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‘COVID Was A Lie, An Illusion Created by Government to Take Complete Control’ & ‘The Penny Is Dropping Everywhere!’

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“We have lived through a dark time” said Professor Dr. Stefan Homburg in a speech delivered last year and was reported in the Exposé soon after. However, the video of the speech has had a new lease of life on the X platform and is said to have gone viral. Dr David Cartland shared the video and wrote in his Tweet:

Penny is dropping everywhere! I wouldn’t want to be a covid cultist/jabaholic doctor/nurse or one that knows deep down what’s happened and the collateral harms/injuries/deaths but is remaining silent to calling out the biggest medical fraud/crime ever committed on humanity! Justice is coming…..the house of cards is collapsing!”

The speech was from the 2nd Coronavirus Symposium was held in the German Bundestag, which Dr Homburg attended on 11th November 2023 along with several prominent voices against unscientific measures and the harmful vaccination campaign.

Among others, Dr. Michael Yeadon, Prof. Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, Prof. Dr. Stefan Hockerz, Prof. Dr. Andreas Sönnichsen and many other important critical voices who have spoken out during the coronavirus era.


Prof. Dr. S. Homburg’s speech, published on his website, provides a fact-based overview of the coronavirus era and although a translation of the speech has been published below, the word “Aufarbeitung” is a German word that according to Dr. Peter F Mayer is not easy to translate into English. He has however, provided what he says is best possible translation which he says is probably

To deal with, to come to terms with the past”.

Dr Mayer has provided more of his thoughts on the word Aufarbeitung which readers may also find interesting. He continues:

The main question of Aufarbeitung in a historical context is how Germans deal with their fascist past. This question has been addressed by the philosophers Theodor W. Adorno and Max Horkheimer, among others, and their critical theory has had a profound influence on German post-war history.

Here is one of Adorno’s important thoughts:

“The past will only be dealt with when the causes of what has happened have been removed. It is only because these causes still exist that the ties of that past have not yet been severed.”

Benito Mussolini said bluntly about this thought of Th. W. Adorno: “Fascism is more appropriately called corporatism, because it is the fusion of the power of the State and the power of the corporations.”

If you want to look more closely at this subject, take the story of IBM as an example. If it had not been for this American company, Auschwitz would not have been possible on this scale. Of course, this does not mean that the German responsibility can be brushed aside. (Source)

One of the conditions for Aufarbeitung – overcoming – is that we can talk about the past without prejudice and accept it. This dialogue between our friends and acquaintances is a task for each of us. It is the only way to heal wounds and to preserve relationships. (Such a clarification of the past has not happened in Germany, or has only partially happened. For example, personal traumatic war experiences were not discussed. The consequences are still felt today.) (source)

Hannah Arendt by Fred Stein, 1944 (Photograph courtesy of the Fred Stein Archive)

Hannah Arendt, in her Vita activa, or The Human Condition, stresses the crucial role of forgiveness and promise:

“The possible redemption from the predicament of irreversibility──of being unable to undo what one has done──is the faculty of forgiving. The remedy for unpredictability, for the chaotic uncertainty of the future, is contained in the faculty to make and keep promises. Both faculties depend upon plurality, on the presence and acting of others, for no man can forgive himself and no one can be bound by a promise made only to himself.” (source)


“Without being forgiven, released from the consequences of what we have done, our capacity to act would, as it were, be confined to one single deed from which we could never recover; we would remain the victims of its consequences forever, not unlike the sorcerer’s apprentice who lacked the magic formula to break the spell.

Without being bound to the fulfillment of promises, we would never be able to keep our identities; we would be condemned to wander helplessly and without direction in the darkness of each man’s lonely heart, caught in its contradictions and equivocalities — a darkness which only the light shed over the public realm through the presence of others, who confirm the identity between the one who promises and the one who fulfills, can dispel. Both faculties, therefore, depend on plurality, on the presence and acting of others, for no one can forgive himself and no one can feel bound by a promise made only to himself; forgiving and promising enacted in solitude or isolation remain without reality and can signify no more than a role played before one’s self.” (source).

Dr David Cartland shared the video in a Tweet on the X platform.

The transcript of the video has been translated was originally published by Dr Peter Mayer in TKM The blog for science & politics and has been republished below:

Dr Stefan Homburg’s Speech Translated.

The speech by Prof. Dr. Stefan Homburg (translated with

“We have Lived Through a Dark Time”

Ladies and gentlemen, we have lived through a dark time. Let us start with the essentials – five essential points.

Firstly, by 2020, hospital occupancy rates across Germany have fallen to record lows. That is according to the Federal Ministry of Health.

Second, in 2020 and 2021, there were no more serious respiratory illnesses than usual. The corona has come, the flu has disappeared (according to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) Sentinel).

Thirdly, no more people died in 2020 than usual, standardised by age. Mortality rates have only been rising since 2021 (based on data from the Federal Statistical Office).

Fourth, the average age of people who had coronavirus or died from it was 83 years old, while the average age of the other deceased was 82 years old (according to the RKI and the Federal Statistical Office).

Fifth, Sweden, which did not introduce confinement measures and did not require the wearing of masks, had better results than Germany, according to WHO. So it’s not all down to the measures.

To summarise: from a clinical point of view, in terms of actual illnesses and deaths, nothing special happened. Everything was normal. These are the facts, and that is the key point. The idea of a pandemic was based solely on a new type of mass, uncaused test, the results of which fluctuated wildly and led people to believe that there were more sicknesses and deaths than normal. This is not true. PCR testing for rhinoviruses may have created similar illusions. It would be possible to continue to create these illusions if the will was there.

How have politicians reacted to a normal clinical situation? They closed kindergartens, schools, shops, churches and businesses for months, isolated the elderly and left them to die alone, destroying their existence. The police banned people from reading books on park benches, harassed young people who went outside and children playing in the snow, and repressed peaceful demonstrators.

Politicians marginalised anyone who had doubts about the meaning of these measures. They told the state-run TV channel ZDF to announce that children are rats carrying viruses and that unvaccinated people are appendages, useless to the body of the nation. We have not heard such talk for 75 years.

Normally, the power of government is limited by the courts, the media and science. This time, they have all failed.

The courts hardly examined at all whether such measures were adequate, and only relied on two witnesses under the authority of the Minister for Health, the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) and the Paul Erlich Institute (PEI).

This gave the government the opportunity to approve the lockdown measures and the vaccination obligation itself. In addition, the courts sent doctors to prisons who, in an ethical manner, used certificates to protect patients from interference with their bodily integrity.

Almost everyone known to criticise such measures has been criminalised, suspended, dismissed, arrested or had their home searched. The Federal Court of Justice in Karlsruhe cynically declared that the fundamental rights of citizens had not been violated, but that they could no longer be exercised.

The media continuously published the test figures without mentioning that the clinical situation was normal. It presented the narrative of the PCR without critical scrutiny: Professor Püschel, who was the first to carry out the autopsies, as a racist, Professor Bhakdi as an anti-Semite, and all those who questioned the measures as conspiracy theorists and enemies of the state.

Scientists in the field, especially epidemiologists and public health doctors, disappeared from view. They were replaced by physicists, transport planners, microbiologists and military experts, who kept the public in suspense with new and erroneous predictions and calculations. For months. Years. photo

The interpretation of these events (Aufarbeitung) should address three questions.

First, according to the textbook, at the beginning of a truly dangerous pandemic, the government should reassure the population so that they do not suffer collateral damage. Instead, why did they decide to draw up the so-called Schockpapier, a shocking document which, for example, was used to scare children into suffocating their grandparents? Why was there no doctor on the Shock Document Commission, but a sociologist and a German language teacher? Why did the politicians instigate this scare for years and now claim to have made only a few mistakes at the outset, and that only out of ignorance?

Secondly, in February 2020, the textbooks and the WHO guidelines advised against measures such as lockdowns or school closures. At that time, the RKI announced that wearing masks is ineffective and corona is usually easy. Mr Drosten emphasised this in all interviews and at the federal press conference. (Note: German virologist Christian Drosten has been instrumental in spreading the coronavirus narrative around the world and is responsible for the PCR tests.)

The same Mr Drosten told the current Federal Chancellor, Olaf Scholz, on a talk show that if it were not for the PCR tests, the pandemic would not even have been noticed. What led to the decision to do something different in March 2020, even though the data already showed that there was no particular risk?

Given that Sweden, which did not have the obligation to wear masks and lockdowns, clearly performed better than Germany, we must also ask whether these measures were really aimed at preventing infections, which they clearly failed to do, or whether they were rather aimed at breaking down people’s resistance to vaccination?

Thirdly, why did politicians not only allow the administration of an experimental vaccine, but actually force people to use it by imposing 2G/3G rules (2G rule – vaccinated or recovered; 3G rule – vaccinated, recovered or tested) and a compulsory vaccination in certain areas? Why were vaccines authorised on an emergency basis when there was no need? Why were the statistics not published showing that many of the effects caused by vaccines pass without any consequences?

Bestsellers are now appearing with titles that clearly reflect the widespread sentiment: Thomas Lausen’s Intensiv-Mafia, Dr Frank’s Crime of State, or Dr Röhrig’s The Corona Plot. All books were published in large five-figure print runs.

Politicians who refuse to participate in this discourse lose credibility and distance themselves from the electorate. Because of the enormous scale on which the population has been affected, it would have been right to set up a committee of inquiry. Since the Bundestag did not want to do this, I am grateful that today we can contribute in this way to the clarification.
Photo by Irmantas Gelūnas / BNS Photo

Source supplement

1) All-time low hospital occupancy rate in 2020 During the period under review in 2020, since the launch of COVID-19 in mid-March, Germany has seen a steady decline in hospital admissions, namely by around 30% until the end of May, and then – including the second wave – by 10% thereafter. Over the whole year, these declining figures amount to a 13% decline, As the average length of stay in hospital increased only marginally, the number of days spent in hospital also decreased by 12%. As a result, bed occupancy rates fell to a record low of 67.3% (and 68.6% in intensive care units).

This already takes into account the care of COVID-19 patients, whose inpatient care required on average 2% of all beds and just under 4% of intensive care beds per year, taking into account the over-treatment of long-staying patients, of course, bearing in mind time and geographical peaks.

Federal Ministry of Health, BMG, reference, page 4.

2) Few serious respiratory diseases. Peaks in March 2018 and at the end of 2022, i.e. before and after the alleged pandemic. No noticeable changes in the intervening years. Changes in cold viruses (influenza, rhinovirus, RSV, coronavirus), with little change in the clinical situation. Reference (RKI).

3) Age-standardised mortality rates. In 2020, the rates were between 2018 and 2019. Since the start of vaccination in 2021, there has been a significant increase in deaths. Reference (Destatis): here and here. In the latter link, select table 12411-0005.

4) High median age of “corona deaths”. On average, the average age of those who died in the PRR was 83 years, while the average age of the other deaths was 82 years. This indicates that the majority of deaths from coronavirus or coronavirus-related illnesses were among the very old with co-morbidities. However, young people, even children, were frightened.

References (Robert Koch Institute, RKI, and Federal Population Research Institute, BIB): here and here.

5) Comparison of Germany with Sweden. According to the WHO, Sweden had a lower overall mortality rate than Germany. It was the only European country that followed the textbooks and guidelines and abandoned closures and compulsory wearing of masks. WDR explanation in German. Link WHO.

An interesting comparison with Sweden: despite rising infection rates, almost no restrictions have been introduced in this country. Masks were not compulsory, events went on as usual and schools remained open. There were no bans, only recommendations. In the long term, the number of deaths in Sweden rose rapidly. However, according to the WHO, the country’s overall situation today looks good. Reference (WDR).


Source: Dr. Peter F Mayer @ TKP

This text appeared on 11 November 2023 under the title “Vortrag Prof. Dr. Stefan Homburg im Deutschen Bundestag” on the website Translated with the help of Without corrections.

This text is licensed under a „Creative Commons Attribution 4.0“ International License. Feel free to copy and share.

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Stitchy witch
Stitchy witch
1 month ago

I would agree that we need to move forward from this with forgiveness.

There were many who went along with the narrative in the genuine belief that they were doing the best thing in extreme circumstances. These people must recognise what has been done and forgive themselves for being deceived. We must forgive them too, even the ones who called us names and ostracised us, as we all need to move forward. (an apology would be nice, but I’m not holding my breath for that )

However, there are those who acted deliberately, with malice and intent to kill as many as they could. These people must NEVER be forgiven. They need to be paraded before the public and have every one of their crimes exposed. What they did, why they did it and the full effect of their actions. So many people are still oblivious to what really happened, they need to have it presented to them, so they can be in no doubt about the crimes that have been committed against them. They need to see their faces and hear their confessions from their own mouths. They then need to see them locked away forever. Only then can we move forward, with the recognition of what has been done and the determination to never let it happen again.

Reply to  Stitchy witch
1 month ago

Nope, will never trust a single soul who went along with this narrative.
Forgive maybe …forget never!

Stitchy witch
Stitchy witch
Reply to  Dingle
1 month ago

I never suggested forgetting. We must never forget, or we will lose the ability to recognise it if anyone tries this again.The problem with the innocently compliant and complicit, was that they couldn’t see what was being done.

Reply to  Stitchy witch
1 month ago

And they won’t see next time either. Do you wish to end in a camp or worse when the next lie kicks in because of them believing everything?

I can’t speak for others, but for us – yes.
We’ve never recovered from the harm – partially financial harm partially – just call it – mental harm – they caused, it was like being tapped among mad sheep running towards the abyss and swept away by them.

No one vaccinated should be allowed to hold any power which can affect others ‘ lives, any at all. They are unfit to make good decisions even for themselves, then how do they fit to make decisions affecting others?

I’ve just heard it said by a humourist, Do you own homework used to was called: READING.

Did they learn something from the covid hoax? I don’t think so, they are still asleep, the vast majority of them or many many lamp post should have become occupied when the MAC stuff first come out, that they were stealthily tagged and injected with nanotech. Then there wouldn’t be 5G, poisonous LEDs on our streets, fluoride in our water, etc, these changes all would require a MASS to demand to stop these – but nothing happens because the very same majority is ignorant and no one or nothing can change it if the consequences of the covid hoax couldn’t.

Reply to  SAbi2
1 month ago

Sadly, evil people are intending to carry out more atrocities on the 8th April on a far grander scale than the scamdemic.

Reply to  john
1 month ago

About that I truly hope I am wrong but I fear a deadly ‘pandemic’ will start in the US after the 8th, affecting mostly those areas where the sky-show will be visible.

There is a very interesting thing in connection with the great plague, there were sky phenomenon in the affected cities before it started. People called it comets but that age everything new on the sky was a ‘comet’. Old paintings also showed it, weird skies like ionized sky and / or an energy weapon in use. According to a Duch researcher the real cause was radiation (nothing new,eh?) One thing is sure, it would explain the strange slow growing of trees at that time, the strange time-spread gaps, that how it could last hundredS of years, how it could have been so deadly wiping out 70-80% of the population of cities in different! times but spreading everywhere in 2-3 years but hundreds – while in recent times India’s most deadly Plague was as deadly as 3%.

William Bramley: Gods of Eden

Reply to  LemmingNo1
1 month ago

Oh the irony, disease X. X rays? I so hope I am wrong this time but the hype about 8th, fearporn only or the start to reach the Deagel’ numbers?

Reply to  SAbi2
1 month ago

Well said! I truly hear your frustration and devastation for your losses, it’s heartbreaking and it still continues…
They HAVE to learn from their mistakes and MAKE IT RIGHT so that it doesn’t ever happen again.
The past can’t be undone, all we can do is learn from it and make much better choices, but they did an untold amount of harm and you are right, if more were aware and thinking critically, this could never have happened, especially on the scale that it did, and we wouldn’t be getting dragged down like we are now because of the blindness and ignorance of others!

Reply to  Stitchy witch
1 month ago

The problem with your statement about “them not seeing “ what was going on has a huge hole in it. Simply this, as a medical professional of any status how in hell can you or anyone else not believe your lyin eyes” concerning what is going on in front of you. Even now I’ve watched recently doctors who’ s former colleagues still practice “ I can’t know you” towards those who wouldn’t follow Fauci’s protocols . This is cultish behavior not professional in any way. We know now what these people had to know then happening to their patients yet they continued. This sort of action is unforgivable period.
Peoples lives were lost or destroyed because these practitioners simply kept looking the other way while they knew better all along. Justification by using the old “ I was just following orders” just isn’t going to cut it!

Reply to  Stitchy witch
1 month ago

Every single person who went along with the whole ‘covid’ lie unaware, and as a result did a shocking amount of harm to their fellow humans, must get on the frontline and fight to make it right, like their lives depend on it and do everything in their power to annihilate satan’s puppets until every single one of them is brought to account and justice is served.
Hundred’s of millions of lives, possibly billions, have been lost and ruined, it is virtually unforgivable.
Like the article says, forgiveness may come after the causes have been removed.

Reply to  Patricia Harrity
1 month ago

Thanks Patricia.
If it were me, I couldn’t live with myself if I didn’t do everything I could to make it right.
Here’s hoping and praying…

raj patel
raj patel
Reply to  Patricia Harrity
1 month ago

All people that gained financially and/or reputationally from it should have their assets seized and distributed to the jab injured and to families of the dead. This includes Medics who received payments for promoting or giving the genocide jab.

Reply to  raj patel
1 month ago

I am sorry but not just the jab injured was injured. People lost their jobs, businesses, savings during that time.

Reply to  Patricia Harrity
1 month ago

Won’t work. Because there are just two types: idiots unfit to think and criminals. The first in the front line means they would eat another lie given by the second group and would spit it out for others in a mass to show the “will of the people”. This is how this game always was played. The opposite, they should be removed from every decision making posts, every single one of them. We should remember to those (so called influencers) who were wrong, just for not to listen to them anymore, ever.

Sadly the unvaccinated, resistant small group is who should do job, people with healthy amount of critical thinking and common sense but we won’t have a chance to speak out loudly enough.

I am so sorry that it is discriminative and probably can’t be done – however considering their idea of vax passports… would it be discriminative? Before engaging in a conversation with anyone, advisor or else – I want to know just one thing to know that should I listen or not:
Are you vaxxed?

Reply to  Stitchy witch
1 month ago

ChemtrailPoision pollutes the sky
While the Vatican’s Eugenicist Royal Elites Blackmail Politicians of Pedophilia Corruption
Ancient Institutionalized Pedophilia
Descends From Pagan Rome’s Deities.
Zeus and Jupiter’s Abduction of Ganymede Continues into the Vatican’s Corruption of Christianity.
Clear the Sky of: ChemtrailPoision by Striking the Achilles’s Heel of Pedophile Corruption.



Reply to  Stitchy witch
1 month ago

We must forgive them too, even the ones who called us names and ostracised us, as we all need to move forward.

Speak on your own name please, I won’t because their ignorance is dangerous to us, too. They were the real army of the globalists to push things and why? Because they were too lazy or too dumb to see through on the lies. These people are responsible for the lockdown caused harm, the mental harm, years of soft-jail, the bullying.

Just wait, the same people will clap and encourage of taking away your steak and car because of the CO2 idiocrasy.

They shouldn’t have even right to vote.

Reply to  Stitchy witch
1 month ago

Yes, there were those who just wanted to help people, who thought these things would save lives, but when those things did not, they refused to admit the error but pushed even harder. I think it is true that we should have forgiveness in our hearts as not doing so will lead us to be hateful and our heart filled with wrath, but I did not buy into the narrative from the start especially because in many places the lockdowns came with not a single confirmed case of the virus showing this to be a planned exercise and we have UN Agenda 2021 and WHO IHR to thank for these planned simulation exercises taking place, this is why we have evidence of Event 201, Clade X, Dark Winter, etc. The same foundations we saw come to the forefront are the same ones funding these colleges and these exercises, DARPA and CIA even fund these colleges. But, something just was not right from the start, and those who bought into this with a fury refused to even consider that the tests were basically fake, the virus essentially was not a virus at all but may have been something else not seriously researched as a possible contributing factor. Everyone seemed to want everyone else’s heads if they did not follow along which speaks to the fascist origins of this system, and the media sold everyone a lie and led people into getting the injection also based on a pack of lies. People were too quick to call for the death of those who did not feel sick and felt fine and who just did not think that there was a real danger, when those people made it through and took measures to stay healthy in order not to become sick and infectious to others, which in and of itself was questioned as fake science, when those people wanted to remove their masks to breathe they were shamed by people who demanded that people keep wearing them, the media and we have proof of this, were saying those people needed to be rounded up and force vaccinated basically. There were those saying that the unvaccinated were basically murderers walking around spreading a dangerous contagion that was never proven to be isolated or even found in nature at all.

The truth of the matter appeared to be that the “virus” was a gain of function virus created in a lab to be used in vaccines as adjuvants and what have you and the injections along with the particles in them when combined with wireless radiation have proven more deadly than the so called virus in question and really where is the investigating of all the facts that came to light such as that the manufacturers knew that the vaccines did not only not stop transmission or spread but caused a long list of damages including damaging the immune systems of the injected. These injections also were pushed on pregnant women and infants with immediate consequences. There has been no investigation into those involved who knew the facts and purposely ignored them all for profit and to be able to create some new list of long covid symptoms caused by the injections with intent to profit more from in the years to come. What I am saying is that this potentially is much bigger that we realize and maybe has some historical significance in that the system is infection by injection and that this has happened before. It happened with Swine Flu, Spanish Flu, etc., people were told there was a deadly virus and who is to say that every virus since H1N1 the Spanish Flu has not been a combination of vaccine and frequency manipulation since we have had wireless communication since that time period. Barrie Trower has offered that it is possible to have the makings a virus lay dormant only to be activated by frequency.

The PCR test that all these same people pushing the injections invested in was also suspected of inserting something into the those who were forced to receive those tests that in and of themselves was traumatic for many people. Many people also were threatened with their lives and livelihoods not just for not complying with tests and forced injections but if they tried to investigate for themselves so that they could be fully informed, there was no informed consent given for these injections, there still is no informed consent as now the tech companies who also invested heavily in the narrative, the testing, the injections and the frequency technologies turned on all their users, deleting comments, shadow banning, this is still going on. We are still in this fight.

There is also much more to this than just the injections as evidenced by the military industrial technological system being established in Ukraine and elsewhere, the tests, masks and lockdowns, the rollout of 5g that many whistleblowers had said was critical for the establishment of a transhuman metaverse, the internet of all things that has been linked with nano metals, SMART dust, the graphene in the injections that was found to be aerosolized just like the vaccines were during the Spanish Flu of 1918. These injections were also leaking just as those were, and so if we do not openly call out those who participated in this who are the same ones who did so in the past, the same system that allowed the holocaust will continue to exist and to cause devastation, it is the same system as pointed out in the article. Those involved in the holocaust were never really stopped and punished. They went into hiding or were brought to America during Operation Paperclip where they worked feverishly to advance the same system that had made the holocaust possible also noted in the article. The same system has never been put to an end so that people could heal from what was done in the past. We will not heal from this if we just let it go and move on. This system cannot endure. The fact that we do not even have a legitimate investigation into the documented proof over decades that these frequencies we are surrounded with cause a long list of documented symptoms that when looked at thoroughly are not unlike those experienced by people during “Covid” this alone requires an investigation into the facts and evidence a demand for answers. These venture capital created companies are very much aware of what the frequencies along the spectrum are capable of inflicting because these same frequencies are being used for electronic warfare. We must demand that this be investigated along with the gain of function bioweapon biowarfare bio tech research and its connections to vaccines, pharmaceuticals and the military industrial complex. The same technology that we all use in our day to day lives in a weapon of warfare, and for that reason we just cannot move on as in the past it was already agreed never to let this happen again, we are in this fight and should hold them to account for real this time.

Dan Gilfry
Dan Gilfry
1 month ago

Well, it got their puppet in the White House, didn’t it!?
The COVID that’s coming this year will be the REAL thing,
tailor-made for White DNA!

Reply to  Dan Gilfry
1 month ago

The so called white people were more affected only because they were the more ignorant – call it spoiled – to even try to think. If you compare the vaccination rate among countries you’ll find that the mainly rich white west had the biggest uptake. Or educated indoctrinated west.

What tailored DNA, their ‘science’ still can’t show the ancestors of the dogs based on DNA testing, how could they tailor anything then for white people? Or an mRNA vax….

1 month ago

The perps must seek forgiveness. For this world to realise the rich reality for all. But the perps do not have the degree of consciousness needed to complete that goal. So what is to be done with them?

Reply to  Stuart-james.
1 month ago

The REAL ‘perps’ behind this mass depopulation agenda will never seek forgiveness.
They will fight to the death and they will take as many innocents with them as they possibly can before their time is up.
They know what’s coming for them, that’s why they’re going all out.

Sink Chicken
Sink Chicken
1 month ago

Anyone who forced the vax on to others should be held accountable with lawsuits and prison.
People who lost their jobs need to sue.

Mary Ann Dowrick
Mary Ann Dowrick
1 month ago

This has to be one of the most depressing papers I have read. I pray Dr. Cartland and is correct, and the truth is seeping out. People should be outraged by what was done to them. And those who did it should held accountable.

Reply to  Mary Ann Dowrick
1 month ago

Nothing will happen. They own the highest decision makers even at the police, I think it is pretty clear by now.

Reply to  Patricia Harrity
1 month ago

Trying what Patricia, for a very long time you were my favourite journalist, brave, meddling into topics others didn’t dare. However the Expose – I supported with very nice amounts from month to month is clearly a controlled opposition, in my opinion a shameless headquarter of 77 misleading us while using our begged out support.

Not personal, a critical thinking on what worth a news and what news was written to for pushing a fear-porn, maybe Loosh, but don’t go this far. keeping ppl in constant stress and fear paralyzes them. I have no personal problem with you but I don’t (can’t) trust in you working for Expose (77 base while they are pretty entertained to beg for our poor lives’ money).

People can decided how far they give up their values for ‘ I have to feed my children’ and many didn’t mind to Murder elderly and so on.

Don”t take it personal Patricia, but if you are not one of them do bother to investigate and publish martials out of the scope just being a limited hangout. Thank you. Personally I really liked you but my sad life’ experience reached the limit of ‘I have to think no matter what’ and when I do, you Patricia a part of the 77 disinformation unit working to them or being part of them – sorry, truly, I really liked you but I can’t trust in you anymore.

Chris C
Chris C
1 month ago

The “workplaces” of the mainstream media (BBC, Daily Mail, local newspapers etc.) house the culprits who told (and still tell) the covid lies that are responsible for facilitating omnicide, democide and genocide involving billions of people, and these Satanic organizations should be raised to the ground after the collaborators have been arrested by citizens who are We The People.

This is not a time for forgiving as the perpetrators simply see that as accepting and forgetting; the NWO psychopaths will change neither their personalities nor their plans for us: we need to punish severely all those who act or acted as Nazi concentration camp guards on behalf of a rotten Parliament.

1 month ago

This psy-op was NOT created by so called”government”, but by the crime syndicate that OWNS all the corporations, erroneously but purposely called “governments”. This so called professor is entirely clueless on what he is talking about, OR he is another bought and paid for puppet.

1 month ago

[…] ‘COVID Was A Lie, An Illusion Created by Government to Take Complete Control’ & ‘The Penny… “Penny is dropping everywhere! I wouldn’t want to be a covid cultist/jabaholic doctor/nurse or one that knows deep down what’s happened and the collateral harms/injuries/deaths but is remaining silent to calling out the biggest medical fraud/crime ever committed on humanity! Justice is coming…..the house of cards is collapsing!” […]

1 month ago

[…] ‘COVID Was A Lie, An Illusion Created by Government to Take Complete Control’ & ‘The Penny…“Penny is dropping everywhere! I wouldn’t want to be a covid cultist/jabaholic doctor/nurse or one that knows deep down what’s happened and the collateral harms/injuries/deaths but is remaining silent to calling out the biggest medical fraud/crime ever committed on humanity! Justice is coming…..the house of cards is collapsing!” […]

1 month ago

“If you let the government break the law because of an ‘emergency’, they will always create an ‘emergency’ to break the law!”

…was posted on Facebook by Jess Ica on November 26, 2020.

Ya, we know WTF has been happening all along. Government betrayal!

1 month ago

[…] ‘COVID Was A Lie, An Illusion Created by Government to Take Complete Control’ & ‘The Penny…“Penny is dropping everywhere! I wouldn’t want to be a covid cultist/jabaholic doctor/nurse or one that knows deep down what’s happened and the collateral harms/injuries/deaths but is remaining silent to calling out the biggest medical fraud/crime ever committed on humanity! Justice is coming…..the house of cards is collapsing!” […]

1 month ago

This was posted on Facebook by Jess Ica on November 26, 2020.

“If you let the government break the law because of an ‘emergency’, they will always create an ‘emergency’ to break the law!”

Ya, we know WTF has been happening all along. Government betrayal!

1 month ago

[…] ‘COVID Was A Lie, An Illusion Created by Government to Take Complete Control’ & &#82… […]

1 month ago

[…] ‘COVID Was A Lie, An Illusion Created by Government to Take Complete Control’ & ‘The Penny…“Penny is dropping everywhere! I wouldn’t want to be a covid cultist/jabaholic doctor/nurse or one that knows deep down what’s happened and the collateral harms/injuries/deaths but is remaining silent to calling out the biggest medical fraud/crime ever committed on humanity! Justice is coming…..the house of cards is collapsing!” […]

26 days ago

[…] Homburg last year about the fakeness of the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) “pandemic” has gone viral, alerting the world to the COVID lie that destroyed […]

25 days ago

[…] Stefan Homburg, anul trecut, despre falsificarea „pandemiei” coronavirusului Wuhan (COVID-19) a devenit viralalertând lumea despre minciuna COVID care a distrus […]

24 days ago

The end is near, read the Protocols of Elders of Zion, it says all that is now happening. It says they (J) must always use deception to get the money of their enemies, and to kill them whenever it is possible. Also, that when they (J) get all the money in the world, it will be the time to take the full control of the world and impose their laws. Right now in 2024 they are already the richest people in the world and have the control of almost everything, press, TV, radio, many governments, UNited Nations, W.H.O. BIg Pharma, etc. ,

24 days ago

[…] ‘COVID Was A Lie, An Illusion Created by Government to Take Complete Control’ & ‘The Penny…“Penny is dropping everywhere! I wouldn’t want to be a covid cultist/jabaholic doctor/nurse or one that knows deep down what’s happened and the collateral harms/injuries/deaths but is remaining silent to calling out the biggest medical fraud/crime ever committed on humanity! Justice is coming…..the house of cards is collapsing!” […]

10 days ago

[…] source:… […]