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A Scientific Study has found the Covid-19 Vaccines do interfere with our DNA; what are the consequences?

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I find myself perplexed that commercial pharmaceutical enterprises, despite huge areas of uncertainty around safety and outcomes, felt that they could launch their experimental mRNA vaccines on the world’s population.

I am also confused how public health officials, the medical profession, and politicians became cheerleaders, even when a significant number of highly qualified scientists were waving red flags.

By Guy Hatchard PhD

Worse, when the accumulating adverse effects and deaths, and the ineffectiveness of the Covid vaccines to stop transmission became very obvious, why was there no precautionary pause to take stock?

Nor was there any expression of regret, sympathy or remorse from our politicians.

The opposite in fact, politicians all over the world doubled down with vaccine passes, mass sackings, and progressed to water cannons and rubber bullets.

At this point in time, the weight of research points unequivocally to the lack of effectiveness of mRNA vaccines and the continuing risks of adverse effects.

See for example a 14 February 2022 report by the Israeli Ministry of Health, translation linked here:

Some statisticians now appraise vaccine injury as worse than Covid itself. No one but a mad person would be continuing to recommend these risky and short lived vaccines for a mild disease and punishing those who refuse.

The more so because the long term effects of the mRNA vaccine continue to be unresearched. It seems we have many mad people in our midst.

Can mRNA Vaccines Alter Intelligence?

It is genuinely shocking how apparently sane caring health professionals ignore research findings, and how politicians refuse to meet and discuss concerns with constituents.

I am asking myself is there any valid reason to suppose that receiving an mRNA vaccine degrades decision-making, ethical, or empathetic capacity?

This is not an ad hominem attack. I fully realise I am going to be heavily criticised and even crucified for asking this question, but I believe it is a valid scientific question to ask.

It may not be scientifically fashionable, or to some acceptable, to ask questions about the relationship between mind and body, consciousness and matter, but any answers could point to exit strategies from the current pointless and destructive confrontation.

Many of you will be aware of recently published research from Sweden which found that genetic sequences from mRNA vaccines can integrate into liver cells in vitro.

This study builds upon earlier research and indicates pathways for genetic interference to be caused by Covid vaccines. For example, it presents a possible mechanism to explain the cases of autoimmune liver disease observed after Covid-19 vaccination.

I don’t personally have sufficient technical genetic and microbiological knowledge to explain the full import of this study, but various highly qualified experts have tackled this on YouTube and other platforms. For example see:

You will gain from this video an insight into just how little we do understand about the possible side effects of mRNA vaccines and how the risks are being casually dismissed, despite the obvious lack of knowledge about their extent and long term prognosis.

Consciousness and DNA

Importantly, no one understands the relationship between higher human functions and genetics.

The known integrative role consciousness plays in physics, biology, and all phases of life has been ignored for over a century in favour of a generally mechanistic or reductionist view of life and the universe.

It is no longer plausible or realistic to overlook the key role of consciousness. It is time to re-interpret experimental results and theoretical models.

It is inconceivable that the DNA molecule is not connected with consciousness. DNA lies at the centre of the cell. Without losing its structure or integrity it succeeds in producing and directing the frantic activity of millions of proteins and other cellular components rushing about within the cell membrane.

The system the DNA has set up and controls is capable of ensuring that damage to itself is more or less instantly repaired after the countless collisions and oxidative damage it endures.

It also directs the specialisation of individual cells to undertake billions of individual tasks within the human body. Liver cells, nerve cells, brain cells, kidney cells, reproductive cells, lung cells, heart cells, and so on.

It is without doubt that the DNA must do so in constant communication with trillions of other DNA molecules in other cells.

DNA is at the heart of a network or field of intelligence that has the hallmark of consciousness—intelligent, self-referral functioning.

It is now well known that cells have memory. Transplant recipients, especially heart recipients, can acquire the memories and behaviours of their donors.

A refined vegetarian concert pianist may suddenly become interested in eating hamburgers and rushing about on motorcycles, if these interests coincide with those of their heart donor (JOSHI, S. Memory transference in organ transplant recipients, Namah Journal 19(1) 2011).

These changes can extend in some cases to deeper personality changes. It is also well known that cells make intelligent decisions quite independently of any commands from the brain.

Decisions that are not just automatically programmed, but are apparently novel responses to unusual threats. These responses point to a net of consciousness at work with individual cells as communication nodes of the network. 

New nodes inserted into the cell network integrate with the total functioning of the organism and change the behaviour of the network. 

Yet this is more than a network of individual elements in communication. The human individual—physiology, biology, neurology, psychology—is an integrated entity in its own right functioning as a WHOLE.

The whole is more than the sum of its parts. The hallmark of this holistic entity is functioning intelligent consciousness. There is a reciprocal relationship of mutual interaction between the consciousness of the cell and the consciousness of the individual.

Every cell influences the holistic value of the individual, and is in turn influenced by the holistic value of consciousness. Every cell instantly responds to the consciousness of the individual and feeds back information and responses to the holistic consciousness of the individual. We instantly register even the smallest pin prick. 

The Relationship Between Genes and Intelligence Remains Unexplored

It is not beyond rational thought to propose that if genetic sequences integrate into many cellular components of the physiology, they may influence mental states.

A wide scale disruption of DNA could be a result of mRNA vaccination, it has already been proposed by some as a possibility. This might be analogous to the effect of the MCAS software enhancement on the Boeing 737 Max.

This was sufficient to override the stability of a complex but long-standing plane design. No one expected the system to fail but it did. No one really understands how higher human functions like assessments of fairness emerge, nor how they might be altered. 

We understand that animals do not have the same refined reflective, nuanced, moral judgement that we have, they are largely instinctual. It is natural for a lion to kill an antelope instinctually, but humans have a choice.

Animals share a great deal of DNA with ourselves, but somehow humans have free will and no one knows how this miracle is achieved by our genetics. We already know that gene therapy experiments on animals often go horribly wrong.

Is the highly developed and prized capacity of humans for creativity, morality and empathy something that can be put at risk by genetic manipulation? No one is asking this question, because the complexity of genetic function is beyond current science.

Yet some scientists feel gaily confident to interfere with millions of years of evolution. This weird bravado is completely at odds with past experimentation which has had disastrous results. Now it is being forced upon the whole population without a moral qualm. The insensitivity is frightening.

Research Reveals the Vaccinated Despise the Unvaccinated

Some propose that this is a form of mass hypnosis or others that our fear of illness is being cleverly exploited.

Many have close friends or relatives who have become suddenly angry and ready to cut off all ties. The insensitivity is frightening. Researchers at Aarhus University in Denmark surveyed attitudes in 21 countries and found that vaccinated people despise those who refuse to get the jab – but the opposite is not true.

The researchers found that vaccinated people made “stereotypic inferences that unvaccinated individuals are untrustworthy and unintelligent, making the antipathy resemble prejudice towards other deviant groups”. 

However, those who have refused the jab by and large do not think less of those who sought the protection it apparently offered.

The researchers said: “In the short run, prejudice against the unvaccinated may complicate pandemic management. In the long run, it may mean that societies leave the pandemic more divided than they entered.”

Is a Loss of Cognitive Ability Destroying Our World?

Have these extreme attitudes been curated by governments and mainstream media, or are they driven by a loss of cognitive perspective?

President Macron says he wants “to piss off the unvaccinated”, Justin Trudeau refers to protestors as “taking some space” and adds “do we tolerate these people?”, and Jacinda Ardern says “the unvaccinated don’t deserve everyday activities”.

Are they expressing carefully considered political sentiments or has their judgement been impaired and their emotions inflamed?

Is their refusal to openly debate scientific issues, a mark of immature thinking?

Have they reverted to a more primitive and fearful outlook than that they professed two years ago, and why would they do so?

It is certainly the case that evolutionary biologists argue that increased genetic sophistication led to higher human abilities. So can we lose them through genetic experimentation? 

We are witnessing a world hazarding a war whose worst consequences are almost unthinkable—nuclear annihilation.

In this, the whole world has gone beyond brinkmanship to impetuous conflict.

Perhaps the judgement of some politicians has been degraded to the point that frustration, anger, and irrational imaginings of power are sufficient to override any consideration of human extinction. 

We may never find out until until we have passed the point of no return, but the question of the day is: 

If our intelligence is intimately linked to our DNA, can it be degraded by gene-based vaccines?

Guy Hatchard PhD was formerly a senior manager at Genetic ID a global food safety testing and certification company (now known as FoodChain ID)

He is the author of a book: Discovering and Defending Your DNA Diet — Leveraging the power of consciousness and plants to heal ourselves and our world.

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Last edited 2 years ago by GladysSilva
Richard Noakes
Richard Noakes
2 years ago

Extermination: Official Biochemical and Statistical Evidence 100% confirms Moderna created Covid-19
By The Exposé on March 3, 2022
Evidence has emerged which proves beyond a reasonable doubt that the pharmaceutical giant Moderna, the company that has made billions through the sale of an experimental Covid-19 injection, actually created the Covid-19 virus.
 Covid-19 means: 19 nucleotide sequence and not 2019 at all.
On February 23 the Daily Mail ran an article showing that Moderna has patented the 19 base letter (nucleotide) sequence which codes for the Furin Cleavage site in Covid-19.
By a concerned reader
They cited a Paper by Scientists in India, Switzerland, Italy and the US (cautiously entitled: MSH3 Homology and Potential Recombination Link to SARS-CoV-2 Furin Cleavage Site) in which they calculated that the chances of a 19 nucleotide sequence patented by Moderna randomly appearing in Covid-19 in circumstances where it does not appear anywhere else in nature are 1 in 3 trillion.
Furthermore they did not merely apply for a patent on 2016 February 4 with US9587003B2: as reported in the Daily Mail. They actually applied on 2013 December 16 for 4 patents with US9149506B2, US9216205B2, US9255129B2, US9301993B2:as well.
So Moderna had developed the 19 nucleotide gene sequence containing the Furin Cleavage Site which gives Covid19 its infectivity to humans by patented gain of function research as early as 2013, 6 years before the Wuhan outbreak took place. Not 3 as reported in the Mail and virally elsewhere..
The Expose
Scientists find virus contains tiny chunk of DNA that matches sequence patented by Moderna THREE YEARS before pandemic began –Genetic match discovered in Covid’s unique furin cleavage site on spike protein –Matched genetic sequence patented by Moderna for cancer research purposes –Researchers say one in 3trillion chance Covid developed the code naturally | 23 Feb 2022 | Fresh suspicion that Covid may have been tinkered with in a lab emerged today after scientists found genetic material owned by Moderna in the virus’s spike protein. They identified a tiny snippet of code that is identical to part of a gene patented by the vaccine maker three years before the pandemic. It was discovered in SARS-CoV-2’s unique furin cleavage site, the part that makes it so good at infecting people and separates it from other coronaviruses. The structure has been one of the focal points of debate about the virus’s origin, with some scientists claiming it could not have been acquired naturally… They claim there is a one-in-three-trillion chance Moderna’s sequence randomly appeared through natural evolution.
CLG News
Covid-19 was not made in 2019. It was made from the 19 nucleotide Moderna specific chimeric (CGG for AGA) furin cleavage site (in 2013) which does not occur anywhere in nature. And every Covid death and every Covid vaccine death is parked squarely on the doorstep of ModeRNA and The Covid19 makers, the genetic vaccine makers. their funders and their promoters, which include almost every government and public sector and health service in the world, are therefore guilty of Genocide and crimes against humanity. They have pushed genetic rape and sickness and death onto half of the population of the world in order to enrich the pockets of Pharmaceutical Companies. Governments and Public sectors around the world have abandoned their health service regulation to billionaires and heartless corporations (me: and to make we humans, Trans Humans and now, the vaccinated, without any human rights whatsoever = Elon Musk’s Neuralink brain chip – see below)

The Expose


Dr Ugur Sahin, the COVID-19 vaccine he designed for Pfizer was designed in just few hours in a single day (on a computer) on January 25, 2020. No other vaccine in history has been created and manufactured so quickly. Previously, the fastest vaccine ever developed took more than four years. co-founder of BioNTech Not only that, Pfizer Chairman (((Albert Bourla))) hasn’t gotten around to having his shot, or Dr Ugur Sahin, last I knew. And it went from laboratory straight into human arms without any animal testing first – mRNA never used in humans ever before – doesn’t that strike you as odd?

Me: So let’s put the above into some sort of “context”.

Obviously, no virus was present, when this vaccine was made on a computer and a Covid infection, was not the basis of the vaccine creation, in the first place.

Documents by Pfizer Show BioNTech Paid FDA $2,875,842.00 “Drug User Fee” for COVID-19 Vaccine Approval
Vaccine Impact


Me: 2013-12-16 Application filed by Moderna Therapeutics Inc for Covid-19, at the same time as this: Since 2013, all people vaccinated with GM-modified mRNAs are legally trans-human and legally identified as trans-human and do not enjoy any human or other rights of a state – see below:
Covid-19 Patent Horrors
By Dr. Ariyana Love
In my latest interview with Stew Peter’s, we discussed how the “Covid-19 vaccine” ingredients listed in the patents, reveal that all these poisonous death shots are deleting genes and genetically modifying Humans for patentability.
The Hydrogel patent US8415325B2 is listed in the Moderna patent, here. Hydrogels are also mentioned in a second Moderna patent, here. Hydrogel is listed in the Johnson & Johnson patent, here. Hydrogels are made from Graphene Oxide. Nobody can deny the evidence that Graphene Oxide is in the shots.
All the Covid-19 “vaccine” patents mention gene deletion. All the patents except one, mention “complimentary DNA” (cDNA). cDNA is a chimeric mRNA cocktail that’s being coded into Human cells using artificial genetic sequences in cross-species genomics.
According to the US Supreme Court ruling in 2013, altering Humans with cDNA makes them patent eligible. The court documents show that cDNA is made using modified bacterium and Supreme Court judges ruled it patent eligible. This means that a plant, animal or Human, could be patented and owned if first genetically modified with cDNA.
Mark Steele summarized it perfectly by stating:
In the US, the Supreme Court has ruled that vaccinated people worldwide are products, patented goods, according to US law, no longer human. Through a modified DNA or RNA vaccination, the mRNA vaccination, the person ceases to be human and becomes the OWNER of the holder of the modified GEN vaccination patent, because they have their own genome and are no longer “human” (without natural people), but “trans-human”, so a category that does not exist in Human Rights. The quality of a natural person and all related rights are lost. This applies worldwide and patents are subject to US law.
Since 2013, all people vaccinated with GM-modified mRNAs are legally trans-human and legally identified as trans-human and do not enjoy any human or other rights of a state, and this applies worldwide, because GEN-POINT technology patents are under US jurisdiction and law, where they were registered.”

See link here:
Neuralink Experiments Kills 15th Monkey
Published on February 25, 2022
Written by
Elon Musk’s Neuralink brain chip has killed yet another monkey. Nonetheless, steps toward human testing forge forward. (Me: Trans Human?)
A total of 15 macaque monkeys out of 23 have died at U.C. Davis in a Neuralink-funded project titled “Development of a Large-Scale Brain-Machine Interface in Rhesus Macaques.” By now “the others may be dead too,” says Ryan Merkley, the director of research advocacy for the Physicians Committee For Responsible Medicine (PCRM).
In addition to monkeys, Musk’s company whose slogan is “breakthrough technology for the brain” has also implanted Bluetooth-enabled chips in pigs and sheep in order to connect and communicate with computers via a small receiver.
Veterinary records obtained by PCRM, a US non-profit that advocates alternatives to animal testing, describe monkeys picking at their cranial implants post-surgery only to be drugged. While the animals are ‘under,’ they are hooked up to “electrophysiology hardware” to make sure the electronics are working. Some monkeys used in this experiment underwent “multiple major survival surgical procedures,” in which as many as 10 craniotomies were performed on one animal.
The Nefariousness of Neuralink
Neuralink had a contractual agreement with the University of California Davis, receiving more than $1.4 million for their participation.
In response to a public records request by the doctors’ group, UC Davis withheld almost all documents, claiming it was in the “public interest” to do so.
Yes, because the truth will literally make you nauseous.
Brazen, audacious, and yet permitted.
This time around, however, the egregious violations include removing portions of the monkeys’ skulls and inserting electrodes in their brain. Additionally, to fill in ‘dead space,’ they used an “FDA-approved” “BioGlue” in an unapproved manner, killing at least two monkeys by destroying portions of their brains.
When I looked up what the eff this substance is, I learned its ‘glutaraldehyde’ and ‘bovine serum albumin’ that together supposedly make an excellent adhesive strength by creating strong protein cross-linking bonds.
Does anyone care that it causes tissue toxicity and shouldn’t come in contact with any nerves? Once you get the rubber stamp of approval, Merkley explains that the particulars are not scrutinized.
In addition to using toxic adhesive in the noggin (head), the monkeys were caged alone, had steel posts screwed to their skulls, and suffered “facial trauma” and seizures following brain implants. They experienced recurring infections at implant sites, whereupon they were dosed with an overabundance of antibiotic prescriptions.
In some cases, as a result of deteriorating health, Neuralink and U.C. Davis euthanized monkeys before they were even used in the planned experiment. That means, they killed them before they even got started.
Neuralink’s experiments are continuing – except now they’re operating in at least two private Neuralink facilities: one in Fremont, California, and one outside of Austin, Texas.
Coming Soon: Hackable Human Animals
Neuralink itself writes that “all novel medical devices and treatments must be tested in animals before they can be ethically trialed in humans.”
Yet despite this remark and the fact several monkeys have already died, Neuralink is moving toward testing their brain implants on humans.
Case in point: Neuralink is hunting to recruit a Clinical Trial Director to work closely with doctors, engineers, and welcome the “first Clinical Trial Participants!” (Note: the exclamation mark ❗️is theirs).
They are also hiring an Algorithms/DSP Engineer to “accelerate” pathways “to human-ready brain implants.” Literal Human Noggin/Head Hackers.
I assume there are several out there who would literally die to be one of the first associated with Elon Musk’s pioneering.
Dr. Yuval Noah Harari, Transhumanist and World Economic Forum (WEF) loyalist, recently informed us that “the days of free will are over” but that humans are now “hackable animals.”
Recall, it was under the Rona Regime that we openly became lab rats. In June 2020, in the face of the (fake) COVID-19 Hegelian-Esque emergency, a symposium was held to weigh the pros and cons of bypassing animal trials.
This was warp speed, baby.
“Although this looks promising for fast-tracking vaccine development, there is division among the scientific community about bypassing animal models before Phase I clinical trials. In addition, agencies like PETA are against using animals for research purposes. The question remains: Can vaccine research do without an animal model?”
Me: We are all animals on this planet, however our species is defined as Human, but vaccinated are no longer human, but trans human, with no human rights at all, as above.
As Merkley states, Musk prompted this technology as a way to help people with paralysis and Parkinson’s, but yet Musk also talks about a needed “symbiosis” between human brains and A.I.
This is because Musk, Harari, and other technocrats have warned that AI could trigger the next World War and those super-intelligent robots could dominate the world. In fact, Lieber designed the neural lace “to upgrade the human brain to be more competitive against A.I.”
Neuralink started with rodents and has graduated to primates. I would venture to guess that Neuralink has meddled with way more than 35 monkeys. Mankind is next. Arguably, we humans (trans humans) are already the monkeys.
See more here:
Principia Scientific


Trans Humans: “They” know your name, where you live, your telephone number, they have your DNA and with modern DNA technologies, they can forecast what sort of a trans human you are and will be and if you are suitable for experimentation, or kill you off, when not suitable.

After Neuralink, your thoughts will be provided by a computer somewhere and “you won’t own anything and you will be happy” and you will probably be warehoused with other modified trans humans for whatever purpose they decide to put you to – no more kids – kids will be created to order in test tubes and modified to suit and the numbers of trans humans will be regulated by those in charge and that is very much it for humans and non humans from here on in – all of this within the next 2 years in all probability, if the vaccines don’t kill you first – so what you see today, won’t be here for you trans humans “tomorrow”.

Me: Which fits neatly in with globalists saving the planet from overcrowding by killing us, the planet empty of us humans and trans humans, for them.

You want to blame someone for this: Trump, Biden, your Politicians and Big Pharma, who thought they could get away scott free – so will they?

Be funny if Putin starts WW3 with a nuclear war and kills everyone that way, won’t it – no planet for anyone.

Reply to  Richard Noakes
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Last edited 2 years ago by Catherine
Richard Noakes
Richard Noakes
2 years ago

Covid-19 Patent Horrors
By Dr. Ariyana Love
In my latest interview with Stew Peter’s, we discussed how the “Covid-19 vaccine” ingredients listed in the patents, reveal that all these poisonous death shots are deleting genes and genetically modifying Humans for patentability.
The Hydrogel patent US8415325B2 is listed in the Moderna patent, here. Hydrogels are also mentioned in a second Moderna patent, here. Hydrogel is listed in the Johnson & Johnson patent, here. Hydrogels are made from Graphene Oxide. Nobody can deny the evidence that Graphene Oxide is in the shots.
All the Covid-19 “vaccine” patents mention gene deletion. All the patents except one, mention “complimentary DNA” (cDNA). cDNA is a chimeric mRNA cocktail that’s being coded into Human cells using artificial genetic sequences in cross-species genomics.
According to the US Supreme Court ruling in 2013, altering Humans with cDNA makes them patent eligible. The court documents show that cDNA is made using modified bacterium and Supreme Court judges ruled it patent eligible. This means that a plant, animal or Human, could be patented and owned if first genetically modified with cDNA.
Mark Steele summarized it perfectly by stating:
In the US, the Supreme Court has ruled that vaccinated people worldwide are products, patented goods, according to US law, no longer human. Through a modified DNA or RNA vaccination, the mRNA vaccination, the person ceases to be human and becomes the OWNER of the holder of the modified GEN vaccination patent, because they have their own genome and are no longer “human” (without natural people), but “trans-human”, so a category that does not exist in Human Rights. The quality of a natural person and all related rights are lost. This applies worldwide and patents are subject to US law.
Since 2013, all people vaccinated with GM-modified mRNAs are legally trans-human and legally identified as trans-human and do not enjoy any human or other rights of a state, and this applies worldwide, because GEN-POINT technology patents are under US jurisdiction and law, where they were registered.”
The court document says scientists added 4 plasmids to a bacterium. I already documented in my article entitled, “EPIGENETICS: Vaccines Are deleting Human Genes & Transfecting Cells With Ebola/Marburg,” that E. coli is the base for all these chimeric bioweapons, not viruses.
I found E. coli listed in most of the patents. Mind you, these are genetically enhanced, antibiotic resistant bacterium, made to be them more lethal. They are then transfected into GMO parasites and Hydras. These parasites are more difficult to kill but they can be killed using specific natural protocols.
You can eliminate the entire species with CRISPR-Cas-9 technology or completely remove genetic traits in the Human race.
I previously wrote about the Fauci-funded chimeric bioweapon called the Lentivirus mRNA vector in my article entitled, ” Transgenic Hydras & Parasites A Biological Weapons System For Rapid Human Cloning.” The Lentivirus bioweapon was developed in Wuhan and contains the HIV 1-3, SARS, MERS and the AIDS inducing SRV-1. It can be found in the Moderna, Pfizer, J&J, AstraZeneca and Oxford patents.
The HIV-1 Bioweapon, which contained within the Lentivirus vector, is patented and owned by Anthony Fauci. He is a mass murdering war criminal responsible for this “Vaccine” Holocaust.
The Pfizer patent mentions gene 69-70 deletion and mutation.
Thermo Fischer produced a study revealing that gene deletion mutations is the cause of “vaccine” induced variants. This company is not only profiting from this “Vaccine” Holocaust but Thermo Fischer has a scientific report clearly stating that gene deletion is responsible for the Lambda, Alpha, Beta, Gamma, and Delta variants.
SV-40 vector is a chimeric Bioweapon found in the J&J patent. It’s known to cause rapid cancer growth. The SV-40 vector is provided to J&J by Thermo Fischer. SV-40 contains Human cells, Bovine Growth Hormone (Mad Cow Disease), E. coli, and Herpes. This would explain the Herpes outbreaks after “vaccination”.
The Pfizer patent also mentions gene 144 deletion which causes rapid cancer growth.
I also found a patent for a “Combo kit PCR” that mentions gene deletion! So the PCR is not a test at all but implants the mRNA technology without Informed Consent, into your brain.
The Pfizer patent mentions X / Y Chromosome inversions. Inversion of sex genes cause sterility. Since this is a depopulation/extermination and cloning agenda, the transgender Psyop begins to make sense. They want to sterilize our kids and cross-sex hormones will achieve that.
The Moderna patent mentions folding protein and mutations (thus variants) that result in rapid aging and genetic diseases. The patent literally says this is a “Loss-of-Function” and thus, a gene deleting Bioweapon.
Moderna’s patents are listed on their website, here.
The Moderna patent says it’s using the Bovine Growth Hormone which comes from a cow disease known as Mad Cow Disease. Moderna is cloning Humans with a cow disease that becomes deadly when coded into Human cells. This is an animal disease that does NOT even affect Humans so why is Big Pharma transfecting Human cells with Bovine Growth Hormone when it’s known to induce neurological degeneration, dementia and death?
Here’s a PCR kit patent that “tests” Humans for Mad Cow Disease. Or, does it actually transfect Humans with Mad Cow Disease using the Hydrogels?
The Moderna patents makes “add and delete” references to RNA using cDNA templates. It also has starts codons or Open Reading Frame (ORF. These are no stop codons which means there’s no stop to the gene mutations. The variants will continue on indefinitely, passing through the Human race just as Geert Vanden Bosche said would happen.
Without stop codons, an organism is unable to produce specific proteins. The new polypeptide (protein) chain will just grow and grow until the cell bursts or there are no more available amino acids to add to it.
Moderna’s patent also mentions “induce triple helix formation”. This is the third strand that’s being synthetically added to Human DNA. This study shows more about how scientists are creating the triple helix formation in Humans. Here’s another study revealing the artificial triple helix.
The Moderna “Protocol” says one in two of their shots is a Saline. So that’s a 50-50% Russian Roulette chance with your life and your health. The patent also states that Moderna is “encoding HIV-1“. Once again, that’s Fauci’s bioweapon.
The AstraZeneca patent states an E1, E3, E4 gene deletion. As I documented earlier, these gene deletions induce AIDS, unless you get the Saline. Later the pharmaceutical cartel will be removing all Saline shots.
The Novovax patent mentions gene deletion.
The GlaxoSmithKline patent mentions gene deletion and says it uses H1N1, which is the same chimeric bacteria that was used to kill 500 million people in the 1918 Democide, dubbed the “Spanish Flu”, as this study reveals.
“The trimerization domain (foldon) of T4 phage fibritin, a trimeric beta hairpin propeller, was first used in crystallization studies of the 1918 H1N1.”
Bill Gates said to expect a Smallpox Bioweapon terror attack. Smallpox is made from the N1H1 chimeric bacterium proteins. I documented that previously.
The patents back up what Dr. Pablo Campra’s said in his Stew Peter’s interview, that these death jabs contain Nano-biosensors. I’ll be revealing more about this from the patents very soon!
This is not a weapons system of one country against another. This is a weapons system of the NWO against the entire Human population. The only way this ends is when we stand together as one.
Here’s the World Freedom Alliance Notice of Liability. Any regular citizen can serve anyone with a notice of war crimes, if they are mandating or coercing you to take this poisonous shot which is in violation of your basic Human Rights and Nuremberg Codes. Since this is an international case, the Notice of Liability is served in English, country-wide.
See original interview with Stew Peters and Dr. Ariyana Love on Rumble, here.
PLEASE SEE: Dr. Ariyana Love: Graphene Covid Kill Shots, Let The Evidence Speak For Itself
Follow Red Voice Media, here.
Follow Stew Peters Show, here.
December 8, 2021 by Dr. Ariyana Love
Link Here: HUMANS

Abbi Shylock
Abbi Shylock
2 years ago

Anyone who thinks an injection of dangerous Spike Proteins is a vaccine was already stupid to begin with. A vaccine is an inactivated virus that provides immunity. These injections provide zero immunity and Covid has never been isolated as the patent is owned by the private company, the CDC. Since Covid was never isolated, the PCR test was calibrated for Influenza, thereby replacing two years of Influenza as “covid”. The PCR test was available to detect Covid, although it had just appeared – how do you test for an unknown?

Last edited 2 years ago by Abbi Shylock
Novus Ordo Seclorum
Novus Ordo Seclorum
Reply to  Abbi Shylock
2 years ago

At Murderna, we’re proud of our guinea pigs – we have you covered for the next viral assault (1 minute video):

At Schizer, we care about your kids and your pets (1 minute video):

Please renew your quarterly booster subscriptions to protect yourself, your pets and your family from the upcoming iDelta variant (We apologize for running out of the alphabet letters for the new variants – vaccines are breeding more variants than originally thought).

We care,
CEOs of Murderna and Schizer

2 years ago

[…] A Scientific Study has found the Covid-19 Vaccines do interfere with our DNA; what are the consequen… […]

2 years ago

An excellent piece. It’s a challenge to connect all these various studies which seem to have definite points of connection. Dr Mobeen is a daily watch for me. Many thanks for this.

Novus Ordo Seclorum
Novus Ordo Seclorum
2 years ago

Disclaimer of Liability 
Whilst we endeavor to make our products toxic, we make no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied about their efficacy and safety.

We cannot guarantee that your gene 144 won’t be deleted, your X / Y Chromosome won’t be inverted, your gene 69-70 won’t be deleted or mutated, that you may experience loss-of-function due to protein folding, that your gene E1, E3, E4 won’t be deleted, that you won’t receive shots full of magnetic graphene oxides, nano-biosensors and self-integrated bio-circuits (motherboards, transistors, routers, antennas, etc…).

We do not guarantee that you won’t be MAC Addressed as per Lord Schwab’s instructions (COVID -19 is a rare but narrow window of opportunity to rethink, reinvent, reset our world).

By using our products you agree that you automatically become legally a trans-human and therefore our property since you are GM-modified using our patented mRNAs (CERTIORARI 12–398).

Trans-humans do not enjoy any human or other rights of a state and this applies worldwide. Our patents are under US jurisdiction and law, where they were registered.

Any reliance you place on our products is therefore strictly at your own risk.


2 years ago

 [ Work at Home ] I get paid more than $90 to $100 per hour for working online. I heard about this job 3 months ago and after joining this I have earned easily $10k from this without having online working skills . Simply give it a shot on the accompanying site… 
Here is I started.…………>>  http://Www.NETCASH1.Com

Last edited 2 years ago by LaurWright
Roger Christie
Roger Christie
2 years ago

Aloha! It is written that the yoke of our bondage will be broken by the (holy) anointing oil. I think that has validity and deserves a deeper understanding.

Isaiah 10:27

New King James Version
It shall come to pass in that day That his burden will be taken away from your shoulder, And his yoke from your neck, And the yoke will be destroyed because of the anointing oil.

The recipe for the holy anointing oil contains Cannabis hemp, or Kaneh bosom in Hebrew. This means to me that putting the certain mixture of the holy anointing oil with prayer and high intention onto the crown chakra (‘anoint the head with oil’) adds cannabinoids into our endocannabinoid system leading one to homeostasis, or greater health, happiness and holiness.

May unexpected blessings and love keep coming to you and from you,

Roger Christie

THC Ministry

Hilo, Hawai’i


Roger Christie
Roger Christie
2 years ago



What exactly is “deletion syndrome” mentioned in the recent Pfizer drop as the Number 1 listed vaccine adverse event?

If mRNA vaccines interfere with cognition and free will should vaccinated people be denied the right to run for political office and/or to vote?


jim carter
jim carter
Reply to  Roger Christie
2 years ago

deletion syndrome appears to be the gradual removal of graphene from the body as a foreign body.—shedding. It appears to weaken the graphene micro computer.

the in vitro [petri dish] penetration of DNA was done by the Chinese in 2015. it killed the DNA cell. the Swedish test does not claim long sustained life.

2 years ago

[…] A Scientific Study has found the Covid-19 Vaccines do interfere with our DNA; what are the consequen… […]

2 years ago

They are trying to jab as many people as possible so that their great reset aka depopulation plan work. If I get sick I will take my Ivermectin that I stashed just in case and leave rest to God. When i searched where I can get ivm on google I couldn’t find exactly what I was looking for. Every search query was censored. If I can save 1 person that will use this product instead of going to icu and plugged into ventilators that will burst her/his lungs. that is enough for me. I feel good when I put a spoke in big pharma’s wheel. If you want to get Ivermectin you can visit

Roisin Wood
Roisin Wood
2 years ago

Brilliant article, thank you.

2 years ago

I get paid more than £145 to £395 per HOUR for working online. I heard about this job 3 months ago and after joining this I have earned easily £23k from this without having online working skills . Simply give it a shot on the accompanying site…

Here’s what I do…………>>>

Last edited 2 years ago by Hannah5454