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Why the World will end at the 7th Covid Jab and who is really behind the Vaccine Mandates

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Further to the letter of Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano describing the coup d’etat against democracy by assorted billionaires and the threat this poses to the church and to all of our freedoms and his call for an anti globalist alliance, the Lords Witnesses invite the reader to come on a short trip through the bible from Genesis through the Gospels to Revelation, focussing only on scriptures relevant to the present Covid Vaccines.

We try to keep this article as doctrine free as we can and just extract the key scriptures which explain the demonic power game we are being subjected to. If you have ever wondered why governments all over the world have replaced democracy with vaxxocracy, here is an answer.

By ‘The Lords Witnesses’

Note – The Lords Witnesses recognise that their bible intepretations are not perfect. Their understandings are incomplete and subject to continual refinement. The purpose of this article is to point out that the Holy Book does have quite a lot to say about the present plague affecting mankind. It can help people make the right decision in the face of massive media pressure to corrupt our genes.

Double Vaccination is the Snake Bite of Genesis 3:15, a Fang for a Jab

15 And I shall put enmity between you [the serpent, Satan’s administration]and the woman [Eve – Adam’s wife and the Holy Spirit – God’s administration] and between your seed [Cain and descendants and converts] and her seed [Abel, then Seth and descendants and converts]. He will ambush you in the head and you will ambush him in the heel. (Genesis 3)

An ambush is a hidden and unexpected attack. God’s people (75% of mankind who will be saved into the Kingdom of God) will be ambushed by a snake which bites them in the heel – for that is how snakes attack. The snake depicts Satan’s administration because it acts like a snake. It is a metaphor for a slithering, deceptive, sideways moving crooked and lethal outfit. Satan’s people will be ambushed in the head which is how you kill a snake. This battle of the seeds is the fight between Good and Evil, which is a recruitment and procreative battle. The first seed of Satan was Cain who was actually the son of Satan and Eve. For Cain means spear/spike in Hebrew. Eve called Cain this because Satan pierced her to create Cain. Whereas Abel means breath in Hebrew, because Adam loved her and kissed her when creating Abel – something that did not happen during the procreation of Cain. Satan’s plan was quite brilliant. He was the firstborn angel of all creation. He was used to being the boss. He was God’s CEO in the patriarchal society of the heavens. He was therefore jealous of Adam, who was also firstborn son of God, the firstborn human son rather than the firstborn angelic son. Although Adam was born again aged 30 angelically (before he was presented with Eve) and Satan was given a human body in which to operate as God’s representative in Eden. That meant that Satan and Adam were true brothers, both direct angelic-human dual souled sons of God (Jehovah – Yahweh etc.). 

All humans are angelic human hybrids actually if the truth be known. For when we dream at night we create an animated movie in real time. That is not something that a human brain with a cycle time of 200 Hz can actually do. It took 22,000 computers running at 4 GigaHertz 18 months to shoot 90 minutes of Toy Story2 and a further 100 humans working solidly on the project for the same time period not to mention Tom Hanks and all the other Hollywood Stars. Yet every night we humans whose brains cycle at 200Hz max, do the same thing in real time AND interact with our own movies. The human brain is millions of times too slow to achieve that. But an angelic brain is not. Our spirit, our AI operating system (Artificial Intelligence), our Divine Intelligence (DI) operating system, runs on our angel when we dream. Everyone reading this has run on their own angel every night of their life. Every dream you have ever seen is courtesy of that soul. The human brain is powerful enough to screen the movies created by the angel but is not powerful enough to create them, to shoot them in real time. So the angelic brain is the movie studio, Dreamworks in fact, and the human brain is the Imax Cinema.  

So now, for the first time, Satan has a true brother, a new direct first generation son of God. Adam was not a descendant of Satan. So Satan had no patriarchal authority over Adam. Satan did not like this at all being a spoilt control freak at that time. So his plan was quite brilliant. He would first of all impregnate Eve. Then he would persuade her to eat the fruit which would kill her but God would not be able to kill Cain inside her. So God would have to give her a stay of execution long enough to deliver Cain. Then he would seduce Eve sufficiently deeply to persuade her to kill Adam by enticing him to eat the fruit using her womanly powers which Satan had revealed to her whilst piercing her to produce Cain. The net result would be Cain, his son, would not be under a death penalty. But both Eve and Adam would be. Game over thought Satan. Then Cain could sleep with a descended female angelic (who would be a daughter of Satan since all the angels are his children) and Satan would remain the father of all creation. There would be no child of God alive anywhere that was not also a child of his. His monopoly would be preserved. His stranglehold on power would remain intact. His competitor would be eliminated.

11 For this is the message which you have heard from [the] beginning, that we should have love for one another
12 not like Cain, who originated with the wicked one and slaughtered his brother. And for the sake of what did he slaughter him? Because his own works were wicked, but those of his brother [were] righteous. (1 John 3)

He carried out his plan successfully, because Adam loved his wife more than he loved God’s law not to eat from the tree. And things looked great to Satan, who imagined that God would not remove his firstborn angelic rights and did not imagine that any other angel would be stupid enough to give his life for Adam. He was right on the first count but wrong on the second. A certain 42nd generation angel, who had a rather colourful past, who had lived on the dark side for too long and rejected it was taking an interest in all of this. He was the original prodigal son. He had screwed up everything as an angel. So when he came to his senses and returned to his father, he had asked God to make him just a preadamic human, a caveman, because he no longer felt worthy to be an angel, so reprehensible had his behaviour been. 

But God forgave him everything and was overjoyed that he had seen the error of his ways and restored him to full angelic status upon his repentance and showed him more love than he imagined he deserved. Because God understood that he who is forgiven much loves much. So this angel, whose name was Michael, said to himself. I am lucky to be an angel at all. I would have settled for the life of a caveman. I see what happened to Adam here. He had no chance. He had no experience of deception or of sex. He was totally outclassed by Satan. Yet he still loved his wife so much that he killed himself to be with her. I like this guy. I don’t like what Satan did to him. I am gonna step in here. I’m gonna save Adam and I am gonna screw Satan. Hey Jehovah: Take my angel for Adam and my human soul. Have them both. Restore him fully on me. This thing that Satan has done will not stand. Not whilst I have the power to stop it. 

This was the payback that God knew could result from the forgiveness he had shown to Michael previously. For God knows the power of love better than anyone – having invented it. So of course he accepted Michael’s offer and Adam was redeemed. Hence I can write this article and you can read it.

But the MO of Satan had now been established and exposed. He wants to be daddy to everyone. He wants all of mankind to be his seed. That is the battle of the seeds of Genesis 3:15. Satan wishes to appropriate all of God’s children to be his children by any means possible. Just as he attempted to do with Adam and Eve in the garden.

It this context we can now revisit the snake bite of Genesis 3:15, an ambush to the heel of the Good seed. The main purpose of the seed of the serpent (who is Cain and his genetic or converted seed) is to make more seed for his side of the battle. So the snake bite to the heel is a means of achieving that. When a snake bites, it injects venom into its victim with two fangs. The heel in bible symbolism is the end of a body temporally and the head is the start of a body temporally. So the heel of the good seed, is the last ones with faith and love who are around at the end of the good seed, the end of this world.

So the snake bite is a double injection which affects end times mankind. That is the Covid vaccination. We know this vaccination is from Cain (the seed of the serpent, the seed of Satan) because Cain means spear or spike, and the Covid Vaccinations turn your body into spike factories or Cain factories. This genetically reprograms you to be a son of Cain (Spike) rather than Adam, to be Cainian rather than adamic.

Furthermore thanks to the work of two Swedish geneticists, we know that the mRNA vaccines can enter into the nucleus and prevent your DNA from fixing itself if it is broken. This is necessary to prevent the body from undoing any gene therapy it is being subjected to. The body is designed to prevent its DNA being hacked or changed. To succeed in changing your DNA, a permanent gene therapy has to turn off the DNA fixing mechanism in every cell. Jiang and Mei, proved that the vaccines do this.

Furthermore, the dosage given of mRNA is 14.4 Trillion copies in the Pfizer jab and 48 Trillion copies in the Moderna Jab, in circumstances where a systemic Covid  infection only produces between 10-100 billion copies of the virus – and people have between 6 Trillion and 35 Trillion cells in their bodies depending upon how you count them and each mRNA copy can program a cell to produce thousands of Spike proteins. So the dosages in the vaccine are not vaccination dosages. They are gene therapy dosages sufficient to infect every cell in your body and designed to provide thousands of spike proteins for each cell of your body! And people are taking 3rd shots of this!

So the spiritual purpose behind the vaccines is to recruit you genetically to be a son of the Serpent, a son of Cain, Cainian rather than a son of Adam, a son of God, Adamic. Of course almost nobody on earth realises this. But there again the serpent ambushes the good seed in the heel. It is an unexpected attack. That is the M.O. of a serpent. Nothing has changed in the 6,013 years since Adam’s sin. Becoming a son of Cain does NOT deny you salvation. But it makes salvation more difficult because it gives Satan patriarchal authority over you. This means he can tempt you more effectively. One’s genetic makeup (Cainian or Adamic) does not determine one’s salvation. It is what one chooses to do in life that determines whether you are good seed or bad seed by salvation covenant.The Gospels Declare COVID19 to be a Man Made Bioweapon – The Wuhan Lab Leak Theory is Correct

27 Then taking Jesus into the praetorium, the soldiers of the governor gathered all the cohort against Him.
28 And stripping Him, they put a scarlet cloak around Him.
29 And plaiting a crown of thorns, they placed [it] on His head, and a reed in His right [hand]. And bowing the knee before Him, they mocked at Him, saying, Hail, King of the Jews.
30 And spitting at Him, [they] took the reed and struck at His head.
31 And when they had mocked Him, they stripped off His cloak, and they put His garments on Him and led Him away to crucify [Him]. (Matthew 27 GLT)

16 And the soldiers led Him away inside the court, which is [the] praetorium. And they called together all the cohort.
17 And they put purple on Him, and they plaited and placed a crown of thorns on Him.
18 And they began to salute Him, Hail, king of the Jews!
19 And they struck His head with a reed, and spat at Him. And placing the knees, [they] bowed to Him.
20 And when they had mocked Him, they took the purple off Him, and put His own garments on Him. And they led Him out, that they might crucify Him. (Mark 15 GLT)

1 Then Pilate took Jesus and flogged [Him].
2 And having plaited a crown out of thorns, the soldiers put [it] on His head. And they threw a purple mantle around Him,
3 and said, Hail, King of the Jews! And they gave Him blows with the palm.
4 Then Pilate went outside again and said to them, Behold, I bring Him out to you that you may know that I do not find even one crime in Him!
5 Then Jesus came outside, wearing the thorny crown and the purple mantle. And he said to them, Behold, the Man! (John 19 GLT)

These 3 accounts have end times fulfilments which apply today.

Harvard Medical school first referred to COVID19 as a Crown of thorns in Feb 2020. They did this because a Corona virus of Spike Proteins is indeed a Crown of Thorns. The Latin word Corona, means crown and a spike is a thorn.

The last thing that happened to Jesus before he was led off to be killed was the crown of thorns abuse. Pilate said to the crowds in John 19 : Ecce Homo (Behold the man). So Jesus stands for end times mankind – that is us folks.

The soldiers in Matthew27, Mark15 and John19 are all said to have platted the crown of thorns. A platt is a double helix. A double helix is the structure of DNA. The soldiers are members of a military. In the greater fulfilment they manufacture the crown of thorns, COVID19, by gene splicing, using CRISPR technology – making the double helix DNA for it and then transcribing the RNA from that.

In Matthew27 and Mark15 the soldiers spat upon Jesus. That is how COVID19 is transferred, through tiny droplets of water from the lungs and from the mouth.

In Mark15 and John 19 there is a Thorny Crown in addition to a Crown of Thorns. That is a variant of the crown of thorns.

Here is then is the whole deal: Matthew27 is the story of the manufacture by government backed militaries of COVID19 and the deliberate infection of mankind with this bio weapon
Mark15 is the manufacture by government backed militaries of a variant of COVID19 and its release to infect mankind
In John 19 the soldiers make a crown of thorns but do not spit upon Jesus. This is the really worrying one. This virus is not transmitted from person to person. It is therefore a result of the vaccine. This must be the delta variant, which evades the vaccine and is the inevitable consequence of vaccinating people during a pandemic which is a recipe for disaster because it forces the virus to mutate so as to evade the vaccine. So delta was created/forced by the vaccines. It was essentially created by Pfizer and Moderna in the sense that the vaccines gave Covid no other option but to mutate into something which evaded them – 

Snakes kill by Injection or suffocation

Snakes kill either by injection of venom (Cobra, Viper, Asp) or by strangulation/suffocation/constriction of the airway and the vascular system (Python, Anaconda, Boa Constrictor).
COVID-19 is the constriction by the serpent (causing death by hypoxia, lack of Oxygen and/or vascular problems and/or cardiac arrest)
Gene therapy vaccines are the snake venom (causing death by slow poisoning of the immune system and by damaging the vascular system etc.). 

The vaccines are the Cobras, the Vipers, the Asps, COVID variants are the Pythons, the Anacondas, the Boa Constrictors. Constrictors should not be lethal to man if handled correctly as Margot Robbie revealed in the case of her mum to Chris Pratt whilst he was hosting Jimmy Kimmel live. Likewise COVID-19 if treated properly with the correct therapeutics, should not be lethal to man. But venomous snakes can be lethal to mankind.

COVID19 counts as 616 – the number of the beast in the oldest bible text

C O V I D 1 9

100 + 0 + 5 + 1+500 + 1 + 9 = 616, the true number of the Beast
The Latin Numeral System is I = 1, V = 5, X = 10, L = 50, C = 100, D = 500, M = 1000. We take O as 0. Each character in COVID19 is interpreted individually.

COVID 19 stands for COronaVIrus Disease 2019 – Since the first case was identified in 2019. 

The first Century beast was the Roman state, the 7 heads which are 7 mountains of Revelation17, being the 7 hills of Rome. The Harlot riding the beast was the early Roman Catholic Church back then (she is still up to her old tricks). Hence the Roman numerology.

616 is the correct variant rather than 666, according to the Ephraemi Rescriptus Codex, Tyconius a 4th century Christian writer, and P115 – the Oxyrhynchus fragment from 225-275 AD, the oldest extant copy of Revelation13:17. Irenaeus, the 2nd century Christian writer, acknowledged its existence but rejected it in favour of 666. Irenaeus was in the Catholic Church, which fell as a true church on 84Nisan14 AD. 666 is a triangular number, the sum of all the numbers from 1-36 = 666. It is more spooky and interesting mathematically.

The Mark of the beast of Revelation13 upon the hand will be vaccine passports and upon the forehead will be social credit scores

11 And I saw another wild beast ascending out of the earth [DEEP STATE was buried but comes up above ground], and it had 2 horns like a lamb, but it began speaking as a dragon [the globalist UK-US beast – not the ram of Daniel8 which is the UK- US nation state beast. The two 2 horned beasts are competing administrations for the UK- US world power].

12 And it exercises all the authority of the first wild beast in its sight. And it makes the earth and those who dwell in it worship the first wild beast, whose death-stroke got healed [The first wild beast is the UN. The two horned wild beast is not the second wild beast, the US-UK world power preceded the UN notwithstanding it appearing second in this account].

13 And it performs great signs, so that it should even make fire come down out of heaven to the earth in the sight of mankind [false flag terrorism by demonically possessed rogue elements of the security forces, the stone not cut by hands of Daniel2, the fire signs of 1Kings18 and 2Kings1].

14 And it misleads those who dwell on the earth, because of the signs that were granted it to perform in the sight of the wild beast, while it tells those who dwell on the earth to make an image TO the wild beast [dative in the Alexandrinus and in the Sinaiticus and the Ephraemi Rescriptus. Every codex has this in the dative. It is not an image OF the beast. It is an image TO the beast. Whose image and inscription is this? asked Jesus. this is the beastmark smart digital currency]  that had the sword-stroke and yet revived [That is the terrible 4th beast of Daniel7 which is the first beast of Revelation13 without the US and now with a competing currency for the dollar].

15 And it was granted to her to give spirit/breath to the image of the wild beast [Once the image of the new global currency replacing the dollar is created it is owned by the new Caesar: The terrible 4th beast of Daniel7 and first beast of Revelation13. Give Caesar’s things to Caesar. Hence it is also the image OF the beast. It is given breath in the sense that it is a living smart currency, which speaks, telling you whether you can or cannot buy something dependent upon your social credit score to which it is linked in real time. It is not a dead dumb currency like paper money], so that the image of the wild beast should both speak and cause to be killed all those who would not in any way worship the image of the wild beast [the new smart digital beastcoin global currency].

16 And it puts under compulsion all [ones], the small [ones] and the great [ones], and the rich [ones] and the poor [ones], and the free [ones] and the enslaved [ones] [counts 6x by comparison], in order that that they should give these a mark in their right hand or upon their forehead [ literally – between the eyes. the mark upon the hand is the vaccine passports governing your actions, the mark between the eyes is the social credit score governing your thoughts],

There is no question that vaccine passports are being compelled all over the world. This is an obvious visible fulfilment of Revelation13. The next step in the compulsion is total exclusion from the financial system unless you are vaccinated. Then you will not be able to buy or sell without the Mark of the Beast – meaning a vaccine passport, a social credit score and the new global digital social credit score linked currency shall we say – the beastmark?

The 7 angels given the 7 golden vials containing the anger of God

1 And I saw another sign in heaven, great and marvellous, 7 angels having the 7 last plagues; for in them is completed the wrath of God.

7 And one of the 4 beasts gave unto the 7 angels 7 golden vials full of the wrath of God, who liveth for ever and ever. (Revelation 15 KJV adapted from the Greek)

1 And I heard a great voice out of the temple saying to the 7 angels, Go your ways, and pour out the vials of the wrath of God upon the earth.

2 And the 1st went, and poured out his vial upon the earth; and there fell a hurtful and malignant ulcer upon the men which had the mark of the beast, and [upon] them which worshipped his image.

3 And the 2nd poured out his vial upon the sea; and it became as the blood of a dead [man]: and every living soul died in the sea.

4 And the 3rd poured out his vial upon the rivers and fountains of waters; and they became blood.

5 And I heard the angel of the waters say, Thou art righteous, O Lord, which art, and wast, and shalt be, because thou hast judged thus.

6 For they have shed the blood of saints and prophets, and thou hast given them blood to drink; for they are worthy.

7 And I heard another out of the altar say, yes, Lord God Almighty, true and righteous [are] thy judgments.

8 And the 4th poured out his vial upon the sun; and power was given unto him to scorch men with fire.

9 And men were scorched with great heat, and blasphemed the name of God, which hath power over these plagues: and they repented not to give him glory.

10 And the 5th poured out his vial upon the seat of the beast; and his kingdom was full of darkness; and they gnawed their tongues for pain

11 And blasphemed the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores, and repented not of their deeds. (Revelation 16 KJV – adapted from the Greek)

Come on! What is the GOLDEN VIAL of today? It is the money making gravy train of indefinite Covid shots from vaccine vials! A guaranteed income for every human enforced by law, underwritten by national governments, indemnified against side effect damage claims.

The 7 golden vials are 7 money making Covid vaccine shots (from vaccine vials) that mankind suffers (before the end of the world) AND money making Covid vaccine shots for 7 months from the appearance of the ulcers of verse 2 to the end of the world.
The 7 vials (not said to be golden) are not vaccines but are God using vaccines to teach, express anger, condemn, expose etc. God is not in it for the money (the gold).

God does not make the vaccines. But he straight up permits the demons to make them and compel people to take them, as an expression of his anger against the immorality of the faithless and the loveless and to test us and to teach us that we need to hold onto a sustainable morality and stop worshipping high status people and leaders or society is finished.

There will be no 8th vaccine shot because the Kingdom of God will be installed on earth during the 7th vaccine shot.

The Sea is those who do not go to church
The Earth is those who go to church but are not baptised
The Rivers are those who are baptised and go to church
The Fountains are those who baptise in the church
The Angel of the waters is the last Elijah
The Sun is Jesus, the light of the world
Men stand for demon possessed people here. They blaspheme God because they know he is condemning them.
Vial 1 causes hurtful and malignant ulcers (vaccine mediated immune degradation – due to jab)
Vial 2 causes blood to clot (A dead man’s blood is all clotted) – due to jab
Vial 3 causes spiritual death (for those who remain in vaccine accepting churches)
Vial 4: empowers Jesus to start the apocalypse, the revealing of what the demons are doing with vaccines and politics and the media etc.
Vial 5 Causes tongue gnawing pain, pains and ulcers (further vaccine mediated immune system degradation and cardiovascular and neurological and inflammatory events due to the jab)

The Apocalypse, the uncovering of the activities of the demons and of the angels, occurs at the 4th Jab. The CDC authorised a 4th jab for ‘immunocompromised people’ on October20. Turkey is now on the 4th Jab because many countries do not recognised Sinovac, which it used for the first 3 Jabs.

We hope you enjoyed the journey. The demons are only permitted to possess humans for 2,000 days (the 2,000 pigs of Mark5). They have obviously been here for a while because their behaviour is more than evident.

How to spot a demon…

1. They have zero empathy
2. They are 100% dishonest
3. They accuse their opponents of doing or intending to do precisely what they themselves are already doing
4. They are obsessed with corrupting children. They cannot stand their innocence.
5. When it is proven that their position is wrong and they are lying, they carry on taking that position anyway. Because they are not interested in right or wrong. They only care about power.
6. They are incredibly Pharisaical. They are 100% immoral but they create a false morality which makes them look 100% moral and makes those who are truly moral look 100% immoral.
7. They do not believe in free speech. They silence and shutdown all opposition
8. Their overall rulership strategy is visibly self defeating, destructive, win lose and bound to fail. But they seem incapable of seeing that.
9. They are not creative or innovative. They are destructive and corrupting and opportunist..

My favourite demonic expression from Hillary Clinton is: The biggest danger to “our democracy” is the desire of the Republicans to retake the Senate!

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2 years ago

Please read what the Spirit of the Word teaches about the seed of satan and the seed of the woman:

Reply to  Rob
2 years ago

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Last edited 2 years ago by Belinda
Kayleigh Reed
Kayleigh Reed
Reply to  Rob
2 years ago

hi hello

Peter Kang
Peter Kang
2 years ago

What a fantastic article and to be honest I have not thought that the brotherhood of Adam and the serpent to be so bound. Great work guys 👦

Reply to  Peter Kang
2 years ago

I get paid more than $120 to $130 per hour for working online. I heard about this job 3 months ago and after joining this i have earned easily $15k from this without having online working skills. more detail …>>

Last edited 2 years ago by RachelAdams
Reply to  Peter Kang
2 years ago

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Last edited 2 years ago by Mindy
not sure
not sure
2 years ago

Margot Robbie is a disgusting creature that speaks no word of wisdom. Something so profane has nothing to offer this discussion.

Isabelle Carey
Isabelle Carey
Reply to  not sure
2 years ago

I get paid over $87 per hour working from home with 2 kids at home. I never thought I’d be able to do it but my best friend earns over 10k a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The potential with this is endless.

Here’s what I’ve been doing…

Last edited 2 years ago by Isabelle Carey
2 years ago

Sorry but this is just too much, forced, on many point. A material to share people further but we must be united to win. There are several religions on this earth, what’s the proof that this or that is the ‘true’ one? What about a decent Buddhist? A native American believing his own god?

Besides what if these modern satanist, occult psychos using the bible as predicting programming, agenda?
How it is good to us exclude others based on religion who very likely wish to stop these satanic worms on the top, too?

It advocates doing nothing but wait with faith for being saved. I failed to see how it helped on all who were vaxxed including children who can’t decide for themselves. What’s the point to let them being ‘sacrificed’ ?

Last edited 2 years ago by GundelP
Lords Witnesses
Lords Witnesses
Reply to  GundelP
2 years ago

I think you are tarring us with the brush of many other religions. Our position which we did not state in the article is that anyone with the faith of Abraham or the love of the good Samaritan can be saved. Anyone at all indepednent of what temple they attend. In fact if they attend no temple at all but have faith or even if they have no faith but have love then they can be saved. The article shows definitively biblical advice not to take the vaccines. It shows that COVID-19 is a man made bioweapon. It shows the spiritual danger in taking the vaccines.

True religion is a uniting force. False religion is divisive. The article does not advocate doing nothing either for parents or for children. It advocates doing the most important thing one can do. Refuse the vaccine whatever the pressure to accept.

But you do see these worms on the top are satanic. We are trying to expose them. That is the apocalypse. That is another important thing we must do. Not pretend they do not exist or that people who belive in them are mad. They exist. They are here and they are poisoning us and our children.

Eleanor Sullivan
Eleanor Sullivan
Reply to  GundelP
2 years ago

Google is presently paying $10447 to $13025 every month for working on the web from home. I have joined this activity 2 months back and I have earned $15248 in my first month from this activity. I can say my life is improved totally!

Look at it what I do…

Last edited 2 years ago by Eleanor Sullivan
Reply to  GundelP
2 years ago

The fight is not only phiscal but spiritual and it doesn’t reject anyone, other relgions have the same issues, it’s always the fight between good and evil. Christian, budhist, anismist , muslim, jew, hinduist, it doens’t matter, what matters is satan and its equivalent exists in all religions and must be fought and destroyed.

And this is not true that we do nothing and wait, Jesus kicked the merchants out of the Temple, and he offered us to fight against evil.

We shouldn’t wait we should go on the offensive and hit them hard again and again, until they never get up, but we have to do it good in mind, with our faith and with the help of God who is on our side and who won’t do it for us.

Help yourselves and God will help you.

On the contrary we need to act, but with God’s weapons in hand as well as our owns. have a loo here and you will see how millions, poor, destitutes, simple, unarmed people are winning against these monsters:

If you want to act, act! Go out there and fight!

Flo Parks
Flo Parks
2 years ago

Lovely to find your detailed analysis of these vital scriptures. Thank you for the energy and dedication you have put into rightly dividing the word of truth and putting it side by side with our current news. Well done.

Lords Witnesses
Lords Witnesses
Reply to  Flo Parks
2 years ago

Thank you. Serpent venom inection, Crown of Thorns, Golden Vials of plagues. It is all in there.

2 years ago

OK, now that you’ve read through all that waffle, here is the real truth:

—Truth revealed now in the End Times. Impostor VirginMary stole BabyJesus. John the Baptist is the Lamb of God. Awaken, good Christians.

—Jesus&TwinJohnBaptist were born in Ein Karem to their mother Elizabeth in Sept. VisitationImpostorMary drugged Elizabeth &stole BabyJesus

—Ein Karem to Bethlehem is only 7miles. Impostor Mary smuggled BabyJesus away from his mother Elizabeth & his twin brother JohntheBaptist

—The ONLY Bible source for the FakeVirginBirth comes from Impostor Mary,who told her LIES to the Apostles after all the witnesses were dead

—GOD sent Elizabeth’sTwins to redeem us. SATAN sent ImpostorMary to steal ForerunnerJesus, to stop redemption by JohntheBaptist,Lamb of God

—AlmightyGod, expose Satan’sImpostorVirginMary’s terrible crime: she stole BabyJesus from Elizabeth& lied to twin JohntheBaptist & Apostles

—EndTimesTruth: Terrible crime hidden for 2000 years:ImpostorVirginMary stole BabyJesus from his mother Elizabeth& twin JohntheBaptist

—Jesus did NOT create Heaven&Earth! The Trinity is a Blasphemous LIE, to raise ImpostorVirginMaryTheBabyThief as Goddess ABOVE AlmightyGod

—Gospel of MATTHEW: ImpostorMary’s NATIVITY LIES said Jesus was born in NAZARETH HOUSE, Magi not shepherds came, then FLIGHT TO EGYPT

—Gospel of LUKE: ImpostorMary’s NATIVITY LIES said Jesus born in BETHLEHEM STABLE, presented at Temple, then to Nazareth. NO MAGI, NO EGYPT

—We are redeemed by John the Baptist, Yahweh’s Son,the Lamb of God, not by his twinJesusForerunner,stolen from Elizabeth by ImpostorMary

—Almighty God, the soul of Elizabeth calls for JUSTICE against Satanic Impostor Virgin Mary the Liar BabyThief. Christmas is a Satanic Fraud.

Henk Ligtvoet
Henk Ligtvoet
2 years ago

Dear Daily Expose, what a shame to put an article like this; this has nothing to do with sound biblical doctrine! They are surely not the Lords witnesses .

Lords Witnesses
Lords Witnesses
Reply to  Henk Ligtvoet
2 years ago

By sound you mean orthodox biblical doctrine. I have come to realise that the purpose of an orthodoxy is to enrich, protect and perpetuate the status and power of the stakeholders in the orthodoxy. Not to improve the tenets of the orthodoxy with truth seeking research and open debate.

Jesus said you invalidate the word of God due to your tradition in Matthew 15. I am afraid his words are just as true today as they were when he said them.

2 years ago

What awful nonsense. I was a former Bible student, so I’m not saying that Christianity (outside of Babylon The Great) is nonsense. I am a Christian. I won’t waste my time reading more than the very first part of this article.

Lords Witnesses
Lords Witnesses
Reply to  Arby
2 years ago

Are you stumbled by Michael not being born first? Consider this
Why did Ishmael, the first born of Abraham, lose his birthright to Isaac? And why did Esau, the firstborn of Isaac lose his birhtright to Jacob? Why did Reuben, the firstborn of Jacob, lose his birthright to Joseph? And why did Masnasseh, the firstborn of Joseph, lose his birthright to Ephraim. Indeed why did Ham, the firstborn of Noah, lose his birthright to Shem? Even righteous Abel lost his birthright through death to Seth. Which firstborn of any bible patriarch did not lose his birthright for one reason or another to a younger born son?

Satan was the firstborn angel. Michael was not born with the 1st born rights. He earned them through sacrifice. Actually he purchased them in the greater bowl of the red soup deal from Satan. Adam, meaning red, was that soup. We were sold to Satan as Caesar for 6,000 years in return for his angelic firstborn rights. Those 6,000 years have now ended. That is what the present troubles are all about.

Jesus is the only way
Jesus is the only way
Reply to  Lords Witnesses
2 years ago

You are either dangerously misinformed or you are purposefully deceptive. You use the Bible to quote from, but then twist the meaning of it, which does nothing but fool’s some Christians and many more potential believers into believing something that will cause them to perish for eternity, after this earthly life ends.

The Bible gives very clear instructions on how to test the words of those who speak about salvation, so that we can be completely sure if they are deceiving us or not.

2nd Peter 4:2 says, “By this you know the Spirit of God: every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God; and every spirit that does not confess Jesus, is not from God; this is the spirit of the antichrist, of which you have heard that it is coming, and now it is already in the world.”

Let’s look at what you said in this article, word for word. You claimed, “It is what one chooses to do in life that determines whether you are good seed or bad seed by salvation covenant.”

That wording is very, very general and vague, at best. While it could be viewed as a covenant, that covenant is made by believing that Jesus Christ was the Son of God, whom God sent to save the world from sin and the eternal punishment for it. That is the only way that salvation is achieved, not by whatever vague definition you previously gave.

There are so many false prophets with each passing day. You are not welcome to twist around what the Bible says, in order to deceive people. You know what you’re doing. It will not profit you anything.

Lords Witnesses
Lords Witnesses
Reply to  Jesus is the only way
2 years ago

If you are right then everyone who lived before Jesus is not saved. That would include King David and Abraham and Jacob Moses and all the prophets of the old testament. The new covenant is for people to sit on thrones and judge the 12 tribes of Israel – that is its definition in Luke22. Kings in the Kingdom of God must believe in Jesus yes. But the citizens whom they rule over and judge, the children of Abraham of Genesis 12 are saved on faith in Jehovah or in Jesus, that is the 1st Abrahamic Covenant of Genesis 12. And they can be saved by love – that is the parable of the good samaritan and the meaning of the sheep and the goats of Matthew25.

I was referring to the first Abrahamc Covenant in the sentence you quote, not the new covenant. Like Paul said referring to Abraham: He is the father of us all. Whereas Jesus is the eternal father, says Isaiah, the father of those with everlasting life. Not all who are saved into the Kingdom are kings and not all are saved with everlasting life angelic life.

May I ask are you vaccinated? Is that were your anger and your condemnation is coming from?

Reply to  Jesus is the only way
1 year ago

… “While it could be viewed as a covenant, that covenant is made by believing that Jesus Christ was the Son of God, whom God sent to save the world from sin and the eternal punishment for it. That is the only way that salvation is achieved, not by whatever vague definition you previously gave.” …

Surely it must be something more than or other than what you stated here. Demons openly acknowledge Jesus as the ‘Son of the most high God’. Do they then receive (or become able to receive) the salvation you speak of?

Isabelle Carey
Isabelle Carey
2 years ago

I get paid over $87 per hour working from home with 2 kids at home. I never thought I’d be able to do it but my best friend earns over 10k a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The potential with this is endless.

Here’s what I’ve been doing…

Last edited 2 years ago by Isabelle Carey
2 years ago

I couldn’t get past the computer gibberish lol. The human brain doesn’t run at 200hz. That’s the NEURON. The brain is a parallel computer with 100 billion neurons that synchronize broadly via electromagnetic fields. Even if we know nothing scientifically at all about the brain, just think, if your brain is capable of multi-level processing of all your five/six sense stimuli in real time and high definition, then surely it is capable of creating a dream world as well.
I’m not saying this is proof that the brain contains the mind or generates the mind, but it certainly isn’t proof of the converse. In fact there is a lot of evidence for out-of-body experiences and NDEs which seem to indicate that the mind (whether generated initially by the brain or not) can travel outside of the brain.

Lords Witnesses
Lords Witnesses
Reply to
2 years ago

But how many credit card numbers can you remember?

Lords Witnesses
Lords Witnesses
Reply to
2 years ago

Typical CPU has 4 billion transistors. 22,000 of them would have 88 Trillion transistors, which is 880x than the 100 billion neurons in the brain. Transistors at 4GHz are 20 million times faster than neurons at 200 Hz. So 22,000 CPUs have 17.6 billion times more computing power than the human brain. But even all those CPUs, with 100 humans take 18 months to shoot 90 minutes of film. 18 months is 8762x 90 minutes.

So you are arguing that a biomachine which is 17.6 billion times less powerful that 22,000 4GHz CPUs will outperform said CPUs by a factor on at least 8762. Let ignore the fact that real time is far more demanding that from merely reaching a deadline and that we interact with out own dream. I am afraid you are 154 Trillion times or 14 orders of magnitude out. Dream on – but not in your human brain!

2 years ago

[…] November 28, 2021Why the World will end at the 7th Covid Jab and who is really behind the Vaccine Mandates […]

Dick from Leicester
Dick from Leicester
2 years ago

Absolute medieval claptrap – forcing organised religion on people in 2021. Please do go ahead and define ‘moral’. UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THEM THEY ARE TAKING ICKE MONEY as are Coleman and UK Column. Old men and old Tories who voted for Thatcher in the 80’s and are the real reason the kids are useless and the culture has been dissolved. Don’t blame the immigrants, don’t blame the kids – BLAME THOSE B@STARDS WHO VOTED FOR THATCHER AND DESTROYED THE INDUSTRY AND RIPPED THE SPINE OF COMMUNITY OUT OF THAT COUNTRY A LONG LONG TIME AGO. Blame people like the Expose who are now just another paid-up-shower-of-David-Icke-Shit!!! MAY YOU PERISH. I’ll be waiting by the sink-hole. AAd-7/1.

Lords Witnesses
Lords Witnesses
Reply to  Dick from Leicester
2 years ago

The religions being forced upon people today are wokeism and vaxxism. Also what makes you think the Lords Witnesses are organised?

Dick from Leicester
Dick from Leicester
2 years ago


Last edited 2 years ago by Dick from Leicester
2 years ago

Oh dear.

Ding dong
Ding dong
2 years ago

Must have been a light news day to accept this for publication!

2 years ago

An interesting read which in undoubtedly thought provoking and to be honest I can discount nothing in these times. Interesting interpretation. My one criticism is the interpretation regarding the vials and when they are poured out. I am very spiritual but do not attend any organised religion or church in the formal sense. According to this interpretation despite adamantly not taking a vaccine my soul would be die due to being in the ‘sea’.

I feel another interpretation of the sea of those who have no spiritual connection would bring me more on board. Also there may be a great deal of people without awareness of their spirituality who still refuse vaccines due to more social based reasons. It would be interesting to know the religious take on these people who are essentially in brotherhood with pro choice religious people in one sense but spiritually suppressed otherwise.

Last edited 2 years ago by Robbie
Lords Witnesses
Lords Witnesses
Reply to  Robbie
2 years ago

Good point. We still have some work to do on the vials. If you have faith in God but are not in any church, that is sufficient for salvation so long as you do not defile your consicence too much (your self testing mechanism). For Paul says in Romans 2 we are accused or excused on the basis of our conscience. And we are a law unto ourselves. So those in a church should obey the church law which they signed up to. Whereas those outside should obey their consciences (which of course vary enormously). But if you can prove to God that you can obey your own yardstick. He can work with that by slowly adjusting your yardstick to bring it more in line with his. His yardstick is merely the minimum set of moral laws which stops a society of free willed beings from destroying themslves. Indeed that is the lesson we are all right now learning. He is going to permit the demons to drive us right to the edge ot the precipice until we all see clearly the inevitable medium term consequences of disobeying any one of his 10+2 commandments.

As regards every living soul in the sea dying. There are two types of living soul on earth at present. One is born again angelically. They live because their angelic souls are not under a death sentence. These saints own a second angelic body but have not entered into it yet other than when they dream at night, when they enter into it subconsciously. The other type is non adamic humans. There are now a large number of these who have become non adamic Abraham, which means that they have passed the test of faith in God and have been sealed. And since Satan’s reign is now over and Jesus is presently King, there is nothing to stop him gene zapping them to cease being under Adam’s death penalty, being walking dead, and to get the blessing of the 1st Abrahamic Covenant of Genesis12, which is to cease being adamic and condemned through his genes and instead become Abrahamic, uncondemend – living. Abraham lived for 180 years at a time when the max lifespan of humans was 240 years. It is presently 120 years, the precise age Moses was when he died. So when you are gene zapped by God you age a half rate actually, which some of the older people in the church are not entirely convinced about. Mind you with the stress of modern living who can tell?

The non adamic people who have received the blessing of Abraham already (for he is to become the father of all of us), are not in the sea. For the seed of Abraham are as the sand of the sea. They are not necessarily in the church, the land, they cling to the land and just keep out of the sea. They live on the beach between the land of the church and the sea of the faithless. So these do not die. It looka to me like you are a part of that sand. If you are Christian it is my great pleasure and privilege to inform you that you either became non adamic on 2021Heshvan14 (October23/24) or were sealed for that blessing by 2021Chislev14 (November22/23) and will get that blessing, a non adamic gene zap, on 2021Shebat14 (2022January21/22). That is truly what the battle of the seeds is call about. We are all going to leave Adam – but in which direction? Into Abraham or into Cain.

BUT all the saints MUST join the true church by the time of the 2nd vial finishing being poured out or they lose their angels. That is the meaning of the scripture which you refer to. And the 2nd vial has almost finished being poured out in vaccination terms in the West I suppose. But I am not convinced we have the distinction between the vials of God and the vials of Satan quite right yet.

However God bless you for thinking about these things. The first thing that raised my suspicions about the vaccines was that just at the very time God is supposed to be gene zapping us to return our bodies to an edenic non ageing state (going from 120 year max adamic to 240 year max Abrahamic to non aging Melchizedaic if outside a water baptism and to 240 year max Isaaic and non ageing or Methuselaian if inside a water baptism) the beast decides it wants to gene zap everybody with a vaccine. I thought: Well there is a coincidence!

Just when mankind is scheduled to escape from Adam by gene zap, Satan comes along with his gene zap in order to cure us from a virus. I realised that the gene therapy of the demons was an attempt to prevent the gene therapy of God. I should have put that in the article.

Your question has refined my understanding of the 2nd vial. Thank you so much.

Last edited 2 years ago by Lords Witnesses
Reply to  Robbie
1 year ago

I understand (currently at least) that the sea is, in a general way, symbolically represented by the nations/gentiles while the earth is, again in a general way, representative of covenant people/Israelites. It’s not that different from what you suggest.

Adamic people come from the dust of the earth as recorded in Genesis and have the breath of life breathed into them.

In a very symbolic way I sort of see it like this:
In the book of Beginning, after the creation of the spiritual plane and the physical plane, the earth comes to be in a dark and totally confused existence. The waters, being in darkness are exposed by God to Light (Truth!). God separates the darkness from the light (those who are able to receive light from those who do not receive light). He places a separation between these waters (those which are above and those which are beneath the firmament). Additionally, the waters below the firmament are further collected into one place causing dry land to appear. These waters appear to be separated until around the time of the flood when some of the sons of God decide to establish a presence in the physical plane (against the direction of God?) essentially leading to the disappearance of virtually all of the dry land creatures of breath.

After some time, dry land begins to recover upon the earth.

Both Israelites and gentiles are able to be redeemed by faith in the Word of God. Israelites additionally have responsibilities that come with the Abrahamic covenant (much like the disciples have a responsibility to Christ).

Here in the end times, the battle between the light and the darkness is heating up at an exponential rate. Surely it won’t last much longer.

2 years ago

black week was chosen as perfect time for new Variant, new lockdowns and more fear. seems clear to me.

2 years ago

There Are Now 365 Studies that Prove the Efficacy of Ivermectin and HCQ in Treating COVID-19. Any hospital administrator who mandated the shots to employees to comply with the government mandate for Medicare and Medicaid reimbursement and who refused to allow alternative treatments to be tried, doctors who pushed their patients to take the EUA drug without giving fully informed consent, anyone who forcefully administered the shot, the AMA, AAP, Boards of Health, CDC, FDA, NIH, WHO, scientists who participated in the development, Big Pharma (Pfizer, Moderna, J&J, Astra Zeneca, et,al), anyone who pushed the sick into nursing homes resulting in deaths, all must be arrested, prosecuted, tried and if found guilty sentenced to prolonged imprisonment and fines or death for intentional homicide.
Get your ivermectin before it is too late

Last edited 2 years ago by Purebloodpatriot
2 years ago

Great article and to the point. See, what all the assaults we are under since decades by what we call the ‘globalists’ but what should be called the worshippers of satan is their attempts to destroy the Gospel, Christianity, the Western man as they are their greatest and most formidable enemy.

The devil can’t attack God, he can’t destroy him, so he tries to destroy us and the scum doing his biding (from bojo to gates, from clinton to biden) are after us. They can’t beat us when we have faith so they try to destroy our faith, to corrupt our values and to mae us lost.

They use lgbt bullshit, gender theory bullshit, marxism, communism, fascism, relativism, everything that can divide, confuse and mae us lose sight of what is good and evil.

But in our heart we now what is good. So they try now to pervert our bodies and modify our genes to destroy our souls.

They will fail, but before failing they will pervert billions. All the idiots who have submitted to their evil poison are not totally lost yet but they will be.

We must accept that due to free will, some people we love will succomb and become lost souls, beast, robots or satan’s creature, but God will help us to defeat the satanists and destroy them once and for all.

draghi, bdien, turdeau, macron, clinton, morrison, guner, daniels, merkel, rutte, gates, fauci, schwab, fergusson and all their pathetic clique will burn in the lakes of fire of hell for eternity along with their idol satan.

Our sufferings are nothing to what they will endure forever.

We must fight, we must fight with our faith, with God and Jesus on our sides, for it is only with them that we will destroy the froces of evil.

Nothing, we should accept nothing from the devils, we should disobey and take none of their deamnds. We should reject everyhting coming form them and destroy their narratives, their infrasturctures and their armies of zombies

2 years ago

I have been doing some research before commenting here and I would like to know who the Lord’s Witnesses are? I can find no website for them and the companies they are involved with (see Companies House) look to be Tech companies. I don’t know the significance of this, if any but can find no transparency about this organisation.
Anyway, to the article. I am unsure what Bible they use but I use the NKJV and that seems to have a whole different perspective. I will list a couple of the issues below:
The procreation of Cain amounts to one verse in the Bible:
“Now Adam knew Eve his wife, and she conceived and bore Cain, and said, ‘I have acquired a man from the Lord.” (Genesis 4:1) It is pretty clear that Adam and Eve produced Cain and God not Satan was the spiritual force in the creation of Cain.   
The LW’s say75% of mankind are to be saved into the Kingdom of God. Matthew 7:13 says:
“Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it.”
It seems to me that there are few saved and the Book of Revelation itself would go along with this. The first four seals bring the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse:
“And power was given to them over a fourth of the earth, to kill with sword, with hunger, with death and by the beasts of the earth.” 
The third trumpet gives us the bitter star falling into the rivers; “and many men died from the water.” (Rev 8:11)
Revelation 9: 13-15 brings the release of the Angels bound at the Euphrates causing another third of mankind to be killed. We already have over half the population gone and Revelation continually repeats that although these horrors come upon the world that man still would not repent of his sin.
I won’t go on, it is for you to take out your Bible and look for the truth yourself. I believe we are in the very last seconds of God’s clock before we go into the Tribulation. At the end Jesus will return for those left in Israel and His spotless Church. But it is a remnant church not a broad church. If you want hope then there is only one answer and that is to repent of your sin and walk with Jesus.  Thank you for reading this.

A Person
A Person
2 years ago

C = 3
O = 15
R = 18
O = 15
N = 14
A = 1

6 66

A Person
A Person
Reply to  A Person
2 years ago

Formatting mucked up my columns lining up correctly!

…In the last few paragraphs, he seems to compare a demon with the Democrat Party but the word isn’t even that similar – only the first 4 letters match

2 years ago

[…] 2021-11-28 Why the World will end at the 7th Covid Jab and who is really behind the Vaccine Mandates  Further to the letter of Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano describing the coup d’etat against democracy by assorted billionaires and the threat this poses to the church and to all of our freedoms […] […]

2 years ago

ALL YOU AUDIOS in posts are not playing. ARE THESE BLOCKED????
Please check and rectify.

1 year ago

Interesting article/observation. Thanks for your time!