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The vaccine industry is a fraud; for 225 years vaccines have been making people unhealthier

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The vaccine industry intentionally deceives us about the risks and benefits of vaccines to make a profit, with complete disregard for human suffering and the destruction of public health over time.

One of the reasons the polio vaccine doesn’t work is because polio isn’t caused by an infectious virus. It’s caused by toxins. Poliovirus is a commensal virus that is completely harmless in the absence of toxic onslaught.

The changing of definitions is part of the vaccine industry’s playbook. The definition of a “vaccine” was radically altered to allow for the use of experimental modified RNA gene therapy.

Another part of the fraud is using another vaccine as the control in lieu of a true placebo. You simply cannot prove a vaccine is safe by comparing it to another, most likely unsafe, vaccine.

According to Dr. Suzanne Humphries, there are no worthwhile vaccines, not even smallpox or tetanus. Tetanus can be successfully treated using high-dose intravenous vitamin C and other essential nutrients.

Vitamin C works because tetanus is a bacterial disease caused by an obligate anaerobe that cannot survive in the presence of oxygen. Other oxidative therapies that could be used if the infection is related to a wound include hydrogen peroxide and ozone therapy.

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Dissolving Illusions About Vaccine Safety

By Dr. Joseph Mercola

In a recent interview, Dr. Suzanne Humphries discussed the recent update to her classic book, ‘Dissolving Illusions: Disease, Vaccines, and the Forgotten History’, published in 2013. ‘Dissolving Illusions’ is one of my favourite books on vaccines, so I was honoured to write the foreword for this 10th anniversary edition.

You can watch the interview titled ‘Dissolving Illusions About Vaccine Safety, Interview with Suzanne Humphries’ on BitChute HERE. We have attached the transcript of Mercola’s interview with Dr. Humphries below.

The ‘Safe and Effective’ Narrative Is a Carefully Fabricated Illusion

The word, “illusion,” is apt because the vaccine industry really is all about promoting illusions. They intentionally deceive us about the risks and benefits of vaccines in order to make a profit, with complete disregard for human suffering.

“What I’ve learned over 15 years of really immersing myself in this is that it’s the same old story over and over and over again,” Humphries says. “Sometimes people ask me, ‘What is the driver? Why do they do this?’ My answer is that I cannot completely answer why. Yes, certainly, there’s greed involved, especially today, but I think there’s probably some more sinister operations at play.”

Malicious Acts

In the interview, Humphries recounts the impetus behind the book. She first became aware that vaccines might be problematic when she was working as a nephrologist in northern Maine.

After a three-years-long struggle with the hospital administration, who refused to listen to any of her concerns, she finally got out, paid off her student loans and moved into a pop-up camper on a friend’s farm in Virginia, where she wrote the first edition of ‘Dissolving Illusions’, together with Roman Bystrianyk, who had been researching the history of disease and vaccines since 1998.

She spent the next seven years giving lectures around the world and got her fair share of death threats. The brake line on her car was sabotaged, someone shot a crossbow arrow into the ground in front of her front door, and an obvious nut job detailed how he intended to torture and kill her in horrible ways. All for speaking out about the hazards of vaccines and the lies that keep the vaccine industry going.

“I think it’s because when you’re someone that has credibility – I was considered a top doctor in Maine, as a nephrologist – and comes out saying what I was saying, it is a big threat. It’s not necessarily that I was some important person, but it was where I came from,” she says.

CDC Has Been Hiding Vaccine Injuries for Years

Humphries also recounts how the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (“CDC”) has been hiding vaccine injuries by deleting reports filed.

What’s in the ‘Dissolving Illusions’ Update?

One of the silver linings of the covid mass injection campaign is that it has awakened many to the notion that vaccines aren’t all they’re cracked up to be. The covid injections are so toxic, even though the injuries are being swept under the carpet like never before, there are just so many of them that the carnage cannot be hidden. And, because government and health authorities refuse to acknowledge the problem, many are now questioning all vaccines, not just the covid injection.

“It’s a dark night of the soul when you wake up to it,” Humphries says. “Your whole world does get a bit shattered because you start to realise that the entire medical system is corrupt and backwards and that there’s probably better ways to do just about everything.”

The Polio Illusion

Based on the available science, Humphries is convinced that one of the reasons the polio vaccine doesn’t work is because polio isn’t caused by an infectious virus. It’s caused by toxins. Poliovirus is a commensal virus that is completely harmless in the absence of toxic onslaught.

“We have to distinguish poliovirus from poliomyelitis,” Humphries explains. “Poliomyelitis is when there’s damage to a certain part of the spinal cord or the brain stem in the grey matter and causes paralysis in one or more muscle groups. It can cause paralysis to nerves that supply the diaphragm, which is why the iron lung was brought in.”

Are Viruses Real?

By now, you’ve probably heard the theory that there are no viruses, period. That the entire field of virology is a hoax, and that what we perceive as viruses are merely a type of cellular debris being shed when your body is trying to detox. Having delved deep into the science of infectious disease, Humphries disagrees with this theory. Viruses do exist. The question is whether they’re as dangerous as they’re made out to be. Humphries comments:

Changing Definitions Is Part of the Illusion

The changing of definitions is part of the vaccine industry’s playbook. They had to do the same for the covid pandemic. Not only was the definition of “pandemic” changed, but also the definition of a “vaccine,” to allow for the use of experimental modified RNA gene therapy.

“They did the same thing they did with the Salk vaccine,” Humphries says. “See, history just repeats itself. So, the first vaccine that came out, the Salk vaccine, had merthiolate [thimerosal], a mercury compound, in it to kill off unwanteds, but Salk wasn’t happy with the field trials – the results of the antibody response from those children – so they took the merthiolate out.”

Another part of the fraud is using another vaccine as the control in lieu of a true placebo. You simply cannot prove a vaccine is safe by comparing it to another, most likely unsafe, vaccine.

Yet that’s how it’s done. By using a toxic “control,” many of the adverse effects are automatically hidden as people in the control group end up suffering similar adverse events, and at a similar rate. This tactic was used in some of the covid injection trials as well.

Why You Don’t Need a Tetanus Vaccine

According to Humphries, there are no worthwhile vaccines, not even smallpox or tetanus, and certainly not the polio vaccine. She’s treated several cases of tetanus in the last five years, including in at least one fully vaccinated person, using high-dose intravenous vitamin C and other essential nutrients.

One of the reasons why this works is because tetanus is not a viral disease. It’s a bacterial disease caused by the Clostridium tetani bacterium, an obligate anaerobe. It can reside in soils, but it can also reside in your intestine where there’s no oxygen.

Oxygen is toxic to it. If you expose that organism to oxygen, as you do with vitamin C (because the metabolite of vitamin C is hydrogen peroxide), it’s instantaneously killed. Ozone therapy would likely be even more effective, for this reason.

So, if you get tetanus from a wound, the last thing you need is a tetanus injection or tetanus antibodies. All you need to do is apply ozone to the wound. It’ll instantly destroy the bacteria. Applying hydrogen peroxide would also work. As explained by Humphries, vitamin C is also a neutraliser of toxins, which is another reason it works.

Tetanus is a spore, and it transforms under anaerobic conditions into a toxin-producing organism. If you can neutralise the toxin and kill the microbe, then you’ve won the battle. One hundred per cent, we’ve won the battle. Humphries comments:

More Information

What people have to realise is that the schemes used to push the covid injections are nothing new. “It’s pretty much exactly the same as it’s been for 225 years, where the recipients are not the beneficiaries of this technology and humanity is not getting healthier by any means as a result of it,” Humphries says.

To truly understand the vaccine industry’s modus operandi, be sure to pick up Humphries’ ‘Dissolving Illusions’ 10th anniversary edition. It’s coming out in two forms: a standard hard copy and a special coffee table edition. The standard hard copy has been translated into 10 languages, with more coming. Kindle and audiobook formats are also available.

Also consider picking up a copy of ‘The Dissolving Illusion’s Companion’ book, which features the quotes of hundreds of doctors, stories of vaccination tragedies, the timeline of vaccines, rare documents that have been scrubbed off the internet, a recommended reading list and much more. For more details and free sample chapters, see In closing, Humphries comments:

About the Author

Dr. Joseph Mercola is the founder and owner of, a Board-Certified Family Medicine Osteopathic Physician, a Fellow of the American College of Nutrition and a New York Times bestselling author.  He publishes multiple articles a day covering a wide range of topics on his website

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Corona Hotspot
Corona Hotspot
2 months ago

“The vaccine industry is a fraud; for 225 years vaccines have been making people unhealthier”EXACTLY!

Reply to  Corona Hotspot
2 months ago

The purpose of the vaccines was to get everyone who had them injected with billions of Graphene Particles – let the extermination by 5G and 6G MAC Address begin.

Reply to  Corona Hotspot
2 months ago

And that includes vaccines for bacteria.
I’ve just found this, my jaw dropped.

Any sort of bacteria cause adverse health effects in plants, animals or people?August – October 2023:
Ontario Ministry of Health was asked for studies/reports that they have of the last 100 years, written by anyone, anywhere, that provide evidence for causation of any adverse health effect in plants, animals or people by any sort of bacteria via testing of a falsifiable hypothesis through repeatable controlled experiments using purified bacterial cultures as the independent variable with all other experimental conditions the same in both the experimental and control groups
(timeframe: January 1, 1923 until the date of the search).
No search was conducted b/c staff kept asking the same questions over and over, asking for “sufficient” detail, asking for a “more reasonable” timeframe but refusing to say what they find unreasonable about my timeframe, and even referring to my timeframe as reasonable… but they want it to be “more reasonable”.
They revealed that “the general records retention period for certain business records is current year plus five years”. My request was not limited to “certain business records”, so that was irrelevant.
It became clear that they don’t have any records older than 5 or 6 years (good lord) and/or don’t want it revealed that they have nothing at all, but didn’t want to admit this, so kept making vague demands for a “more reasonable” timeframe and I was too stubborn to shorten the timeframe given that they would not come out and say in plain language that they want/need it to be shorter.
And like virtually all Ontario institutions these days, they wanted me to fill in a form that asks for totally unnecessary personal information, under the guise of the Freedom of Information and PROTECTION OF PRIVACY Act.

Watcher Seeker
Watcher Seeker
2 months ago

Note – she says, “I’m not a virus denier. There is an actual virus that is commensal” – and “Viruses do exist” – so we don’t need any more articles about viruses not existing.

Reply to  Watcher Seeker
2 months ago

She may or may not be right. Knowledge is aways changing and evolving. The one fact I have come to understand is “we really dont know”.

Reply to  daisy
2 months ago

Karen Kingston the biotech analyst has all the patents and so do many other’s but I have found that unless you buy their books you don’t get all the information they speak about publicly.

Reply to  daisy
2 months ago

No one is perfect, not even Humphries it looks.
Or she just doesn’t dare to meddle more. She gave up on her career back then, I guess her life can’t be easy.

One other thing, and I can be wrong but I have a feeling that I am not. There was a woman, who (watch the dates!) brought Johnson to court because of a debt, date May 2021 and it turned out she was a “conspiracy-theorist” (means realist), and had alpacas – huge bell… Geronimo? I was looking after someone who might can help with FOI requests in the UK for veterinary, compulsory vaccines, same name.
Aug 2021, someone beloved alpaca pet was killed on a fake TB diagnosis, most likely because it got TB vax previously (no name in the articles) apart from the alpaca’s: Geronimo.


They must be STOPPED. The only way to stop them to prove and spread proof that never every any virus was isolated and proven to cause the thing it was blamed on it. Now it looks it is the same with bacteria, not the cause, but the result.

Bechamp and Naessens were right all along.

Reply to  Watcher Seeker
2 months ago

Viruses don’t exist they are created in the laboratory.

Dr. Judy Mikovits: Since 1980, all viruses are bioweapons that have been created in laboratories

Robert Kennedy: 405 diseases including Autism & Autism and Transgender Link

Robert Kennedy: Big Pharma admits their vaccines cause 405 diseases including Autism & Diabetes
Publicly Big Pharma says “NO” to diseases or injuries caused by their vaccines on TV, Radio, Hollywood advertising, etc. 
“PRIVATELY” Pharmaceutical companies admit their (JABs) vaccines cause autism & diabetes on their vaccine inserts.
A person cannot sue them because a person didn’t research or ask.

These are “NOT” Vaccines they are bioweapons. 

Autism and Transgender Link

Reply to  Brad
2 months ago

Lab or nature they should have been found, isolated and proven to cause the actual illness but it never happened.

gerald brennan
gerald brennan
Reply to  SilencedAbi4
2 months ago

It’s difficult to find something hat isn’t there.

2 months ago

https :// art-teacher .ru/gallery/info/13
In this difficult time for all mankind, we appeal to everyone involved in the world of fine art. The year 2020 will be remembered by each of us as a time of new realities, changed living conditions, but most importantly, as a new acutely felt border between grief and joy, cowardice and heroism, death and life.

Doctors all over the world today have become heroes for each of us. They are the ones who are now standing at this border: they are mobilizing all their knowledge and skills, sacrificing their health and tranquility, spending their time and energy to save the most important thing that a person has – his life.

The history of medicine has always run parallel to the history of mankind. People fought, were subjected to terrible natural disasters, epidemics of various diseases arose on the earth, and doctors always came to the aid of people.

Let’s support them in this difficult time. Nothing inspires a person more than acknowledging the importance of his work, a kind word of gratitude.

We ask you to make creative works in which you would read gratitude to doctors for the work they are doing today for each of us.

https :// art-teacher .ru/gallery/page/13/9689

comment image

We will defeat the virus!
Elena R., Age: 14 Russia, Moscow region

https :// art-teacher .ru/gallery/page/13/9577

comment image

Fighting the virus
Alice K. (15) Russia, Kaliningrad region

https :// art-teacher .ru/gallery/page/13/9442

comment image

Hero in the City
Asilya I. (9) Russia, Bashkortostan Republic, Temyasovo village

Reply to  karakorum
2 months ago

Doctors all over the world today have become heroes for each of us
I bet some thought the same about Stalin, Churchill and Hitler, too.
They are ignorant, money hungry fools as best and murderers as worst.

2 months ago

https :// art-teacher .ru/gallery/page/13/9640

comment image

“Stay home for us, we stay at work for you!”

Thanks to the doctors!
Radmila H. (11) Russia, Bashkortostan Republic

https :// art-teacher .ru/gallery/page/13/7066

comment image

Thanks to the doctors
Anna S. (13) Russia, Moscow

https :// art-teacher .ru/gallery/page/13/10047

comment image

“We’ve found a vaccine!”
We will win
Anna E. (10) Russia, Moscow

https :// art-teacher .ru/gallery/page/13/9963

comment image

“It’s a virus we can deal with together!”
Thanks to the doctors! Anastasia D. (9) Russia, Moscow

Children’s indoctrination is going well. Another “pandemic” and will move to zombification.

Reply to  karakorum
2 months ago

Major amount of Doctors are big pharma’s personal Assassins

Reply to  karakorum
2 months ago

big fat ‘one eye sign’ with this one for good measure, just so we know who’s behind all of this.

2 months ago

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2 months ago

[…] The vaccine industry is a fraud; for 225 years vaccines have been making people unhealthier […]

Ed Garnier
Ed Garnier
2 months ago

The Covid Vax, and to a greater extent, the Booster shots, contain Graphene, which is extremely poisonous to humans. And that’s just one problem with the whole pharmaceutical industry.

Dave Owen
Dave Owen
Reply to  Ed Garnier
2 months ago

I wish I could trust him but a bit late. More and more speaks out but does it matter? Who wanted the shot, got it, who resisted never would go for it.

Besides, unless he attacks clearly the virus / bacteria as cause of illness theories, he is just a valve to let out the stream.

Tony Ryan
Tony Ryan
2 months ago

I commenced researching vaccines a couple of decades ago when Dr Andrew Wakefield pointed to evidence that demonstrated a link between MMR vaccine and autism. He was backed by the Italian courts.

It did not take long at all to discover that not one vaccine functions as claimed and that all were injurious. I should note that medical matters are not my field, which is transcultural and geopolitical issues but one does not require advance medical knowledge to explode the democidal functions of vaccines. I had already begun to realise that, as a health product consumer, I was not only being ripped off, I was being poisoned, along with my family.

It was then that I learned a lesson about propaganda. Twice, sixty years ago, I passed public health exams in which the history of disease mitigation and eradication was recorded, and these listed 1880s sewerage schemes, drinking water reservoirs, hygiene education, slum removal, improved nutrition, and many other projects, all of which were measurably successful.

I knew all this full well, yet routinely swallowed the vaccine claims, even though these were entirely in conflict with long-held knowledge. I quickly learned to evaluate all information that came my way, shocked at how much was fictitious yet was believed by the public.

By 2007, I realised that the entire mainstream media proselytised fabrications and I commenced publishing the easily exposed realities. Resistance was massive. It continues to be high as we have seen with the mRNA jabs and claims of Ukraine battle success.

Paul Watson
Paul Watson
2 months ago
Reply to  Paul Watson
2 months ago

I follow it. For the daily horror, I don’t need S. King’ books anymore.

Reply to  Paul Watson
2 months ago

The link has changed, Gab can’t be refreshed.
The new one:

B Seidem
B Seidem
2 months ago

Read, “Virus Mania”, 2020, which goes back 100+ years. Find the cure for AIDS too. Pharmaceuticals are all about the $$$$$$$$$. For at least a century.

Reply to  B Seidem
2 months ago

AIDS was cureable. I followed Jon Rappoport on it, he wrote a book early (I think it was in 1988 or so), AIDS Inc, his blog (nomorefakenews) only had a nice huge archive on AIDS (and many more, like Ebola, Zika, Sars-Cov, etc.

There was a man, South America, who simply offered gardening to the so called AIDS ridden people and to eat what they produced, no drugs at all – they recovered. Fresh air, healthy work, healthy food, no chemicals, no drugs, no fear show to mess with your mind.

2 months ago

Just follow the money!

Carole Hubbard
Carole Hubbard
2 months ago

I’ve been using alternative remedies for a long time. Why use pharmaceutical drugs when alternative remedies work? The fact that alternatives are suppressed shows that the system is corrupt. Why would vaccines be the only good thing that is produced by the pharmaceutical industry? That is my reasoning for rejecting vaccines.

2 months ago

Edward Jenner (the inventor of vaccines), was member (and master) of the lucifer-worshipping freemasonry

Edward Jenner - Lucifer Worshipping Masonry Vaccines.png
Reply to  Nelson
2 months ago

Many doctors (also lawyers, etc.) are masons, unfortunately. I’m quite familiar with the way they operate because of family members and yes it’s truly awful. However I entrust everything to Jesus Christ who knows all things; there’s not one thing hidden that won’t be brought to light. My job and the job of those who love Jesus Christ is just to keep on keeping His commandments and following Him to the absolute end.

2 months ago

Anyone that says this is just stupid to the extreme, a useless Luddite. What do you believe has caused to expansion of human life expectancy, survival of the fittest or selective breeding?

Reply to  Doyle
2 months ago

FACT: Clean water and good sanitation were the main reasons for longer living. As soon as vaccines were used all diseases increased starting in the early ’50s’. I refuse to keep the lie alive.

2 months ago

We listened to our vet and gave our Labradoodle new Lyme vaccines. We were stupid.
Now we are dealing with the end-stages of Lymphoma with our young dog. We did chemo and extended his young life by 13 months, but now, on Prednisone, as a last effort for his life, we will lose our dog next month. Just today he has begun vomiting and has diarrhea from the Prednisone.
Of course, he never got Lyme disease…
We will NEVER submit to any form of vaccine for the rest of our lives.

Diane Leef
Diane Leef
Reply to  louisa
2 months ago

I despise the vaccine industry. Forcing people to vaccinate their pets. I’m so sorry about your precious pet. They were even forcing cattle ranchers to vaccinate their cows with the covid vaccine. Contaminating our meat supply.

2 months ago

[…] post The “Vaccine” Industry Is a Fraud; For 225 Years Vaccines Have Been Making People Unhealthier appeared first on 🔔 The Liberty […]

Kent Ramsay
Kent Ramsay
2 months ago

Dr. Sherri Tenpenny has been the leader in exposing this for decades. Once upon a time she worked with Dr. Mercola. Something happened and Dr. Mercola has since treated the very excellent and good Dr. Tenpenny in a very rude and discourteous way. His behavior in this matter has caused me to choose to not visit any of his sites and not refer any others to his sites. He may speak the truth but in certain matters manners and professionalism and following the golden rule are more important. Sad that this is the case here.

2 months ago

Tell that to the kids who saw their friends die or living in iron lungs.
People are free, to never take a vaccine. Not a pain drug, not an antibiotic, not a preventable disease vaccine. That is their God Given Right. Unless like recently when the governments of the world, made people take them to maintain a normal way of life.
Those same people are free, to never give their children a vaccine, OR let their children give their grandchildren a vaccine.
The antivax movement will be dead in three or less generations, and good riddance.
We live in an age of miricles. And still,,, people chose to be stupid and led like sheep, tyrannical, or be of the Blessed few who can still actually think and reason.

Reply to  Dana
2 months ago

Oh those iron lungs… when in the US the scandal hit the fan, they sold the stock to the UK…

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Good for row crops.

2 months ago

I would have to disagree about chicken pox. It does come back as shingles and it is unbelievably painful for a 70+ year old.

Reply to  Colt
2 months ago

And I only obtained relief with a 7 day course of an anti-viral called valacyclovir

Reply to  Colt
2 months ago

The truth is that these pox like illnesses are hard to distinguish one from the other. Also hard to distinguish from chemicals (like chemo) caused pox.

They are nature dictated depoisoning events. If you read after shingles (I did) you’ll find that every 1 out of 3-4 who got shingles will develop cancer. However if you don’t use antiviral drugs (to stop the depoisoning process) you have a better chance that shingles won’t come back – I did this and it never come back in the past 12 years. I also changed a lot on my diet.

Childhood diseases have beneficial effects.
“Brain Cancer Risk May Be Reduced in Those With History of Chicken Pox”

journal article (American Journal of Epidemiology) – “The authors concluded that clinically observed chickenpox was associated with a lower risk of childhood-onset MS in a French population.”

[2016 June] History of chickenpox in glioma risk: a report from the glioma international case-control study (GICC).

Lance Boiles
Lance Boiles
2 months ago

It’s very clear that the Covid vaccines are extremely harmful. I’m not so sure about what she’s saying about the polio vaccine. Polio was a common thing in the 40’s and 50’s and the Salk vaccine wiped it out.

Bottom line today – I wouldn’t trust Big Pharma, the government, or the medical establishment on anything they said about any vaccine.

Reply to  Lance Boiles
2 months ago

If we learned anything it’s that we have to step up and do as much of our own research into what’s published as we can. As Dr Peter Kory of The FLCCC pointed out it’s not hard to see through faulty research. Simple things like who is paying for research and what they stand to make or lose are obvious tells. Other tells are tiny participation and or very short studies🤔 Additionally they don’t even try very hard to keep the obvious failing hidden due to the medical fields blind trust. So with that in mind it’s up to us to watch our own back as much as possible from here out so stay frosty😼

Veronica surachinska
Veronica surachinska
2 months ago

Your statement that the polio vax doesn’t work is a damnable lie. I was in the first wave of little kids who received that vaccine. We had polio epidemic in our community and once we started getting the vax in school, the polio went away, everywhere. I’m not a proponent of Covid vax or some of the vaxes for childhood diseases, but 5he polio and smallpox vaccines are life saving. You people are LYING.

2 months ago

[…] This article was originally published by Rhoda Wilson at The Daily Exposé. […]

2 months ago

[…] Illusionen über die Sicherheit von Impfstoffen) von Dr. Jospeh Mercola, respektive des Artikels The vaccine industry is a fraud; for 225 years vaccines have been making people unhealthier (Der Bet… mit einem Vorwort von Rhoda Wilson auf The […]

David Verrall
David Verrall
2 months ago

I live in Australia, and have ensured that none of my small family where ever CV19 vaccinated or ever forcibly succumbed to a compulsory PCR test. 
My 15 y/old daughter has found quite a few kids families at her new school who are also unvax’d. We have just moved interstate to a completely new social environment, and know few people here. My daughter started a survey asking all the kids in her yr 10 class “did any one in their immediate families or their friends have a Covid 19 diagnosis?” Her random survey found that the kids who’s families had been vaccinated had both vaccinated friends or family members diagnosed with various degrees of Covid infection. Non of the unvaccinated kids families in her random selection group have had any diagnosis for Covid infections etc. She then started a loud protest in the school stating “That only the vaccinated get Covid” and her evidence at hand came from amongst her 100 or so persons student survey.

2 months ago

mRNA vaccines are different. It is what it is. Many of us have had other vaccines in the past and have been fine. I’m not saying adverse things don’t sometimes occur, but I don’t believe it’s good for one’s health to be angry and bitter at doctors or the government or anyone. Yes a lot of things in this world are nefarious and it’s been that way since the beginning of time. The ‘strong’ and the ‘rich’ have always tried to bring down the ‘weak’ and the ‘not rich’. It’s not what Jesus Christ taught to be vindictive or despise authority. Yes it is correct to hate evil itself but it’s not flesh and blood but rather Satan who’s masterminding everything evil and bringing it to fruition. Jesus Christ created Satan and Satan can’t do anything unless God ultimately permits him. God is not capable of causing any evil, but He does permit evil in order to test people. Jesus Christ said pick up your cross and follow me. It’s best to follow in His footsteps and stand your ground respectfully and with humility. Getting a rise out of everyone is what they want.

Reply to  Chloe
2 months ago

So, you just wrote:

   “Many of us have had other vaccines in the past and have been fine.”

Now, let me tell you that the word ‘placebo’ exists.

Placebos are being (and have been) used secretly many times instead of vaccines to fool people.

Don’t let them fool you!

All vaccine manufacturers are liars (satan worshippers) just like the inventor of those damn evil things called vaccines.

Those dirty poison injections should have never been invented.

Natural remedies (created by God) based on a healthy diet and a healthy lifestyle are the true solution against diseases.

Not deceptive evil things (vaccines, pharma products, fake food, etc) created by evil greedy men like Edward Jenner and all his successors and followers… They have been deceiving people for more than 200 years, killing and severely sickening millions of people all around the world!! all for their evil need for dirty money and diabolical power!!

2 months ago

[…] The vaccine industry is a fraud; for 225 years vaccines have been making people unhealthier (link). […]

12 days ago

My son has for children and when the last one was born I told him not to vaccinate her at all, not even the Vitamin K straight after birth, that girl is no 7 years old, she never had a vaccination of any kind and she is by far the healthiest of all four, I think that means something ☺