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WEF’s Net Zero Goals Could Kill 4+ Billion People

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The World Economic Forum (WEF) and its fellow unelected globalist leaders are pushing for governments around the world to phase out fossil fuels. Leading experts have spoken out against their plans and are warning the public that the WEF’s “Net Zero” goal to eliminate fossil fuels will result in the deaths of over four billion people or more.

The “Net Zero” target to end fossil fuel use is part of the WEF and UN’s “Agenda 2030” and “Agenda 2050” plans for humanity and involves dramatically reducing fossil reliance by 2030 and completely eliminating their use by 2050.

The WEF continues to push its agenda and has been calling for taxpayers worldwide to pay $3.5 trillion per year, which they insist is necessary to fund the noble global power in order to meet the globalist organisation’s “Net Zero” goal of “decarbonizing” the planet. 

However, critics argue that “decarbonization” is just a euphemism for the WEF’s anti-human agenda and experts are raising the alarm about what this will actually mean for civilization, which includes the death of over four billion people.


Danish statistician Bjørn Lomborg is just one who has warned that ending fossil fuel use will lead to the deaths of around half of the world’s population through starvation alone.

“4 billion people are dependent on fossil fertilizer for food,” Lomborg notes. “Without, 4 billion will starve to death. “It is time to call out the astoundingly destructive & misanthropic campaigners,” he declared.

The article Lomborg was responding to was by British economist Neil Record in the Telegraph, who argued that the number of people that might die was closer to six billion.

Six Billion Would Die in a Year.

Neil Record reported: “If we literally just stopped using fossil fuels and “did without the natural resources on which the world, its economies and populations depend, most likely six billion people would die within a year.”

Breaking down what would happen in a world without fossil fuels, Record notes that most people would suffer blackouts due to the grid being so seriously compromised, possibly fatally, and they may be widespread and permanent.”

From day one, gas users would be the first to feel the change of no more mining of coal; the world’s oil wells shut down; the world’s gas fields likewise, and in 10 or 15 days, the UK would have to turn off its gas distribution system as it would be unable to maintain pressure.

In turn, the domestic supply would be shut down too – gas would stop flowing, and some 21 million households (74% of the population) would no longer have heating, hot water, and cooking facilities.

“In their panic, people might turn to electricity for their cooking and heating, but wait…” says Record, who adds, “The UK electricity grid relies on natural gas as its “buffer” energy source. Every day, demand varies according to consumer demand, and the other main energy supplier, renewables, are highly variable and can only power the grid when gas is picking up the lion’s share of the gap between their output and consumer demand.”Source

So the moment that the main gas distribution system is de-pressurised, the grid-balancing system fails and power cuts ensue.

Electricity demand would have rocketed through the switch to electric space heating, cooking and water-heating, and so it seems very likely that the sudden excess demand would be undeliverable, and therefore that the grid would spiral into uncontrollability resulting in no electricity. This also means there would be no communication systems no mobile phones and no television.

Without power, there will be no running water and no heating and the most vulnerable people will start to die, according to Record. Initially, this will be the elderly in their own homes, then in hospitals when the diesel backup generators run out of fuel. Within the first 25 days new “existential problems emerge for ordinary people in the form of food availability and distribution.” Source

Starvation Begins From Day 25 

Day 25 – By the twenty-fifth day, diesel and petrol are likely to have run dry, although, Record says that he is probably being generous with the timing here, but what this will mean is that food distribution would fail, and so as most of the population are entirely dependent on bought food they will begin to starve.

Interestingly, it will be only the isolated rural communities, and those who are agriculturally self-sufficient would be relatively unaffected.

Day 50 – Many people in urban areas would now be near death from starvation, Record claims, and “law and order would have broken down” and due to the “increasingly desperate search for the means of survival” he suspects there will have been “mass conflict and slaughter taking place.

Without the sanitary conditions that we have due to power, water supply, and sewage flow, we will see a return of Victorian diseases such as cholera and dysentery.

Day 100 – money and status will be irrelevant as time passes and just three months after the world stops oil, Neil Record, guesses that around half of the world’s population of approximately four billion, people would be dead “The first to die would be the urban poor; then the middle and upper classes”

Again, the survivors would be those in rural areas and able to live off local agricultural produce or live off dwindling food stocks.

For fifty-five percent of people in urban areas, it will be almost impossible to access food and safe water as there will be none of the normal distribution routes for food or storage facilities (chillers/freezers) without electricity, and without pumped water, clean water would be unavailable, or close to impossible to access. Source

A Year Without Oil – Murder and Mayhem.

Day 365 – after a year without oil Record says “perhaps a further two billion people would have starved or frozen to death, leaving, say, two billion left alive remaining food stocks would have been exhausted or spoiled, and the inevitable breakdown of law and order would have meant many would meet a violent end.”

“Competition for scarce resources, so elegantly solved by the invention of markets and prices, would be replaced by murder and mayhem”

There is now no going back as the means to reverse the just stop oil experiment would have gone.

“The mass extinction would have robbed societies of their cultures, education, and survival techniques. A new dark age would ensue” and as Record says this is a nightmarish scenario, but claims that everything in this scenario is well supported by fact. Source

Meadows Depopulation

Members of the WEF have repeatedly suggested that mass reductions in the number of humans on earth would help the organisation reach its green agenda goals, and as Slay News has reported, Dennis Meadows who is a “celebrated member of the WEF, has called for a staggering 86 percent reduction in the population of humans.

Meadows who is one of the main authors of the Club of Rome’s 1972 pro-depopulation book “The Limits to Growth.” and an honorary member of the Club of Rome as well as a member of the World Economic Forum. argues that the goal can be achieved “peacefully.”

Meadow’s book was published over 50 years ago, but his ideology appears to still align with the WEF’s anti-human, depopulation agenda, of today. He argued that “most of the world’s population must be wiped out so that the survivors can “have freedom” and a “high standard of living.”

“The survivors” are a select few, however, and it is unlikely that many of us will be included. (It’s that big club again). Source

One Way or Another

Experts who have warned of the dangers associated with stopping oil should not be ignored, it is blatantly obvious that our unelected leaders are not interested in our well-being. Those who have been promised a privileged position in the depopulated world of the future, have many ways they hope to achieve their aims, whether it be through, chemtrails, vaccines, pharma products, toxic substances in food, water, etc etc, they aim to get us, one way or another and stopping oil is just one more way.

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1 month ago

Its difficult to like, but I agree with the wanton destruction this can cause.

Those responsible who are already grabbing more of the Earth Pie than reasonable will also feel the effects as they ripple out, and its realised who is entirely responsible.

If Law and order break no one will be protected.

Mark Deacon
Mark Deacon
Reply to  brinsleyjenkins
1 month ago

By following their plan they win out maintaining control.

If they lose control and the chaos emerges they will be swiftly killed.

Right now they weakenn governments in who follows a government that does not represent them?

Sure government can follow the path of tyranny but this does not mean the people follow.

They assume people like and adore governments … not anymore as government sacrifices the people for its own survival.

Reply to  Mark Deacon
1 month ago

ChemtrailPoision pollutes the sky
While the Vatican’s Eugenicist Royal Elites Blackmail Politicians of Pedophilia Corruption
Ancient Institutionalized Pedophilia
Descends From Pagan Rome’s Deities.
Zeus and Jupiter’s Abduction of Ganymede Continues into the Vatican’s Corruption of Christianity.
Clear the Sky of: ChemtrailPoision by Striking the Achilles’s Heel of Pedophile Corruption.


Reply to  Mark Deacon
1 month ago

Take a HIV test to see if your DNA/RNA has been modified by HIV-1-GP120 Spike Protein mRNA Vaxx…

It appears that this is the first report of a plasma HIV RNA increase after vaccination with an mRNA COVID-19 vaccine in a patient with documented adherence, possibly reflecting induced proviral transcription. Peculiarities of the case were advanced HIV infection with a high baseline VL set-point (6.7 log 10) before a relatively recently …

“To our surprise, all the 4 inserts in the 2019-nCoV mapped to short segments of amino acids in the HIV-1 gp120 and Gag among all annotated virus proteins in the NCBI database.”

This paper has been attacked by the Vaxx…medical establishment and withdrawn…arrive at your own conclusions…

1 month ago

Fossil fuel, that is another trick orchestrated by these people. Oil is the 2nd most abundant liquid on the planet, it occurs naturally, oil wells replenish, that is why oil wells are capped. Do some research!

How many dinosaurs do you think there were, 20 billion, 80 billion? Look at the amount of energy consumed by wars and transport, if that was from dinosaurs it would be all gone by now. Do you remember ‘Hubbets Peak’ predicted to happen in 2000?

Dinosaur bones are always found in the upper layers of planet earth, oil, gas and coal are always to be found at much lower layers.

It’s a trick to make you pay more for your fuel. If it’s a scarce resource and about to run out, you will pay more.

Everything really is a rich man’s trick!

Reply to  Mania
1 month ago

The reason “Dinosaur bones are always found in the upper layers of ‘planet’ earth…” is because they sought the high ground when Noah’s flood covered the entire earth.
And this event happened less than 4500 years ago-the earth being created nearly 6000 years ago.

Paul Watson
Paul Watson
Reply to  Mania
1 month ago

Fossil fuels was just a fancy name and it worked very effectively to fool the masses.

1 month ago

The vaccines will be killing around 8 billion in the next few years, so it is hard to think that phasing out Fossil fuels will matter very much anyway: Dr. Yeadon’s Recent Message to Support Criminal Investigations in UK
Especially since nobody seems very interested in Dr Yeadon’s recent message, which needs to be read, if you have not read it yet

1 month ago

Phase out those diabolic WEF 1st and foremost

Mark Deacon
Mark Deacon
Reply to  Dingle
1 month ago

Stop the WEF global meetings and private jet flights for starters if we want to save the planet. All them unneeded WEF emissions that have been done through internet facetime.

Next hurricane or tornado that kicks off I am going to blame it on WEF private jet emissions that tipped the climate system.

1 month ago

[…] Strategia „Net Zero” postulowana przez Światowe Forum Ekonomiczne (WEF) i związana z nią eliminacja paliw kopalnych doprowadzi zapewne do śmierci ponad czterech miliardów ludzi. Artykuł w „The Expose” opisuje szczegóły tego planu. Link do artykułu przetłumaczonego automatycznie na język polski jest tutaj (wersja oryginalna). […]

DJ Wight
DJ Wight
1 month ago

This is, of course, exactly what this Malthusian death cult wants for us.

Paul Watson
Paul Watson
1 month ago

Thats the plan.
They are not tying to control the food supply for no good reason…

1 month ago

.. Sperano

1 month ago

What’s the news? it was clear from the beginning that it was a depopulation agenda thriving on the ignorance and laziness of western people. To spoiled to fetch time into such boring stuff as education, research, wasted time lost while they could do many selfies admired by the rest of the sheep.

1 month ago

!!! Hot girls are waiting for you on —

1 month ago

[…] by The Exposé […]

Christopher Edwards
Christopher Edwards
1 month ago

1000% BS. Nikola Tesla invented the method to manufacturer synthetic fertilizer prior to 1900. Nitrogen Fixation is the method that 75% of industrial fertilizer is made. It’s the reason there IS an extra 4 Billion people. Exactly 0.00 ‘fossil fuels’ are needed. And, they never were needed.

1 month ago

[…] Read More: WEF’s Net Zero Goals Could Kill 4+ Billion People […]

1 month ago

[…] Read More: WEF’s Net Zero Goals Could Kill 4+ Billion People […]

1 month ago

[…] Read More: WEF’s Net Zero Goals Could Kill 4+ Billion People […]

1 month ago

Most experts agree that 1,500 ppm is the maximum CO2 level for maximum plant growth, although any CO2 level between 1,000ppm and 1,500ppm will produce greatly improved results. Greenhouse CO2 levels are jacked up to enhance plant growth.

The average CO2ppm level the last thousand up till 1841 years averaged approximately 280ppm. Since 1841 CO2 levels have increased to 422ppm in Jan. 2024. That helps plant growth.

Anything below 200ppm starves plant growth! Carbon dioxide is essential to the process of photosynthesis. Most plants grown indoors require a minimum CO2 concentration of 330 ppm to enable them to photosynthesise efficiently and produce energy in the form of carbohydrates. These concentrations of CO2 are enough for plants to grow and develop normally.

Millions of years ago CO2ppm levels and temperature was much higher. Plants trived! Concentrations of CO 2 in the atmosphere were as high as 4,000 ppm during the Cambrian period about 500 million years ago, and as low as 180 ppm during the Quaternary glaciation of the last two million years. Ice core data does not lie!

Look it up! I just did. Greta Thunberg, Al Gore and Bill Gates are lying leftist frauds!
Industrial CO2 emissions since 1841 likely staved off an Ice Age!

1 month ago

[…] –  WEF’s Net Zero Goals Could Kill 4+ Billion People […]

Desert Sage
Desert Sage
1 month ago

Unfortunately the analysis above is accurate and not at all unrealistic. If anything it’s a touch optimistic about how long it will take to get to the murder and mayhem stage. Most folks, even the ones paying attention, will be very very hard pressed to stay alive beyond 30 days once the power grid fails. Playing boyscout isn’t a bad idea but we all have our limitations.
With that in mind this resurrection season I would encourage everyone to get hooked into Jesus before the SHTF. If you are a skeptic or of another faith please reconsider. Following Jesus will not magically spare you from hardships, but it will give you an almost other-worldly peace in the midst of the mess, and a concrete hope for a future beyond this life. Strange but true.
Finally a note on the comments: Ya’ll are correct in that “fossil fuels” do not come from dinosaurs. That tale is rubbish.
You folks are also correct in that your chances of survival are somewhat higher in a rural setting, especially if you are trained in survival skills, and most especially if you can team up with a small group of like-minded people. It would still be incredibly dicey though, so prayer should be a serious undertaking.
Those last statements probably also help explain why the elites want to get the people off of the land and herded into “sustainable” smart cities. They know that most of the country folks won’t buy into their satanic NWO deceptions, but the majority of city folks already have.
“Better to die on your feet, than to live on your knees.” – George Washington.

1 month ago

[…] (The Exposé) Svetové ekonomické fórum (WEF) a s ním asociovaní nikým nevolení globalistickí lídri presadzujú, aby vlády na celom svete postupne ukončili používanie fosílnych palív. […]

1 month ago

[…] 2 Μαρτίου 2024 | Τhe Exposé | Διαβάστε το εδώ […]

1 month ago

[…] EXPOSÉ ON MARCH 29, 2024 • ( 25 […]

1 month ago

[…] WEF’s Net Zero Goals Could Kill 4+ Billion People […]

1 month ago

[…] And with America’s farms and farmers now also under all-out attack by tyrannical government here in 2024 just the latest evidence that these attacks upon our food supply are very real, and are being carried out by ‘enemies of America within’ who insanely believe they need to ‘thin the herd’ to meet their ‘population goals’ being heavily pushed by the ‘green agenda’ to reach ‘Net Zero,’ as we warned you just days ago, it just so happens that ‘Net Zero’ aligns eerily with the 2025 population forecast of the Deagel Report, with experts warning that eliminating fossil fuels to please the climate cultists could kill over 4 billion people. […]