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A brief history of the “biodefence” era and how they convinced nations to give up our rights for “pandemic safety”

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Dr. Meryl Nass outlines the 25-year history of the “biodefence” programme and how they generated the “national will” to give up our civil and human rights in the name of “pandemic safety.”

She also discusses how the World Health Organisation – a specialised agency of the United Nations that is concerned with international public health – has repeatedly failed to “champion health and a better future for all” over the past 20 years.

Note: “Biodefence” is enclosed in quotation marks because as Dr. Nass noted in a report published last year, under the guise of preparing their defences against biowarfare and pandemics, nations have conducted “dual-use” – both offensive and defensive – research and development, which has led to the creation of more deadly and more transmissible microorganisms. And, employing new verbiage to shield this effort from scrutiny, biological warfare research was renamed as “gain-of-function” research.

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Generating the “national will” to spend hundreds of billions and give up our civil and human rights on the altar of pandemic safety; here is how it was done

By Dr. Meryl Nass

[Note: We have taken the liberty of including some additional hyperlinks to the following text.]

Clinton Begins the Phony Era of Pandemics and Bioterrorism

In November 1997 US Secretary of Defence William Cohen held up a 5 lb bag of Domino sugar in front of an army of cameras and told the world that if the bag contained anthrax it could wipe out New York City or Washington, DC.

That was not true, but it provided a fitting justification for the start of the US Department of Defence’s “biodefence” vaccine programme, beginning with mandatory anthrax vaccinations for soldiers in March 1998.

According to an NBC cover story:

The US government invested in a new smallpox vaccine, ACAM2000, based on the older Dryvax vaccine. The fact that it caused high rates of myocarditis – 1 case in 175 doses administered according to the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (“CDC”) – has been ignored.

And the biodefence era began, supplying handsome contracts to those who promised remedies in the new wild west of biowarfare and infectious disease. Many of those who got the contracts had friends in high places, like FOB Ronald Perelman, who made a killing on a smallpox remedy, Tpoxx, that was eventually used as a monkeypox drug. Did it work? Who knows?

The 21st Century ushered in a well-coordinated push to generate fear about:

  1. a repeat of the 1918 flu pandemic;
  2. jumps of deadly viruses from animals to humans (“spillover,” zoonoses and epizootics were the new terms to be mastered); and,
  3. biological warfare threats.

The 2002-3 SARS outbreak and the hyped Avian influenza (bird flu) outbreak – both beginning shortly after the anthrax letters – were hyped to the max to generate fear of pandemics and biological warfare.

How many people did these infectious diseases kill in the US and around the world?

  1. The anthrax letters caused 5 human deaths, all in the US.
  2. SARS-1 caused under 800 deaths around the world. There were 27 US cases designated as SARS-1 and not a single US death.
  3. Avian flu is said to have caused 463 deaths total in the entire world over the past 20 years, according to the WHO. Only 2 Americans have been identified as having an illness associated with avian flu, and both were very minor. Not a single American has died from avian flu. The recent case of conjunctivitis is recovering.

The CDC and corporate media claim that avian flu has killed over 100 million chickens. It has not. USDA rules have forced growers to cull over 100 million chickens. When one chicken has a positive PCR test for bird flu, every chicken in the chicken house (and sometimes all those on the farm) must be killed. Was that test even accurate? But expansive claims like these are what gets the public going, and putting up with incursions on their freedoms.

So, on the basis of a bioterrorism “performance” using letters containing anthrax spores sent to Congress and the media that were made in a lab, and two relatively minor zoonotic diseases that failed to kill a single American, we Americans were led by the nose into the era of BIODEFENCE.

In 2009 the Pandemic Preparedness/Biosecurity Agenda really took off with an expensive BANG!

The WHO’s Director-General Margaret Chan declared a Pandemic Phase Level 6 for a “swine flu” (H1N1) outbreak that was milder than a normal influenza outbreak: triggering tens of billions of dollars in “sleeper “contracts that the WHO had initiated (and most likely been cut in on) between national governments and vaccine manufacturers. The contracts guaranteed that nations would buy millions or hundreds of millions of doses of vaccines for any future Level 6 pandemic that a WHO Director-General declared.

The contracts did NOT say that the definition of a Level 6 pandemic could be changed so that any new virus at all could meet the definition. But that is what happened. The definition of a Level 6 pandemic was changed so that it was meaningless, and a few weeks later Director-General Margaret Chan declared a Level 6 pandemic, the contracts were triggered, and on the order of a billion doses of H1N1 flu vaccines were administered. Grandfathered in. Liability-free. Some caused serious side effects: especially the European Pandemrix brand made by GlaxoSmithKline. Regulators identified problems early and simply covered them up.

Drugs were also ushered in without a license. Below is some archived information on the drugs and other products given emergency use authorisations (“EUAs”) for the mild 2009 swine flu.

Having wrought great harm in 2009, the WHO bounced to another debacle with West Africa’s Ebola pandemic of 2014. Below I have excerpted from a Royal Society opinion piece, but there are many others that provided strong criticisms of the WHO response, including from some of the WHO’s strongest supporters. It seems that really bad mistakes can lead to more money and calls for reform, and those efforts can then be used to move an organisation in the direction desired. In this case, in the biodefense direction.

Reading the article below, it appears that the WHO is an inept, disorganised bureaucracy that has a large stable of authors to write policy briefs, press releases and others who put on conferences. The WHO has little understanding of actual epidemics and does not like to dirty its hands tending to them on the ground.

What did the UK Royal Society publish about the WHO’s response to West Africa’s Ebola pandemic?

Extract [emphasis added]:

The WHO admitted [emphasis added]:

So, the WHO has been failing upward with every global infectious disease crisis for at least the past 20 years, well before covid.

What does the organisation offer us? Apart from providing a hook for globalists to gain more power, control and wealth, the WHO offers nothing to the citizens of developed nations. It does provide some benefits to developing nations, but those benefits could probably be achieved at a much lower cost, and with preferable local decision-making and control, through another organisation or health ministries.

As Dr. Inouye has said and written, it is time for us to Exit the WHO.

About the Author

Meryl Nass is a board-certified internal medicine physician. She has given 6 Congressional testimonies and testified for legislatures in Maine, Massachusetts, Vermont, New Hampshire, Alaska, Colorado and New Brunswick, and Canada on bioterrorism, Gulf War syndrome and vaccine safety/vaccine mandates.

She has consulted for the World Bank, the Government Accountability Office, the Cuban Ministry of Health and the US Director of National Intelligence regarding the prevention, investigation and mitigation of chemical and biological warfare and pandemics.

Dr. Nass regularly publishes articles on a Substack page titled ‘Meryl’s COVID Newsletter’ which you can subscribe to and follow HERE.

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Dr. David Walls-Kaufman
Dr. David Walls-Kaufman
2 months ago

Excellent historical overview. I had hoped someone would step up and help clarify the evolution of our devolution. This article, and others The Expose are doing so. One glaring hole you have missed (understandably) is the hidden, denied and overlooked role that the red headed step child of science, chiropractic, and “structural/postural” medicine or techniques play in dramatically boosting immunity. These strategies open the door to an entirely different level of human liberated from the shackles of top-down control, sabotage, dictates and profiteering.

2 months ago

[…] A brief history of the “biodefence” era and how they convinced nations to give up our rights for… […]

2 months ago

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