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The UK will not sign the Pandemic Treaty in its current form

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Britain is refusing to sign the World Health Organisation’s (“WHO”) Pandemic Accord or Pandemic Treaty because the country says it would have to give away a fifth of its vaccines, The Telegraph reported on Wednesday.

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According to a draft of the Pandemic Accord, richer countries, including the UK, would be asked to reserve 20% of tests, treatments and vaccines for WHO to distribute in poorer countries during emergencies.

The WHO Accord states the UN-run agency would get “real-time access” to 10 per cent of these products for free, and 10 per cent “at affordable prices.”

An unnamed source familiar with the Accord negotiations said the UK cannot accept these proposals in their current form and will only agree to the treaty if it is given a commitment that British-made vaccines are used for what the UK deems to be its own national interests.

“We will only support the adoption of the Accord and accept it on behalf of the UK, if it is firmly in the UK national interest and respects national sovereignty,” a spokesperson for Britain’s Department of Health and Social Care said in a statement to Reuters.

The head of WHO on Friday restated his hope that the vaccine impasse can be resolved as the talks entered their second week. Countries are due to finalise negotiations on the Accord on 10 May, with a view to adopting it at the WHO’s annual meeting later this month.

WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said last week that countries need to agree to the Accord within the deadline to help fight future pandemics, adding that countries who did not fully agree with the text to at least refrain from blocking consensus among WHO’s 194 member states, Reuters reported.

What Tedros the Terrorist meant by “refrain from blocking consensus” is not clear but perhaps he is referring to a consensus among INB9 voting members that would enable the Pandemic Treaty to be put forward for adoption at the 77th World Health Assembly.

Please note: WHO is attempting to have two instruments adopted at the next World Health Assembly meeting at the end of this month to implement its pandemic plans: Amendments to the International Health Regulations (“IHR”); and, the Pandemic Accord, which has also been referred to as to as the Pandemic TreatyPandemic Agreement and WHO Convention Agreement + (“WHO CA+”). 

In December 2021, WHO established the Intergovernmental Negotiating Body (“INB”) to draft and negotiate a pandemic agreement.  From 18 March to 28 March, the ninth meeting of the INB (“INB9”) took place to negotiate the text of what is currently being called the Pandemic Accord. Because the negotiations over the proposed text of the Pandemic Accord were not going well, INB9 resumed on 29 April for 10 days.  Representatives of WHO’s 194 Member States were expected to attend.  The last day of the session is today, 10 May 2024.

The new Pandemic Treaty needs a two-thirds majority for approval and, if and once adopted, will come into effect after 40 ratifications. The IHR amendments can be adopted by a simple majority and require countries to “opt out” within 10 months of their adoption if nations choose not to be bound by them.

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10 days ago

What? No quislings in England to betray the nation and give authority to scoundrels? ‘Safe and effective” Trojan Horse?

10 days ago

Great to see the UK government’s reasons are solid. It wants more toxic jabs to poison its populace but has said fuk all about ceding sovereignty to a cabal of sociopaths at the World Harm Organization. Way to go UK!!

David Allan Langcake
David Allan Langcake
10 days ago

The WHO is another ‘wannabe’ cowboy outfit, completely dependent upon Donations China being the most Generous of all. Imagine being directed by an organisation with desires in Euthanasia along with Gates and Fauci, unbelievable. Medicines, Vaccines from out of Big Pharma, after the disaster of Covid and a series of Killer Boosters, Unthinkable! Get the likes of this Self confessed along with Gates and Fauci as the very first to take such concoction’s with a Two year wait period to study their progress or Demise! A BIG NO!…..!

10 days ago

Who in their right mind would even consider remaining any part of the WHO after being poisoned by Tedros, a known terrorist group leader of the Tigray Liberation Front

The Islander
The Islander
Reply to  Belinda
10 days ago

The problem is that the political classes (the people in charge) are not “in their right minds”!

Reply to  The Islander
10 days ago

I’m afraid you’re not quite right Islander, they have never had “right minds”.

Reply to  Gerald
10 days ago

I agree!

Watcher Seeker
Watcher Seeker
10 days ago

Note the reason for rejecting it – not because it will let the WHO impose mandatory vaccination, but because they will have to give away “vaccines”.

If the WHO removes that bit, then our rulers will accept the rest of it.

Our rulers still want to impose mandatory vaccination on us.

Note – “We will only support the adoption of the Accord and accept it on behalf of the UK, if it is firmly in the UK national interest and respects national sovereignty” – this is the sort of bluff hides their true aims and that keeps the sheeple in The Hall of Mirrors \ Plato’s Cave.

10 days ago

…and thats all these cretins think they have to worry about: giving away 20% of UK Vaccines? How about the Act of Ceding part of our sovereignty and Rights as living men and women. How about the Fact that the ceding of our Sovereignty and Rights is a direct breach of The Magna Carta, The Law of Kings and The Constitution, Our Constitution for the protection of The Realm , The Kings and Queens of The Realm and the living, sovereign people.
How about the Fact that any Act that usurps upon, dilutes/diminishes in subrogation of the Magna Carta, The Kings and people is an Act of Treason punishable by Death. Their Kind; the State of State Officers, Masters, Ministers and Pope’s Imperial Majesty “Overseer” Vassals operating doing Business in Commerce For-Profit against the living men and women on the land and soil of our Four Sovereign Kingdom Countries unincorporated; may think they have a “Get out of Jail Free” Card and a No Death Penalty Card, but they don’t have any such Indemnities in Our Realm, this Realm, the Land and soil Realm of living Man. The Magna Carta is the Supreme Law of the Land. It cannot be diluted. Perhaps their are State of State Privateers dry-docked on our Land and soil who would like to challenge The Law? Good luck. Give any vestige of our sovereignty and Rights to any Privateer Vessel/Foreign Power/NGO/Privateer Vessel Stakeholder Organisation Inc/ INC, and see what happens this time around. The “signing” of the Maastricht Treaty was an Act of Treason for which the “perpetraitors” escaped Justice. Sign the UN INC-WHO INC Treaty and/or the UN INC-WHO INC IHR Amendments as a Trojan Horse Route to any ceding of our sovereignty and see if you escape lawful justice this time. By subrogative action or by failure to oppose and halt subrogative action against The Constitution aka Acts of Treason: it is all the same to the people and The Magna Carta. Signing the UN INC-WHO INC Treaty will end the Politicians involved, the Pope’s Vassal Overseer Imperial Majesty also involved by failure to exercise the “Royal Prerogative” and stop the subrogation. Perhaps His Imperial Majesty Emperor ‘King’ for the Holy Roman Empire has no actual lawful Royal Prerogative on the Land and soil of our Four Sovereign Kingdom Countries because He is not the lawful Constitutional Christian King of England owed to the people, and has no lawful Office and no Lawful Standing here. Maybe in Rome, but not here No one is above the Law is that not so your Imperial Majesty ‘King’ Charles III? … and to all of the Members/ Employees/Sub-Contractors / Agents and Assigns working in and for the Privateer Vessel “HM Parliament and Governments PLC… are your Kind above The Law of The Land, do your Kind have any lawful Right to Subrogate “The” Constitution? In fact: as Foreign Agents in and from a Foreign Realm: do any of your Kind have any lawful standing and lawful capacity and any lawful jurisdiction on our Land and soil at all? I say you do not

Sent from my iPhone

10 days ago


9 days ago

…. Questi sono malati mentali.

Mark Deacon
Mark Deacon
9 days ago

The British government is not protecting it’s citizens rights only that it does not want to give monetary value.

Says a lot.

Should be we will take WHO data as guidance but make decisions for ourselves being a sovereign nation. Nope … crickets on that!

John Steeples
John Steeples
8 days ago

I went to the UK two weeks ago I couldn’t believe what I found the place is going downhill somebody said something wrong with me so took me in hospital was there a day they go the problem with me I needed area needs hearing aids death now hospitals d stupid is that on’t supply any more airing aids as a million older people in the UK but need hearing aids that could help noises in your ears