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Italian Data Used to Shut Down the World in Spring 2020 Shows Excess Deaths Were Not Caused by the Spread of a Virus

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There is growing evidence that the SARS-CoV-2 virus was in populations before the purported date of the start of the “pandemic.”  However, no excess death was reported … until the health emergency was declared.

There is extremely fine-grained daily death data available for Italy – probably the most granular data available anywhere in the world. 

Assumptions derived from this data from Lombardy, Italy — including estimates of the case and infection fatality rates — formed the basis of Covid policies implemented in early 2020 first in the UK, and thereafter rippling across the world

However, using this same data for the period February – May 2020, Jonathan Engler demonstrated how the data shows it is not the spread of a virus but rather health policies, the administration of health and social care, which impacted death rates in the region.

“These observations surely raise questions which need answering around the causes of the high rates of excess deaths in the Lombardy region in spring 2020,” Engler wrote.

Below are excerpts from an article titled ‘Were the unprecedented excess deaths curves in Northern Italy in spring 2020 caused by the spread of a novel deadly virus?’ by Jonathan Engler published by PANDA Uncut.  Read the full article HERE

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By Jonathan Engler

As pointed out in several analyses (see, by way of example, these papers reporting data from Italy, the USACongo and Brazil), there is growing evidence of the totally unnoticed presence of the virus prior to the purported date of the start of the pandemic and even as early as September 2019. In nearly all papers reporting such data, the significance of there being no excess death observable until the emergency is declared seems to have been missed.

It is worth considering this counterfactual: imagine there was no virus at all, but that for some other reason (any will do) governments decided to institute a range of measures including:

  1. Telling people not to attend healthcare if they had a cough, fever or other symptoms both to “protect” healthcare and also because any contact with healthcare would quite likely make you contract a deadly disease.
  2. Telling healthcare staff to isolate if they (or in some cases someone in their household) received a positive test for a certain illness, even if asymptomatic.
  3. Emptying beds in preparation for being “overwhelmed”.
  4. Terrorizing and isolating elderly people, especially those living in care homes, denying them visits from relatives and reducing or eliminating in-personal visits from health and social carers. 
  5. Using the entire machinery of state plus all social media and legacy mainstream media channels to promote an exaggerated narrative of fear aimed at the public and spilling over into healthcare workers, when it is well established that stress has several adverse health effects, including immuno-suppression.
  6. Massive overuse of a treatment (ventilation) with no solid evidential basis, now known to be extremely harmful.

The implementation of such policies would result in protests in the streets with people declaring that “thousands of people will surely die”, and no doubt they would have been right.  It is inconceivable that such policies would not have a significant associated mortality. 

It must therefore surely be reasonable to assume that at least some of the deaths which occurred in the aftermath of the cataclysmic changes to the delivery of healthcare — especially of the frail and elderly — might have been caused by policy, rather than a virus.  The question is: what proportion were caused by such policy changes, and what by the spread of a virus through the population?

The starting point in analysing this question is to ask: what is the evidence of the spread of a virus being the cause of the excess death curves observed? Is “spread” able to be measured, and what would be the implications of different findings?

A Forest Fire Analogy

Imagine a forest fire starting in one corner of a dry forest, ignited perhaps by someone leaving a smouldering barbeque lying around.  It would start with a single localised cluster of burning, which would then grow and spread in tendrils until a patch of some more dry tinder was found; these areas would then catch fire, perhaps igniting nearby areas by direct contact. Occasionally a spark would fly off or a burning dead branch would fall off a tree, igniting an area slightly further away, and the process would carry on there.  After a while, the whole forest would be ablaze, but only for a short time, because it would soon burn itself out, but with various areas going out at different times because the fires did not start in those areas at the same times.

That would be what you’d expect to see when a process spreads from a point source.  What you would NOT expect to see would be the entire forest catching fire at the same time and all areas burning themselves out simultaneously.  If that happened, most people would assume that something which affected the entire area at the same time — and which did not rely on spread at all — had happened, maybe a huge destructive fireball from a nearby explosion.

One key point in relation to this is that surveying the scene after the event does not really help that much in determining the cause. They look similar in both scenarios — a burnt-out forest. You need to look at a time series, i.e., how the different areas were affected over time, to find the conclusive evidence of spread.

Does Lombardy Look Like a Spread of a Virus?

[Keeping the forest fire analogy in mind] take a look again at the all-cause death curves in the 13 administrative areas (hereafter termed “provinces” or “administrative areas”) forming the region of Lombardy.

These are not what you would expect at all from spread. Close analysis reveals that the excess death curves for Lodi appear to start around 23 Feb and for all the other areas this happens on or within just a few days of 1 March.

But can this be demonstrated more mathematically? Yes.

The characteristic we are looking at here is excess death – a much better one than counting deaths labelled as “covid deaths.” As pointed out in the Lombardy analysis, we are fortunate that extremely fine-grained daily death data is available for Italy; in fact, this is probably the most granular data available anywhere in the world, showing daily deaths occurring in relatively small areas across Italy. 

So, what does this more fine-grained analysis show?

Below depicts the numbers of people dying from all causes across Northern Italy (which includes Lombardy) in February. 

The numbers of deaths in each municipality with a population large enough to provide meaningful data (of which there are several hundred in Northern Italy) have been colour-coded according to the numbers of deaths in the month of February compared to the average number observed over the previous 5 years.

The notable observation is that as would be expected in the absence of a pandemic, some areas have deaths a little below “expected” (light blue or grey), some a little above (green or yellow).  But the key point is that there are no clusters at all. 

Both the lack of excess deaths overall and the lack of clusters of excess deaths are in fact totally unexpected in light of the evidence — now supported by papers studying antibodies and PCR testing data AND symptoms — of significant presence of SARS-CoV-2 in February (and earlier, in fact).

How could an apparently highly contagious and lethal virus have spread throughout the region so much that case growth was apparently actually slowing* in most areas by the end of February, without leaving any signal of increased deaths in its wake?

[*Note: See the image of the estimated reproduction rate in the original article not included here]

So how about March — the month of the shocking excess death curves?

Here’s the map for March:

At first glance, there is visible clustering, so you would be forgiven for thinking that this represents evidence of viral spread.  A statistical analysis for auto-correlation also suggests spread.

However, it is important to realise that auto-correlation can have causes other than biological spread. Each municipality is located within an individual province; differences between these provinces in the administration of health and social care which impacted death rates would also result in the appearance of clustering. However, this is not due to the spread of a virus but rather due to the similarities between neighbouring municipalities in healthcare policy due to being in the same administrative area.

By fitting a model with 2 components — firstly the administrative province in which the municipality is located, and secondly the death rates in neighbouring municipalities — the effects of province and neighbouring municipality can be analysed separately.

This is what the picture in March looks like when the effect of provincial location has been subtracted mathematically:

The clustering nearly entirely disappears when provincial borders are taken into account (and the statistical analysis confirms this).

On the assumption that healthcare is organised by province, the conclusion can only be that it was the manner in which healthcare was delivered which was relevant to the death rate, not the spread of a virus, which would of course have no respect for provincial boundaries.

What happened when excess deaths later declined?

Recall that above I suggested that as the fire in the forest burned out, clusters would die out over a period of time as they started at different times.  You would not expect all the fires to go out across the forest at the same time.

Yet the fires did all go out more or less simultaneously in Lombardy.  There is a collapse in both excess deaths and any spatial pattern in May.

Conclusion and closing remarks

Statistical analysis of auto-correlation of excess deaths in Lombardy in spring 2020 reveals much less clustering than would be expected if a virus spreading across the region was responsible.  What small amount of clustering is observed appears to be more related to differences between the administrative regions in which the municipalities are located.

These observations surely raise questions which need answering around the causes of the high rates of excess deaths in the Lombardy region in spring 2020.

The fact that assumptions derived from the data from Lombardy — including estimates of the case and infection fatality rates — formed the basis of policies implemented first in the UK, and thereafter rippling across the world, makes this a question which should be addressed with some urgency.

This is especially the case since these policies are now being recognised as having caused catastrophic long-lasting harm to much of the world’s population with little or no discernible benefit.

[As an article recently published in the BMJ by a group of Italian scientists suggests, what is there to lose in accepting the hypothesis of the 2019 spread of SARS-CoV-2 as tenable and exploring it urgently?]

What there is to lose — at least for those who have relentlessly pushed a single narrative explanation for all observations since 2020, censoring any alternative viewpoints with the use of the oxymoron “the science is settled” — is the realisation by citizens that a large proportion of deaths may have been wrongly ascribed to a virus rather than to their true cause — the nature of the response to the perceived threat of a virus.

Featured image: This Overlooked Variable Is the Key to the Pandemic, The Atlantic, 30 September 2020

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1 year ago

I was sick in Nov 2019.I don’t know if it was this or the usual flu. It was stronger than usual but after 2-3 days, it was gone.
On the other hand, my grandma died because she couldn’t get the necessary treatments that she should have received every year. She was locked up in her retirement home, one one occasion she was unnecessarily isolated because doctors forgot to do the scam test. We couldn’t visit her, her retirement home friends turned away from her because she refused to take the jab and was labelled as infected. After spending so much time indoor, she got pneumonia from the cold air during the winter when she was airing out her room and led to her death. I didn’t think much of doctors before but after this whole scam, i do despise all the medical person that had any involvement in her and other’s butchery. I only wish them to receive the same treatment that they were giving to people in elder’s homes and hospitals.

Reply to  Krisztian
1 year ago

so sad she had to go through that. there are so many horror stories, and no one is being held accountable. maddening and disgusting!

Reply to  mommakat
1 year ago

My mother was conned into it, despite she could say no and never should have gotten it (pacemaker). Apart from the pacemaker she was extremely healthy, perfect blood results, active, sharp, never went for a flu shot.
After 2 Pfizers she developed Alzheimer, on steroids, her brain was as if it went through a bot mixer. So much about horror stories.
I blame the government, media, and the arrogant bully sheep around her, just how Krisztian wrote how ppl were bullied by the rest.

Reply to  Krisztian
1 year ago

The bioweapon mis-represented as Covid-19, was first released in Wuhan by the U.S. military via the air during the military games that took place there.
It was then released worldwide through the U.S military geo-engineering program.
It did not cause the anticipated fatalities as its virulence wasn’t much more than a common cold. The weaker a persons immune system, the greater its impact.
The first 3 countries that had a high death count, China, Italy and Iran, all had a substantial 5G grid in place.
As we know, in England during the first lockdown, 5G towers were going up at a rapid pace. Most often during darkness.
The jab is a massive crime against humanity.
The 5G grid is a massive crime against humanity.
Both together, is genocide on steroids.

A Person
A Person
Reply to  john
1 year ago

I can grasp the military games concept but you reckon some program sent COVID over the world? How did that happen? Army guys were sent to numerous countries coughing all over the joint?

Reply to  A Person
1 year ago

Person to person infection is not possible. That was conclusively proven during the 1918 scamdemic.
Infected people were encouraged to cough directly into the face of the uninfected. None of the uninfected became infected. Various other tests were carried out with the same result.
The bwankers have a playbook. If something worked then, they try it now.
In 1918, if you didn’t wear a mask, you went to prison.
The experimental meningitis jab which was manufactured in Fort Detrick and was forced on the populace, was again the actions of the U.S. military.
The larger percentage of the estimated 70 million that died, did so from a secondary bacterial infection of the respiratory tract. Caused by the wearing of masks.
In 2008, the genocidal maniac commonly referred to as Antony Fauci, co authored a medical paper on the subject.
Just another round of bwankers rinse and repeat.

Reply to  john
1 year ago
Reply to  john
1 year ago

Yes and I also read that Bill Gates’ grandfather was in charge of vacc ines during the ‘Spanish Flu’ another genocide publicised as caused but the part I do not understand is how illness, Covid or not, does seem to ‘jump’ from o e person to another. Viruse sserm to be a fiction used for huge financial gain a nd power. But I know that I and others have caught illnesses from other people over the years. Do you know?!

Reply to  Nore
1 year ago

Oh dear typos;) ‘Do you know how’ it was meant to say.

Reply to  A Person
1 year ago

The U.S military is paid by a UK Corporation by the name of SERCO.
The U.S military is controlled by the British Terratorial Government that was overseen by the monarchy on behalf of the Pope.
Charles Windsor is head of the real enemy that has pulled the strings behind the scenes since 1907.
A society made up of aristocrats, “royalty” and the top banking cartels. It goes by the name of the British Pilgrim’s Society. Other purported members are Nick Clegg (ex Liberal leader) Boris Johnson and Carrie Asquith, Klaus Schwab, Antony Fauci to name but a few.

A Person
A Person
Reply to  john
1 year ago

Thanks, although I’m still a bit too thick to quite understand what “It was then released worldwide through the U.S military geo-engineering program” means. When you said “military games” I was imagining them spraying some virusy thingy into the sky.

But yeh, now it’s masks and poison injections so I think I get what you’re saying, more or less 🙂 .

Reply to  A Person
1 year ago

That is what they did. In Wuhan it was done via a helicopter. The rest of the world via military geo-engineering. Some call it chemtrails. The correct term is stratospheric aerosol injection.

Reply to  john
1 year ago

Thanks; also Rockefellers,oil magnates who got rid of natural medicine and its healers early 29th century,by any means necessary to replace them with Petroleum products ie ig Pharma. Rockefeller partnered with another billionaire, ‘Carnegie’ who was a Eugenicist and Big Pharma has been killng and looting ever since. I am interested inany sources about this topic. Does anyone know where to get Ivermectin please? I live in the UK.

Reply to  Nore
1 year ago

Amazon does not sell Ivermectin Directly. When I search “DuraMectin” (ivermectin) PASTE 1.87%” DURVET Inc., this is a FDA Approved Brand. …on Amazon sellers through Amazon will show up, ordering is easy and inexpensive. Do a little research on AFCCC protocols for Covid treatments, dosage concepts. Ivermectin & Farm animal website chat rooms, so I have learned explain “the horse paste” dosage. Veterinary use medications Are The Same as Human Use medications.

Reply to  john
1 year ago

I agree except that there never was a released bio weapon, but graphene oxide in different vaxxes including the 2018-2019 flu vaxxes, probably in China too.

“There are crossed toxic patterns,” said Angel Luis Valdepeñas. “On the one hand, the electromagnetic contamination of fi5v-ghee, and on the other, the influence of influenza vaccination. There is an interaction and empowerment, which must be investigated”.

Reply to  john
1 year ago

All parts of society have been part of this evil deception; doctors, scientists, MSM, Social Media, Universities. schools, politicians,WHO, Legal systems…Many bought by Gates in advance of the ‘Pandemic’ to ensure the truth would not become public and so billions worldwide would accept the ‘vaccines’ Iwas amazed to learn how many hundreds of organisations Bill Gates ‘donates’ multi millions to; he owns them and can dictate research and policy. He is a keen Eugenicist as are his parents and he is a good friend of Boris Johnson who is also a Eugenict; his father has written two books on the subject. Gates boasts he can hugey reduce world population with vac ines… King Charles (his father also who said e wanted to come back , after death, as a deadly virus…Charles is a leading member of the WEF; an organisation which has voted itself owner of the world and its people, openly sayingthat most people are useless and need to be got rid of…. If we do not get rid of these psychopaths they will and are destroying the human race.

Reply to  Nore
1 year ago

Charles Windsor began the global genocide. The secret society he heads (British Pilgrim’s Society) are enforcing it. Those in the know were aware that Elizabeth Windsor was dead long before the official narrative. If you listened to Sky news during the funeral procession, this was confirmed. According to them, she has been lying in State for the last 4 years in Westminster Hall.
Charles is a megalomaniac who waited until his mothers demise to make his move to be King of the World.
This parasitical family have stolen the assets of the people they are purportedly “ruling” over via fraud. This MUST now be paid back. But rather than do the honourable thing, Charles and his British Pilgrim Society cohorts have chosen mass murder to avoid their obligations.

Reply to  Krisztian
1 year ago

Hungary? In the UK ppl were more tolerant to the unvaxxed. Here it’s unpolite to meddle into others’ privacy inc. medical conditions but – based on your name – you are Hungarian and I heard similar stories from there, where the brainwashed sheep condemned those who preserved some common sense.

Watch the Delgado’ interview (my link in the other comment) and you’ll understand covid. And spread it please, knowledge can save lives, especially there.

Reply to  GundelP
1 year ago

I don’t blame those who qere I jected; fear was used as a weapon by Governments visa MSM and more. People were/are terrified and psychology shows that fear causes greater obedience. The I jected people have accidentally destroyed their health probably so feel compassion from them. My youn g daughter got injected; she is not a ‘sheep’ or unintelligent. I tried to warn her but she had friends working for te NHS so….Knowing the ‘jabs’ are for Depopulation I am devastated of course. I am grateful she is alive but have no idea whst the future holds for her now. Many are dying, even children

Reply to  Nore
1 year ago

Compassion for them

Reply to  Nore
1 year ago

It wasn’t just fear of a fictitious virus. It was fear of no money. Fear of not being able to go on holiday. Individual greed played its part. There was enough information available for those with the wherewithal to find it regarding the potential outcome of the jab.
It came to my attention in 2011 of an upcoming “Great Culling”. When they rolled out the jab i knew its purpose. At the end of 2020, i sent a 42 page legal document to Boris Johnson and 4 other MP’s, agreeing to take the jab if they could provide evidence that the jab was not for genocide and de-population purposes. After 2 more rounds of legal documentation, no reply was received. Their silence was proof of their genocide.

Reply to  Nore
1 year ago

Read back Delgado demonstrated that it was possible to get rif of the graphene, I think the elderly lady he ‘used’ was his mother. NAC mainly. Also the MAC can be tested, if she is not magnetic and doesn’t have MAC address she very likely got placebo.

A Person
A Person
1 year ago

In Italy, more than 300 municipalities banned 5G rollout from their territory between April and June 2020.” –

That’s interesting – municipalities in Italy were allowed to ban 5G just after a whole heap of deaths in March of 2020. After which, of course, more people worldwide were encouraged to take Covid poison injections.

Carlo Oliani (Italy)
Carlo Oliani (Italy)
1 year ago

I am italian, I live in Lombardy, I work in the pharmaceutical industry I have published more than 70 drug research articles in english medical journals. Apart from the healthcare mismanagement list presented at the beginning of ithis article there is a major point that lead to an absurd mortality rate. The Ministry of Health and the healthcare public agency called AIFA issued the following Covid Guideline: the infected person has to take paracetamol, a symptomatic drug with no antiinflammatory effect at all, and wait for the rhe clinical evolution. So the guidance was paracetamol as needed and vigilant waiting. No other medical treatment was allowed surely until the Covid test result which would take one week to be known.The real antiinflammatory drugs like ibuprofen etc usually prescribed in all cases of flu in the past were not recommended and hosted singling out the doctors who were giving this treatments and visiting the patients at home punishing them with their medical licence withdrawal. At the end of the day italian Covid patients could be treated in some way only after one week of disease progression when was too late. It is well known that NSAIDs prevent 80% of Covid hospitalizations, therefore about 80% of persons hospitalized would have never been just giving them an antiinflammatory treatment since the beginning of their flu-like symptoms, no matter if the virus were Covid or else, instead of waiting 7-10 days untreated mostly working with cough and sneezes. Only after the Covid test had given a positive result, the isolation would become mandatory indeed. The communist idiot acting as Health Ministry having only experience in urbanism was Mr. Roberto Speranza that copied and applied the infamous zero Covid policy from China, one of the dream countries for leftish narrow-minded autoritarian politicians like Mr. Soeranza.After vaccines became available he continued with the initial guidelines, i.e. paracetamol as needed and vigilant waiting, as no medical treatment was allowed except Pfizer and Moderna RNA vaccines.This standing was recommended from the so-called televirologists, sanitary advisors and the heads of the Superior Institute of Health, all of them knowingly in Pfizer’s payroll. The NSAID treatment was hosted by them of course as it would lower the use of Pfizer and Moderna RNA vaccines. This is the real story of Italian highest mortality rate in Europe.

Reply to  Rhoda Wilson
1 year ago

What’s the reason that whale ((dot)) to is not allowed to be linked? (waiting approval), too much truth collected there?

The doc above suggested the use of NSAIDs which is in my opinion WRONG.

This is why. The Delgado team (also working with docS) suggested the use of antioxidants, especially NAC.

The problem with NSAIDs – detailed under my (not allowed) link that they ‘make bacteria nasty’ suspected cause of many life threatening bacterial infections (or overgrowing if we use the terrain theory)

source: Clinical Infectious Diseases 1995;21:977-80
title: Could Nonsteroidal Antiinflammatory Drugs (NSAIDS) Enchance the
Progression of Bacterial Infections to Toxic Schock Syndrome?
author: Dennis L. Stevens

source: Science News, Vol. 148-October 7, 1995
author: Lisa Seachrist
title: Could Common anti-inflammatory drugs allow bacteria to take a deadly
turn? …..

Reply to  Rhoda Wilson
1 year ago
from article above: What happened in Italy is that not all of Italy was hit by the virus, and not even the whole of northern Italy, where 3/4 of all deaths occurred. The epicentre of the covid virus was in Lombardy which accounts for 2/3 of all the victims. Why there? Well, in January of 2020, Lombardy implemented a major vaccination campaign against meningococcus, following a mini epidemic of bacterial meningitis that affected just 6 people (with 2 deaths). The regional authorities decided on a massive and free-of-charge vaccination of the whole population. Within a few weeks, more than 33,000 people were vaccinated.—meningitis–she-ran-to-the-vaccine-in-the-lombard-surgeries-.BJZLehrA1I.html
The vaccination status should be checked of the deceased in Italy. Could it show a correlation between vaccines and cases of “covid19”? I believe so, but big Pharma and it’s media pundits will use the usual argument of a “coincidence in timing” between vaccinations and covid19. One of the very perverse side effects of vaccines is that they alter the microbial ecology. Since nature abhors a vacuum, the ecological niche vacated by artificial immunization is immediately occupied by other, more insidious or more dangerous species of bacteria. 

Reply to  Carlo Oliani (Italy)
1 year ago

Interesting, especially that using NSAID is controversial. During the Spanish flu Aspirin killed more than it saved, Spanish Flu was very similar to what we had as covid, experimental vaxxes + messing with the EMF on a grand scale. Radio waves back then 5G now.

You may want to read this, NSAID part.

Original source: Clinical Infectious Diseases 1995;21:977-80

Reply to  Carlo Oliani (Italy)
1 year ago

Interesting, especially that using NSAID is controversial. During the Spanish flu Aspirin killed more than it saved, Spanish Flu was very similar to what we had as covid, experimental vaxxes + messing with the EMF on a grand scale. Radio waves back then 5G now.
You may want to read this, NSAID part (but the very opposition expose doesn’t allow this site to be linked…)

So GO to whale ((dot)) to and type /drugs/nonsteroidal.html

Original source: Clinical Infectious Diseases 1995;21:977-80

Reply to  Carlo Oliani (Italy)
1 year ago

Genocide; if treated early Covid is curable in most cases as you probably know. That is why the very effective, cheap, harmless drugs such as Ivermectin were banned ie Genocide, Eugenics is the Global agenda.

1 year ago

[…] Read More: Italian Data Used to Shut Down the World in Spring 2020 Shows Excess Deaths Were Not Caus… […]

1 year ago

[…] Italian Data Used to Shut Down the World in Spring 2020 Shows Excess Deaths Were Not Caused by the S… There is growing evidence that the SARS-CoV-2 virus was in populations before the purported date of the start of the “pandemic.”  However, no excess death was reported … until the health emergency was declared. […]

1 year ago

There is growing evidence that the SARS-CoV-2 virus was in populations before the purported date of the start of the “pandemic…”


In Italy and Spain the flu shot contained graphene in 2019, the areas with the most death were 5G areas. Eg Lombardy. It never was a virus, covid was and is acute radiation, just how he explained it.

The vax multiplied the effect of radiation. And they knew it as early as 2020, ‘Doctors for Truth’ the summer meeting in Spain. They discovered that there WAS A CONNECTION between the flu shots and 5G, they just didn’t know about that it was the effect of the injected graphene.

A Person
A Person
Reply to  GundelP
1 year ago

Putting graphene in shots before COVID nonsense was announced is cheating!

But I guess they don’t care about rules :(.

1 year ago

[…] Italian Data Used to Shut Down the World in Spring 2020 Shows Excess Deaths Were Not Caused by the S…There is growing evidence that the SARS-CoV-2 virus was in populations before the purported date of the start of the “pandemic.”  However, no excess death was reported … until the health emergency was declared. […]

1 year ago

[…] – Italian Data Used to Shut Down the World in Spring 2020 Shows Excess Deaths Were Not Caused by the S… […]

1 year ago


Reply to  Rhonda
1 year ago

I read it but how reliable this news? Just because the version I read told that those who took over are hard-core people and the attack against Taiwan is no sure. (So much about our hopes…)

1 year ago

I know a family that was sick around Oct 2019, and believes it was COVID.

This is a great observation. Surely there was something that made people sick or that played with data to create the appearance of sickness from Feb through March 2019.

There are other contributing factors to consider.

  1. in the U.S., they illegally changed death coding to replace comorbidities with COVID as the primary cause of death.
  2. They lowered the standard for declaring COVID positive to inflate deaths.
  3. Hospital Administrations were incentivized with cash from higher medicare/medicaid payments to declare deaths by COVID and to follow questionable medical practices involving the use of remdesevir and ventilators.
  4. The diagnostic used was not licensed for detecting SARS CoV-2, nor was it ever proven accurate. The inventor, Kary Mullis was strongly opposed to using the PCR tests for diagnosing viruses. He magically died right before the ‘pandemic’ was declared.
  5. SARS CoV-2, a genetic sequence provided by China has never been isolated from a human using proper techniques. Step one, the lung lavage sample taken from a Wuhan resident failed to grow in a human cell line. Step two, they put it in vero cells and it grew. As if that wasn’t bad enough, they then put it in a known bioweapons line called vero e6. This cell line originated from Fort Detrick, made it’s rounds to Ralph Baric’s lab and eventually to Wuhan.
  6. Using genbank, a vast database of animal virus sequences they attempted to mold and merge parts of SARS CoV-2 into the nearest animal species so they could sell the animal market ‘jump species’ theory to an unsuspecting public.
  7. When that failed, they retired to plan B, the lab leak theory.

What makes all this interesting is dating back to the 60’s, polio vaccines, and some others popular at the time like D-Tap were made in, you guessed it, vero cells.

On November 1, 2019 with great fanfare they announced a new influenza vaccine and urged the public to take it, because you don’t want COVID and influenza. that new vaccine was made using h1n1 and grown in dog cells. How ironic is it that all dogs have coronaviruses and h1n1 causes acute respiratory distress syndrome?

We haven’t even covered the 5g connection. There are multiple ways of whipping up pandemic hotspots at their disposal.

Another consideration has to do with the vaccine manufacturing process involving animal/bird/pig cells, COVID mitigation efforts causing fear and stress, strong pathogenic attacks on B cells from influenza vaccines and their connection to the FDA’s laundry list of COVID symptoms. This has to do with the activated virus syndromes people noticing like herpes. The tyrannical, unnecessary, and I dare say illegal COVID mitigation measures appear designed to activate old viruses that they have been planting in mankind since at least the 60’s. This goes to Judy A. Mikovits, Ph.D., book ‘Plandemic 2014 and cowritten by Kent Heckenlively. What she discovered was an association between ME/CFS and a new characterized retrovirus called XMRV’s. She found they were difficult to detect among her patient cohorts. One day a patient came in to give a sample and her blood was flooded with the virus. She found out the patient had recently received an immunization. Among her discoveries were that out of balance hormones was associated with these viruses activating.

COVID mitigation policies and the media gaslighting hospital ventilated deaths drove fear and stress. When a person is under stress or fearful, their hormones shutdown in order to concentrate on producing cortisol for the fight for flight response. Stress, fear, strong pathogenic attacks on the B cells were a perfect storm for the laundry list of COVID-19 symptoms. Do you think Fauci knew that? Could the fear OP be deliberate? To activate ticking timebombs in people whom he’d been selling his injections to?

COVID is a coverup for old vaccines. It’s getting rid of the evidence from those you’ve harmed. It’s reducing the population by old shot or new shot. And it’s experimenting on ‘useless eaters’ to develop internet command and control of the remaining humans. And, I suspect the globalists believe they can achieve immortality through this technology.

Those of us who believe the bible know better.

A Person
A Person
Reply to  Joe
1 year ago

Yeah, when a family all gets sick, I wonder if one person got sick from radiation, were weakened from jabs and their white blood cells or whatever get smashed up from that so that they can’t defend against a virus, that normally would just get destroyed by the body.

That allows the virus to replicate, I guess, and then give it to other members of the family.

Otherwise, how else to explain how a whole family ‘catches’ it? Gastroenteritis seems to commonly work that way. One joker in the family catches it and then they all catch it, one after the other in quick succession until the toilet is busier than a bee at a flower convention (one that doesn’t have 5G bee-killing towers, of course).

1 year ago

Look no further than to the flu jab of 2019. This is my hypothesis. Look to which populations of people are given the flu jab most and in which time of year all at once. Nursing homes and over 65 communities. Look to china’s flu jab policy which went into effect before december 1, 2019. “What’s in your whackzeen?”

1 year ago

What happened in Italy is that not all of Italy was hit by the virus, and not even the whole of northern Italy, where 3/4 of all deaths occurred. The epicentre of the covid virus was in Lombardy which accounts for 2/3 of all the victims. Why there? Well, in January, Lombardy implemented a major vaccination campaign against meningococcus, following a mini epidemic of bacterial meningitis that affected just 6 people (with 2 deaths). The regional authorities decided on a massive and free-of-charge vaccination of the whole population. Within a few weeks, more than 33,000 people were vaccinated.—meningitis–she-ran-to-the-vaccine-in-the-lombard-surgeries-.BJZLehrA1I.html

The vaccination status should be checked of the deceased in Italy. Could it show a correlation between vaccines and cases of “covid19”? I believe so, but big Pharma and it’s media pundits will use the usual argument of a “coincidence in timing” between vaccinations and covid19. One of the very perverse side effects of vaccines is that they alter the microbial ecology. Since nature abhors a vacuum, the ecological niche vacated by artificial immunization is immediately occupied by other, more insidious or more dangerous species of bacteria. 

1 year ago

Definitely makes you wonder, the timing of Covid the lack of honest journalism from the MSM and proximity to an another election. They got the mail in ballots, shut down the strongest economy and we’re living the effects of it today. Still never heard one MSM channel say I had a 99.8 percent survival rate if I were to get it! Only fear and death ticker pounded down my thought morning noon and night. It’s no wonder people were afraid to leave their homes. We deserve better and answers. And if you spoke out against it, Big tech silenced you. 🤔

1 year ago

[…] couple of months ago we published an article from PANDA Uncut which – using data from Lombardy, Italy, relating to the period February […]

1 year ago

[…] couple of months ago we published an article from PANDA Uncut which – using data from Lombardy, Italy, relating to the period February 2020 to […]