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WHO was devised to control and rule over the world’s population

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In September last year, Dr Wolgang Wodarg joined Ivor Cummins to discuss how the World Health Organisation was shaped to be used as their instrument for controlling and ruling over the world’s population.

The discussion took place shortly before Dr. Wodarg was due to give a presentation at a conference organised by The Doctor’s Appeal (Swedish: Lӓkaruppropet) and Children Health Defense Europe held in Stockholm, Sweden.  You can watch Dr. Wodarg’s presentation at the conference titled ‘The Task Ahead of UsHERE.

Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg is a German pulmonologist, physician, epidemiologist and public health expert who helped uncover the false 2009 swine flu pandemic.  At the time of the exposé, Dr. Wodarg was a Member of the European Parliament (1994-2009).

Before moving on to current events, below is a quick reminder of the false 2009 pandemic. In a 2010 report by Channel 4 News exposing the scam, Jon Snow began by stating that the swine flu “pandemic” was one of the greatest medical scandals of the century.

Channel 4 News Exposes Swine Flu Scandal in 2010 (3 mins)

If you are unable to watch the video above on Rumble, you can watch it on YouTube HERE or Bitchute HERE.

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Since February 2020, Dr. Wodarg has been warning about the false covid pandemic.  He authored the book ‘False Pandemic: Arguments Against the Rule of Fear’ which was released in German and is now available in English.  It reveals the truth behind the pandemic power grab.

The World Health Organisation (WHO”) plays a very important role in the global control structure because it defines anything and everything health-related, Dr. Wodarg told Cummins.

WHO defines what diseases are through the International Classification of Diseases (“ICD”).  WHO defines what condition is designated as a health emergency through the Public Health Emergency of International Concern (“PHEIC”) mechanism.  WHO defines what outbreaks are considered a pandemic and defines the measures to prevent, prepare for, and respond to an outbreak declared a pandemic or PHEIC.  For example, WHO defines the means of detecting disease through the use of prescribed PCR tests.

WHO doesn’t only define everything to do with pandemics or PHEICs.  It also defines what is considered to be a noncommunicable disease (“NCD”).  This is where WHO’s control over our lives begins to become all-encompassing.  Dr. Wodarg gave examples of heart disease, cancers and drinking too much alcohol as NCDs that the WHO will define and attempt to control.

On its webpage titled ‘Noncommunicable diseases’, WHO states:

“An important way to control NCDs is to focus on reducing the risk factors associated with these diseases. Low-cost solutions exist for governments and other stakeholders to reduce the common modifiable risk factors. Monitoring progress and trends of NCDs and their risk is important for guiding policy and priorities.”

The same WHO article states: “People of all age groups, regions and countries are affected by NCDs … These diseases are driven by forces that include rapid unplanned urbanization, globalisation of unhealthy lifestyles and population ageing.”  It goes on to list risk factors, among others, overweight/obesity, tobacco use, physical inactivity, unhealthy diet, the harmful use of alcohol and air pollution.

The cameraman from Big Picture summarised it for us in blunt terms.  Cummins’ commented, “So they’ll use every single thing …” the cameraman interjected, “like a little fat in the ass to you get a pandemic of fatty ass.”

“They’re going after everything that makes life work living,” Cummins said with Dr. Wodarg nodding his agreement while still blushing and laughing at the frankness of the cameraman’s summation.

Dr. Wodarg has a simple formula that he has developed as an antidote to the global takeover and world control we are witnessing through organisations such as WHO.  The formula is as follows:

Where “R” stands for resilience, “T” stands for transparency, “S” stands for size and “C” stands for complexity.  The Globalists do the opposite of what this formula describes, they find ways of inverting this formula so to speak, to implement their plans.  To understand how this formula is applied in the real world, watch the video below.  While we encourage readers to watch the full discussion, for those who are short of time, Dr. Wodarg begins explaining the formula at timestamp 16:20.

Ivor Cummins: The Doctor Who Cracked the Code – Wodarg Explains All, 28 December 2023 (27 mins)
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fighting gnome
fighting gnome
4 months ago

History has indeed repeated itself with these Evil WHO people trying the same deception they tried in 2009 to reduce the population and controlling the population via fear producing propaganda, these so called “Elites” have been stewards of this planet for Generations and the fact that the best solution they could come up with is to murder people via a fake vaccine whilst simultaneously asset stripping the population poisoning the skies , the Water, starting wars killing people demonstrates how truly Greedy and full of hatred they are towards their fellow man , its all about killing people and literally robbing them of their worldly effects.
This is an insane Ideology dreamed up by a Criminal Enterprise.

4 months ago

Ummm when do we have our say im this. Referendumn perhaps? the l;ast one worked out well wqith so called tories acting as paid lackies to internationalism. Is it time to ban anything but Nationalism?

4 months ago

And we all know who funds the WHO don’t we? The CCP and Bill Gates. That man should be the focus of the whole world today, watching and questioning his every move. Until we can bring his little psychopathic empire crumbling to the ground forever.

Reply to  Jane
4 months ago

arrest him and his goons that fall in place

Reply to  bluearea
4 months ago

And every politician in the world subscribing to the WEF who acted in complicity, the evidence is there. If the system is not functioning because Blackrock and Soros own all the media, surely, that’s a good enough reason that they no longer do? How do we get this society back on track and out of the hands of the criminally insane? Do we need all go vigilante, do we need seriously to begin hunting down the hunters? is there enough of the system left to challenge it? Every western politician almost needs arrested and questioned. And the King of England. What a disappointment. A man born in such a silver spoon position in life, silver spoon fed his whole life on the backs of the working people, and he acts like this? Why is he not showing any sign of humanity? A heavy heart? Seriously? Not to mention actors, Clooney, Dicaprio and others. Whats wrong with all these people? Why accept insanity led ideology as a way of life? Why not look at life and give to life what it needs? Easy to see Gates is totally insane and is the common link between computers and Genetic Engineering. But it’s human consciousness, ‘us’ and ‘them’. School indoctrination of ‘me first’. But have we really descended as a race so low, that we can kill our own race’s children for an idiotic ideology? This is where competition and ‘success’ has led us to. It’s enough of an argument that if we survive the lunacy today in high places, that success is seen as the demonic curse it is, and competition is banned in favor of co-operation and ‘leaders’ are cast aside as the absurdity they are and always have been. A leader of your life is the denial of freedom to live and find out about your own, in every area of it. They lead in their own self interests. (Money and power) In the area of finance, politics, technology and ‘religion’. And, resources need shared, primarily to those who need, and that is no one with a dozen palaces or mansions to his name. No man needs more than what his needs are. Food, clothes and shelter for all, let’s put Picasso’s on the walls of museums and make private planes a thing of the past, all this only divides us and builds ego which gets to thinking it is more superior than the lives of other members of the same family. But how do we do this? And how do we do it fast? Is there no one in the ranks of billionaire seeing what is taking place today who understands this is absolute insanity? We need an insider. A Trojans horse. Someone within who can betray this insanity, the same way they infiltrated our political systems. Rot the madness from within it’s own ranks. Where is the weak link at the WEF or in the billionaire class of people? Is there not one human heart among them all? Millions are taking to the streets of Germany. Where are the millions storming the WEF and demanding it be shut down and investigated?

Reply to  bluearea
4 months ago

But who is going to arrest when the very top is complicit in every country? Think Gates must be a really sick man, society ought to have seen the danger of this possibility (there has been enough evidence with this man) and kept a closer watch on his antics. He needs help. As do all who follow the smell of his rotten money.

4 months ago

There is a reason the Greek word “pharmakeia” is translated “sorcery” in the book of Revelation!:

4 months ago

All that anyone has to do to similarly benefit, is to return home to the land and soil of their native country (or in our case, State of the Union) and declare and record and publish their birthright political status; whereupon they become the inheritors of their spiritual, physical, and intellectual assets and their share of the public assets, too. All assets attached to the individual names of the states and people in any form or guise have been claimed, the claims have been afforded Public Notice, Due Notice to the Principals and Agents for a period of seven (7) years, and all Public Assets have been moved into Public Trusts under the care of our unincorporated Federation of States, and all private assets have been moved into private trusts under the care of our Fiduciary. No office or officer associated with the British Admiralty has any valid claim on anything in this country aside from those limited properties permitted to them for a specific use, or officially donated to the Federal Government by the States. Owing to the extent and the longevity of the fraud practiced by the Roman Catholic Church and its Overseers based on undisclosed private claims and public fraud schemes against the natural assets of both Catholics and Protestants and against people of every country and nation, we have seen fit to mount a worldwide recoupment effort and distribution effort by which the ownership interest may be properly restored to each country, each nation, and each Lawful Person.

4 months ago

comment image

4 months ago

mr. billy goats helps finance the WHO and is one of the major ones behind these plandemics! There’s more to come soon and it may be called variant X, OHhhhhhhhhhh but we need the protection from our beloved gubbermint and Jo Bi-dung and these Wonderful health organizations as WHO and CDC and AMA and the time consuming help from these amazing men as billy gates and klouse slob and anthphony fraudci and etc…

John Steeples
John Steeples
4 months ago

Who is ways? to deal with world cooperation? instead of murdering people. make it low that nobody should be allowed to have more than two children. everywhere in the world. Make a mouth condoms and things like that. They’re more than two children. They’re taken away.

John Steeples
John Steeples
4 months ago

Bill Gates wants the? injections done to him. and he should be taught to court and in prison for the rest of his life. What? he has done. to murder children and other people. Remember the population is too much. I know that. But there’s other ways of dealing with it. I’m all the way. It’s contraception.

4 months ago

[…] 4) WHO was devised to control and rule over the world’s population […]

4 months ago

[…] WHO was devised to control and rule over the world’s population […]

4 months ago

[…] WHO was devised to control and rule over the world’s population  In September last year, Dr Wolgang Wodarg joined Ivor Cummins to discuss how the World Health Organisation was shaped to be used as their instrument for controlling and ruling over the world’s population. […]

4 months ago

[…] WHO was devised to control and rule over the world’s population In September last year, Dr Wolgang Wodarg joined Ivor Cummins to discuss how the World Health Organisation was shaped to be used as their instrument for controlling and ruling over the world’s population. […]

Donita Forrest
Donita Forrest
4 months ago

WEF & WHO – Dr. Evil & Friends
It is “our duty” as citizens of the world, to crush these nefarious organizations by ignoring Klaus Schwab’s autocratic self appointed schemes in totality. Confiscate their assets & put these megalomaniac criminals in prison where they ought to be. That is what we the people expect – no, demand – from our leaders, who up to now have been working for them, not us, at great financial & psychological expense. Holocaust Perpetrators. Our Fearless Leaders who do not comply will be removed by any ‘legal’ means deemed necessary, stripped of assets and shamed out of existence.

Chris C
Chris C
4 months ago

The Wodarg video does not explain in Plain English what is represented in the 4 variables R, T etc. in the equation.

Using a few ways to express and interpret this equation would enable us all to use it to DEFEAT THE GLOBALISTS: so the equation is important to SAVE HUMANITY.

If we ignore this equation, we may not reach the “tipping point” of awakened souls.

Reply to  Chris C
3 months ago

The info you are looking for is in the article!

3 months ago

[…] Germany pulmonologist, physician, epidemiologist and public health expert Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg spoke with Ivor Cummins about how the World Health Organization (WHO) was created for the explicit purpose of […]

3 months ago

[…] Germany pulmonologist, physician, epidemiologist and public health expert Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg spoke with Ivor Cummins about how the World Health Organization (WHO) was created for the explicit purpose of […]

3 months ago

[…] Germany pulmonologist, physician, epidemiologist and public health expert Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg spoke with Ivor Cummins about how the World Health Organization (WHO) was created for the explicit purpose of […]

3 months ago

[…] PublicDomain/ am […]