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How fact-checkers and anti-disinformation campaigns restrict freedom of speech in the “Global Boiling Era”

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Historically, freedom of speech has been restricted through direct coercion.  But today, this is being done in more subtle ways: “fact-checkers,” governments pressurising social media companies to censor, anti-disinformation campaigns and “hate speech” laws.

The insidious restrictions have got so bad that in some European countries, people have become fearful of expressing their views.

The activities of the censors came to prominence during the covid-crisis, when many critics of the authoritarian power measures felt the stigmatisation of the fact-checkers and the resulting cancelling. Meanwhile, disinformation and propaganda by the authorities have often not been followed by fact-checking, restraint and accountability.

In Part 1 of “Untouched Disinformation or When Fact-checking Goes Silent,” writer and analyst Theo L. Glück explores freedom of speech in the “Global Boiling Era.”

Let’s not lose touch…Your Government and Big Tech are actively trying to censor the information reported by The Exposé to serve their own needs. Subscribe now to make sure you receive the latest uncensored news in your inbox…

Analysis: GLOBAL BOILING ERA – Untouched Disinformation or When Fact-Checking Goes Silent (Part 1)

By Theo L. Glück and published by Freedom Research

While in totalitarian regimes free speech is restricted by direct and strict coercion, in today’s democracies this is being done in more subtle ways. The latest trend, both in the EU but also in the US, is to pressure social media companies to implement censorship on a wide range of issues (migration, climate, minorities, health, etc.) when critical views do not match those approved by the authorities. In addition, a number of European countries have hate speech laws to protect “minorities”, which explicitly restrict freedom of expression and threaten critics with criminal sanctions.

In Germany, Europe’s largest country, the authorities have taken a particularly hard line on freedom of expression in the last decade, leading to an unprecedented low – already 44% of Germans admit they have to be careful about expressing their views and only 40% think they can still express their political opinions freely (see the graph). Since the fall of the Berlin Wall, the proportion of people who feel they speak freely has steadily declined, reaching a historic low in just the last decade.

Free speech curtailed in crises

Free speech is one of the first casualties when a society is plunged into crisis, or when a crisis, especially a lasting crisis, is evoked. If such a crisis is given a global dimension, there is every reason to expect that those in power will severely attack free speech and its critics. There are both social and psychological justifications for this: socially, emotions are heated up in a crisis and the frightened masses demand steps from point A to point B in order to overcome the crisis. Psychologically, it seems to those in power that something has to be done to overcome the crisis and that only they are willing to lead the way and also know what to do. However, many crises have shown how misguided such justifications are. Emotions and fear are the worst companions with which to take decisions at the same table.

Nick Hudson, the creator of PANDA, has aptly concluded that when a phenomenon or event is presented as a global crisis with only global solutions, accompanied by censorship of dissent, it is definitely and exclusively a scam.

The Western world has been going from one crisis to another in the last decade, so it is no wonder that the situation with freedom of expression is becoming increasingly cloudy. Whenever the authorities start to curb free speech, a sweet-sounding justification is always found – be it the fight against ‘misinformation’ or the defence of ‘minorities’. This rhetoric is attempted to be subsumed under the banner of harm reduction. Sounds convincing, doesn’t it?

But in general, the core of the harm – i.e. what and how significant the harm is – remains always unanswered. And in particular, no attention is given to the harm that is caused by the restriction on free speech in the society, because each restriction on free speech almost always leads to another.

Much of the labelling to misinformation and disinformation is based on the work of so-called fact-checkers, whose number has grown from 11 organisations in the last 15 years to 424 by 2022. Investigative journalist Paul D. Thacker pointed to the bias of fact-checkers in the summer of 2022, highlighting some of the worst fact-checkers, and how they help to spread rather than stop misinformation. One of the main functions of fact-checkers seems to be to refute inappropriate opinions and facts in the more problematic areas for the ruling elite, and to label them “false”, “incorrect”, and “misleading”.

The myths of the powers versus the facts of the censored

The activities of the censors came to prominence during the covid-crisis, when many critics of the authoritarian power measures felt the stigmatisation of the fact-checkers and the resulting cancelling. According to Vinay Prasad, professor of epidemiology at the University of California in the US, the authorities lied about many aspects of covid-19, such as natural immunity, masks and vaccine mandates. Dr Martin Kulldorff has pointed out how Big Tech has been instrumental in spreading misinformation from the authorities about covid-19, including the denial of natural immunity. Marty Makary, a professor of medicine at Johns Hopkins University, has repeatedly pointed out that during the covid-crisis, many tragic mistakes were made by those in power, from school closures and mandatory masking of children to the denial of natural immunity and compulsory vaccination of the healthy. According to Jayanta Bhattacharya, a professor of medicine at Stanford University, governments have been a primary source of misinformation, especially about public health and science. The academic discipline purporting to police disinformation selectively ignores government disinformation. As such, their primary purpose is to promote the propaganda of the powerful.

In Europe, the ‘anti-disinformation’ campaign has gained momentum in the corridors of power in Brussels, where the EU’s initial fight against foreign propaganda (China, Russia, etc.) has spread smoothly to other areas. On climate, migration, minorities and health, taboo subjects have emerged as misinformation, even though evidence and facts tend to point in the opposite direction to that of power.

Disinformation and propaganda by the authorities have often not been followed by fact-checking, restraint and accountability. Nor should they be, if the voices of those who disagree with the authorities were equally protected and given sufficient coverage. Misinformation can only be countered by facts, more information and the ability to tolerate dissent, not by censorship or the threat of criminal prosecution.

Here we look at the following areas where the authorities have spread misinformation, misjudgements or exaggerated claims and have therefore contributed to the distorted picture of reality.

The planet’s boiling point

The narrative of anthropogenic climate change has been framed as an ongoing crisis that has now been accorded global status. There are supposed to be global solutions to this global crisis, and part of these solutions are becoming restrictions on individual freedoms and on our way of life. Those who disagree with these claims and assessments, or who do not recognise the global solutions, have experienced deepening restrictions on free expression.

Naturally, a reflecting person has a number of questions about a global crisis posed in this way and wants to get adequate answers. In the case of crises, the relationship between cause and effect is crucial, and questions such as this become decisive:

  • how much and to what extent the climate has warmed and how to assess these trends over time,
  • what the main drivers and influences of climate change on the planet might be,
  • what is the human capacity to influence our planet’s climate,
  • what is the scale and extent of anthropogenic impacts; and
  • what are realistic and feasible steps humanity can take to reduce environmental impacts and conserve nature in an efficient and integrated way?

Experts have highlighted a number of uncertainties in the search for answers to these questions, which characterise humanity’s continuing lack of knowledge about Earth’s climate better than the rigid statements. Several thousand scientists around the world have unequivocally and cogently rejected claims of a global climate emergency and the apocalyptic predictions that accompany it.

Unfortunately, the questions are not adequately answered by those in power, who prefer to continue to spread scare stories and hollow solutions. For example, according to US President J. Biden’s “climate czar” John Kerry, climate change needs to be decisively renamed the climate crisis in order to vigorously step up the global fight against the planet’s main enemy – man-made CO2. Some have even called CO2-emitting humans the disease afflicting our planet.

Former US Vice President Al Gore, whose trademark is the 2006 anti-CO2 film “An Inconvenient Truth”, declared at the World Economic Forum in Davos in January 2023, that the oceans are already boiling, “atmospheric rivers” are forming and “rain bombs” are hitting the Earth because of man-made climate change. In Gore’s case, it has been pointed out that he has made tens of millions from supporting ‘green investments, backing such global business for years with public scare-mongering messages and predictions that have largely turned out to be false.

At the same event in Davos, UN Secretary-General António Guterres declared that fossil fuels were cooking our planet, and he turned the tables even further in a speech in July of that year, when he heralded the beginning of a new era of extraordinary crisis:

He added that the air has become unbreathable and air temperatures unbearable. The World Economic Forum, in turn, amplified this message, claiming that the events of July (summer heatwave) would have been “extremely rare” without man-made climate change.

The fact-checkers neither bothered to refute such claims nor labelled them as “false”, “misleading”, “not accurate” or ridiculous (even schoolchildren know the boiling point of water), although a number of studies point to facts that show these claims to be false.

There have been several periods in history, including recent history, when our planet’s climate has been much warmer than it is now. This has not meant the demise of civilisation, but rather a warmer climate is associated with faster development and the expansion of civilisation. Scientists have reconstructed the temperatures of earlier periods using indirect sources such as boreholes, ice cores, or fossils. In this way, experts have shown that around 5000 years ago the eastern Mediterranean was about 1.5 degrees warmer than it is today. The climatic conditions of the Holocene, the last post-glacial period, are fairly well documented – at its warmest, between 9000 and 5000 years ago, the Earth was even 1.5 to 2.5 degrees warmer than today. For example, in the Baltic Sea region, temperatures were 1-3.5 degrees warmer than today nearly 4500 years ago. Both in Iceland and elsewhere, ancient massive forest areas have been discovered under glaciers, clearly indicating a warmer climate around 3000 years ago. And the examples go on.

Also in more recent times, air temperatures on our planet have been higher or similar to those of our present ‘boiling point’. However, in the late Middle Ages, there was a ‘Little Ice Age’ (1550-1850), when, for example, the River Thames in London was frozen over and many frost fairs were held. Since the 19th century, we have been experiencing a period of gradual emergence from the Little Ice Age.

There is also an attempt to give the impression that heat deaths are a serious problem today, an alleged feature of the damage caused by climate change. In reality, the average number of cold deaths in Europe is ten times higher than the average number of heat deaths (see graph).

In addition, it is intended to show that climate change has increased the frequency of natural disasters and catastrophes and that these are causing much greater damage than before. Among others, Roger Pielke Jr. has pointed out the invalidity of these claims and shown, based on research by Mike Davis, that the losses in the recent past are likely to be many times greater than today’s (see graph below).

Experts have consistently pointed out that the Earth’s climate is cyclical, that the Sun has significant influence on what happens on our planet, and that science is still a long way from understanding all the complexities. Yet a certain one-sided climate change narrative is being imposed by force and suppressing a whole scientific debate that would contribute to a better understanding of the incredible nature around us. When a scientist claims that science is settled, he has already stepped outside science, according to atmospheric physicist Dr Richard Lindzen. Professor Norman Fenton’s own experience of climate science has shown that lying in the name of ‘the greater good’ is common.

But according to ex-politician and activist Al Gore, man-made climate change is also creating large numbers of climate migrants, expected to reach one billion this century. History has shown that migrants are on the move in both hot and cold weather, and that far more important than climate change are wars, authoritarian regimes and the ‘open borders’ policies of Western countries, which have driven large numbers of people out of Africa and the Middle East.

Continues with part 2 “Analysis: IMMIGRATION EFFECTS – untouched disinformation or when fact-checking goes silent”

About the Author

Freedom Research is a consortium of European and American researchers looking deep into the overreach of state and corporate powers, authoritarian tendencies and command-and-control attitudes, and how to stand up for our individual freedoms.

The group of experts from different fields – law, science, medicine, philosophy, journalism, literature etc – have joined forces and publish analyses, essays, interviews, documentaries and bodies of research to stand up for our free thought, speech, personal choices and self-realisation.  You can subscribe to and follow the Freedom Research Substack page HERE.

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raj patel
raj patel
3 months ago

History has shown that migrants are on the move in both hot and cold weather, and that far more important than climate change are wars, authoritarian regimes and the ‘open borders’ policies of Western countries, which have driven large numbers of people out of Africa and the Middle East.” Wonder why people are being shepherded from Africa and Middle East? Could it be the abundant resources available in those places they want to steal and the need to herd everyone in a smaller number of locations in order to make it easier to control them? In addition, to destroy national cultures and identities?

3 months ago

Have you noticed I am afraid of posting my views about things?:
A new study reports 309 lab acquired infections and 16 pathogen lab escapes between 2000 and 2021, several deaths/ Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists
The CDC collects about 200 reports per year of lab accidents, leaks, escaped infected animals or infected staff. So this report is a gross un…
This many dangerous leaks of dangerous pathogens a year! We should have world ending catastrophes every week, right?
How come with such large “outbreak” nothing travelled by air and killed half the world? I mean with the coof, the entire world locked down after 40 cases or so!
Sasha Latypova
There is a difference between what you inhale and what you ingest and what you inject. What you inhale and what you ingest has the capacity for the immune system along the airway and the immune system along the 26 feet of intestines in children plus the liver to eliminate that before it gets into the body. But when you deliver it through an injection, 100 per cent of it gets in. Dr. Larry Palevsky. Paediatrician: The Expose
ARR 1.3% efficient for the AstraZeneca–Oxford, ARR 1.2% for the Moderna–NIH, ARR 1.2% for the J&J, ARR 0.93% for the Gamaleya, and ARR 0.84% for the Pfizer–BioNTech vaccines.
ARR vs RRR – the vaccinated have been fooled, they are the Covid-19 infection.
Pfizer 0.84% Effective. Covid 99.16% Effective.
Dr. Piero Olliaro of Oxford University led the team that produced the new Lancet report: . https://ww
While Pfizer’s vaccine is only 0.84% Effective and Covid 99.16%, the converse is also true – the vaccinated have a 99.16% probability of spreading Moderna’s Covid-19 virus #CTCCTCGGCGGGCACGTAG (after 0.84% Effective vaccination) which then may evade vaccines or the protection of natural immunity (CDC) and you will recall that a “vaccinated person” remains “not vaccinated” until after 14 days have passed from their vaccine injection, which is when they are Covid-19 infected and more likely to shed the Covid-19 virus on, which is how “the pandemic” naturally evolved.
A Pfizer Document the FDA Tried to Hide Shows LNPs from COVID-19 Vaccine Travel Everywhere in the Body It’s very bad to have LNP in the liver, ovaries, spleen, and more…
Aaron Siri May 23
A report quietly published by the UK Government confirms the COVID-19 injections (Pfizer 0.84% Effective Ref: The Lancet) are far from effective because the unvaccinated population has accounted for just 5% of COVID-19 deaths in England since the beginning of 2023, while the 3 and 4 times vaccinated population has accounted for 95% of COVID-19 deaths among the vaccinated, with the vast majority of those deaths being recorded among the 4x vaccinated.
DEADLY SECRETS EXPOSED: Unvaccinated accounted for just 5% of COVID-19 Deaths between Jan & May 2023 & over 90% of Deaths were among the 3x & 4x Vaccinated
By The Exposé on December 23, 2023
Monday Emergency Broadcast: At Least 17 Million Humans Killed by Covid Lethal Injection (in America alone?) – Top Scientists Confirm – Alex Jones:
Embalmer survey 2023: Over 75% are still seeing novel white fibrous clots
These clots were never seen before COVID and after the COVID jabs, even more embalmers noticed them.
The data
The latest Embalmer survey (2023) (269 embalmers):
The earlier embalmer survey (120 embalmers):
The jabs are still killing massive numbers of people.
It seems highly likely that most of these cases are caused by the COVID vaccines.
20% of deaths is roughly around 600,000 Americans a year – forget America – what about the rest of the world?
Tucker Carlson: “Could foreign DNA enter your cells through the mRNA COVID vax and change your DNA — and humanity itself — forever? Sounds nutty. It’s not. “Absolutely that could happen,” says Dr. Joseph Ladapo, the surgeon general of Florida. A shocking conversation.”
This document warns that these gene therapy products carry the risk of adverse effects on normal cell function and could delay adverse events for months or even years. Even more alarming is the disclaimer about the ‘integration of genetic material into the host genome’ and ‘altered expression’ of the host’s genes. The fact checkers will tell you until they’re blue in the face that the jabs do not affect or change your DNA and clearly, that is false.
A 2023 study analyzed the cellular DNA of humans suffering from Long Covid. The authors found genes uniquely specific to the Pfizer COVID BNT162b2 vaccine in those human blood cells. Their findings prove that mRNA COVID vaccines permanently integrate into the DNA of COVID-vaccinated people.
But the mRNA vaccines are NOT mRNA: mRNA = modRNA = fact lab-created hybrids known as modRNA
Massive “unintended consequences” in the 3300 billion lines of genetic code that make up humanity.
Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine Utilizes Nucleoside-Modified Messenger RNA (modRNA) Technology not mRNA, Pfizer Documents Reveal
by Jim H?ft Aug. 20, 2023 8:20 pm258 Comments
Lawyer Tom Renz has exposed that the COVID-19 vaccines, widely advertised as mRNA (messenger RNA) vaccines, are in fact lab-created hybrids known as modRNA.
Simply put, the regulatory agencies knew that these products could integrate into the host genome, cause cancer (malignant transformation), autoimmune disorders and adverse events years after the fact.
Also, consider that even when these products do not integrate into the genome, the continual exposure due to the shedding (discussed above) may increase the risk of cancer.
These jabs are designed killing machines and were distributed knowing that they would shed and kill people. They created a gene therapy product, marketed it as a ‘vaccine’ then schemed, coerced, bribed and lied to get it into as many arms as possible.
Thomas Renz Lawyer
Moderna Jabs Increase Likelihood Of COVID Infection Over Time
the mRNA shot’s efficacy against BA.2, BA.4, and BA.5 “went negative after 150 days,” while against BA.1.12.1, “became negative after 91 days.” (No natural immunity)
PfizerGate: Government reports prove COVID Vaccination decimates the Immune System
By The Exposé on October 23, 2022
Shocking science paper explains how 5G cell signals can unleash kill vector payloads in the human body Mike Adams
We have a bombshell broadcast and interview for you today. First, new science reveals how 5G cell tower signals can activate “payloads” carried by graphene oxide inside the body, deploying drugs or chemical weapons via remote activation. Brighteon
5G REMOTE KILL VECTOR: Science paper reveals cell phone signals can activate the release of biological PAYLOADS from graphene oxide injected into the body
09/14/2023 // Mike Adams // 23.8K Views
50 billion viral vectors for AstraZeneca – Astrazeneca now “withdrawn”
40 billion LNPs for Moderna
and likely 10 to 12 billion for Pfizer
Per vaccine shot and for the sum of your natural life. Pfizer 3 shots = 36 Billion
DARPA Neurologist and Chief of the Neuroethics Studies Program at Georgetown University, Washington DC, Dr. James Giordano, who is also a weapons expert, started his presentation at West Point NY Military Academy by saying, “The brain is and will be the 21st Century battlefield. End of story.”
DARPA stands for Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, a Pentagon thinktank.
Dr. Giordano talks about how Directed Energy can be and is being weaponized. Individuals’ brains can be targeted by microwaves, the type of 5G and soon to come 6G, of which you see antennas growing like mushrooms all over the word.
Many of us are wondering what 2024 brings after the deception of the COVID19 years (2020-23) and also the presentation of a Mis- Dis- Information Bill 2023 in parliament that will exempt the Australian government from being liable for providing mis- or dis-information. (Me: Admitting The Australian Government LIED about the safety and purpose of Moderna’s Covid-19 vaccines)
Me: Well not just Australia, ALL Governments deliberately lied, didn’t they?
Why would the Australian government need a bill that protects itself from providing misinformation? A bill that will prevent freedom of speech and debate on scientific and political issues? It’s not in the public’s interest.
Judy Wilyman PhD Jan 14
Covid-19 variant JN.1 may be the mildest form of the virus yet
JN.1, the covid-19 variant that is dominant in much of the world, is more infectious than its predecessors, but appears to be causing less severe illness
By Clare Wilson 15 January 2024 NewScientist.
Pop down to the beach and sniff or snort salt water, the quickest cure for Covid anything – I use a mug of warm water and one heaped teaspoon of salt – when it feels like you are flushing with water, job done.
AI will replace workers in data entry, administrative, and executive secretarial roles as well as accounting, bookkeeping, and payroll clerks lose the most jobs in 2024.
In the 2023 Future of Jobs report, WEF experts forecast that over half of all forecasted job elimination in that period will come from these last three roles.
So there will be a huge increase in the unemployable work force, the “Useless Eaters or Human Garbage” which evolves and what better way to exterminate them all, than by Moderna’s injectedCovid-19 virus #CTCCTCGGCGGGCACGTAG: But when you deliver it through an injection, unlike a virus, 100 per cent of it gets in. Dr. Larry Palevsky. Paediatrician: The Expose
Prime Minister Morrison said that Aussie’s are like Sheep, you just have to get them in the (vaccinated) gate – well not just Aussie’s – right?
What gets me is that these psychopath’s have awarded themselves blanket immunity from prosecution.
Welcome to The Deliberate “Great Reset” to remove excess humanity, for ever – have to hope that King Charles III and Bill Gates are vaccinated, but I doubt it, Bill like Trump who never had a vaccine, knows what is in store Humanity – Don’t tell anyone – its a Secret!!

Dave Owen
Dave Owen
Reply to  Rich
3 months ago

Hi Rich,
Your article is far too long.
Just do a short one like this.


Yes Dave, correct! Skimmed through it-lots of good info, but “far too long” as you assert.


Hi Dave – You read it, that’s all that matters

Reply to  Rich
3 months ago

One small error (Me: Admitting The Australian Government LIED about the safety and purpose of Moderna’s Covid-19 vaccines) should read (Me: Admitting The Australian Government LIED about the safety and purpose of Pfizer and Moderna’s Covid-19 vaccines)
Perfection in all things!!

3 months ago

Yesterday, we observed that there is no such thing as a “human” or a “subhuman”. There are in fact only men and women. We observed that this presumption that “humans” and “subhumans” exist was created and promoted by the Medieval Roman Catholic Church. The presumption that “hue-mans” exist was based on profound ignorance and observation of the placenta, misinterpreting this specialized organ as a dying and ultimately “stillborn fraternal twin” of the living baby accompanying it. The corollary presumption that subhumans therefore also exist was asserted by Pope Nicholas V, who declared the Saracen Turks to be “subhumans” and condemned them to “eternal slavery”. We examined some of the language that has been created to promote the existence of these “subclasses” of people, especially the distinction made between men and women and males and females, those with titles and without, and the use of different typefaces, fonts, and styles to designate the status of individuals at any given time:

Reply to  john
3 months ago

Well, there are 2 species now – the not vaccinated who are Human and covered by Human Laws and the vaccinated who volunteered to have their DNA changed by ModRNA (created in a laboratory) which according to a Swedish Study takes 6 hours to do and are now “Trans Human” or Transforming From Human? and as a new species, they have zero Human Rights, but in fact, no Rights at all, by US Law 2013.
The problem I have with natural mRNA is that every living thing on this planet has it, so that presumably, when we die our Spirit can be categorized as having died on Earth and thus, from Heaven, we can be reborn here again in some other Earth form.
But the ModRNA vaccinated now don’t have Human mRNA anymore, they have this lab created mRNA which won’t identify their Spirits as having come from Earth, when they die and need to be categorized according to their DNA or mRNA – so my guess is that space travel is possible, you just have to be dead and since you won’t be going back to the Spirit equivalent of Heaven or Hell, you will be going to some totally Alien Heaven or Hell, which will be for all of those Spirits which go there – but at least you won’t be alone and if you ever get to be reborn, goodness knows as what?
Horrible though the possibility now is, better a heads up to expect the worst, but hope for the best and mRNA Heaven instead, but what as? – just saying.

Dave Owen
Dave Owen
3 months ago

Like most people, I eat every day, how long should I wait in your opinion?

Dash! I’ll have a look…

Dave Owen
Dave Owen
Reply to  Islander
3 months ago

Hi Islander,
Trust you to question plan A.
I did not want you spewing up watching all these Young Global Leaders.
They all seem slimy like slugs.

3 months ago

[…] has taken on new forms in the modern era. No longer are the tyrants in charge directly restricting free speech; instead, […]

3 months ago

[…] has taken on new forms in the modern era. No longer are the tyrants in charge directly restricting free speech; instead, […]