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All UK Airports will close by 2029 & Beef and Lamb will be banned for Human Consumption to meet Climate Scam Targets according to UK Gov. Report

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A report produced by Oxford University and Imperial College London for the UK Government reveals that all airports will be ordered to close, eating beef and lamb will be made illegal, and construction of new buildings will not be permitted to meet the legal commitment of zero emissions by 2050.

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The report states that all airports must close between 2020 and 2029 excluding Heathrow, Glasgow and Belfast airports, which can only stay open on the condition that transfers to and from the airport are done via rail.

All remaining airports must then close between 2030 and 2049 because to meet the legal commitment of zero emissions by 2050 every citizen of the United Kingdom must “stop using aeroplanes” for a significant period of time.

In addition, the report states that to obey the law of the Climate Change Act the public will be required to stop doing anything that causes emissions regardless of its energy source. According to the report, this will require the public to never eat beef or lamb ever again.

To do this national consumption of beef and lamb will drop by 50% between 2020 and 2029. Then between 2030 and 2049 beef and lamb will be “phased out”.

The report also confirms that construction of new building must cease by 2050 –

The underlying point is that any asset which uses carbon will have essentially zero value in 2050. This in turn may encourage greater use in the run up to 2050 – for example, putting up new buildings at a much faster rate for the next 30 years, knowing that construction must then halt.

The report was released in November 2019 and was authored by ‘UK Fires’, a collaboration between the Universities of Cambridge, Oxford, Nottingham, Bath and Imperial College London – the home of Professor Neil Ferguson.

Entitled ‘Absolute Zero’, the report is a research collaboration in which the authors reveal what the UK must do to meet it’s legal requirement to reach net zero emissions by 2050, and it makes for harrowing reading.

However, the timeline of events may speed up significantly because the Government enshrined a new target in law in April 2021 to slash emissions by 78% by the year 2035.

The authors of the report state the key messages are as follows –

In addition to reducing our energy demand, delivering zero emissions with today’s technologies requires the phasing out of flying, shipping, lamb and beef, blast-furnace steel and cement.

They also state this on jobs and location –

There are two key implications for how we live our lives: first, buildings will become much more expensive because the restrictions on building which generate substantial scarcities; second, transport will become much more expensive because the limits on air travel will generate excess demand for other forms of transport.

Those who are starting secondary school now, in 2019, will be 43 in 2050. Thinking about what education is appropriate for a very different set of industries is a key question. Should we still be training airplane pilots? Or aeronautical engineers?

And they state this on implementation of the requirements –

The changes in behaviour to achieve Absolute Zero are clearly substantial. In principle, these changes could be induced through changing prices and thus providing clear incentives for behaviour to change. The alternative is that the government prohibits certain types of behaviour and regulates on production processes.

You may be wondering how on earth they are going to get the support of the public in shutting the airports and stopping the consumption of beef and lamb?

Well, we could argue they are already well on their way to ensuring the closure of many airports thanks to the draconian laws that the British people have been living under since March 2020 in the name of protecting the NHS and saving lives.

Is it just a coincidence that four months after the release of the report, the UK Government brought in the coronavirus act and implemented a national lockdown which has decimated the travel industry? A quick read through the report certainly suggests the real reason for lockdown may have been so that the Government can meet its legal commitment to reduce emissions.

They will get the support just as they got the support for implementing ridiculous, draconian laws under the guise of stopping the spread of Covid-19. Laws which have decimated small business, taken away our freedoms, and created what will be the greatest health crisis to have ever been due to turning the NHS into the National Covid Service and then the National Vaccination Service.

They managed all the above through psychological manipulation and coercion. That is not an opinion, it is fact, and it is all documented in official UK Government documents which you can read here, and here.

And they are going to use the exact same tactics to ensure you allow all airports to close and never eat beef or lamb again, this is what the ‘Absolute Zero’ report recommends the UK Government implements to achieve their legally required targets –

Social norms and individual behaviours

There is a misalignment between the scale of actions recommended by government (e.g. energy conservation) and those most commonly performed by individuals (e.g. recycling). Actions which can have a big effect, such as better insulation in houses and not flying, are being ignored in favour of small, high profile actions, such as not using plastic straws. This is enabling individuals to feel satisfied that they are ‘doing their bit’ without actually making the lifestyle changes required to meet the zero emissions target. If large scale social change is to be successful a new approach is needed.

Whilst the thought of society taking radical, meaningful steps to meet zero emission targets could be criticised for being idealistic, we can learn from historical cultural changes. Not long ago, smoking cigarettes was encouraged and considered to be acceptable in public spaces that children frequented, drink-driving was practiced with such regularity that it killed 1000 people per year in the UK, and discrimination based on sexual orientation was written into law. These behaviours now seem reprehensible, showing society is capable acknowledging the negative consequences of certain behaviours and socially outlawing their practice. Focus should therefore be centred on expediting the evolution of new social norms with confidence that change can happen.

Evidence from behavioural science, and the long experience in public health of changing behaviours around smoking and alcohol, shows that information alone is not enough to change behaviour. To make the types of changes described in this report, we will have to think more broadly on the economic and physical contexts in which designers, engineers and members of the public make decisions that determine carbon emissions.

At the same time, clear, accurate and transparent information on problems and the efficacy of proposed solutions is essential for maintaining public support for policy interventions. The phrasing of communication is also important. Messages framed about fear and climate crisis have been found to be ineffective at motivating change.

The longevity of the challenge of reducing emissions, and the lack of immediate or even apparent consequences of small individual actions mean it is challenging to link to them to the large-scale climate crisis. This allows individuals to make decisions which contrast with their desire to reduce emissions.

Scientific description is not always the most effective means of communication, and language used to promote zero emissions should no longer focus on an ‘ecofriendly’ and ‘green’ lexicon, but rather candid descriptions of actions that appeal to human fulfilment. Evidence from time-use studies shows that human fulfilment does not strictly depend on using energy – the activities we enjoy the most are the ones with the lowest energy requirements.

Consumers can be satisfied in a zero emissions landscape.

But they will also get the support they need by conditioning and indoctrinating your children in schools –

‘Starting with the difficult decisions, an educational setting should provide a timeline for actions to be taken by humanity in order to ensure that we hit our carbon reduction targets by 2050. By working backwards from 2050, and sequentially working out the order and timing in which key mitigation actions need to be taken, a roadmap for the necessary restraint can be established.

Across the secondary school system, this roadmap is essential in eliciting the questions which will inevitably come from the school children. This will enable an exploration of real change in the mind sets of those who will need to embrace change more than ever before later in their lives.

Huge questions will emerge, such as: will internal-combustion engines disappear, will aeroplanes disappear, will meat and-dairy agriculture disappear, and will we need to stop building things? By empowering school children to realise that asking the huge questions is appropriate, we will enable change to be embraced through education.

All of this will be done to allegedly reduce carbon emissions due to the alleged danger of global warming.

The average carbon footprint per person in the UK, per year, is 12.7 tonnes CO2e.

  1. Your heating would need to be going full blast for 80 days straight to to produce 12.7 tonne CO2e.
  2. You would need to drive 23,000 miles in the average car to emit 12.7 tonnes of CO2e (that’s once around the world).
  3. You’d have to eat over 1,000 beef steaks to produce 12.7 tonnes CO2e.

In terms of global annual carbon emissions of ca. 38,000 megatonnes CO2e, 12.7 tonnes doesn’t sound like much. But when you consider a population of 68 million people in the UK alone, nearing 8 billion worldwide, all of a sudden it sounds like in order to meet a target which is enshrined in UK law and must be legally met, it may just be easier to reduce the population of the United Kingdom?

The past sixteen months have seen –

You must read the ‘Absolute Zero’ report, authored by Oxford University and Imperial College London, the former having invented the AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccine, and the latter being instrumental in providing flawed models that were used to justify draconian lockdowns in both the UK and USA.

Because once you do, you will realise that the past two years have been part of a much more sinister agenda that has only just begun.

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Anton Cardew
Anton Cardew
1 month ago

This is typical of the Neil Fergusson Posse, scaremongering as usual( ancient shitty tired old British has been institutions, trying to remain relevant), but if it is partly true and the British people allow it without a fight, not protesting, but revolution, then they get what they deserve.Is our ever growing immigrant and Muslim population going to stop eating Lamb, I doubt it. What about all the Holiday homes that the upper middles own, are they going to put up with it. The top knobs will still fly privately from Farnham Airport as they did during the covid lockdowns. Cars under a 1000kg will be difficult as the batteries weigh so much, but I suppose in the ’15 Minute’ cities, they will only need a 30 mile range between charges.

Reply to  Anton Cardew
1 month ago

I thought Canada had the worse ding bats, but looks like too many of them all over have got the drugs in their tea that they should watch for

Reply to  Anton Cardew
1 month ago

The Neil Fergusson Posse, after their ludicrous Covid predictions, they must be the mathematical modellers that use their fingers to count.

Reply to  Anton Cardew
1 month ago


Reply to  Antonio
1 month ago

DAVID Doh’EN! Has an opinion!

1 month ago

absolute bollocks, the global ‘elite’ know this too. surely a mass push back (revolution) will happen once the general asleep population wake up to the tyranny they are slowly being subjected to? ~Like boiling frogs, they will take note soon enough….surely…

Reply to  Anderson
1 month ago

As things stand we simply cannot afford to fly or eat properly by that time. This is how they can make it.

Reply to  SAbi3
1 month ago

ChemtrailPoision pollutes the sky
While the Vatican’s Eugenicist Royal Elites Blackmail Politicians of Pedophilia Corruption.
Ancient Institutionalized Pedophilia
Descends From Pagan Rome’s Deities.
Zeus and Jupiter’s Abduction of Ganymede Continues into the Vatican’s Corruption of Christianity.
Clear the Sky of: ChemtrailPoision by Striking the Achilles’s Heel of Pedophile Corruption.



Illuminati Defector Described Horrifying Satanic Rituals – Humans Be Free

Reply to  SAbi3
1 month ago

Gaze at a Website

Of a Network That Builds the Museums of Cities.
Modeled in the Image of their Ancient Roman Pedophile Deity:
Constructing the children’s minds.
As the fate of Ganymede.

comment image

Reply to  SAbi3
1 month ago

comment image

Jupiter’s Abduction of Ganymede

comment image

Reply to  SAbi3
1 month ago

comment image?resize=1200%2C1386&ssl=1

Reply to  Anderson
1 month ago

The boiling frogs (i.e. the vaccinated) are now jumping out of the pan and they want revenge.

Julian Farmer
Julian Farmer
Reply to  Tom
1 month ago

What a silly comment. The stupid dumb British will simply comply as always, because they are frightened of causing offence to their masters. The modern British are a sick over weight joke. Hundreds of thousands of our relatives lie dead, girls gang raped and this has been going on for years. The British are a stupid, feckless, selfish bunch of morons and the type that would report any deviation from the proscribed Government BS. I have lost all my neighbours from the Vax and several close relatives including my daughter.

The Modern British disgust me. They will all adopt Islam for a quiet life not even understanding what they are doing. I am dying anyway of natural causes but I do not even speak to anybody from the modern, emotionally incontinent younger generations, even my own age group. They are morons.In the recent furore over the Scottish “Hate Laws”, I was told by a Police pal that at least 56% of the informers were from England. What hope is there? Answer None,

Reply to  Anderson
1 month ago

A few more are about some things, but not enough! The Spring Booster is bout to happen starting next week and on a forum of women of a certain age, they are all panicking about if they can get an appointment, but their arms are bared ready and willing!

1 month ago

These NWO zealots can f**k the hell off. I will eat beef, lamb, chicken, pork and whatever else meat I want to eat. They do not dictate to me. I hope we can rid ourselves of these government traitors in the not-too-distant future and get our lives back. The futures of our children and grandchildren depend upon us standing up against these self-proclaimed “elites”.

Mark Deacon
Mark Deacon
Reply to  Cheryl ROWLANDS
1 month ago

I am going to eat what I think is safe … and not the bug burgers.
Same as I will not partake in pharmaceuticals unless I feel they are 100% safe.

Making my own choices from here on in. Should never have gone all in with the mass population cull because so much is now being understood as part of this game.

Mary Ann Dowrick
Mary Ann Dowrick
Reply to  Cheryl ROWLANDS
1 month ago

Crazy Canada having to report how many chickens people keep in their back yard. Castro,has gone nuts😂😂😂😂

Julian Farmer
Julian Farmer
Reply to  Mary Ann Dowrick
1 month ago

No he is just a stupid cruel Communist like all the rest, that love to indulge in causing misery to other humans.

Reply to  Julian Farmer
1 month ago



Mark Deacon
Mark Deacon
1 month ago

When will the private jets into and out of the UK be grounded?

As for lamb/beef being banned … what about pork being banned? Muslims are not allowed to eat pork already and is chicken special or something?

A big backlash is coming against those pushing this for how can a joined up globalist world exist when the societies they are encouraging through mass immigration can no longer meet.

Hell I would shoot the lot of them and be done … do it to defend the human specie if the chance arises.

Reply to  Mark Deacon
1 month ago

It’s about the red meat types, they are healthier than the meat of omnivores (chicken, pork) and give you more energy, probably more health, too. Just watch the price of ghee (the healthy fat for cooking).

Reply to  SAbi3
1 month ago

Are you Sayin’ YOU EAT FAT?


Sheila Dunphy
Sheila Dunphy
1 month ago

This is the satanic NWO elite, who own most of the evil & corrupt leaders at the top of most of the biggest countries, NATO, intelligence agencies, Vatican, etc…
They will continue to limit our ability to travel until they have managed to corral most of us into their 15 minute concentration camps.
They will make gas & vehicles too expensive for most of us to afford & will be banned in their concentration camps.
They will eliminate the meat & eventually more food from our ability to get it.
They will strike more bridges, shut down airports & limit trains, etc… to cut us off from other 15 minute concentration camps.
They will shut off all electricity to places where they do not want us to live in hopes that they can make us willingly corral ourselves into their concentration camps.
If you want to know what’s coming soon ahead of time than read God’s Word, Revelation & many other books in the Bible point out exactly what will happen, & to prove its accuracy then check out all the prophecies that have already been fulfilled!?
Look Up for our redemption draws near❣️
The world will blame the Rapture on a massive alien abduction.
Repent now before it’s too late… and I’m reminding myself of this daily as well.

Sheila Dunphy
Sheila Dunphy
1 month ago

The Trillionaires & billionaires who founded and/or control the satanic WEF, UN, WHO & Vatican for centuries, some under different names, now they have used disgusting paedophile traffickers to entice & record many/most of our top government leaders, agencies, etc… including all our intelligence agencies, militaries, healthcare, etc…
They have & continue to divide us any & every way they can think of because they fear if we actually unite we can win against their evil plans of continued MASSIVE depopulation.
The whole reason they want us isolated & corralled into their 15 minute concentration camps is so they can completely control us or suicide us easier?!
Notice they are shutting down our ability to travel, first slowly with taking out bridges, roads, harbors, airports & planes.
Eventually they will make gas & vehicles completely unaffordable for the majority, like they do with everything they want to continue doing but don’t want us to do?!
Notice they continue to fly everywhere in their jets & sail on their yachts & drive in their SUV’s, etc… but we should own nothing & eat bugs & be happy about it???

Reply to  Sheila Dunphy
1 month ago

Agree totally, it’s all happening like a controlled demolition everywhere around the world.
Our roads are dreadful here in Victoria, Australia and getting worse by the day. Potholes are everywhere, you have to reduce your speed and constantly dodge them, they never get repaired properly, so when it rains again, they are back and worse than before.
Our once thriving towns are looking like ghettos with graffiti and rubbish everywhere, with many shops closing and vandalism everywhere.
There is a real atmosphere of hopelessness and neglect.
Councils are not interested and always passing complaints on to…to what seems like a revolving door, that never get resolved. Just watched Zeitgeist 1&2. It’s all been planned long ago…
I’m standing my ground, trying to become self sufficient, growing own food. Trying to warn and support our family and friends who’ll listen…
Take care everyone.
Praying for all of us to get to the other side of all this madness and chaos…God bless😔🙏🏼Bernie

Mary Ann Dowrick
Mary Ann Dowrick
1 month ago

😂😂😂😂I wonder what United, American Airlines, BA, Singapore airlines, Ryan Air, Easy Jet, Qatar, Air France, KLM, Delta, think about this crafty plan and how it will affect their business model. Somehow, I do,not think this will happen. Enjoy your air travel, lamb and beef folks. Any country even thinking about doing this will have to think twice, or face growing disorder.

Sheila Dunphy
Sheila Dunphy
1 month ago

Thank you for being one of the few that are willing to risk everything & speak the absolute truth daily, even though we witness how often whistleblowers are suicided & our government & Injustice System either don’t care or turn a blind eye because they are afraid they will be next?!
I’m so sorry I do not have money to give you but you have my sincere gratitude, prayers for success & protection from evil.
God bless you & praying for the only thing that can save America & the world & that’s MASSIVE REVIVAL in Jesus/Yeshua.

Reply to  Sheila Dunphy
1 month ago

Dear Sheila Dunphy,
There actually no ‘salvation’ for nations or the world. It is far too late.
Too many murdered babies about 2 Billion! Far too many mutilated children in this world crazy move to do the impossible – modify biological gender.

The last four years of world manipulation have identified the WEF and Co intention to deplete the population down to 500 million slaves to serve the elite.

There will be no revival.
The only hope is for individuals, for each one of us to accept Salvation IN Jesus Christ of Nazareth by accepting His free gift of eternal life WITH Him. The only alternative is eternity without Him – a living hell – literally!
Escape this horrible alternative by turning to Him and when He calls His bride UP to be with Him we shall have a glorious future with Him.

1 month ago

What about all these new military aircraft and what about private jets, what about all the old cars so many of us are still driving and what about how those smart meters that do nothing but monitor what we are doing and tell us we are using far more energy than we actually are using, my latest unlawful 5g smart meter edition installed without my consent and in direct opposition to what I was told when I requested to be put on the OPT out list is now harassing me with messages of ways I can lower my consumption of soon to be outside of my ability to pay it according to them this is a foregone conclusion and appears to be a way to force me out of the home since I attempted to adamantly reject this sham technology and was already on a budget plan and already on my own accord probably using less energy producing less garbage than any puppet person being paid to subject us to all of this. This is all about the elites and none of them will be subjected to any of this personally as Bill Gates foretold already, he will just use credits that he purchased to be in compliance. The military and intelligence corporation oil for war and profit complex are who should really be answering for all that is wrong with the climate. What is Elon going to do about all the damage he is doing to the climate with all that he is involved in or Thiel, Prince,. Bezos, Gates or Schmidt, or even Taylor Swift, John Kerry and family, John Travolta, or the Kardashians or Caitlyn Jenner or any celebrity or political leader who owns a private jet, I guess they will be allowed to just continue on with their lives as though none of this is going on?

We need to start demanding investigations into the original PFAN/TRAC patent and any patents that followed or flowed out from it that were given illegally because that was the start of all this, an illegal patent that referred to humans as wet ware that is the basis of the internet of things, bodies, cars, appliances, the internet of planes, trains and all military things that can target us with on the ground sensing methods that should never have been granted in the first place as it makes we the people a human body area network in which all things can network through us and IBM, Microsoft et al they all know this, they have known it, they know that the body and brain are being accessed by the IOT and that it is causing us all serious harm, yet we all just need to submit ourselves to this right and not hold anyone to account because it is always the bogie man that did it and not actual people setting up legislative acts to get away with committing atrocities and genocide while submitting us all to tyranny. We the people may be contributing because we consume, but nothing that we do compares to what the machine of monstrosity they created is doing each and everyday to all of us.

1 month ago

Good luck with that in America. They love their beef and a good hearty steak.

1 month ago

Every last one of these nutcases and their henchmen and women, better be ready to die a nasty death. That is what is awaiting them.
I am seeing corporations and businesses start to pull away from mandates like DEI, ESG and the like. Why, because stockholders are raising hell and their profits are plummeting and the companies boycotted. I believe this might be the beginning of something positive. Plus, these satanists know we know who they are. Most people have seen Covid and the vax, know the damage and death it has caused and are much less likely to fall in step. Plus people are already fed up and angry and know who the target is on. I don’t think it will be as easy for these shit masters this time around. The last knock down and drag out will be the US where gun ownership has increased exponentially. And lawful people have become more proactive in dealing with thugs, government and BS. I think one of the largest tasks for normies and preppers alike is to wrap their heads around the level of utter evil that these cretins are operating from. They are Luciferian, they worship the devil, they please him and gain power and money by child sacrifice, pagan blood rites, human suffering and degradation, the depths of which know no end.

m wajs
m wajs
1 month ago

This has to be a dystopian piece of creative writing !

1 month ago

cmon guys….get a grip..posting this bs fear porn makes you look like a bunch of shills..who have sold your souls to satan

Reply to  Frank
1 month ago

I came to have a look because of the number of comments, it was exactly 36, now it should be 37 with this.

1 month ago

[…] Zpráva zadaná britskou vládou u University of Oxford a Imperial College London navrhuje uzavření všech letišť, zákaz konzumace hovězího a skopového masa a zastavení výstavby nových budov, aby bylo do roku 2050 dosaženo zákonem požadovaných nulových emisí. […]

Harold Crapper
Harold Crapper
1 month ago

Of course these type of policies will only apply to the west, the east, excluding China will be free.

1 month ago

Bill Gates and Bill Clinton are very important people and they must be able to fly. All peasants must remain in doors to be tolerated for a short while, the age of termination to be set in the near future. Enjoy zee bugs, do what you are told, it’s for the common good.

1 month ago

Nur Angst und Panikmache für die Proleten

1 month ago

This will never happen. Unless Canada decides to keep a certain dictator. Make a stand now sister Canada.

Paul Watson
Paul Watson
1 month ago

We need more CO2 not less.
At 0.04% of the earth’s atmosphere it’s at a dangerously low level.
0.02% all plant life dies off and along with it humanity.
YOU are the carbon unit they want to end…
Evil people pushing an insidious agenda.

1 month ago

[…] A report produced by Oxford University and Imperial College London for the UK Government reveals that all airports will be ordered to close, eating beef and lamb will be made illegal, and construction of new buildings will not be permitted to meet the legal commitment of zero emissions by 2050. The report states that all airports […]Keep reading […]

1 month ago

[…] kann sich vorstellen, was für ein Irrsinn dabei herauskommt: sämtliche Flughäfen schließen, Fleischverzehr verbieten, komplette Vernichtung kleiner und mittle… und so weiter und so fort. Daß die „Maßnahmen“ zur Knechtung und Brechung des Menschenviehs […]

27 days ago

[…] Study By UK Universities About Climate Targets […]

25 days ago

[…] All UK Airports will close by 2029 & Beef and Lamb will be banned for Human Consumption to meet … […]

25 days ago

[…] All UK Airports will close by 2029 & Beef and Lamb will be banned for Human Consumption to meet … […]

24 days ago

[…] All UK Airports will close by 2029 & Beef and Lamb will be banned for Human Consumption to meet … […]