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The 1918 ‘Pandemic’ & the Viral Theory – ‘The Unproven Notion of Airborne Viral Illness That has Enslaved Humanity to the Corrupt  Medical Cartel.’

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There are multiple lines of evidence to dispute the classic viral disease paradigm, including historical records,  biological evidence (or lack thereof) and clinical “experiments” according to Dr Lee Merritt. Yet, while this is true, there are many self professed “awake” individuals who although are willing to accept that we have been continually lied to on a grand scale to enable our enslavement, will not open their minds even to the possibility that one of those lies has been the unproven viral disease paradigm.

Orthopaedic surgeon and past president of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, Dr Merritt writes “I hear it all the time.  From Physicians, “How can you say viruses don’t exist? I treat people with viral illness all the time.”  Or from patients, “My whole family got really sick—so there must be viruses!” Dr Merritt adds “Let’s be clear.  There is disease, as in “Dis-Ease”.  People get sick and some die of the sickness.  And I can admit to the ability of harvesting tissue from one animal and injecting it into another species and causing disease– as Judy Mikovits describes it—“infection by injection”.  But that does not prove the existence of invisible, sub-microscopic unicorns that fly from one person’s nose to another as the CAUSE of that disease. 

It is the unproven notion of airborne viral illness that has enslaved humanity to the corrupt  medical cartel.

“What better psychological wedge can be implemented against humanity than making people afraid of invisible emanations from other people?” she asks.

In this article Dr. Merritt discusses the largest clinical case study of all time—the 1918 worldwide influenza outbreak.

The “Pandemic” of 1918-–and the Viral Theory.

By Dr Lee Merritt – The Medical Rebel

It may come as a surprise to most people—even doctors– that person-to-person transmission of influenza has not been proven. In fact, during the COVID scare in the summer of 2020, the CDC itself published research in the journal of Emerging Infectious Diseases that showed neither wearing gloves, wearing a mask, nor disinfecting the surfaces you touch stops community spread of Influenza.  “Influenza” is Italian for “influence” and does not imply an organism or spread between people.  Current professional literature after 2005 will make grandiose assertions. But assertions are not evidence, even if you say it over and over as in this case.  A Science review article from 2021states,  “However, there is robust evidence supporting the airborne transmission of many respiratory viruses, including severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV), …” [1]  And just in case you didn’t believe it the first time, they repeat later in the article, “Despite the assumed dominance of droplet transmission, there is robust evidence supporting the airborne transmission of many respiratory viruses, including measles virus…” The problem is the evidence is not all that “robust”.  Bioinformatics and genetic fragments do not prove disease causation.  The question of causation was seriously studied during the outbreak of disease at the time of WWI.

Today, in the age of COVID, we have learned to question the official death numbers because they just don’t correspond to our observations. And we observed the ease with which “cause of death” can be skewed by hospitals coding for profit and propaganda (remember the motorcyclist who crashed and died of COVID?).  Similarly, the story of the great and awful 1918 pandemic has changed over time, and one should not take modern “retelling” at face value.  

Kate Daly, a former Fox newscaster and current radio show host researched news archives about the 1918 Pandemic, and discovered that like a giant whispering game, over the last century, the numbers of the dead reported in newspapers consistently rose.  Original reports of dead are very small in the US county by county adding up to about 100,000. But by 1920, they were reporting 500,000 dead in the US.   In 1941 two decades after the event, they claimed an estimate of 10 million dead worldwide. By 1975 newspaper reports doubled the count to 20 million dead.  Mike Leavitt DHS reported in 2005 the number to be 38 million, and now the CDC tells us 50 million died worldwide.[2]  

As I took up the news archive search, I very quickly recognized that newspapers of the early 20th Century were used for the same propaganda we suffer today.  We may think that only news in the digital age is controlled by a few major corporate voices, but I found, from 1917-1922, papers from all over America had identical articles under different banners.  It is somewhat humorous, but also confirmatory of the controlled nature of the press that, in the days of linotype, when each story was hand produced using lead printing letters, spelling errors were different, but the exact verbiage was used in “small town newspapers” all over the country

Another telling fact: these “pandemic” articles were never big front-page stories—they were buried next to church news and the latest sales of eyeglasses.

According to a 1920 Harvard historical document, 5000 people in Boston died from the Pandemic of 1918, and the same article reported that Boston was the third largest city death count in America.[3]  This fact also leads one to again question the death count of 500,000 in the US.  It also explains the curious fact that no one in my family mentioned this purportedly horrific disease event.  

My grandparents and great uncles and aunts, who were alive and working in 1918, never discussed a pandemic or even any big disease outbreak. My grandfather was a barnyard musician and great story teller who told me family tales about everything– Great Aunt Delia falling into the cistern, the problems of using a clevis pin in 20 below zero weather to hook the T-bar to the horse drawn wagon–but not one peep about the Great Pandemic of 1918. Although it would have occurred in the prime of his young adulthood, the “Great Pandemic”  apparently was not a major event in his life. In his diary which he faithfully kept daily from 1893 to 1963 there is one entry in 1918 that some relative “got the flu”.  No further mention of death or disability—and he faithfully recorded these events over the years.

My father was 13 years old at the time of the pandemic.  He discussed with me that he had osteomyelitis — an infection of his tibia that resulted in his being bedridden for months when he was around 10 years old.  This  should have focused his attention on the issue of disease and recovery. But he never mentioned “the pandemic”. As an adult,  he earned his MD, DDS and a PhD in biochemistry, taught Dentistry at Harvard, did research, practiced medicine, and was generally a student of 20th century history—but a “pandemic” was not on his radar.

I recently spoke to a group of about 350 people, and simply asked anyone to tell me afterward if they had ever heard family talk about the loss of members in the “Pandemic” of 1918.  Only one person told me that her family passed down a story, but when she investigated it, the person had actually died years before the outbreak. 

Why the pandemic was called the Spanish flu is unclear. The disease did not start in Spain, but rather, around Fort Riley Kansas which was a training base for the First World War. Army recruits at the base were becoming ill, and many were dying of a strange pulmonic disorder associated with fever, severe fatigue, and bloody discharge.  

We have numerous sources of direct history of the event—memory books that were written by families, the diary and later books of Dr. Eleanora McBean who volunteered with her family to provide care to the recruits, the autopsy results of Colonel William Welch and pathologists from the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, pharmaceutical history, Kansas historical Archives, Nany and Public Health Service Archives, and numerous other eyewitness accounts.  Unlike today, the US Public Health Service made an honest attempt to understand transmission of the illness.  They enlisted volunteers who leaned over the dying without touching them,  putting their mouths close to the mouths of the sick, and breathing in their exhalations.  

The volunteers did not become ill. Then, they had sick and dying people cough on the volunteers.  They swabbed mucus and nasal secretions from the sick and stuffed it into the noses and throats of the well. In the days before antibiotics, they even spun down the secretions of the dying and injected this solution into the well volunteers. But no matter what they did, they could not transfer this new disease to the healthy volunteers. In actual numbers, zero out of 118 well volunteers became sick. From the Navy Archives, “The volunteers were repeatedly exposed to hospital patients exhibiting influenza-like symptoms in an attempt to make them contract the disease. Although the 118 men failed to develop influenza, they all received full pardons in recognition of their participation.[4]     (This tells you the “volunteers” were actually not so voluntary—probably being in the brig at the time.)  

Curiously, horses were also affected with this respiratory disease, so they tried to prove transmission in horses.  They moved feed bags from the snout of a sick horse to a healthy horse. No healthy horse became sick. They tried to find a bacillus that accounted for the disease but could not find bacilli that were not also found in the well.  In spite of all this, at the end of time, they just could not give up the notion of person-to-person transmission, (or like today they were being incentivized and/or coerced by the pharmaceutical companies). The reluctant conclusion of the Public Health Service researchers at the time was this (reproduced with the original bold and capitalized emphasis): 

“The results of these experiments indicate PRESUMPTIVELY that influenza MAY be transmitted by means of the secretions of the upper respiratory passages from patients in the early stages of this disease, probably within less than 12 hours from onset. VERY DEFINITE CONCLUSIONS CAN NOT BE DRAWN…These conclusions, however, contradict the specific results of each of the three series of experiments reported within the document, where we find that NONE of the volunteer soldiers exposed to the fluids of patients with symptoms of Spanish Flu contracted the Spanish Flu symptoms.”[5]

Dr. William Welch and a team of AFIP Pathologists, bravely undertook to autopsy the dead.  (This should be the first line of inquiry in any new “disease” but was actually prohibited by the medical authorities in the age of COVID.). Caretakers of the dying, in 1918, had observed that young men would develop fever and cough, then suddenly would cough up blood and die.  

The autopsies of the troops revealed that many of them had lungs filled with blood. Some were “consolidated” or edematous and bacteria were consistently found.  But the pathologists could not understand how “bacterial pneumonia” would act so differently in 1918 than any previous encounters.  A review was done 100 years later by researcher Zon-Mei Sheng et al., who reviewed paraffin tissue blocks from Army personnel who had died of the disease.  “All 68 cases had histological evidence of bacterial pneumonia, and 94% showed abundant bacteria on Gram stain.” 

They then go on to use modern genetic analysis (feel free to skip to the punchline): 

“Sequence analysis of the viral hemagglutinin receptor-binding domain performed on RNA from 13 cases suggested a trend from a more “avian-like” viral receptor specificity with G222 in pre-pandemic cases to a more “human-like” specificity associated with D222 in pandemic peak cases. Viral antigen distribution in the respiratory tree, however, was not apparently different between pre-pandemic and pandemic peak cases, or between infections with viruses bearing different receptor-binding polymorphisms. The 1918 pandemic virus was circulating for at least 4 mo. in the United States before it was recognized epidemiologically in September 1918. The causes of the unusually high mortality in the 1918 pandemic were not explained by the pathological and virological parameters examined.” [6]

Obviously, they wanted to find viral cause but instead found bacteria and no consistent viral pattern.  So, what was going on in 1918?  

As a bit of medical history not taught to modern medical students, influenza did not exist as a yearly disease until around the 1850’s, after the first telegraph lines were strung.  The diagnosis “neurasthenia” was coined in 1867 to describe an illness of nervousness, listlessness, palpitations, depression and sometimes focal paralysis.  It was noticed that the disorder clustered around telegraph line installers, switch board operators, and railroad workers (telegram lines were strung along the rail lines) and thus neurasthenia became known as Telegrapher’s Disease. 

In fact, in 1907, the Bell Telephone switchboard operators in Toronto went on strike for better working conditions. This was documented in a Royal Commission study in Canada,  headed by a former Prime Minister.  And “Telegrapher’s Paralysis” was reported by a physician in France.[7] And the punch line?  In Oct 1917,  at the request of the U.S. Army Signal Corps, K.S.A.C. instituted a course in wireless telegraphy. [8]  The Army Recruits at Ft. Riley, Kansas were training to be Telegraph operators for WWI.

Before you think that electromagnetic exposure is too far-fetched as an explanation, it was discovered that making a long twist in the copper wire for the telegram lines lessened the symptoms of the neurasthenia experienced by people working under the lines.  And the really convincing bit of evidence came from the unexpected realm of astronomy. In the 1970s, an astronomer R.E Hope-Simpson, and a mathematician from the University of Wales by the name of F. Hoyle demonstrated that influenza outbreaks occurred nearly simultaneously around the world in association with increased solar activity– sunspots flares, etc.[9] 

Ken Tapping,– a Canadian Astronomer in 2001 also made the observation that in years 1700 to 1979, including 150 years prior to the era of Telegraphy, Influenza outbreaks occurred one to three decades apart, and coincide perfectly with peaks of solar magnetic activity.  As documented in Dr. Arthur Furstenberg’s book The Invisible Rainbow an infectious agent does not account for near simultaneous transmission of disease around the globe in an age before air transport[10].  Reports based on ships logs reveal that, in the age of “wooden ships and iron men”, the disease would simultaneously sweep over multiple ships widely dispersed at sea—ships that  had not had contact with land or with other ships for prolonged periods. And as a 2016 article by Qu and Gao et al. “Sunspot Activity, Influenza and Ebola Outbreak Connection” points out,  influenza may not be the only disease where our ideas of transmission may be wrong.[11]  (Consider this when the issue of 5G and Covid keeps resurfacing.)

Photograph of Madame Blavatsky holding a fan, May 1887. Interestingly, Madame Helena Blavatsky the famous (or notorious as some would note) Theosophist wrote:  “Does it not seem therefore, as if the causes that produced influenza were rather cosmical than bacterial; and that they ought to be searched for rather in those abnormal changes in our atmosphere.”. And even more presciently, during an influenza outbreak of 1890:   “The influenza thou has already in thy pocket, for people see it peeping out.  Of people daily killed in the streets of London by tumbling over the electric wires of the new
Lighting craze we already a premonition through news from America.”

The biology/physiology of this effect is at least partly understood. Metabolism depends on an electron transfer chain within the mitochondria—intracellular organelles which take the results of metabolism and convert it energy within each living cell. The flow of electrons can be altered with the application of a sudden electromagnetic field.  Additionally, the rate at which the EMF is introduced matters.  In medicine, we once were taught “Cannon’s Law of the Body” that the body responds to rate of change not just absolutes.  

We are physiologically better able to adapt to a new environment if it is applied slowly. So, in the 1918 Ft. Riley outbreak, some recruits—not previously exposed to electricity– were suddenly surrounded by miles of copper wire transmitting signals that were typed out at discordant 7.2 Hz frequency, just shy of the natural Schumann earth resonance of 7.83 Hz. It was observed  by  doctors stationed at the army camps during the autumn 1918 wave of influenza, that those young men who were dying, more often than not, big, were the big brawny country boys, not the pale, scrawny city boys. This makes sense when you consider that the city kids had already been slowly adapted to the electrification of their cities. [12]  

Prior to 1900, medical studies of Telegrapher’s disease and Neurasthenia actually showed that people may have had a miserable anxiety ridden existence, but it did not shorten their life span—in fact life span may have been slightly extended.  So, what accounted for the sudden mass death in the camp?   There were at least two other factors contributing to the Pandemic death count that are very reminiscent of COVID deaths today.  

In 1918, The Bayer Company, a subsidiary of IG Farben, had just lost their patent on Aspirin, a drug that German scientists accidentally discovered lowered fever.  So, the company waged a PR campaign to convince doctors via the AMA and the newly organized medical education establishment that lowering temperature with Aspirin, was a great idea for recovery from disease!  Today, we have considerable data from India on the treatment of Tuberculosis and Polio, that fever is beneficial to resolving disease.   Lowering temperature by chemical means extended the active phase of disease and resulted in more paralysis and increased mortality.  But that information was not available in 1918, (and still ignored by most physicians today).

Nor did physicians of 1918 understand the risk of bleeding with higher dosing of Aspirin. Diarists of the pandemic report seeing doctors giving handfuls of aspirin to reduce the fever in recruits.  And, in confirmation, it was noted by physicians in 1918 that as the disease progressed, victims began bleeding from the nose, and mouth. Many deaths subsequently occurred with hemorrhagic lungs—lungs filled with blood, not pus.

Finally, and probably the most damaging, yet debated, factor was this: WWI was the first conflict in which our military were given multiple (and experimental) vaccines. 

Dr. Frederick L. Gates

Dr. Frederick L. Gates was from not one but multiple Ivy League Schools, beginning at the U. of Chicago and transferring to Yale where he was awarded the Andrew D. White award.(White was a member of the Order of Skull and Bones).

 Gates subsequently graduated with honors from Johns Hopkins Medical School in 1913, and in 1917 when America entered the war, volunteered for the Army Medical Corps.  He was commissioned as a First Lieutenant.  Surprisingly, for a newly minted medical officer, Gates was assigned to duty on the Rockefeller Institute staff, likely due to his father Frederick Taylor Gates being a personal assistant to John D. Rockefeller.  

Gates the elder is credited with Rockefeller’s getting involved in organized medicine.  “ Although Rockefeller himself believed in folk medicine, the billionaire listened to his experts, and Gates convinced him that he could have the greatest impact by modernizing medicine especially by reforming education, sponsoring research to identify cures, and systematically eradicating debilitating diseases that sapped national efficiency like hookworm…In 1901, Gates Senior designed the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research (now Rockefeller University), of which he was board president. He then designed the Rockefeller Foundation, becoming a trustee upon its creation in 1913.” [13]

According to his memorial biography, Dr. Frederick L. Gates “gave lectures to military groups (at the Rockefeller Institute) … was also assigned to visit training camps, in the interest of preventive medicine, and traveled widely”. What they don’t mention is his role as primary investigator on the vaccinations given at Ft. Riley, Kansas prior to the outbreak of disease. 

On May 25, 1917 an Army Medical School had been established at Ft. Riley, Kansas.  Shortly thereafter, in October 1917, 525 cases of Typhoid Fever occurred in Kansas, and the State Board of Health gave 9,000 “free shots”.[14] Three months later, an outbreak of “meningitis” occurred.

The US Navy and Army estimated that 40 percent and 36 percent of their servicemen had been affected.[15] (It is important to note that an “outbreak” of meningitis usually involves one or two people.  The largest outbreaks in the last 50 years I could identify were  groups of gay men in San Francisco and LA with 20-30 cases.  To have over 30% of personnel affected is totally outside the norm for reported outbreaks of meningitis.) The response again was to administer more crude home-made meningitis vaccines, beginning in January 1918 and continuing into February 1918. 

From the Kansas historical society records:

“Following an outbreak of epidemic meningitis at Camp Funston, Kansas, in October and November, 1917, a series of anti-meningitis vaccinations was undertaken on volunteer subjects from the camp. Major E. H. Schorer, Chief of the Laboratory Section at the adjacent Base Hospital at Fort Riley, offered every facility at his command and cooperated in the laboratory work connected with the vaccinations… In the camp, under the direction of the Division Surgeon, Lieutenant Colonel J. L. Shepard, a preliminary series of vaccinations on a relatively small number of volunteers served to determine the appropriate doses and the resultant local and general reactions. Following this series, the vaccine was offered by the Division Surgeon to the camp at large, and “given by the regimental surgeons to all who wished to take it.” 

This excerpt from Dr. Gates’ paper on the research submitted for publication in 1918 gives you a flavor of the state of vaccination art and his involvement at that time:

“The vaccine used was made in the laboratory of The Rockefeller Institute. 16-hour growths on 1 per cent glucose agar in Blake bottles were washed off with isotonic salt solution, like strains pooled, and the concentrated suspensions immediately heated to 65°C. for 30 minutes to kill the cocci and inactivate the autolytic ferment…Accordingly, the vaccinations were begun with the injection of 500 million cocci, and this initial dose was increased in successive groups by 250 or 500 million until it had reached 2,000 million. For the second and third doses in each group, the first dose was usually multiplied by two and by four…About half of those vaccinated, whose third injection was due after February 4, 1918, were given a final injection of 4,000 million, on account of the occurrence of several fairly severe reactions from the larger dose among medical officers at Fort Riley. In some regiments the vaccinations had been completed before February 5.”[16]

At the same time Kansas military bases were being vaccinated, schools were, for the first time, seriously mandating vaccines for attendance in Kansas.  From the Lawrence Daily Journal World, 3 Jan. 1918:  [17]

A summary of the time course of the 1918 Pandemic

May 25, 1917,  an Army Medical School had been established at Ft. Riley, Kansas.  

October, 1917, 525 cases of Typhoid Fever occurred in Kansas  and the State Board of Health gives 9,000 “free shots” in response to 525 cases of Typhoid Fever in Kansas.

October and November, 1917, Meningitis breaks out and a second round of vaccines—this time for Meningitis was given.

In January and February of 2018, Military recruits, and school children, , were required to have a variety of crude vaccines partially concocted at the time of inoculation.  Although I cannot prove this in the news, it is likely that—as is true today—the Indian Health Service pushed vaccination on the Native Americans.  

One month later, in March of 1918Scarlet Fever epidemics were reported from Cowley, Butler, Dickinson and Leavenworth counties.  

Also in March 1918, five students at the (Native American) Haskell Institute 95 miles from Ft. Riley had died and 457 were ill with a disease called “strep-grip.”  

In September 1918, the disease still was not front-page news.  Throughout this time, there were more concerns over wheat shortages, Anti-German discrimination, and conscientious objectors to the war.   The Kansas City Star reported that Mrs. James Farrell, Effingham, was the knitting champion of Atchison County.  She had knitted 100 pairs of socks for the Red Cross since August, 1917.

In October, 1918, three hundred cases of what was now being called “Influenza” was being reported in the state. Hays was hardest hit with 200 cases yet still reported only several deaths.  By the middle of October,  1918, Kansas Governor Capper issued a state-wide closing order, effective for one week, in an effort to halt the flu epidemic.  Over 7,000 cases had been reported statewide. Even accounting for underreporting this does not suggest a pandemic of epic proportion.

Also on October 25, 1918, my grandfather recorded in his diary that relatives arrived from Canada and a few days later the town of 1200 people was put on quarantine.

2 November, 1918, The State Board of Health in Kansas lifted the influenza closing order.  

This graph shows the very acute time course of influenza deaths in 1918, beginning about 6 months after the vaccinations took place, and going away three months later—never to return. 

From: Sheng, ZM, Chertow, DS, Ambroggio, X et al, 

Although we have seasonal illness we call Influenza, and occasionally Influenza breaks out worldwide as it has done for centuries, never since 1918 have we seen this unusually lethal type of outbreak until 2019 and the COVID “Pandemic”. What is discounted, forgotten, or purposely ignored are the observations of Dr. Eleanora McBean  who actually witnessed the outbreak at Ft. Riley, Kansas, and as a child helped her family care for sick soldiers and community members.  

Writing later, as a physician, she reported that the only deaths were in the vaccinated. Her family was exposed to diseased people daily, along with others who volunteered to care for the sick.  They were unvaccinated and as people were dying around them, according to Dr. McBean they “didn’t even get the sniffles”.  

Most of the historical search for this article focused on Kansas because it is generally cited as ground zero for the “Great Pandemic”. Looking about America, the disease disproportionately hit cities, and concentrations of military or other people living together in dormitories or Indian Reservations.

These people were mandated to have vaccines, or were likely to have been told by their local authorities to do so. Neither the numbers cited by any individual city or locale, nor by the counties seem to add to the gross numbers we hear today.  It is apparent that in a few places, an unusual number of folks became unusually ill.  These places—such as Fort Riley and Boston generated a mythos that was remembered by the medical establishment more than the public at large. 

People who developed neurasthenia, in the absence of vaccination, could become symptomatic, but did not develop the severe pulmonary symptoms and were found in some studies to live longer than average. But propaganda seems to have been deployed consciously via the newspapers from 1920 to today regarding the causes of the disease of 1918.  

Looking at the totality of the evidence, the Pandemic of 1918 was not probably a  communicable disease, but a disease of communicable technologies.  Americans went to Europe and we took our Telegram equipment and vaccines with us for sale on the European market.  When the soldiers were returning home, the public was convinced through aggressive marketing campaigns to get vaccinated because the troops were returning from Europe with “Disease”.  The vaccine timing explains the huge spike of disease and death during a narrow time range following a rapid multiple vaccination rollout.  The later prolonged, less dramatic occurrences of death followed a more sluggish civilian adoption of the vaccine program. 

The Pandemic of 1918 as the prototype of infectious transmissible worldwide disease is based  on skewed history, propaganda, and assumptions, not proof.  This underscores the need today for true systematic scientific inquiry where we examine the basics and the basis of our views of biology and disease–not just an “Epidemiologic” mapping of sick people, coupled with preconceived notions.

In fact, it is difficult not to wonder about the role of the Rockefeller Institute under Gates Senior orchestrating this whole show. Given the physicians and scientists who have unexpectedly died in the 20th century, such as famous cancer researcher Dr. Mary Sherman of SV-40 fame, it is worth a mention that Dr. Frederick Gates, after the war, and after his father was deceased,  moved to Harvard where he died young from a blow to the head. In less polite circles that might be suspected as “cutting the trail”. 

[1] C.C. Wang, Prather, K.A., Sznitman, J., et al, Airborne Transmission of Respiratory Viruses, Science Vol 373 no 6558.




[5] Experiments upon volunteers to Determine the Cause and Mode of Spread of Influenza (aka “Spanish flu”.  Hygienic Laboratory—Bulletin No. 123 Feb, 1921 Treasury Department, US Public Health Service. Page 172-272 

[6] Sheng, ZM, Chertow, DS, Ambroggio, X et al: Autopsy series of 68 cases dying before and during the 1918 influenza pandemic peak, PNAS September 19, 2011, 108 (39) 16416-16421

[7] London: The Graphic, April 1875


[9] Qu J, Gao Z, Zhang Y, Wainwright M, Wickramasinghe NC, et al. (2016) Sunspot Activity, Influenza and Ebola Outbreak Connection. Astrobiol Outreach 4: 154. doi:10.4172/2332-2519.100015

[10] Firstenberg, Arthur, The Invisible Rainbow, Chelsea Green Publishing, London US 2020. p 75-93

[11] Qu J, Gao Z, Zhang Y, Wainwright M, Wickramasinghe NC, et al. (2016) Sunspot Activity, Influenza and Ebola Outbreak Connection. Astrobiol Outreach 4: 154. doi:10.4172/2332-2519.100015

[12] Pettit, DA  America Experiences Pandemic Influenza, A Cruel Wind, 1918-1920 A SOCIAL HISTORY. Thesis, Winter 1976, du/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=2144&context=dissertation





Source: Dr Lee Merritt – The Medical Rebel

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2 months ago

excellent article…

Reply to  john.L
2 months ago

Could be without Merritt. Merritt just happened to tell that there are viruses and Cowan et al are coppos. Basically this.
She still emphasized the importance of the main culprit (according to her view) the parasites but they are another interesting subject, because they tend to be present if the body has too much heavy metals and tend to be disappear / not to appear if not.
Killing parasites must be depend on their true roles. Helpers or foe? Plus it lead you back to the big pharma’ business, only this time they will sell you anti parasitic drugs or vaccines or whatever probably with interesting side effects as always.

2 months ago

History has been rewritten many times. It’s best to take everything with a pinch of salt. Use family members who are older to find out about local history or even what they know about big events. Their perceptions, particularly about world events will be less reliable, as the media has always been used to manipulate and control the people. What can’t be totally manipulated by the media are people talking about family history and local history.

Chris C
Chris C
Reply to  Jeff
2 months ago

Hi Jeff, brilliant comment!
As an older person myself, I wondered why so many older folk obeyed the plandemic stuff such as masks and bioweapon jabs.
Now I realize as you say, they have been brainwashed for so long.
What an irony.
As stated in my comment earlier, the mainstream media MSM are pure evil and must be supplanted by journalism based on truth, freedom etc.

2 months ago

There are areas like sneezing over something about to be eaten. Social distancing and lockdowns did more harm then imagined and should have been left to individuals to decide on. Banning all the treatments known to work was evil.

Reply to  brinsleyjenkins
2 months ago

Robert Kennedy: Big Pharma admits their vaccines cause 405 diseases including Autism & Diabetes
Publicly Big Pharma says “NO” to diseases or injuries caused by their vaccines on TV, Radio, Hollywood advertising, etc. 
“PRIVATELY” Pharmaceutical companies admit their (JABs) vaccines cause autism & diabetes on their vaccine inserts.
A person cannot sue them because a person didn’t research or ask.

These are “NOT” Vaccines they are bioweapons. 

Autism and Transgender Link

“There is no natural virus.”
Dr. Judy Mikovits: Since 1980, all viruses are bioweapons that have been created in laboratories – The Expose

Dr. Judy Mikovits: Since 1980, all viruses are bioweapons that have been created in laboratories

More than 90% of covid deaths in the UK are among those who received a covid injection. This shouldn’t surprise us, Dr. Judy Mikovits said, because every virus since HIV has been created using gain-of-function technologies.  In other words, every virus since HIV has been developed by scientists in a laboratory.

Dave Owen
Dave Owen
2 months ago

Ni Patricia,
Another well produced piece of history.
If you had mentioned that the Mormons and Amish had refused any vaccinations, and that they helped as nurse staff. This would have been more evidence.
It was called Spanish Flu, as a insult to Spain, because they were a neutral country.
The mention of telegraph communication, could have been how they are now using 5G, to get rid of us.


It’s not only 5G they use. To all: BUY an EMF meter, put the money into it. Then measure. Not only RF (microwave frequencies coming from smart toys, antennas, etc) but ELF (dirty electricity if you like) because they are messing with our cables!!!

Sometimes the same cables (points on them) whether they are cable for internet or cable for electricity shows very different values with exceptionally high V/m. Just 3 days ago I happened to measure O.L: (over the limit) and also 1000 V/m, close to my side table 433 V/m, the net-cable in RED and to switch off is not good enough, I have to literally unplug it downstairs to have normal values (green range on the meter). Even my engineer husband has no explanation but we believe in our own eyes.
If this “dirty electricity” is close enough to your body it can cause anything, literally. While in the past I usually measured (looked for) elevated RF, I can’t recall a time when I would have measured that level of V/m where it should not be present.

Buy an EMF meter and measure, not just once, the amounts are higher during nights and dawns than during daytime.

2 months ago

If you can’t spread disease by breathing it out or sneezing then why won’t you eat food that a sick person has sneezed on? Before your scamdemic everyone knew that “coughs and sneezes spread diseases”. Billions of your ancestors knew it. Now alternative media has convinced you all that the opposite is true. Well, at least it proves that endless propaganda works a treat. Yes, the scamdemic was a lie and all about money, but someone with a cold will spread it around by sneezing it all over the place too. Babies and bath water come to mind.

Reply to  dan
2 months ago

so you wore a mask then ?

Reply to  dan
2 months ago

Actually, I’m 88 years of age. At age 60 I was having health issues but could figure it out. I would eat certain foods to be ok other foods made me feel sick but even then I did not connect the dots until one night I decided to turn on my radio.

I could only get 1 radio station coast to coast am with George Noory.

He had Dr. Joel Wallach on it was about getting 90 essential nutrients in our bodies.
But the real issue was GLUTEN and chemicals in all the foods and glyphosate and fluoride.

You see, that very same day before I heard his program I broke out on my lips a herpes like symptom and I knew I didn’t have herpes.

I did research a lot after hearing Dr. Joel Wallach and we are being murdered by our food.

John P. Holdren 1974 Eco-Science posion the food and water for depopulation.

If I drank milk after the 1990s I would get strep throat.
I then had to take azithromycin for 5 days.

I didn’t connect all the dots but after the FAKE Pandemic people who eat weaponized food and drugs are walking bio-weapons laboratories as Karen Kingston speaks about.

Since going gluten free and pesticides free foods I have no health issues in fact my doctor cannot believe it even after I told him.

He is my age and looks dead but I look 35 years old.

Youngevity products Dr. Joel Wallach watch his information and because of his lawsuits there are no more Telethon for Muscular Dystrophy

Go organic gluten free and pesticide free but unfortunately most people are so in debt to the planned destruction of America most people can’t change their situation.
2010 I went off grid because I could see it coming thanks to Alex Jones show which I also discovered in 2007.

Dave Owen
Dave Owen
Reply to  John
2 months ago

Hi John,
Thank you for having time to tell your story.
My advice to you, is carry on doing what you are doing.

Reply to  dan
2 months ago

Oxygen kills all diseases but all of the foods are the weapons behind the causes and the Injections too.

It’s a well thought out plan to profit off our destruction of the human race.

Chris C
Chris C
Reply to  dan
2 months ago

You should be ashamed to spout such dangerous fear porn, because you cannot supply one shred of evidence that “coughs and sneezes spread diseases”.
You should comment in the Daily Mail and leave The Expose to offer the truth with scientific references and links.

Reply to  dan
2 months ago

I normally never eat food that has been sneezed on no matter whether the sneeze came from someone who was healthy or not. And I´m almost never ill. Your argument falls short of any logic. “Alternative media” you say, well the options given to you by paid propaganda are manipulative and profit seeking. So alternative here means content that challenges the official lie paid for by criminals.
Less surface talk, more depth.

2 months ago

No one described the Spanish flu in European textbooks until the early 1930s, Rockefeller called it the Spanish flu to increase profits from vaccines. In the American military archives you can find statements by officers about a faulty vaccine given to all military boys and after reaching Europe in Bordeaux, France, American soldiers who used the services of French prostitutes and thus began to spread infections through other so-called “John” men, women’s husbands, etc., although the virus did not come from Spain, because Spain was immersed in its own domestic revolutions. Even these imaginary numbers do not make logical sense. There were about 40 million people living in France at that time, and 60 million in Germany, and ”SO CALLED” ”experts” report that up to 50 million victims were killed by this toxic vaccine administered to the US military. i.e. summary 99% of people can read but 98% of people have no idea why and what reason.

2 months ago

Trump-Era Executive Order 13887 Authorized U.S. Defense Department to ‘Facilitate Development of Next-Generation Influenza Vaccines’ Just 3 Months Before COVID Pandemic
Why does the U.S. military need to be involved in “increasing” vaccination rates “among [American] populations”?


2 months ago

Mike Wallace 60 Minutes: Swine Flu (1976)

2 months ago
2 months ago

The human body cannot make “anti bodies” because it does not know what they are, or their purpose, or how to do that. The vaccines inject Moderna’s Covid-19 Neucloids virus patented by Moderna in 2013, into everyone who has a vaccine, along with billions of carbon particles which serve a different purpose. The person vaccinated with the virus becomes the super spreader of that virus, into everyone around them, while their natural immunity is damaged, possibly irreversibly by the virus, they have been injected with. The vaccines are the cause of the Covid virus, so don’t have any more vaccines if you value your life.
In 2023 the CDC was informed of over 250 dangerous pathogen’s and viruses which escaped Level 4 Bio Labs into the general populations, but not one case of a viral pandemic occurred, because none of those pathogen’s was injected – which is the common denominator.
For years and years and years I have been doing this: Cure: Mix one heaped teaspoon of salt in a mug of warm water. Cup a hand and sniff or snort the mugful up your nose, spitting out anything which comes down into your mouth. If sore you have a virus, so wait 2-3 minutes until soreness goes away, then blow out your nose on toilet paper and flush away, washing your hands afterwards, then continue 3 times daily, or more often, but Morning, Noon, Night, until soreness goes away and it feels like you are flushing with water – me many years never ill, just by doing this, including with Covid – probably good for Long covid too, as it flushes the nasal passages of the head, behind the eyes, ears, brain bulb, brain stem – unlike a vaccine shot in your arm, of all places – you don’t get a viral infection in your arm do you?
This method has been used in Turkey, India, Sweden for generations and recently The University of Alberta confirmed that this method is efficent at killing All viruses, not only Covid – so why would I change from a tried, tested and proven method in exchange for a “secret vaccine” created in a Laboratory about which I know nothing?
In simple terms, it seems to me that there are only 2 ways that we can get an external to the body illness, that is by virus or injection – virus in the air we breathe or injection, well a Mosquito bite or a Covid Vaccine injection
Go back to basics which work 100%

Reply to  christine.257
2 months ago

Salt has antiseptic qualities against some bacteria. Definitely good for you in terms of helping your body get rid of some extra junk and bacteria. They’ve been using salt medically for thousands of years.
Salt will not prevent genuine viruses from replicating, however. They may only help your body deal with other extra stuff as I mention so the system can concentrate in killing a (real) virus.
There are some real viruses. Stomach viruses, herpes viruses, viruses which cause viral hepatitis. You don’t get things like this “from the air” but rather from infected body fluids.
Humans do produce antibodies, and yes the vakseens of course confuse the system and create unfortunate chaos.
Antibodies are proteins that are produced by B cells. ‘Antibody’ is a synonym for ‘immunoglobulin’ meaning immune protein.
I happen to have an issue with this. Low B cell count and low immunoglobulin count when it comes to long-term immunity to viruses – meaning gastrointestinal for example. I never get respiratory problems and have a good count in terms of those specific proteins.
Generally speaking, it’s good to eat well and consume adequate protein in one’s diet (though I would not advocate for these extreme carnivore diets as that would not be good for one’s kidneys long-term). Antioxidants from produce are also needed for the immune system and vitamins from produce as well as those that are found in grains such as some B vitamins are also needed for antibody (immunoglobulin) production.

2 months ago

Dave Martin has produced many videos and speeches but he breaks it down more clearly in this video or audio download choice.

DR. DAVID MARTIN Special: The Great Setup… WHO Did this to the US? – A Case Against Peter Daszak, Ralph Baric, Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci, and the WHO | FOC Show

Chris C
Chris C
2 months ago

Plandemics: MASS HYPNOSIS and psyops by the mainstream media/nudge units working for the Satanic greedy cult/cartel/cabal, DIVIDING everyone (apart from enlightened souls) causing us to fear each other for carrying dangerous germs whose existence is unproven.

We need INDEPENDENT truth-seeking freedom-seeking CANDIDATES to break the back of our uniparty tyranny.
If George Galloway can rustle up 1000 candidates nationally from nowhere in a short time, let’s do it:
only problem is uniting We The People as ANTI-GLOBALISTS and hold fire over our right/left divisions.

So the evil governments and MSM should face charges for Crimes Against Creation, omnicide etc. when we turn things around and put the likes of Keir Starmer where they belong, in a civilized society free of medical mafias.

John Steeples
John Steeples
2 months ago

It goes much deeper because the lies by multiple means made his world very unstable Look at doctors hundred and 20 years
tell lies with every illness normally injections its problem of nobody understands what happens to human body’s immune system gets damaged by these injections and that what causes major problems

People don’t study what happens with chemotherapy that has killed hundreds of millions of people nobody looks at the figures as if you can find them all way of doing it for is Money
John Steeples

2 months ago

I kept saying this stuff all throughout covid.

2 months ago

[…] Read more: The 1918 ‘Pandemic’ & the Viral Theory – ‘The Unproven Notion of Airborne Vir… […]

2 months ago

“Virology” is fake “science.” BELIEVE IT NOT.
Instead, read and understand this article. It´s truthful.

Joy N.
Joy N.
2 months ago

Thanks for the Article..

2 months ago

Great article packed with truth bombs!! Why does Rhoda peddle the virus lie? “It’s the unproven notion of viral airborne illnesses that has enslaved humanity to the corrupt medical cartel.”

2 months ago

Fan Wu et al., “A new coronavirus associated with human respiratory disease in China”, Nature, Vol 579 (3 Feb 20, author correction 2 Apr 20), 266, Methods page:

Rather than using the method widely used by virologists for claiming isolation and pathogenicity through inducing CPEs, Fan Wu et al., the first inventors of the SARSCoV-2 genome, sent the sample extracted from the patient’s lung fluid straight to sequencing for two de novo assembly platforms to search for short genetic fragments or “reads”.27 It is important to note that the samples sent for sequencing were not physically isolated viruses but crude samples containing millions of unique genetic fragments from the patient himself, innumerable microbes, even from the air the patient had breathed on the way to the hospital. Over 56.5 million reads were produced from this genetic “soup” and pieced together to create 384,096 contigs (long genetic sequences) on Megahit, and 1.32 million contigs on Trinity.28 Perhaps with a predisposition to prove their unproven canard that there is “the ongoing ability of viral spill-over from animal to cause severe disease in humans”, Fan Wu et al. chose the longest (30,474 nucleotides), which, they claimed, had a nucleotide identity of 89.1% with the in silico bat coronavirus genome (SL-CoVZC45) invented in 2018.29 Thus, a “genome” that was as close genetically as a human is to an Abyssinian house cat became the template used for primer design for the RT-PCR method to supposedly detect a virus that had not been shown to exist.30 Subsequently, it was decided that the genome needed a cut and paste, perhapsto make it look even closer to the 29,802 nucleotides of the bat model SL-CoVZC45 and it was reduced to 29,875 nucleotides in the next version on GenBank.31 But the artists weren’t finished with their creation and a third and final model was drawn with a completely different terminal sequence featuring 23 consecutive adenine bases, which, hey presto, looked more like the bat model that featured 26 consecutive adenine bases on its tail.32 It is unclear how the virologists knew which “genome” to choose when all of the options were hypothetical computer constructs. It thus quickly becomes apparent that the anti-science of virology and the perversion of the word “isolation” is not only delusional but also highly misleading and no basis for anything, let alone the health and well-being of whole populations. One year later, Dr Wu Zunyou of the China CDC, in an interview with Janis MackeyFrayer, would state that isolation had never taken place: “They didn’t isolate the virus”, he said. “That’s the issue [why no data has been shared]. I do not suspect it’s coming from what we originally thought.” 33 This foundational fraud was rewarded with grants in 2020 totalling US$900,000 from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation made to the two institutions with which 14 of the 19 co-authors of the fraud were affiliated: Fudan University received a grant under INV-006277 “to support the epidemiology study and identify the high risks of COVID19 infection, which will contribute to national and international public health intervention strategy and product development”, totalling US$300,000; and the China CDC received a grant under INV-005832 “to support emergency response and evaluation, and prepare China for the potential pandemic, which will not only help disease control and containment but contribute China’s experience to global health”, totalling $600,000.34

27 Fan Wu et al., “A new coronavirus associated with human respiratory disease in China”, Nature, Vol 579 (3 Feb 20, author correction 2 Apr 20), 266, Methods page:

28 Ibid. Megahit and Trinity are the names of two de novo assembly platforms.

29 Ibid., 265-6, Methods page.

30 Joan Pontius et al., “Initial sequence and comparative analysis of the cat genome”, Genome Research, 17 (2007), 1680.

31 Fan Wu et al., “Wuhan seafood market pneumonia virus isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome”, GenBank MN908947.2, GenBank (14 Jan 20):; Dan Hu et al., “Bat SARS-like coronavirus isolate bat-SL-CoVZC45, complete genome”, GenBank: MG772933.1 GenBank (29 Sept 2020):

32 Fan Wu et al., “Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome”, GenBank MN908947.3, GenBank (18 Mar 20):

1 month ago

What the heck does ‘cutting the trail ‘ mean? And why in such an otherwise we’ll written article can’t you use intelligible English? It’s about communicating!