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What Holds Mankind Back from Confronting the Forces Determined to Destroy It?

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A great deception is being perpetrated on a largely non resistant mankind, by “dark enslavers” according to Julian Rose. who as Julian says “will go to any lengths to achieve their ends.” Their “ends” is a depopulation agenda and totalitarian control over those that are left. We know that we are being governed by unelected deep state operatives who have a dark agenda, and they know that we know, yet everyday there is a stark reminder that this dark cult is still ploughing ahead with what they have planned for our future, and we are still on our knees.

The fact that there has not been an uprising is a “gift to the dark enslavers”, according to Julian who explores:

What Holds Mankind Back from Confronting the Forces Determined to Destroy It?

By Julian Rose

War, on anything other than a localised dispute level, is a contrived and preplanned event based on ulterior motive.

In the era of globalisation, war is used to create a distraction from something of more lasting significance which the protagonists want to introduce under cover of the smoke and fire dominating imagery and rhetoric of the battle ground. Something that will further enslave a large body of humanity to conform to the desired end game – and at a much faster rate than would otherwise prove possible.

Julian Rose

War is also motivated by the desirability of an economic upturn to the fortunes of the military industrial complex, and, of course, as a harbinger of chaos.

Chaos is a vital factor in inducing traumatised populations to call for a big brother saviour to end the conflict. The conflict that these same ‘saviour’ promoting elite control agents have had a major part in starting in the first place.

Given that world events are politically and economically manipulated to give ever greater power to ever fewer institutions and those who run them, ‘enemies of the people’ are easily identified.

However, the difference between a 21st century enemy and an enemy of previous eras, is that the 21st century version uses advanced psychological manipulation as the main weapon of an increasingly virtual armoury.

Therefore today’s public enemy no. 1 – is a master of deception.

Grasping this, means recognising that we have a new dimension to get to grips with in order to develop a strategy able to lay bare this deception and to explode its psychological hold over the better part of humanity.

This can only be done by those who possess the foresight and awareness which enables them to identify the behaviour patterns and motivations common to the chief operatives behind the process of human enslavement.

It includes recognising the main causal elements behind the mass hypnosis of humanity. The inducing of a state of mind (and being) which leads good people ‘not to act’ when everything around them instinctively demands taking immediate action.

On further scrutinising this dire state of affairs, it becomes apparent that there is something jamming the broader survival instinct of a great swathe of the human population.

By ‘survival state’ I mean more than somehow managing to stay alive in a crisis where one’s physical being is at risk. The state which is jammed is not this, it is at the psychic and spiritual level. That state which instinctively gives one a sense of what is right and what is wrong – and a connectedness with others as well as with the natural environment which nurtures us.

When this connected state is healthy, we instantly feel outraged that any part of this collective living entity of which we are a part, is under threat from the egregious acts of other human beings.

But when it is not healthy – when it is sick – this instinctual outrage fails to cut in. Instead, the predominant emotion is one of withdrawal and passive self preservation. And it is this retreat into a self interested cul-de-sac of indifference to the fate of the family of man and nature – which is the real pandemic of our time.

I have described in previous articles how the techno-industrial digitalised-god of mass abstraction, coupled to its promise of ‘a culture of convenience’, has played a large part in drawing mankind away from making any effort to connect to its deeper nature, to respond to the call of a higher goal and guiding soul.

A selfish preoccupation with personal preference is accompanied by an indulgence in essentially cosmetic concerns. And this comes at the very time when the world is being torn apart by pre planned and harshly enforced divisions that are vampiring human values and setting the stage for the central control system to become fully despotic.

Those able to afford the false luxury of selfish self interest at a time like this, brutally stand-out as prime examples of a complete breakdown of humanitarian and spiritual sensitivities which provide life with its true resonance and real meaning.

What we have to do in order to get somewhere in dealing with this all pervading crisis, is to pin-point the source and nature of this great deception being perpetrated on a largely non resistant mankind. Not just the technology – but that which stands behind the tech and which has hypnotised living beings into following its poisonous surveillance and control programme.

Here, once we look deeply enough, we find the anti-life agenda which belongs to that category of human sicknesses we know as psychotic, psychopathic and sadistic. Such a state of human demise holds that there is no God. That it is man who is in charge of the universe – or should be – and that whatever forces exist ‘out there’, only those that help achieve the gross ambitions of earthlings are worth engaging with.

This is a cult persuasion. It is the predominant position held by the rump of world ‘leaders’ today. Their predominant state of being, no less. The younger ones have been trained by Klaus Schwab and his henchmen to be impenetrable and immune to human feelings. This is considered an imperative in the cause of the full techno-digital take over of daily life.

So our job is to understand this. Not to consign it to a box labelled ‘sickness of the 2%’ and put on the windowsill to be forgotten. It is up to us to acknowledge our part in accepting and allowing this cult siege of life on earth.

We, the people, are at least 90% of the problem. At each historical point, when conditions offered the chance to break the dark spell, we opted out. We failed to take action and take control of our destinies as fellow human beings who value truth, wisdom and justice above all else.

We instead allowed the red carpet to be rolled out for WEF ‘Young leaders’ and other psychotic power seekers to do their worst. Helped along by billionaire ego maniacs, corporate kings, queens and vulture bankers.

And if a brave group should rise up and block-off the centre of repressive power, as in Canada for example, then ‘we the people’s’ applause is fulsome. However, on an individual basis most say “Well done them!” but nevertheless revert to an impassive state of isolation, consigning the potentially life changing event to the same box on the window mantlepiece, while ruing the missed opportunity to rise-up as one and turn the tide of history.

It is undoubtedly the case that each of these ‘non-uprisings’ is a gift to our dark enslavers. Each clampdown which follows is more pervasive and more brutal than the last.

The subsequent fear, anxiety and confusion that comes with this, is the fuel which the cult needs to maintain its Satanic regime.

This is not idle talk. Those who worship at the alter of Baphomet pledge to ensure their monster master will be well fed. Masonic temples exist within the British House of Parliament. Wherever ambition involves trampling on others to achieve desired aims, demonic forces are involved.

Washington DC, Canberra (capital of Australia), and the Vatican in Rome are architecturally designed according to Satanic symbolism that embraces and worships money and power as the supreme goal of life. The City of London ‘square mile’ adopts this same obsession and no doubt Wall Street does too – and other such centres of unrestrained Mammon worship.

The deep state operatives could not achieve their global enforcement regime without a direct link to centres of dark energy. Those most determined to be top dog will go to any lengths to achieve their ends.

This is why paedophilia and child sacrifice is resorted to within political and ‘elite’ circles whose calculated way of life is dependent on forever drawing upon the innocent power of others. Of vampiring the pure energy of innocent children and turning it into dark deeds of global repression.

So what is it that keeps mankind on its knees to those who freely indulge in continuous acts of murder?

Fear? Incredulity? Too much comfort? Cynical satisfaction with the ‘bargain slavery of the day’?

Something of each, no doubt. But more than all put together, it is my contention that the key is lack of self belief. And self belief does not mean ‘a big ego’, quite the opposite. It means knowing one is responding to that which offers guidance at the deepest level of one’s being.

Actions which come from this source are the only actions that will finally destroy the perpetrators of deep evil. There is no other answer to achieving the emancipation of mankind. There is no other force capable of deflating and defeating the Satanic vagabonds whose manifest life hating villainy spreads – almost unchecked – throughout a war torn world today.

Our true work, here and now, is to strengthen this bond we each have with our Creator and thereby to become properly prepared spiritual warriors, primed for confrontation with that which intends to destroy us and all trace of that Divine Spark which stirs our souls and makes us into real Human Beings.

Nurturing this spark to grow into a never dimming fire – this is our true challenge today. The call upon us all that will be the true catalyst to cast out the parasites and bring about the birth of a New Civilisation.

Courage, dear friends, courage. Victory is ours if we truly want it – and are ready to fight for it.

Source: Julian Rose

Julian Rose is an early pioneer of UK organic farmer, a writer, broadcaster and international activist. He is author of three books, the most recent of which is ‘Overcoming the Robotic Mind’. Go to his website for further information

Hunger Games pictures added by me.

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Gordon Bird
Gordon Bird
2 months ago

When our Neice visted recently. My Non-Jabbed Chinese Wife and My Non-Jabbed self sat down to dinner. Our Neice is Singaporean and all her family are jabbed and obey! As our Neice was at Newcastle University I asked her what the fellow Post-Grads and Students thought of the last 4 years, Whereupon my wife went bersirk demanding”How DARE I ask such a question of her Neice?” “I,m sick of you!” She Said. I want NO MORE mention of all this!….Gordon. of Warton LA5 UK

Reply to  Gordon Bird
2 months ago

Perhaps she is angry on their behalf?

Reply to  Stuart-james.
2 months ago

No, it’s cultural and impolite to speak of negative problems while eating; or at the table. As digestion is inhibited with negativity…Makes sense to end it at least during dinner.

Reply to  Robbi
2 months ago

Or fear. Interestingly there are Chinese police everywhere, even in the UK. They either denied or claimed they were shut down, but I doubt. The beauty of communist and socialist regimes, spies everywhere, reporting each other to help our enemies governments to keep us in line with their agendas.

Dave Owen
Dave Owen
Reply to  Patricia Harrity
2 months ago
Jimmy Jukebox
Jimmy Jukebox

Hi Dave
IF you do enough research you Can Find out The Police are The Illuminati ‘s Security Guards and They ONLY have To Codes to follow.
Not sure if I’m going to remember correctly but it’s something along the lines of

1) Enforce Codes
2) Do What Ever They Are Told To Serve and Protect the Elites Property / Holdings.

And IF you understand the Birth Certification then you will understand number 2.

Dave Owen
Dave Owen
Reply to  Jimmy Jukebox
2 months ago

Posted By: Seawitch [Send E-Mail]
Date: Friday, 16-Feb-2024 16:40:34

Reply to  Patricia Harrity
2 months ago

Wasn’t it “Fawlty Towers”???

My all time favourite show-leaves me in stitches every time I watch it!!!

You’re so right-it is really weird how we have to acquiesce to “this person”, but as for the contrary position?

Reply to  Gordon Bird
2 months ago

Well it is time to speak firmly and let her know to behave herself and she not you the embarrassment in Company! You are the man of the house not her and I am a woman who has no time for unruly women. Men need to be the authority in their house and don’t be neutered by the Modern wives who show no respect for their husbands!

2 months ago

Cowardice and a failure to organise in groups.

Reply to  Mania
2 months ago

Me myself and I will be the death of them.

2 months ago

In Monday nights webinar by the Fiduciary Anna Von Reitz, she made it quite clear that if the people don’t come together, they’re going to die together.
It has become quite evident, that while there are remedies available for the people to save themselves and more importantly their family, the inclination to do so eludes them.
In one form or another, the majority of people continue to further the plans of the psychopaths with their abject silence, personal greed to the detriment of others and with no understanding of the consequences of their actions.

2 months ago

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2 months ago

We are holding it back…Not until each and every person is able to make their choice between the Creator, and the powers of this world will it be done. The scriptures must be shared, man’s traditions are blocking God’s children from His truths…It is written: “And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.” Matthew 24:14. kjv.

Reply to  CMorgan
2 months ago
Jimmy Jukebox
Jimmy Jukebox
2 months ago


Well here’s my take , two cents , This Julian Rose is on the Right Path except now when I say except , let me first day I agree with this article except the Part On Fighting Back is more Complicated Than Julian Realizes.
But also let say I will subscribe to Julian Rose website to understand and learn more.
Before reading this article this morning I read an article about Depopulation agenda on Forbidden Knowledge and I really didn’t agree with that article either,
That article is about some guy Weinstein who Alex Jones interviewed.
The article if Alex Jones reminded me of a few lines Archive Bunker said on the sit-com All in the family, ,
Weinstein said or claims The Elites want everyone Dead for the depopulation agenda,
Well the True understanding is in the details.
When looking for a lawyer Archie Bunker said look for rabinowitz rabinowitz rabinowitz to Mike the meathead and at times to Edith his wife.
The key and answer Archie Bunker gave For going with rabinowitz rabinowitz rabinowitz instead of Weinstein was Archie Bunker said: Weinstein is Not Jewish enough.
To me as kid I picked up on that to mean some Jews have zero clue as to what the elite Jews are up to.
This Expose article today in my opinion far out beats the forbidden knowledge website article by Alexandra Bruce,
You see Weinstein has to a Jewish and therefore when says everyone is to be killed is a desire in the hearts of those elites , he leaves out the Jey of The Georgia Guildstones where it says Reduce Population to 500 million people,
So you nit everyone due ,,
That doesn’t mean I agree with the killing, what I’m saying is , the Georgia Guildstones with it’s 500 million people reduced to and now add the Bible book of Revelation, but keep in my the first 5 book of the Bible and The Book of Revelation in The Bible was written by Jews.
The only ones (people) who will be around on the Stage are those who worship the Devil as said in The Bible, doesn’t matter UF you believe or not ,
Now add in The Man who dictates the thinking of the Young people for government whatever it’s called group ,
This man who doesn’t believe in The God , Who is also known as the Father of Jesus,
This Man said In 2017 or 2018 you can Google his quote, He Klaus Schwab said By 2030 No 1 WILL enter The New World Order Unless they take an oath To Lucifer the devil.
Think about that , and let that Really Sink in , don’t bury your head in The Sand really ponder why would Klaus Schwab say You must take an oath to Lucifer the devil,
For the Non-believers if the Bible and Jesus ask yourself don’t ask yourself :
Ask yourself this question: Why would a nan who is Running the WEF and has influential thinking to the united nations say You Need To Take An Oath to Lucifer The Devil if the doesn’t exist why does Klaus Schwab want people, why everyone by 2030 ? ? ?
For The Jesus believers We truly understand what’s going on , now yes I admit there are sleeping Jesus believers who have zero clue on how the world works.
But You can slow down , you can switch paths but eventually this Plan WILL come To Fruitation, the wheat Will be separated from weeds.
The other day I commented on this website Expose , which I enjoy reading ,
About An article and I posted 2 links of Alice Bailey 10 points that Alice Bailey wrote in the 1920s,
Those 10 points WERE ADOPTED BY The UNITED NATIONS in The 1940s ,

Now ask yourself what’s the true purpose of Television ???

Television when it first came out in the united states was ONLY in bars and taverns,
(“To me putting television in bars and taverns only at first was a Science Experiment and The Elites found out it worked.”)

I’m 58 years old this April 20 , when I was a kid The Government actually said this was late 1960s you shouldn’t watch television if you’re younger than 10 years old , then a later it 9 , couple months later 7 or 8 let the public decide the government said ,
I saw my first human eyes were allowed 2 minutes , 120 seconds of television in July of 1969 , I knew withing 25 to 30 seconds in The Moon Landing was a hoax..
Television brainwashes and dumbs people down , like public school education this and because The Elites have infiltrated everything that has tried to stop them in the past is another reason why I1 day the Stage Will Be Up and Running,
Are you aware there is a masonry freemason lodge withing a short distance of EVERY neighborhood in The United States , yes there is

I honestly enjoyed today’s article and look forward to reading more from Expose website in the future and checking out the website Julian Rose does ..

Jesus Never said to love Evil.
When you live your neighbor you live the person Not Their Sins.
Life is a difficult road.
For those who have an interest in Jesus a Good book called: Crucified For Christ ,
(” True story of a Romanian priest in Europe he was put in prison Twice For Not denouncing Jesus first time was 8 years if I remember correctly then he did another 6 years in prison , Beaten regularally by the guards But yet he still walked that Line if Living his neighbor and Prayed good Thoughts and things for the guards that beat him,
His last name was Wurbrant if I spelled it right ,
Title of book is definitely correct ,
Another good book to understand Jesus is called The 4th Dimension and The Bible.
It was written in 1923 , you can Google title and book year and read it on line for free , about 130 pages or so.
First half of book us about dimensions and 2nd half is about Jesus abd using bible quotes to better understand The Person , Entity that Jesus was / is….


Reply to  Jimmy Jukebox
2 months ago

Another book Richard Wurmbrand (spent14 years in a Communist prison) wrote was, “Karl Marx and the Satanic Roots of Communism”. He wrote of how Britain’s center of Satanism is Highgate Cemetery in London where Karl Marx is buried. A quote from his book, “The devil disguises himself as an angel of light. When the Communists came to power, unprecedented slaughters followed, which eclipse even Hitler’s Holocaust.” ~ Richard Wurmbrand

Jimmy Jukebox
Jimmy Jukebox
Reply to  Josie
2 months ago

Hi ,
Thank you for your comment, I didn’t know that , I’m going to look into that ,
I only read his book Crucified For Christ and 1 other book of Richard’s tittle: Nothing ,
Which he was inspired by years of solitary confinement and where he ended up growing closer to God.


Jimmy Jukebox
Jimmy Jukebox
2 months ago

Sorry about the typos in previous post,

Meant to Klaus Schwab doesn’t believe in God or Jesus ,
But yet this man Klaus Schwab who is high up on the food cha5of people wants Everyone to pledge an oath to The Spaghetti monster , tooth fairy , ,, aka Lucifer the devil…
You can Google this.


Reply to  Jimmy Jukebox
2 months ago

Religion is also a tool to keep you in line and shape your thoughts, behaviour. They want to create a common, universal religion.

Jimmy Jukebox
Jimmy Jukebox
Reply to  SilencedAbi4
2 months ago

Hi S ,

So Do I assume when 2030 comes , Since you say / believe religion is a tool to control,

Will You Take The Pledge Oath to Lucifer to aenter The New World Order ???

Or you going to hide out in the woods and avoid it ???

Digital Currency it’s Coming , The Stage is Being Set.


2 months ago
Chris C
Chris C
2 months ago

The Mainstream Media and the “education” systems have always been owned an controlled by the Satanic cult, brainwashing people into accepting an evil agenda that induces fear, complacency, cowardice ignorance, greed and many other negative emotions into people.

So We the People need to create our own global alternative media to get the truth out in our own newspapers, radio, TV and internet (e.g. Nostr, Team Humanity A.I. etc.).

We could create a truth-freedom media in parallel with the evil ones, or we may need to use our numbers to physically destroy all the Babylonian media outlets which have physical locations on our Planet Earth.

That would be a just and winnable war not so much on the globalists directly, but on the propaganda tools they are using to bend our minds.

2 months ago

[…] is already lifeless. What Holds Mankind Again from Confronting the Forces Decided to Destroy It?… “Right here, as soon as we glance deeply sufficient, we discover the anti-life agenda which […]

Jimmy Jukebox
Jimmy Jukebox
2 months ago

Hi ,
I commented earlier and it was approved and thank you , ,
I wanted to touch on More about why the public people don’t Stop The Evil Plans if The Elites.
For those who are awake and Truly know how this world works they realize that The Elites get things done with Order Followers , psychopaths, narcissist and peoplewhi Sadistic and seeing others in pain , and the people who have No Empathy , All These People Keep The Evil Plans Rolling Forward , now add in the people who don’t believe in God OR Jesus , and people with too much time on their hands with no common sense they contribute to keep the Evil Plans Rolling Forward….

In the earlier comment I mentioned how television brainwashed people ,
Now add in how Colleges and Universities are controlled and run by Rockefeller family who runs Big Oil , Big Pharma and the medical professional teaching establishment.

In The 1980s a Few Wise people realized something IF great value and These were Ordinary everyday people ,
They Tricked The Elites , But once The Cat whas out of the bag there was No Putting the cat back in,
What did they do ???
Back in 1980s computers were very expensive and majority were in an office or very well off homes.
Office people spoke up and said to The Elites,
IF you mass produce more computers and let everybody buy a computer the price will come down , that fell deaf ears , then they tried well when office workers call in sick UF They had access to a computer at home companies Would Still Make Money and Profits by the employee working , little by little , now remember it was 1994 on David Letterman show bill gates talked about the internet and how useful it will be,
The elites gate the internet, and that is why by 2027 every internet user must have an UP number on File for internet access,
We’re lucky we have seen things that on this internet that explain how the world works , fast forward 5 or 10 or 20 years after 2027 and those people just might be more easily mislead cause of the censorship that’s coming .
I knew people who in the 1970s who read books for hours to find out things of this world like the federal bank is federal by name only.

And also share 2 articles

1) Is about a teacher who was arrested for giving his students an assignment title of assignment: How to Kill A Student.

2) &s about Graffiti in Lis Angels California on a high rise building under construction.

The Pic is from the teacher article , it says out 2 million teachers in the United States about only 6,000 ever loose their teaching license, mist just move to another state no matter the crime usually the teachers don’t get punished,
This teacher only got caught when a student mentioned the assignment to his parents and they alerted authorities to it.

The Bible says *n the End Times the people will grow cold ,

In the book of Matthew in The Bible the apostles asked Jesus : What is the Number 1 Sign that the End Times have arrived ?
Jesus Said: Deception Will Increase Ten-Fold
(“And that happened with COVID-19 Fake Pandemic World Wide”)

Anyway ,
I gotta go check a few things , looking forward to reading the Expose article today that mentioned 6g in the Title..

Jimmy Jukebox
Jimmy Jukebox
2 months ago

Forgot to Post Pic

Tracey R
Tracey R
2 months ago

This Dark Force is not what you need to be concerned about, it is the Light Force (otherwise known as controlled opposition) that you need to be terrified about. You know, they warrior who comes into rescue. Part of dark forces plan is being exposed to get the sheeples to beg in those who oppose this evil to save them. Only after voted in will they realise they have been deceived, including the minions playing their role in the dark forces. This is spiritual warfare, good versus evil, God versus Satan and you will also find these current times prophesized in your Bible.

Tracey R
Tracey R
2 months ago

Nothing new in this article for me, but was glad to hear someone share my point being the sheeple population are responsible for this mess. The Dark Forces have no power without us. Instead, mum and dad narcissists dressed up as doctors, scientists, journalists, politicians, nurses all blindly follow, just like those who took the jab. The Dark Forces are not one united force, rather a bunch of parasitic entities and individuals that gain wealth, power and control in various ways. Some want a smaller population, some want to enslave it, own it, control it…. it is all written in the Bible.

2 months ago

I noted that in many lands through history, masses of unarmed people toppled evil regimes by brute force. Then I noted in a well armed land, the masses do nothing to topple an evil regime destroying wonderfully.
The only answer I can find so far is the people if still to comfortable, even with less and less, but still come comfort will do nothing.

Mark Deacon
Mark Deacon
Reply to  Stive
2 months ago

If you have a gun in your hand you still feel you have some defense and something to lose. Strip that away and people with nothing to lose will fight in the end.

Jimmy Jukebox
Jimmy Jukebox
Reply to  Mark Deacon
2 months ago

Hi , I noticed in your comment you said: / mentioned – People with nothing to loose will fight in the end.

The Victims / People who died in genocides didn’t fight back ,

The Bolsheviks Revolution comes to mind an estimated 20 million Russian people died.

Ever see The Documentary of Hell Storm ?
Title: Hell Storm
A truly horrific Genocide of Civilians during war.

Pol Pit also got people,

2 months ago



Jimmy Jukebox
Jimmy Jukebox
Reply to  Robbi
2 months ago

Hi Ya know Funny Thing Thing about that Thing called history , it’s controlled, it’s inaccurate and at times researching needs to happeni.

IF you’re interested here’s a link 30 minutes about public schools , from the very insightful eye of Research .
Pay attention to where it’s says Formed against them , (“Them is the public”)
Them / we public were supposed to be to have what they ended up using on them the public,
The video explains it better but want some Eye Opening Truth ??

Watch The video:

Here’s the link.

2 months ago

[…] The Exposé News – Por Julian […]

Lords Witnesses
Lords Witnesses
2 months ago

I love the premis of your article..

Great Diagnosis but wrong treament. Self belief will not prevent the enslavement of mankind by the demonic deep state. Belief in God and more particularly in the sustainable morality which he teaches is the fix. And even that, without direct action from Jesus will not work because unless those days were cut short no flesh would be saved says Matthew24 and Mark13. One referring to WW3 and the other referring to the nuclear ride of the 4th horseman of the apocalypse. But through the chosen ones those days WILL be cut short.

This means the chosen ones (by God) will prevent the successful annihilation of mankind by cutting short the days of WW3 AND that God will save his chosen ones by cutting short the days of the coming nuclear war (or vice versa) because every ambiguity of scripture must be fulfilled, every particle of every letter, every meaning of every verse must have power.

So in simple terms love God to the extent of reading his book which is THE manual on how to survive the demonically leglislated immoralilty of today. Get to understand his morality which is sustainable morality (actually the minimum morality which prevents mankind from destroying itself) then have confidence as you recommend in your own deductions. Have the courage of your moral conclusions.

For example Dave Rubin and Tucker revealed that Obamacare has a clause mandating insurance companies to pay for all child genital multiation by modern day Menglers. Sorry, I mean “Gender affirmation surgery” which is possibly the most dishonest characterisation of Gender denying and destroying surgery, of climax denying and more to the point procreation denying mutilation of human genitals ever concocted by the demons. A masterpiece in deception.

This demonic assault is against our morality. They are trying to bribe men and women with money and status to abandon our morality, to switch off our consciences. Because if we abandon our humanity and our spirituality and throw away our moral compass they will not have to kill us. We will all kill ourselves for them. Job done.

It is our morality, our conscience which prevent us destroying ourselves. All the demons have to do is get us to let go of that pole and we do their job for them.

That is what the Medical profession did during COVID. They became contract hitmen for the government on the elderly. They moral compass was replaced by careerism status preservation etc etc.

They think they were preserving their careers and their revenue streams at the expense of a few old codgers. That is not the deal. The dmoens were destroying their moral compasses and therefore their salvation for a few quid for a few years. For a few quid which the demons will steal from them when the CBDCs come in (before 2030)

They think they robbed some elderly people of a few years of life. But in truth the demons robbed them of 1000 years of life in the Kingdom of God for money which will be stolen from them during the years that they robber their edlerly victims of.

I do agree we need self cofidence, the courage of our deductions. But before that we need faith in the sustainable morality of God and love for all humanity the first and the 2nd laws of the Christ.

The funeral director John O’looney put it well to the late to the party Dr John Campbell who is making up for his tardiness in waking up to medical genocide, by putting out some really good videos these days. John (funeral John) said: I cannot do that because I have a moral compass.

So the fix, I would suggest, is to polish up ones moral compass. To recalibrate it constantly from our strangely worded moral instruction textbook and to apply it in every situation where one feels the power of an attack of mankind as a species.

The 4 trade marks of a demonic.globalist/deep state attack are…

  1. It kills some people
  2. It prevents the procreation of some people
  3. It increases the control that the state or deep state has over the minutiae of your life
  4. .It represents that 1, 2 and 3 above are for the benefit of all of mankind
Jimmy Jukebox
Jimmy Jukebox
Reply to  Lords Witnesses
2 months ago

Hi Lord’s Witness,

Enjoyed reading your post ,
I want to ask to watch a video and Post back your honest opinion, it’s only a 6 minutes video,

I believe in Jesus & God , I died at the age of 9 years old I need no convincing there’s a God , just curious what another True Believer in Jesus thinks about the video ,
Me I definitely think it’s True.

Above link 6 minutes video ,

And if you’re really into it here’s a 5 or 6 hours 40 minutes that clearly and Easily Explains it in a very detailed way.
The link below.

Thank you ,
Honestly ,,,


Dave Owen
Dave Owen
Reply to  Jimmy Jukebox
2 months ago

Posted By: Seawitch [Send E-Mail]
Date: Friday, 16-Feb-2024 16:40:34

Lords Witnesses
Lords Witnesses
Reply to  Jimmy Jukebox
2 months ago

Hi Jimmy, I wathced the video. I did Cell biology and genetics and Cambridge. I see what they are saying. It is just another version of Michael Drosnin’s Equidistant Hebrew letters skip code. It is a fake. BUT it is very very close to the truth. In other words it is a pretty good fake!

Another idea which is close to the truth is that the vaccine contain actual serpent venom.

Here is the deal with the vaccines which the Exposé published on 2021November28

The purpose of the vaccines is either to prepare our immune system for gene conversion from sons of Adam to sons of the serpent, sons of Satan, sons of Cain, or to actually perform that gene rape upon us. Satan wants to make us into his seed genetically or kill us if we refuse. It is that simple. He needs to do that because his heavely authority over us, the 6,000 year bowl of red soup lease of Genesis 25, ended on 2012Nisan14 having started on 3989Nisan16 BC.

So the only way he can keep power over us is to make us into his children genetically, his seed.

Now he has authority from God to do this for the 42 months of Revelation13. I thought these ran from the start of the vaccination campaign on Margaret Kenan on 2020December8 to 2024June. I submitted an article about that to the Exposé. They did not publish it. I think they were right in that decision. I have not got it quite right yet. I am not sure at what point they loaded the vaccines with serpentine plasmid DNA to perform the Cainian rape.

But that is the main purpose of the vaxxes. It is a genetic appropriation gambit. For my not entirely correct article please visit –

2 months ago

How can you really know how many have died from the injections in the UK,to come up with a million when stats are definitely unreliable seems speculative?

2 months ago

The current power structure exists because of a knowledge difference that is leveraged. The “pyramid cap” are grand masters in the use of psychological knowledge and the dynamics of the universal, binding and immutable conditions that govern the consequences of human behaviors that the mass of humanity is ignorant of. They use and keep this knowledge under tight rein while using order followers to advance agenda.

2 months ago

Prophecy is coming to pass, people. Time to get to know the God of the Bible, Jesus. We are in the last of the last days. Repent of your sins and stop doing them. Accept Jesus Christ today as your Lord and Savior. Learn the Bible. These days we have no idea what crazy thing will happen tomorrow; which war will start, which food will be contaminated, what new bioweapon has been released, what the next pandemic will be, etc. We all know that humanity is being killed off by evil people. Eternity is closer than we want to believe it is; please prepare for it. If one does not choose Jesus, the default is Satan and eternity in hell.

Jimmy Jukebox
Jimmy Jukebox
Reply to  Karen
2 months ago

Hi Karen ,,

You’re So Right , and We’ll said,

Life Is About Not Loosing Your Soul ! ! !


2 months ago

there not now and never will be enough jews to rule the earth ,of course they want fewer humans and a world of their own, Zion is a shithole place ,with no ethics,no morals ,no real laws totally dependent on giant ghettos to feed it’s insane whims.

2 months ago

Do they think for one moment they will overturn the Absolute Sovereignty of The Living God – not without facing eternal damnation!

2 months ago

Well i it is only another form of Nazism and look what happened to those devils. Divide and conquer! Always done by enemy forces! Nothing is new under the sun! Truth is the winner in any conflict and those devils are liars and their father is thee liar from the Garden of Eden, roaming around the earth seeking whom he can kill and destroy! They are only pons in a game and they will die and be no more! So what do we need to fear, gird your loins people and fight the good fight of faith!