping military since 1863. 

They’ve been evading detection under a “Cloak of Secrecy” and trying to avoid the actual civilian government of this country ever since, but we finally caught up to them. 

Joe Biden is trying to create a new office for himself as “War President” but he is just the “President” of a ridiculous Municipal Corporation calling itself the “White House Office, Inc.”.  

He’s not “Commander in Chief” of anything, and to the extent that Donald Trump is, the reach of his long arm is severely curtailed to U.S. Territorial affairs; he can’t declare an actual war, either. 

Neither could Lincoln. 

That doesn’t mean that either one of these guys and the foreign “Congresses” associated with them can’t get everyone into trouble. They’ve done it before plenty of times and they are trying again.  

The British Crown and their War-monger Cronies are desperate to make some money off their mercenary services known as the “US” Air Force, and “US” Army, and “US” Navy and yes, even, God help us, “US” Marine Corps — the only service that still screams, “I am an American!” 

They are the only ones who still know who they are. Stuff all your jokes about color crayons. 

While Joe Biden and the China Development Fund (aka, the CIA Pension Fund) are just as desperate to start something, anything, in the Mideast or breach some opening on this continent for the Chinese or the UN Corp or both.  

And all these persons are stumbling around rattling sabers they don’t own, in the name of people they have dis-served, disrespected, and defrauded, and all in the anticipation of spending credit that doesn’t belong to them.

Banks, get a clue. 

We are the actual long-lost missing shareholders and depositors. We are the progeny and the claimants. We are the owners. 

We know who we are. We have the proof and the lineage and provenance. We possess the court orders and the long-cured commercial claims and deposit receipts. 

Don’t even think about giving any more of our assets or credit to the Municipal Corporations in the District of Columbia. Or any of their Creditors, either. 

It’s time to play nice, yes, very, very nice. It’s time to cut off the endless gushing of American credit and false claims against American assets. And turn over control of our own assets and credit to us. 

Yes, all those “abandoned deposits” — the gold, silver, land, cash, and corporation shareholder interests, those held in your banks, too, have to be returned and accounted for. 

Master Accounts 333, 555, 777, and 999 are all due and owing. Master Account 111 is due and owing. Master Accounts 222, 444, 666, and 888 are due and owing.  

Banks, you really are remiss about all of this. There are unsettled accounts that you’ve claimed were abandoned going back 2800 years, all the way back to the Dacian Empire. And there hasn’t been a Golden Jubilee in over 800 years.  

Gaul, the Kingdom, not the Empire, is still owed 23,000 Talents of gold, the French Royal assets, and all the land north of Paris. The Kingdom of Gaul is also owed a nice fat chunk of the middle of England, including all of Albion by natural parental inheritance, quite apart from all that was reclaimed by the Norman Conquest.

Prussia, the Kingdom, not the Empire, is owed 8 billion metric tons of gold. Russia, the Kingdom, not the Empire is owed 10 billion metric tons of gold. The Dacian Kingdom is owed half the hoard of Alexander the Great. The Urban Trust, quite aside from the City of Rome, is owed to the people of Italy and the Marian Trust, not to JPMorgan.  

Far more recently, the Federal Reserve and its Successors owe us, the Americans, an ounce of pure silver for every “dollar” they’ve printed out of thin air. 

You are shaking your heads. You are overwhelmed. But, but, but….there is no way to reconcile these books! They haven’t been balanced since Amenhotep! Where are the heirs of Egypt now? 

Look at my foot. Literally. 

Banks, you’ve been warned. You’ve been told. You’ve been notified. Not a single commercial bank will be eligible for any form of bankruptcy protection. 

So make friends and stay in business. 

Let’s stop funding evil, for starters. And stop paying mercenaries for a follow up. Return the funding and the decision making to those to whom it belongs and be happy with this outcome. 

It beats all the alternatives.

Reply to  john
6 months ago

again…wow….Yes We are Americans. When will we begin to act like Americans? God bless you and God bless America!

Reply to  john
6 months ago

Judge Anna von Reitz site is great. How does one subscribe to it?

6 months ago

Is that because he wants to be the initiator of WW3 but does not want to have the ignominy of taking the blame – or responsibility?

Shane Mann
Shane Mann
6 months ago

Israel and its deep state backers are trying to get the USA into WW3 in the Middle East as the attempt to start WW3 in Ukraine is failing. Say no to unnecessary wars!

Dave Owen
Dave Owen
6 months ago

Posted By: CrystalRiver
Date: Saturday, 4-Nov-2023 11:46:00

6 months ago

If we are looking at this in the natural realm,we will miss the mark altogether and do not comprehend the real clash and conflict.

I don’t think we have seen anything yet.

There is an interesting Scripture in Isaiah
ch.17.vers 1.
“And Damascus is no more.”

Anyone interested in real prophetic understanding of the days we are in do well to look here, otherwise we are only able to give our feeble opinions.
I think we are encouraged to understand the signs and the days we are in.

6 months ago
6 months ago

Son of Hamas Leader: Hamas Is ‘Nazi Group,’ Israel ‘Not Responsible’ for Civilian Fatalities in Northern Gaza

Reply to  UltrZero
6 months ago

Son of Hamas knows what he’s talking about. Mosab Hasan Yosef.

Chris C
Chris C
6 months ago

Western governments do not listen to We the People anymore because it is safer and more profitable for them to serve the demonic cabal, e.g.
around 80% of Brits want illegal immigration to stop, but MP’s only pander to the U.N. who are designating “sleeper armies” spread about regionally in each country.

In the MSM fear porn is at saturation level: “more cases”, “more variants” “monster storm approaching”, and the scaremongering from the alternative media is much worse because it exposes what the evil cabal have planned for all of us.

How much fear can people take?

Dave Owen
Dave Owen
Reply to  Chris C
6 months ago

Hi Chris C,
I feel you may be correct about the sleeper armies.
In the UK , 20 years ago the population was going down.
Recently, I just read that our population is near 100 million.
So the Aliens have let in 40 million extra people, in 20 years.
Even my wife keeps saying, all the refugees are young men, with no family.

6 months ago

[…] Biden Wants Arms Deals With Israel to Be Done in Complete SecrecyWestern governments refuse to call for a humanitarian ceasefire in Gaza, yet in the United States it has been reported that it is what 66% of what the electorate wants. This is causing the U.S. President a dilemma with an election coming up, but instead of adhering to the democratic, humane, and legal decision, he is still choosing the kleptocratic option to send billions of taxpayers dollars to Israel for them to purchase weapons from U.S. sources. […]

6 months ago

[…] Biden Wants Arms Deals With Israel to Be Done in Complete Secrecy Western governments refuse to call for a humanitarian ceasefire in Gaza, yet in the United States it has been reported that it is what 66% of what the electorate wants. This is causing the U.S. President a dilemma with an election coming up, but instead of adhering to the democratic, humane, and legal decision, he is still choosing the kleptocratic option to send billions of taxpayers dollars to Israel for them to purchase weapons from U.S. sources. […]

6 months ago

OBiden is a traitor!

betty Wolfe
betty Wolfe
6 months ago

The Democrats have like causing wars. War is a racket. It gives money in the pockets of our enemies.

6 months ago

State sponsored terrorism 💯

RC Williams
RC Williams
6 months ago

If you want the real news as to what is happening over there, check out Amir’s telegram channel. He lives right there in Galilee.

6 months ago

Our daughters WILL NOT be drafted for WAR!

6 months ago

What a batch of B.S.
Everybody knows there’s no way the ‘Olympians’ with all their Opium pouring through Iran is going to go for this maneuver.