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A Quiet Evil: The Destruction of Informed Consent. 

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“Informed consent is a principle in medical ethics, medical law and media studies, that a patient must have sufficient information and understanding before making decisions about their medical care. Pertinent information may include risks and benefits of treatments, alternative treatments, the patient’s role in treatment, and their right to refuse treatment,” according to the Wikipedia, still in use, definition. However, “Informed consent” as a genuine foundational principal of medicine has been undermined as a result of following an agenda that is oppressing us, according to psychiatrist, Dr Dr. Emanuel Garcia, who says that that agenda is also “destroying viable and decent medicine in the process,”

Dr Garcia retired from psychiatric practice in 2021, refusing to be inoculated, after working in the public sector in New Zealand, and says unless other doctors who knew about the corrupt and authoritarian medical council of New Zealand “come out of hiding” or there will be no medical profession left.

The following article was authored by Dr Garcia who shares his experience of what he says was “A Quiet Evil: The Destruction of Informed Consent. Shared Decision-Making Whereby Doctors Help their Patients Regarding Options and Medical Treatment.”

It is tempting to think of evil in apocalyptic imagery: vast and sudden demolition, a searing propulsive darkness or a blinding conflagration, the work of engineered catastrophic mayhem, in whose wake is utter smouldering demise. Yet the work of evil is often piecemeal, steady, methodical, and the accomplishment of a great wrong may well be the result of the gradual accumulative weight of small decisions, whose progress is all the surer for its studied implacability.

I think of a large battalion of infantry moving painstakingly across a terrain and claiming it inch by inch until they have vanquished all. Yet, in truth, evil is varied, its manifestations as many as there are living human entities who, faced with seemingly slight or casual choices, often land on the side of self-interest, self-aggrandizement and deception. And evil, however disguised, appears in language.

You will forgive me this preface as I alight on a matter that demonstrates with simple clarity a facet of the evil that has been visited upon us during the Corona War by an institution purporting to have as its charge the protection of the public weal in its regulation of medical practitioners: the infamous Medical Council of New Zealand.

On 5 December 2019, while in the employ as a psychiatrist of one of New Zealand’s District Health Boards (since amalgamated into an overarching bureaucratic entity now known as Te Whatu Ora), I received an email communication about informed consent. The document can be perused in its entirety here:

The “Updated statement on informed consent,” signed by Chief Executive Officer Joan Simeon –now, coincidentally enough, the Chair of the Federation of State Medical Board’s international arm, the International Association of Medical Regulatory Agencies – states the following:

“The key points about informed consent are: 

Every time treatment is provided, a doctor must have permission to provide that treatment. The process of obtaining that permission is called ‘informed consent’. Without informed consent, the treatment may be unlawful. To help the patient decide whether they want a treatment, they first need to be given information, such as the risks and benefits of their treatment options.

Obtaining consent is a process of shared decision-making where a doctor helps the patient understand their medical condition and the options for treating (or not treating) that condition. It is more than signing forms and completing paperwork. As a doctor, you need to take the time to ask questions so that you understand what matters to your patient, and what their concerns, wishes, goals and values are.

”Bear in mind that this statement, meant to be a standard of good medical practice and to be used as a measure of professional conduct, appeared just as covid had been unleashed upon the world.

Then, on 28 April 2021, this very same Medical Council, in conjunction with the Dental Council, issued a guidance statement on professional responsibility and the Covid-19 vaccine (so-called), which can be found here. It was withdrawn without fanfare on 13 September 2023. It is a masterpiece of obfuscation and an inversion of true informed consent. As such, it represents one of those unheralded but highly effective acts of evil.  

Not only are health practitioners themselves expected to get the jab, but the regulators write that

it is our view that there is no place for anti-vaccination messages in professional health practice, nor any promotion of antivaccination claims including on social media and advertising by health practitioners,” while simultaneously advising that “As a health practitioner, you have a role in providing evidence-based advice and information about the COVID-19 vaccination to others. You should be prepared to discuss evidence-based information about vaccination and its benefits to assist informed decision making.

Yet when one of my colleagues undertook to provide advice to a pregnant woman about medical issues connected with the use of the Pfizer inoculation, his licence was suspended. Furthermore, given the provisional approval of the inoculation at the time and the absence of long-term safety data, the much-vaunted informed consent process and the collaborative partnership with patients implied necessitated a frank discussion of serious risk – risk that has, sadly enough, been borne out not only in New Zealand but world-wide, with an extraordinary panoply of adverse events, including death, amounting to a genocide.

With every day each of us is confronted by choice, on matters small or large. However mauled we may or may not be by spike proteins, jabs, hippocampal lesions, or the weight of the massive psychological operation played against us with covid, we retain the freedom to choose. During the Holocaust perpetrated by Nazi Germany – in an era far before viral or vaccine-mediated bioweapons were in play – ordinary people made choices, bureaucrats made choices, neighbors made choices, and a tremendous evil was allowed to grow to a horrific immensity.

Undermining a real, a true, a genuine foundational principle of Medicine – informed consent – in the service of … of following an agenda that has oppressed and is still oppressing us and destroying viable and decent Medicine in the process, is but another one of those examples of how evil wins its way in our world. The Medical Council of New Zealand, ostensible protector of public health, has in its serpentine and devious manner, shown us that it is as destructive as it is hypocritical, and as corrupt as it is authoritarian. 

And those many doctors out there who knew then and now know even better about their profession need to come out of hiding, no matter how uneasy or fearful of the “authorities” they may feel.

Unless they do so there won’t be a medical profession left. 

Source – Dr. Emanuel Garcia,

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4 months ago

in an era far before viral or vaccine-mediated bioweapons were in play”. I beg to differ: As far as I am aware, some of the first experimental vaccines were used by Burroughs Welcome on women and children in the British concentration camps of the Boer War… (as well as, perhaps, some of the British soldiers..)

Yo Bloood
Yo Bloood
Reply to  Alan
4 months ago

Have you got a source for that info please would like to read that but not from Wikipedia

Mark Deacon
Mark Deacon
Reply to  Alan
4 months ago

Eugenic was practiced on Tazamanian’s by the Fabian society so do not exclude that.

As for informed consent … I am informed enough to know the government does not have my best interests at heart or they need to prove it. So I do not consent to medical tyranny completely going forward.

I have to be careful past that point because people are squeamish.

4 months ago

excellent article – I am a 77 year Old survivor of. the smallpox vaccine that destroyed the health of millions – Read real medical history

Reply to  diwicker
4 months ago

That was their blue print for the future. I found interesting details on the WHO’s site. It was compulsory with travel ban for 40 years in the UK, and similarly in many other countries all around the world. It ended in the UK when the people of Leicester revolted and there was not enough place jailing them all.

TB, syphilis and leprosy became rampant, many poor people died being unable to recover from a ‘cold’.

That was also the time of orphan trains, children slavery or worse and possibly another reset due to ‘selective’ mud floods. Tartaria which can be found on many old maps and notes was eradicated from the history, probably because of their healthy tech given golden-age. Our history as we know it is again a complete lie.

Mark Deacon
Mark Deacon
Reply to  SilencedAbi
4 months ago

Was curious on the smallpox part.

So posted this link or others … looks like I would be good company with my ancestors.

Smallpox: The Historical Myths behind Mandatory Vaccines – INDIAN LIBERTY REPORT

4 months ago

Informed consent implies the right of the patient to refuse the recommendation of them physician. In my experience, physicians do not take kindly to a refusal to take a prescription for valid reasons. In my case, my cardiologist contacted my primary care physician to put pressure on me to take Eliquis, after I had had bleeding episodes from taking it. Instead, I am taking the supplement Nattokinase. The cardiologist has since delegated my future care to a lower level practitioner in his practice.

Mark Deacon
Mark Deacon
Reply to  Kathy
4 months ago

Get out of his practice … he has shown his true colors.

A long time ago the NHS practitioner gave me 2 weeks to live … I walked away it was the best decision I made. Waste of time and then spent years rebuilding.

Last year at 59 I went on this jog with a load of young kids and sure I struggle but one of the young kids said … if you can do this I know I can.

I just smiled.

4 months ago

Dr Garcia, you are my hero and I appreciate you immensely. Thank you for standing up and speaking out. We need more doctors like you sir.
There are many, many of us who said NO and made a stand for freedom of choice.
As we now know, it was all a PLAN, but did not succeed.
Blessings to you and yours. My prayers are with you.

Dave Owen
Dave Owen
4 months ago
Dave Owenhttps://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/for
Dave Owenhttps://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/for
Reply to  Dave Owen
4 months ago
4 months ago

Never was informed consent in a case of vaccines, couldn’t be. That would assume they told people that there were no viruses or there were no aluminium or other specific antibodies (adjuvants), etc, etc.

Their science is false from the beginning to end. All based on lies, money and control making lies, they have been killing us and made us sick since forever with poisons and bad health advices.

Paul Watson
Paul Watson
4 months ago

Tyrants are everywhere, not just in Davos..

4 months ago

I retired in January of 2020. I knew as a child the government would try to exterminate my generation as I was approaching my teen years.

It’s like God was showing me. I knew the JAB was the death shot.
I knew not to take it like many others did.

These unelected people should have been arrested but when you see the politicians at these meetings the politicians are in on this depopulation agenda.

4 months ago

[…] A Quiet Evil: the destruction of informed consent. Not only are health practitioners themselves expected to get the jab, but regulators write that there is no place for anti-vaccination messages in professional health practice. When a colleague provided advice to a pregnant woman about medical issues connected with Pfizer inoculation, his license was suspended. […]

4 months ago

It is so true. NO ONE received an Informed Consent that read: “This is not a vaccine. This contains deadly chemicals and nano particles. Main effects are death and serious injury and mind control. Insurance claims will not be paid.”

Peter Preston
Peter Preston
4 months ago

Isn’t genuine health care already dead? As I understand matters, protocols are being pushed more and more in medicine, and drugs are being designated for specific use, outside of which use they are forbidden – isn’t that how it was during the pseudo crisis in 2020-21 (and continuing).
If there is any truth to the 1918 pandemic counter narrative it is likely that we have been living with the delusion of public health care for more than a century now. As the number of ‘vaccines’ (‘you are not a horse’, but neither are you a cow!) has multiplied, so have the number of ADHD, Downs Syndrome and other neurologically damaged children, not to mention so-called cot deaths.
We don’t have health care services any more, but instead ‘health security agenices’, and a weaponised public health policy. The moronic chanting by numerous public talking heads that ‘no one is safe unless everyone is safe’ epitomises the tyranical intent of the governments of most countries now.
Let’s be honest, doctors let us down during the recent pandemic exercise, nay, more, they betrayed us, they took the silver from the government for their hospitals and for themselves. Anyone who understands what happened will surely never trust a doctor again, their stature has been diminished. We now know that 90 % of doctors have been indoctrinated with voodoo medical science about virology and vaccinations. The average intelligent person could catch up with what most doctors know in this respect in a day of concentrated study of the known facts, although getting hold of such facts now might take a while longer as history gets rewritten by the gate keepers (Google, Wikapedia, the medical journals, et al).
If you care about your own health you are going to have to become your own doctor, just as you have to be your own chef if you care about your diet.
The victim of this event in public life is Trust – we have lost trust in science and in the sincerety of public institutions.

3 months ago

[…] El siguiente artículo fue escrito por el Dr. García, quien se retiró de la práctica psiquiátrica en 2021, negándose a ser inoculado, después de trabajar en el sector público en Nueva Zelanda. (https://expose-news.com/2024/01/19/a-quiet-evil-the-destruction-of-informed-consent/) […]

3 months ago

[…] El siguiente artículo fue escrito por el Dr. García, quien se retiró de la práctica psiquiátrica en 2021, negándose a ser inoculado, después de trabajar en el sector público en Nueva Zelanda. (https://expose-news.com/2024/01/19/a-quiet-evil-the-destruction-of-informed-consent/) […]