“It’s literally Immoral to be Offering These Products.” says Florida Surgeon General.

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IIf the risks of DNA integration have not been assessed for mRNA COVID-19 vaccines, these vaccines are not appropriate for use in human beings,” says Florida Surgeon General Dr. Ladapo who is prepared to ban mRNA COVID-19 vaccines in Florida. “It’s literally immoral to be offering these products.” he asserts.

Originally reported by Vigilant News yesterday:

The Pfizer COVID-19 “vaccine” injected into billions of arms was not the same one used in Pfizer’s clinical trials. There was a “bait-and-switch.” The public received vials contaminated with plasmid DNA.

study by Kevin McKernan and colleagues found “the presence of billions to hundreds of billions of DNA molecules per dose in these vaccines. Using fluorometry, all vaccines exceed the guidelines for residual DNA set by FDA and WHO of 10 ng/dose by 188 to 509-fold.”

Florida Surgeon General Dr. Joseph Ladapo raised this issue with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). However, the agency provided no reassurance, in Dr. Ladapo’s mind, that DNA integration assessments were conducted to address the safety concerns outlined by the FDA itself in 2007.

As such, Dr. Joseph Ladapo called for a halt to the use of all COVID-19 mRNA injections on Wednesday, January 3, 2024. Here’s a short excerpt:

“DNA integration poses a unique and elevated risk to human health and to the integrity of the human genome, including the risk that DNA integrated into sperm or egg gametes could be passed onto offspring of mRNA COVID-19 vaccine recipients. If the risks of DNA integration have not been assessed for mRNA COVID-19 vaccines, these vaccines are not appropriate for use in human beings.”

The entire bulletin from the Florida Department of Health is available to read here.

Dr. Ladapo is now prepared to make moves to ban the mRNA COVID-19 shots in Florida altogether.

On Steve Bannon’s War Room, the political show host asked, “Are you going to stop and ban the use of these vaccines? Are you going to tell state-run facilities [and] schools, which has been so controversial, what technically happens with your proclamation?”

“Yeah, we’re working on that,” answered Dr. Ladapo. “We’re going to do everything that we possibly can, and certainly, with our county health departments, we should not be offering them.”

Dr. Ladapo continued. “It’s literally immoral to be offering these products, and we’re going to explore what else we can do because, frankly, it’s so wrong for people to be, whether it’s CVS or Walgreens or some other drug store or hospital, it’s very wrong for people to be putting this in human beings when the proper testing hasn’t been done to confirm that there’s no integration of the DNA and the lipid nanoparticles into the human genome. My kids can probably understand this, and my oldest is ten. It’s W-R-O-N-G wrong.”

Dr. Ladapo’s full appearance on Steve Bannon’s War Room is available in the video below:

Source Vigilant News https://vigilantnews.com/post/dr-ladapo-prepared-to-ban-mrna-covid-19-vaccines-in-florida/

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Mark Deacon
Mark Deacon
4 months ago

At this point does it really matter?

If you take these people to court and win I end up paying and I did not take it. Like JPM Morgan a bank being penalized for manipulating a commodity their customers end up paying.

That is not right. Pfizer needs to be closed down and liquidated and all assets confiscated to award damages later.

Reply to  Mark Deacon
4 months ago

indeed. And this morning I read that he is already stepping back, and only says the mRNA jabs should be taken off the market. ALL vaccines should be taken off the market. None of the producers are liable for their product, and it is quite proven that none are safe and effective, not even the older ones. there are several good books describing how we got this far, but unfortunately too many people are brainwashed into thinking doctor knows best, and now govt knows best. How can you trust anything that is paid, propagated and distributed by the military !

4 months ago

Take Bill Gates off the market….for good.

Reply to  Mark Deacon
4 months ago

Awaken, men and women, to the idiocy of the beliefs being foisted upon you, which lead you to imagine that you are a name, that you are in the presence of overpopulation in the midst of a population collapse, and that a harmless natural gas is responsible for ongoing environmental catastrophes caused by malice and avarice.

Or worse, lead you to believe that contracts apply to babies in their cradles, and that the debts of dead things accrue to living men, and that Express Trusts can be redefined or overcome by ignorance and prejudice. 

This and much else people have believed in, and subscribed to, is nothing more or less than lies and webs of purposeful deceit— phantoms of imagination akin to nightmares which must come to rest and be dismissed like shadows fleeing the rising day.

The sovereignty of England is not vested in a Papal Crown of any sort; and insomuch as a portion of the government of England has been allowed to the Christian Crown, that government failed upon its abdication, over 300 years ago.  

Whereupon, we Americans issued the default and declared our own sovereignty and issued our Sovereign Letters Patent, effective November 4th 2015, with no objection from Pope Francis or the then-Queen, as they did not and cannot inhabit our jurisdictions, and must fall silent as things come before the Living God owed all actual, natural, and general jurisdiction. 

We have established our lineage and provenance and evidence of our blood and have recorded and published our claim in public and in private via Ecclesiastical Deed Poll; we have placed liens in the air, on the sea, and on the land upon all the Guilty Parties and their charters and franchises; we have claimed all their debts and interest as our credit; all their systems of weights and measures, money and currency, surveys and inventories, taxes and tariffs, all apparatus of the so-called corporate governments, as owed to us, the living, and similar to our ancestor, William of Normandy, we have established our Express Trusts both Public and private to contain these assets and ultimately distribute them back to the rightful owners — the living people and their lawful governments.  

Most recently, we have moved to foreclose upon these cured claims and liens, and served Notice at the highest levels of our action. 

It is our understanding that the land and soil of England has been preserved by similar claims entered by Ivan Talbot, the Hereditary Lord High Steward of England, and the land and soil of Germany — that area defined as Germany prior to World War I — including but not limited to what is now Germany and Poland, has been preserved and bequeathed to the living people of these countries by claims entered on their behalf by Prince Friedrich of the Kingdom of Prussia just before his untimely death. All other assets lawfully and legally belonging to these and other countries which we have claimed or entered double-claims upon, are to be returned to the living people and to the administration of their lawful governments as soon as these governments are organized and able to administer their assets and affairs. 
Full Revelations of the Facts: https://annavonreitz.com/mistakenschism.pdf

Reply to  Mark Deacon
4 months ago

Hang the guilty ones. Confiscate their wealth, sell everything they owned, even their damn pets.

4 months ago

Battle stations. Hard right. Brace for collision.

4 months ago

Though far more courageous than ALL other Govt. Medical Professionals; he’s a day late and dollar short anyway.
Most people are now awake to the fact of Govt.being the enemy
and hiding The Black Nobility behind this DOD EUA Countermeasure
camouflaged a Vaccine by HHS which is really an Ai/Bioweapon
in this Fifth Generation Warfare towards a NAZI NEW/ONE WORLD ORDER.

4 months ago

The Elite call the multitude of us, Human Rubbish. The people who have and are dying from Covid, are the ones who volunteered to have the Covid vaccines. The Covid vaccines are the killing shot. The purpose of the Elite is to reduce Human Rubbish massively. Human Rubbish are those of us replaced by AI, Computers, Technology and Automation and Old Age, who don’t have, or won’t have, any form of employment, in the new automatic world, we are now a part of. Legally a Human can refuse to be vaccinated. But a Human who does volunteer, loses his/her mRNA, replaced with ModRNA and thus his/her Humanity and thus can/will be Legally exterminated, because all Human rights are lost by Law, and he/she now has zero rights at all. A Genetic Kill Switch is installed at vaccination in the form of a MAC address. If the MAC address does not kill you by 5G command, your new ModRNA and the Covid vaccine will. Welcome to Trump’s Great Reset. Trump was never vaccinated, neither was I. We remain Human and Covid vaccine untouchable as is our Legal right, just as it was yours once, before you volunteered for vaccination. We will see The Great Reset. The vaccinated you won’t, probably by 2025/2026, when The Great Reset has occurred and has passed. Welcome to a brave new, AI and Computer controlled World, without much of the Human Rubbish, which you represent. After vaccination, the processes and procedures above, are NOT reversible.
Answer me this – Heaven or Hell? What do you think will happens to the Souls or Spirits of those (the Elite) who are exterminating the majority of us, when they die and go back, over the other (Earth) side – my guess is that they will go to Hell for eternity and that will be for lifetimes longer than the short life they had on this World. Are they stupid, or what?

Reply to  Richard
4 months ago

My opinion. What I have learnt in these last 3 years is “wisdom is knowing we no nothing” .It is stupid, to think that our views are correct. Many of the vaxxed had good intentions. They could not under any circumstances think that there existed an Evil Elite that wanted them dead. They would not counter any thought that their Government would put them in danger. Many caring, loving, wonderful people have put themselves in terrible danger by the fact they were educated to accept the world as it was put to them. Why would they doubt it?
If those people search I have seen evidence they can reverse the damage. (Jonathan Otto is pulling the best doctors knowledge in the world together) We should be putting all our energy into helping them not condemning or frightening them. However, is this world/illusion we live in, actually hell?. Is this a Satanic realm?. Do these Elites reincarnate into the same bloodlines generation after generation after generation. Are we up against evil souls from eons ago. Do they ever get served any justice from any higher dimension? I would like to think yes, but we do not no. Are good souls trapped here? I think we need to be kinder to each other and raise our own vibrations. It is not easy, I refuse to make judgements(sometimes). To state humanity is being tested is an understatement. Did I take the vaxx? No. I was blessed with a mother who took part in WW2 and knew enough to teach her children to be sceptical of all vaccine technology. .

Reply to  Richard
4 months ago

I wish souls, heaven and hell were more than accepted fables handed down by authoritarian houses of religious entertainment over centuries. But they are not. We mindlessly repeat stories told to us as though factual. We see the world and our lives through these fables and so we don’t see them at all. We see the inner projection of our own accepted illusion.

4 months ago

I think personally Bill Gates should have all his assets confiscated, alongside Pfizer, Moderna, the US ,govt for that matter, the King of England, Zuckerburg, Thiel, Musk, all an anyone who profited in the greatest up-pouring of wealth transfer from the pandemic. Banks. Banks need fall. Banks need be homes for cash, not generators of it. Take all the wealth in the world away from the fools who have it all and who have led us here and redistribute to everyone. There has to be saner minds in the poorer classes of the population. God knows, there are none in the rich. Musk is preparing to go to Mars? What for? To F it up, as he has this place? Reckon Zuck that insignificant a-wipe, ought be stopped from building that bunker. The King of England? What use is he to anyone or ever has been? King? Of what exactly? If you got the most insane minds in the world to run the affairs of this world, you couldn’t come up with worse than what this bunch of moronic fools has done. There’s no order. Awaken to that fact and start to dismantle the disorder, because until that ends, there never will be.

4 months ago

as if big pharma cares.

Reply to  IRISH
4 months ago

This guy is a front, i’ve seen him before on another interview (del bigtree) this isn’t ‘contamination’ its purpose was genocide

he’s playing the good guy … ‘we need to stop this vax and bring a safer one out later’ crap…you bet that’s the real reason

4 months ago

This is how their dream about nwo is going to end:

4 months ago

[…] Go to Source Follow altnews.org on Telegram […]

4 months ago

Peter McCullough and European Parliament 14 SEPT 23

youtube. com/watch?v=F3StJGMs0Q4

Dr. Peter McCullough Calls For Complete Stop To All COVID Injections – Not Safe For Human Use (9/13/23): @P_McCulloughMD
testifies in the European Parliament to end all COVID vaccinations.

“I submit to you the COVID-19 vaccines and all of their progeny & future boosters are not safe for human use.”

4 months ago

It has been proved that Pfizer was designed to kill the recipients who took it in the realm of FEAR and caused trouble within the communities those for against those who did not. We only have to look at the Death Notices in the Newspapers! All the SUDDENLY, UNEXPECTEDLY, PLUS THE SUDDENLY AND UNEXPECTEDLY were all caused by the SHOT! on the heart! Beware of another try by WHO and their lies about future pandemics. It is only a bunko lie to control the masses.