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Black salt, cheese and bread are some of the unhealthy foods sold by supermarkets

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Black salt, also known as kala namak or Himalayan black salt, comes from the salt mines of India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, and other Himalayan locations.  Or so we thought.

Dr. Guy Hatchard recently found out, to his shock, that the black salt we purchase in supermarkets is not a mineral mined from nature but is a manufactured blend of chemicals, including fluoride.  “For years I have been unwittingly poisoning myself,” he said.

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The Black Market in Salt and What It Means for All of Us

By Dr. Guy Hatchard

The traditional texts of Ayurveda recommend it as an aid to digestion. Recently, it has become something of a sensation among Western cooks and chefs seeking new, exciting flavours for their dishes. In the shops, it is often labelled “Indian Volcanic Salt,” and I always imagined it was mined in some remote exotic place in the Himalayas.

But it is not volcanic at all, browsing the internet I discovered that it is manufactured by an ancient process using extreme heat to fuse a particular kind of mineral salt with a range of herbs and fruits. The shock came when I discovered that there are only a couple of places left preparing the highly prized salt using traditional methods. Instead, industrial companies are making a look-alike salt that tastes somewhat similar but is, in fact, a blend of chemicals, some of which, such as fluoride, are quite poisonous. Hence, for years I have been unwittingly poisoning myself.

You may comment that perhaps the lack of regulation in the diverse Indian marketplace is to blame, whereas here in the West we have stricter standards and labelling, but is this the case? Among New Zealand’s most prized export products is butter from mostly grass-fed cows roaming on green pastures often within sight of snow-capped mountains. So far, so good, until you begin to ask how the butter is made. Numerous YouTube videos explain a very reassuring process of churning cream. However, more than 90% of butter you find in the shops is no longer made that way.

Giant factories use secretive technologies that more closely resemble margarine manufacture. This involves separating the different kinds of fat in cream and using only the softer fats to make spreadable butter. The essentials of this process were discovered in New Zealand in 1970, but only became widely used around 1990, by which time, after much research, a commercially viable industrial manufacturing process had been perfected. So, what became of the harder fats? Yes, you guessed it, they were not thrown away. They just might have found their way into ordinary butter.

Your grandmother might tell you that around 1990 butter no longer performed quite the way it used to in home baking. While those who make clarified butter, or ghee, for cooking found that when heated, butter separated into strange layers of milky liquid and greenish fat unsuitable for ghee. No one even informed the public of the switch, and the health implications of the hard-separated fat content remains an open question, no doubt un-investigated and swept under the carpet. Butter manufacturers all over the world now use these techniques aside from the few boutique creameries still traditionally churning.

This has happened despite the fact that traditional churning can be and has been a large-scale simple process. It is also very easy to make butter at home. It is the work of just a few minutes to churn room-temperature cream using a whisk or kitchen aid and then squeeze out the buttermilk, which can be used in other yummy dishes.

The Global Dairy Industry Didn’t Stop There

As vegetarianism became more popular, the use of animal rennet in cheese became a marketing problem. Animal rennet is used to precipitate the curds from milk as the first stage of cheese making. The solution was “microbial rennet.” It was much cheaper, more readily available, and acceptable to animal-loving vegetarians. Microbial rennet is made in a laboratory, and it is so powerful that just a few drops precipitate the solids from the liquid milk. Today almost all cheese throughout the world is made using this so-called “ethical” microbial rennet. That is progress, right?

Just think, when you eat cheese, you are now ingesting a powerful agent designed in a laboratory to precipitate solids in solution. Well, there are a lot of solids happily performing their functions in solution in our body. We are 60% water. If you have problems with constipation, haemorrhoids, blood clotting, varicose veins, menstrual pains, and other health problems involving congestion or coagulation, you might consider how much commercial cheese you are consuming.

However, you can create fresh cheese at home within ten minutes by heating whole milk (not homogenised milk) to a full rolling boil, then turn off the heat and add a little vinegar, lemon juice or pure yoghurt. Stir and sieve to create a tasty fresh cheese that is healthy. If you crave the sharp tastes, cheeses like brie or camembert and some European cheeses are still made using traditional methods (but read the labels).

We like a slice of bread with our butter and cheese, and here, too, the industrial chemists are hard at work. In 1961, the Chorleywood Bread Process was invented, which enabled the continuous production of bread rather than the traditional batch process. This necessitated the introduction of hard fats and some mysterious bread improvers, which have given modern packaged bread that rubbery springy quality which seems to last for weeks.

No problem though, you can buy an automatic bread maker and the machine will make it for you without hard fats. Bread lovers will know about sour doughs and have their favourite artisan shops.

Synthetic Ingredients Approved as Substantial Equivalence

You can see the problem, can’t you? Industrial scale manufacturers are taking over our food supply and changing it without telling us. Government regulators work hand in glove with such companies. New Zealand’s medical regulatory body, Medsafe, lists over 3,000 synthetic ingredients it has “approved” often under a convention known as “substantial equivalence.” This does not generally involve testing, but instead, if something looks and tastes similar to a natural ingredient or has a chemical composition that is somewhat similar, it is probably okay and therefore approved for general consumption, or is it okay?

A 2019 study in the USA, the country leading the way towards industrial food production and processing entitled ‘Burden of Gastrointestinal Symptoms in the United States: Results of a Nationally Representative Survey of Over 71,000 Americans’ records that there are over 100 million ambulance visits to emergency departments each year in the US as a result of gastrointestinal (“GI”) problems. A survey of 71,000 individuals found that during the week prior (yes, just one representative week) symptoms included heartburn/reflux (30.9%), abdominal pain (24.8%), bloating (20.6%), diarrhoea (20.2%) and constipation (19.7%). Less common symptoms were nausea/vomiting (9.5%), dysphagia (5.8%) and bowel incontinence (4.8%).

So, our government-approved, highly processed and adulterated diet might not be so safe after all. There are several factors for the wary consumer to consider here. The purity of ingredients (organic farming excludes pesticides), additives, synthetic substitutions, genetic modification and changes to traditional processes. Lax regulations are allowing all of these to be altered without public discussion or labelling.

Which brings me back to black salt. I was really disgusted, but then I should have been more alert and less naive. Supermarkets are now full of processed packaged food that is unhealthy and it is a long list.

The Dutch have a saying “If you want to be happy for a day, get drunk. If you want to be happy for a year, get married. But if you want to be happy for a lifetime, plant a garden.” 

If you haven’t already voted with your feet, you might start with a vegetable patch. If gardening is very new and intimidating, talk to neighbours and friends who can help you get started. Modern civilisation began with agriculture, make sure it doesn’t end with biotech culture.

About the Author

Guy Hatchard, PhD, is a New Zealander who was formerly a senior manager at Genetic ID a global food testing and safety company (now known as FoodChain ID). He is the author of ‘Your DNA Diet: Leveraging the Power of Consciousness To Heal Ourselves and Our World. An Ayurvedic Blueprint for Health and Wellness.

You can subscribe to Dr. Hatchard’s websites and GLOBE.GLOBAL for regular updates by email. GLOBE.GLOBAL is a website dedicated to providing information about the dangers of biotechnology.  You can also follow Dr. Hatchard on Twitter HERE and Facebook HERE.

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2 months ago

indeed ! when I came to the US I found out that I cannot digest what is sold here as bread. It has 20 or more ingredients, mostly chemicals. So I bake my own using the best flour I can find. I buy only imported butter, because the American butter is more water and splashes so badly it burns you left and right. I only eat imported cheese. Sometimes hard to find. Recently I was advized to search for a farmer who can sell me fresh milk (which here is forbidden for human consumption, it has to be labeled like that) and make my own cheese. A splendid vlog for Azerbeijan, Kand Hayati, which I followed for years now, demonstrates how to do it all- butter, cheese, yoghurt. And lots of excellent recipes as well. A must see! Thanks for this article.

Dave Owen
Dave Owen
2 months ago
2 months ago

 So I bake my own using the best flour I can find.

I wish I could. In the UK the new additive is folic acid (chemical) and I didn’t even know about it. It has bad side effect and will dumb you down just how fluoride.
Folic acid is not foliate. They mass-drug us (poison us) in the name of the few pregnant (but sorry, even if it would be helpful to them, why the elderly, children, men must be drugged, too?).
Almost 50% can’t use folic acid due to (they say) a changed gene (my opinion because it is laboratory chemical with side effects).
While organs are loaded with the real stuff, foliate, fish also.

In fact the video I had seen before went to google for details, claimed that they even spray it now for grains, rice, too.

I would enjoy and article about it, thanks.

2 months ago


Chris C
Chris C
2 months ago

Beautifully written article thank you, and in this “new normal” we should all be making our own food. What a simple way to make cheese!

I make bread from just 3 things: flour and bicarb plus curdled milk and it is the lemons/vinegar (used for curdling) reacting with the bicarb that gives the CO2 bubbles to rise it. No Net Zero for me!

The protein chemistry happening is beyond me, but it works and you have unending potential by adding raisins etc. and various flours.

Reply to  Chris C
2 months ago

Please see my comment above on flour and the added stuff inc folic acid.
You can’t even buy the quality ingredients to make your own.

We bought plenty of wild meat /game meat this year simply because farmed animals are stuffed with antibiotics and probably with poisonous vaxxes, too. I don’t even fancy them, a pain to cook, hours of work, hard to chew.

I gave up on making bread some time ago, I can’t make white flour while bread only made by whole grain (I have a small stone mill) are hard and not fluffy, plus the energy consumption (mine and the oven’s) are also great. With pre-heating, it’s 1.5 hours on 220-ish and we will end up just half kg flour worth bread.

I haven’t read after cheese, we try to buy mainly raw cheese from non pasteurized milk. (As LW wrote below, Waitrose, Sainsbury’s or internet orders…)
Same with butter. The French butter we buy is needed to keep in room temperature for a while to be able to spread, I guess it is a good sign then?

Salt: only rock. I was always suspicious of the colourful Himalayan salt, see salt can be loaded with heavy metals.

Lords Witnesses
Lords Witnesses
2 months ago

Spot on. I realised the microbial rennet was no longer made by animals and therefore had to be made by humans. That meant is was made in the lab. That meant is was genetically modified to be as economically viable as possible. That meant is was totally unnatural. that meant it was a poison. So I went to Tesco. Sainsbury, Waitrose and Marks to try and buy real chees, you know made the old fashioned way with rennet from calves bellies. Watirose actually had some. The trick is to buy chesse that is NOT sutiable for vegetarians. Because ‘sutiable for vegetarians, means microbial rennet, which means genetically modified frankenstein microbes are making the cheese enzymes..

Now imagine some of those super fast super strong cheese making frankenstein microbes get into your gut. They will outgrow all your beneficial gut microbes and your gut will become a cheese factory, in circumstances where 80% of your natural immunity against all disease comes from the gut through interactions with beneficial microbes.

Oh would you look at that? Big Pharma are at it again! They are taking out their competitor – your immune system! If you have 100% perfect gut immunity they all go bust (if only). If you have 0% gut immunity then your health is entirely dependent upon upon their drugs. So who is ‘incentivising’ these health regulators to permit frankenstein microbes! For the answer read pretty much any article in the Exposé

Incidentally worse is true of real ale and bread with live active yeast in it. They now have genetically modified turbo yeast. It can ferment a huge vat of beer in hours instead of days. Get some of that in your gut and it becomes a brewery and outgrows all the good gut microbes and bam! – no immunity.

In summary, for ‘sutiable for vegetarians’ read ‘genetically modified for profit – toxic to humans’. I love cheese. So I only buy cheese which is totally unsuitable for vegetarians! And I melt it before I eat it to kill funghi and microbes just in case. Just had a lovely cauliflower and broccoli cheese with M&S and Waitrose cheese not marked as suitable for Vegetarians. No big green V for me..

Reply to  Lords Witnesses
2 months ago

I love cheese, too. But I wouldn’t trust them based on just not suitable to vegetarians. Try raw cheese, Waitrose have quite a variety (read the label), Sainsbury’s have 2-3, less and less choice there, internet (for a fortune, small cheese producers). If you happen to go to Spain or the Canaries, they also have, even from goat milk, stock up.

Lords Witnesses
Lords Witnesses
Reply to  SilencedAbi4
2 months ago


2 months ago

So what about that pink Himalaya salt. Is that genuine or also chemical?
Could be just as easy to fake.
Thanks for this great article!