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Are “Phantom Covid Records” – “NHS Incompetence, Low Level Identity Theft or Higher Level, Systematic Data Fraud?”

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It appears that the NHS have recorded individuals as being “vaccinated” on their personal COVID app, even when they have never received one jab. Joel Smalley has previously reported that after checking his personal NHS app, he found that there were two jabs recorded on his record that he never had. Now Dr Jonathan Engler has written on his blog that he has also been recorded as also having had, not only two jabs, but also booster shots too, and unless they caused him to have “amnesia” he did not actually receive them. “How widespread is this issue?” Joel Smalley wondered, and is this “NHS incompetence, low level identity theft or higher level, systematic data fraud?”

Evidence of Incorrect Vaccination Records.

Back in October 2022, Joel Smalley asked “Can any UK vaccine efficacy data and analysis be trusted if the vaccinated population number is not correct? […] If you’re reporting rates (i.e. deaths per vaccinated/unvaccinated person days), getting the correct number for the vaccinated population is of paramount importance, right? But, one way of possibly getting it wrong is recording people as vaccinated when, in fact, they aren’t!”

Although he had no idea if this was a widespread this issue, but he had first-hand experience, that the issue exists because he personally had two records of COVID vaccination, which he says “will surprise absolutely no-one at all, I did not have!”

This was back in October 2022, and Joel Smalley provided proof in a video on his substack where he could be viewed logging into the NHS COVID app and navigating through his records and revealing that indeed, the “anti vaxxer” had been recorded as having not just one but, two jabs recorded on his NHS record that he had never received.

The video can be seen on Substack by clicking the picture link below.


Joel may not have known whether the issue was widespread or not, but remarkably found that in one of his WhatsApp groups consisting of six people from the UK, another person also had a NHS record of jabs he did not have. He said, “Two of us have this spurious record. Yes, it’s a very small sample but two out of six?! That’s some coincidence, even for the mother of all coincidences…”

However, it may be only two out of six people, one third of the group, but just as Joel also said , “if one-third of the unvaccinated population is incorrectly recorded as vaccinated, makes you wonder just how big of an issue this might be” and importantly, what is behind the issue?

Joel asked the questions: “Are these “issues” the result of asking a gargantuan task of rapid, mass vaccination to be undertaken by people who simply weren’t up to the task and made lots of mistakes?

“Or… is there some malign activity much higher up the chain at work, deliberately setting out to inflate the vaccination numbers? You know, to avoid any “vaccine hesitancy” that might otherwise ensue if people knew how many other people hadn’t fallen for it?”

Or, perhaps to try and hide the onslaught of negative efficacy data that would be too apparent if they used the correct number for the vaccinated population?Source

Who knows?

The “Co-Conspirator”

However, there was even another “line of enquiry” according to Joel Smalley, as his “co-conspirator” had reliably informed him that their jabs were done in “close proximity to the expiry dates of the toxin” he asked

What if, this “issue” is simply to cover up the fact that so much of this stuff would otherwise have expired, leaving both the practice and the manufacturer out of pocket for not jabbing up to their quota? 🤔

“I’m no conspiracy theorist but…”

Patient record obtained from GP.

Just a couple of days ago the “co-conspirator, which happens to be Jonathan Engler wrote a piece on his blog which is republished below in its entirety.

A crime has been committed…
…or: I am suffering from really bad vaccine-induced amnesia

By Jonathan Engler February 15, 2024.

IN 2022 blogger Joel Smalley wrote about phantom vaccinations appearing in his medical records. In his piece he refers to a ‘co-conspirator’ who had experienced the same.

The co-conspirator was me.

The co-conspirator was me.

I have never received any covid vaccine ever, yet my NHS vaccination records state that:

  • I had dose 1 of the Pfizer injection on 11 Nov 2021 at a pop-up clinic ran by the Countess of Chester Hospital
  • I had dose 2 on 5 July 2022 at the Well Pharmacy in Hazel Grove
  • I had a bivalent booster on 15 Oct 2022 at Scorah Chemists in Bramhall

(The final phantom injection actually post-dates Joel’s article which is why he only refers to 2 doses.)

Perplexed by the above, I have tried to investigate further.

I wrote to the Information Commissioner as it seemed to me that a serious information breach had taken place – someone unauthorised to so had accessed and inserted an entry into my medical record.

They basically weren’t interested, telling me to pursue each individual site, which I duly did.

ICO did eventually contact the GP practice where I was registered at the time (but am no longer), but their concern seemed to be solely around the fact that my vaccination record should be updated to reflect what I had actually had (or not had). They seemed remarkably unperturbed by the implications of what has happened which include:

  • Unauthorised access to my medical record
  • Fraudulent data entry
  • Financial payments made for vaccinations not carried out
  • Possible impersonation

And what happened didn’t just happen once. It happened on multiple occasions, indicating some sort of systematic fraud.

In each case, after investigating the matter, the vaccination site told me in essence that “the data is the data”, and while not actually calling me a liar, suggested I might be mistaken (!).

None had any CCTV footage available for me to try to identify the impersonator (not that I would have expected them to either have it or allow me access).

In two of the 3 cases consent was said to have been given by me verbally and recorded by staff at the vaccination site, but for one (dose 1 actually) they actually sent me this consent form:

It should be noted that I have obscured my home address, DoB and email address but otherwise this is exactly as provided to me by an attachment to an email.

Notably, I do not recognise the phone numbers entered onto the form (they are made-up), and the signature is not mine. Others may notice some other weird anomalies – such as the different shades of ink apparent even within the same word – although for all I know this could be a scanning artefact.

Anyway, basically I then just forgot all about the above, meaning to go back to it at some point.

That point might be now, because my GP (who knows and shares my views on this topic) just informed me that a 4th injection has appeared on my records.

This time, I am supposed to have received “Omicron XBB.1.5 Covid-19 vaccine” on 8 Oct 2023. The provider code apparently indicates a pharmacy in a town called Macclesfield. This one is even weirder as I don’t think I even qualified for the autumn 23 booster as it was only offered to >65s and those at risk.

Here’s the NHS record (with personal details obscured):

So what is going on here? Is this just part of a huge fraud to claim extra fees for vaccinations whilst bolstering the publicised rates?

That might seem unlikely as it only takes someone to check their records to uncover this.

But it is worth me pointing out that my noticing this may have been a freak occurrence since:

  • I happened to move to a GP who knew me personally and knew I was unvaccinated
  • Because I moved GP practice, my records came across and that is how the anomaly was spotted
  • Ordinarily people who declined participation in the gene therapy experiment wouldn’t have bothered checking their vaccination status

So perhaps this is actually quite widespread? I urge anyone unvaccinated here to check their vaccination records.

There are of course two other possibilities:

Firstly, someone might be altering my record so they can publicly try to claim I am vaccinated and destroy my credibility; but if that’s the case, how come they haven’t gone public on that?

Secondly, I have in fact had all these injections and they are inducing amnesia.

YARN | That was a joke. | Dragnet (1987) | Video clips by quotes | c6e9c85a  | 紗

Anyway, I’d be really interested to hear any more theories – especially from anyone who truly understands data governance around this process.

Advice about where to go from here would also be gratefully received.

Postscript added 15 Feb:

Someone has asked me if – should I be challenged – I could prove beyond reasonable doubt that could not have been at those places at the claimed times.

I have had a look at my diary and Google timeline history.

For the first 3 phantom jabs the Google timeline history obviously doesn’t show me going to any of these places on those days, although I was in the UK.

But for the 4th one – supposedly 8 Oct 2023 – I can actually prove I was abroad, in Italy.

I have a record of our Ryanair flight out on 5 Oct, stamp at Pisa on my passport that day (thanks to Brexit!), my Google timeline history, a hotel reservation in France for 10 Oct and a record of our return reservation (on Eurotunnel) on 11 Oct.

This article appeared in Jonathan’s Substack on February 14, 2024/


Is it just a coincidence that these two men who know each other have experienced these repeated issues? Or is it more widespread that we know? Do you think this is a result of “NHS incompetence, low level identity theft or higher level, systematic data fraud?”

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Ken Hughes
Ken Hughes
2 months ago

Statistically, the chances of two errors, (if these are the only errors in 66 million), in a small group of six is so small, as to be almost impossible.
In this case, the smallness of the sample proves the point.

2 months ago

The fraud is in my view proven beyond reasonable doubt.

The question that remains is: why did they do this?

Mark Deacon
Mark Deacon
Reply to  Petra
2 months ago

Inflate the so called numbers vaccinated makes the number of injuries and deaths look less problematic.

The high level of excess deaths that now remains when there is no justification for it should start to make people question all data, but the sheep keep believing government.

2 months ago

I work for a public service and I record and check data. This does not look like a mistake. This looks deliberate. The data I record is either used, checked or seen by at least 3 other people and we’re all in different departments and I am sure the same happens with NHS data. It is actually part of my job to check the accuracy of data of a very large department and I flag up any errors and there are always many errors. This type of breach should be impossible! But hey ho, we’ve all woken up to the fact that public services are wholly incompetent.

Mary Ann Dowrick
Mary Ann Dowrick
2 months ago

Surely it is up to the nhs to investigate medical record errors and apologise and correct the error. Anyone could write anything in someone’s medical records?How in the heck is this possible?

2 months ago

Jabbers were paid to jab – could it thus be simple greed / fraud as so much else is related to the scam?

Reply to  Paul
2 months ago

Was my first thought, too but if I understood it right, one person got his jabs in different places. It is not very likely that 3 different places conspired to falsify the records, that rather looks as falsifying the central data base.
Where the 3 were recorded at the same GP, most likely money and / or fear not fulfilling the required amount given.

2 months ago

There have been lie after lie as to who was vaccinated & who wasn’t especially on those who died in hospital within 2-4 weeks of vaccination. No doubt our politicians were either given false covid passports or given exsemptions. Sunak knows its fraud but having shares in Moderna perhaps makes him culpable for the deaths & harms caused by the jabs

Reply to  Belinda
2 months ago

Maybe our dear politicians (and the members of the RF) who claimed they had got the covid vax, to encourage us to have them, too, should be tested one by one with an Android phone and Bluetooth Scanner…. publicly.

Craig Renner
2 months ago

Furthermore, technologies that are powered by artificial intelligence may generate summaries of documents that already exist, which enables the timely updating of these documents and the distribution of them to a variety of stakeholders. Not only that, but they are also able to summarise the comments and thoughts of customers, which provides you with a decent understanding of how people feel. The greatest artificial intelligence summarise tool is a summarising tool, which can be found at online.

2 months ago

I kept receiving phone calls and emails offering the poison which I declined. I’m 100% anti vax. But having a phone call with gp I think it was 2022 she happened to mention me booking my second jab! I haven’t checked my records but be interesting to see if they actually have me down as having one

E Harvey
E Harvey
2 months ago

I too have found discrepancies on my records. They had put down that informed consent was given for the only jab I had. I informed them of that when I informed both them and AZ of the harms it caused me. I asked for copy of my medical records, I can’t see the ADRs on their either. They say they can’t alter my record. They have never asked me to see them and am now being ignored. Will leave the surgery after I get this sorted. Any idea to whom I contact to get it changed?

Nancy Miranda Johns
2 months ago

I appreciate your creativity and the effort you put into every post. Keep up the great work!

2 months ago

[…] (NHS) offered to Brits to keep track of their COVID “vaccination” status produced erroneous records, we now know, calling into question the legitimacy of the NHS […]

2 months ago

[…] (NHS) offered to Brits to keep track of their COVID “vaccination” status produced erroneous records, we now know, calling into question the legitimacy of the NHS […]

2 months ago

[…] (NHS) offered to Brits to keep track of their COVID “vaccination” status produced erroneous records, we now know, calling into question the legitimacy of the NHS […]

2 months ago

[…] des enregistrements erronés , nous le savons maintenant, remettant en question la légitimité du NHS lui-même. . […]

2 months ago

[…] (NHS) offered to Brits to keep track of their COVID “vaccination” status produced erroneous records, we now know, calling into question the legitimacy of the NHS […]

2 months ago

[…] Service (NHS) offered to Brits to keep track of their COVID “vaccination” status produced erroneous records, we now know, calling into question the legitimacy of the NHS […]

1 month ago

6 or 7 years ago, I withdrew my ‘permission’ from any & all ‘government-based’ ‘medical’ information- data collection or dissemination. Happy l did so