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Patricia Harrity

Four Years Ago this Month a Lockdown was Imposed by National Governments Worldwide – Never Forget What They are Capable Of.

March 11, 2024, Four Years Ago the Covid-19 Lockdown was imposed in one fell swoop by national governments Worldwide. The Lockdown implied: “Confining the Labour Force” and “Freezing the Work Place”.  Not a single economist has acknowledged this relationship. From their standpoint, it was the virus which triggered economic and social collapse. What nonsense. 

Health Impacts of Electromagnetic Fields (EMF).

Over the past several decades, numerous scientific publications have demonstrated the harmful effects of electromagnetic radiation (EMR) exposure from wireless sources – such as smartphones, Wi-Fi routers, cell towers, smart meters and other Internet of Things (IoT) devices – at levels well below maximum federal exposure limits. 

Despite this body of evidence, federal exposure guidelines have remained unchanged since first implemented in 1996 and an unprecedented proliferation of wireless sources has been imposed upon an uninformed public.


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