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Investigation finds Europe’s Excess Covid Deaths were not caused by the Virus but instead due to Criminal Healthcare

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Here is evidence to support the “fragile healthcare hypothesis” and genetic “vaccine” mediated incidence of infection and disease, without which there may have been no unusual excess death in Europe.

A couple of months ago we published an article from PANDA Uncut which – using data from Lombardy, Italy, relating to the period February 2020 to May 2020 – demonstrated that it is not the spread of a virus but rather health policies, the administration of health and social care, which impacted death rates in the region.

Now, Joel Smalley has reviewed data from across Europe and seems to have reached the same conclusion.

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Did the Covid Virus Kill Anyone by Joel Smalley

I recently did a presentation to some doctors and scientists in Israel entitled ‘Atypical Mortality Patterns Across Europe During the Covid Era’.

Whilst researching, I developed some insights that support the “fragile healthcare” hypothesis, something that I had been reluctant to accept for some time due to lack of empirical evidence.

The logic goes like this:

1. Historically, mortality follows distinct but consistent patterns in Europe, leading to the categorisation of countries into groups in line with the findings of Hope-Simpson.

2. The groupings are latitudinal, indicating that climate is a likely factor (sunlight hours » vitamin D levels as surmised by Hope-Simpson).

3. For the three main groups, excess mortality in spring 2020 does not follow the same patterns, suggesting that the course of the virus was not the cause of the excess mortality.

4. Reorganising the countries according to the Covid-era excess mortality reveals a geographical clustering that is not consistent with climactic factors.

5. However, there does seem to be a relationship with healthcare expenditure (and GDP per capita).

6. There is inevitably a relationship between excess deaths and “Covid” deaths, and there appears to be a strong negative correlation between Covid deaths and levels of vaccination.

7. But there is no relationship between excess mortality in the post-vax era and levels of vaccination, suggesting that, at best, Covid lives saved are offset by non-Covid deaths caused.

8. Nevertheless, in fact, not only is there substantially more Covid death in the post-vax era, when excess mortality is measured against healthcare expenditure and levels of vaccination, the correlation with vaccination is positive (albeit not statistically significant).


This led me to three preliminary conclusions that require further investigation:

  1. Excess Covid deaths were not caused by the virus which is seasonal and not mitigated by social distancing “measures”. Excess all-cause deaths resulted from interference with natural defences that rely on sunlight exposure and social interactions as well as a thriving economy.
  2. Excess Covid deaths were the result of pre-existing quality of healthcare and relative change in that quality, i.e., disruption which was felt more acutely in the wealthier nations that had better systems.
  3. Post-vax excess deaths due to Covid are caused by the mRNA experiment and any alleged benefit in mitigating Covid deaths, at best, is mitigated by an equal increase in non-Covid excess deaths. The greater incidence of death is due to poorer nations being less well-equipped to deal with the additional burden of disease caused directly and indirectly by the “vaccine”, as well as potentially poorer levels of metabolic health.

Note: As speculative as this may seem, the burden of proof is on those who promoted social distancing measures and genetic vaccination to demonstrate that those actions were not responsible for causing more avoidable death than they potentially saved.

About the Author

Joel Smalley is a blockchain architect and an early-stage, polymath data-driven technologist. He has a background in capital markets, biotechnology, retail payments and blockchain architecture. He conducts pro bono Covid data analysis for legal challenges and independent media seeking the truth.  He regularly publishes articles on his Substack ‘Dead Man Talking’ which you can subscribe to HERE.

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1 year ago

Those that understand the pseudoscience of virology know there is no virus except on a computer. A virus that exists only on a computer cannot possibly kill anyone, therefore:

“it is not the spread of a virus but rather health policies, the administration of health and social care, which impacted death rates.”

Those that dont understand the pseudoscience of virology and keep pushing the false narrative of a lab leaked bioweapon might want to explain why this expensive “deadly viral bioweapon” didnt kill anyone? 

Do the scientifically illiterate and intellectually dishonest pushers of the real virus lies want to let the “healthcare” murderers (midazolam, morphine, ventilators, antivirals, DNR orders) off the hook? They murdered the elderly and the most vulnerable in our society. Those that are using the real virus lies as an alibi for these murderers disgust me.

The Islander
The Islander
Reply to  Sam
1 year ago

Well said-“health care murderers” exactly, let’s call it out for what it is.

The Islander
The Islander
Reply to  The Islander
1 year ago

And of course, viruses exist only in the minds of those who believe the lies.

1 year ago

The virus fairytale, just like the 6 million fairytale is the gift that keeps on giving!

1 year ago

As i stated in 2 published articles as to why the people are being genocided off.
Further links supplied on page 7 for clarification
THE NAME FRAUD * I have marked sections/parts/sentences that were referenced or derived from the book referenced here with an asterisk including the page number. I recently (and synchronistically) received a document from a friend I had lost touch with over the last 3 years. Greg attached a pdf document entitled “Sirenames” . On opening this document, it presents a well-researched history of “Names” and was printed some time in 1860’s. It is titled “SURNAMES & SIRENAMES. THE ORIGIN AND HISTORY OF CERTAIN FAMILY & HISTORICAL NAMES: With REMARKS ON THE ANCIENT RIGHT OF THE CROWN TO SANCTION AND VETO THE ASSUMPTION OF NAMES and AN HISTORICAL ACCOUNT OF THE NAMES BUGGEY AND BUGG.” BY JAMES FINLAYSON. * (pg 22 – it would seem it was written in 1863 “This was the law in 1160, the same law was held as binding in 1290, and it ought to be so held in 1863.” This document when considered in the context of what we know about the legal name, will (unfortunately for some) burst all the bubbles of the “freeman” and “Sovereignty” movements where the general consensus is that we have a “Legal fiction” name and a “private name” and that somehow and by some process we can access a TRUST of some sort and that we as beneficiaries are being denied access to it. There is also a consensus (which I too admittedly believed), that the correct process could free us from this matrix by rejecting contracts in the fiction name whilst simultaneously claiming its benefits. The fact of the matter is, and the essay title of sorts referenced above will make it ABUNDANTLY clear that the FICTION name is a FRAUD from beginning to finish. It will make it clear that you should have NOTHING TO DO with this fraud and that it never had and never will have anything to do with YOU. Kate of Gaia can genuinely now say. ”I told ya so”…and she may even throw in “you left brained monkeys!” for our entertainment.  You may also begin to see that any resistance by the courts is FEIGNED resistance to make you beLIEve that there is credence to the freeman and sovereignty argument. This is how they keep you IN the SYSTEM searching for a “solution” when there is none. If you don’t want your bubble burst and you want to continue playing in the matrix, then by all means…stop reading. It is argued in the book referenced above, that the Ancient right of || the Crown and Parliament to grant license and have a prescriptive right to sanction all assumptive surnames before they can be considered legal * (pg 22) , and that any such sanctions should be carefully considered for its implications from the perspective that *a man’s name is a man’s property, just as much as houses and lands are property.* (Introduction. Pg3) He gives a detailed & historical account of sire-names and surnames, their antiquity, purpose, use and abuse. It is important to understand this, so that you may fully comprehend how you participate IN A FRAUD (which was in some parts of the world punishable by death) every time you use a name that is LICENSED to someone else, namely the State. First, let’s establish some historical facts, then we’ll examine the modern use of the name. Hopefully this will serve to create a clearer picture from which you will be able to “see” the MAGNITUDE of the FRAUD you are in participating in when you assume the LEGAL NAME, including the magnitude of the FRAUD perpetuated AGAINST YOU by CRIMINALS of the highest order.
To continue reading the next 6 pages: https://


1 year ago

Our healthcare system is about to experience a tsunami! Potential side effects of jabs include chronic inflammation, because the vaccine continuously stimulates the immune system to produce antibodies. Other concerns include the possible integration of plasmid DNA into the body’s host genome, resulting in mutations, problems with DNA replication, triggering of autoimmune responses, and activation of cancer-causing genes. Alternative COVID cures EXIST. Ivermectin is one of them. While Ivermectin is very effective curing COVID symptoms, it has also been shown to eliminate certain cancers. Do not get the poison jab. If you want to get Ivermectin you can visit

1 year ago

Socialized health “care” IS criminal. But I believe that out of the many reasons for these widespread deaths, none of them are true. It’s the vaccines that are killing us. It’s why stories about “sudden” and “unexplained” deaths in the US no longer provide a cause of death and the families refuse to ask questions – they’ve been silenced.

1 year ago

[…] studies in Europe relating to the early days of the Covid “pandemic,” the authors also found that study […]

1 year ago

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1 year ago

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