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Commonest Lies told by Climate Change Psychos

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The wild and reckless global warming fascists who claim that the world is getting hotter (or possibly colder) as a result of man’s activities tell a great many lies.

The same lies are then repeated by politicians, journalists, half-crazy alarmists, campaigners, people who demonstrate and children who probably have difficulty with their two-times table but who like to regard themselves as experts on meteorological eccentricities.

Naturally, the hysterical fruitcakes who believe in climate change (like the idiots who promote the covid-19 vaccine) refuse to debate their beliefs.

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By Dr. Vernon Coleman

Here are just a few of the most egregious lies which are told by this miserable band of lunatics:

1. They claim that the climate has changed and is changing rapidly. What they don’t bother to mention is that the climate has always changed. It has changed for billions of years and will doubtless continue to do so. Although a good many lies are told there is no evidence that these changes have been exacerbated or accelerated by cows, motor cars or aeroplanes.

2. They claim that the world is heading for a crisis. They have been forecasting this for decades. Every specific forecast has come and gone without anything happening. Claims that the sea is going to rise to dangerous levels are entirely fictitious and are nothing more than reckless, irresponsible scaremongering.

3. No one knows just what damage carbon dioxide emissions may do or how relevant they are. The increase in the amount of carbon dioxide began before oil and gas were in wide use. Human beings themselves are natural producers of carbon dioxide and many of those promoting the climate change myth believe that the answer is to reduce the world’s population from around 8 billion down to 500 million.

4. It is not true that all or even most climate scientists agree that climate change exists or is a threat. Most independent scientists agree that the media has wildly exaggerated the dangers. A recent paper reported that just 0.3% of scientists agree that humans are causing climate change. The climate change psychos claim that 97% of scientists support their arguments but this is, quite simply, dangerous nonsense designed to promote a myth. The alleged climate change risks are merely assumptions based on guesses based on wishful thinking. Many of the scientists and writers who promote the climate change myth are receiving huge sums of money from activists, pressure groups and non-governmental organisations. There are hidden agendas behind the myth.

5. Weather forecasters claim to know what the weather will be like in 50 years’ time. This is odd because they admit that forecasting a few weeks ahead is difficult and much of the time they seem to have trouble telling us what the weather will be like tomorrow.

6. They claim that hurricanes and tornadoes are more frequent and stronger. The evidence shows that this is not true. There is absolutely no evidence that hurricanes or tornadoes are stronger or more common. Nor is there any evidence that snowstorms or floods are worse or less than they were decades ago. If there is more flooding of houses it is because houses are built on flood plains or that rivers are not properly dredged.

7. They claim that wildfires are commoner and more destructive. This is palpably untrue. There are fewer serious wildfire events today than there were decades ago.

8. They claim that sea levels are rising rapidly and are the cause of coastal erosion. These are lies. Coastal erosion is a common, historical problem and has nothing to do with sea levels. Sea levels have been unaffected by climate change. Modest changes in sea levels are normal and of little consequence.

9. Wind turbines which are widely promoted as an alternative to coal, oil and gas are unreliable and therefore useless. They produce electricity intermittently (only when the wind blows) and they require so much energy to build and maintain that they are energy negative. The energy required to build and maintain the wind turbines comes from oil, gas and coal.

10. Solar panels are also inefficient and unreliable. No electricity is produced by them when the sun is not out and this means that no electricity is produced at night. Solar panels require huge amounts of land and are remarkably inefficient. They require a good deal of energy to produce and install.

The myth of climate change is being promoted by a toxic mixture of rancid politicians, businessmen, celebrities and journalists – most of whom have a vested financial and political interest in selling their lies.

Most of those promoting the climate change myth are acting in their self-interest and not in the interest of the planet or the people. Indeed, their actions are directly opposed to the public good.

Everywhere you look the lies stand out.

The production of batteries to store electricity and the making of electric cars are a waste of time, money and energy and they require the building and running of massive mines in order to find and dig up the minerals required.

The evidence proves conclusively that electric cars are considerably more damaging to the planet than cars driven by internal combustion engines. The self-righteous bleatings of those promoting, making, selling and using electric cars would be pitiful if they were not so dangerous and damaging.

If you want to know the startling truth about climate change please read ‘Greta’s Homework’ by Zina Cohen.

If you want to know more about oil, and why it is so essential, please read ‘A Bigger Problem than Climate Change: The End of Oil’ by Vernon Coleman.

Both books are available on Amazon.

Featured image: “World leaders are relying even more heavily on the market to save us from a catastrophic 4-degree centigrade warming,” Global Dialogue, 2014

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Brin Jenkins
Brin Jenkins
11 months ago

I went to a climate meeting in Bovey Tracy, it was changed changed to sustainability as we seated!!!. Well presented, a soft sell on Communism presented by Prof David Griggs a mild mannered pleasant man. I challenged him on the mechanism for CO2 and infrared photons which I have a sound understanding of, explaining my position in detail.

Rather than engage it was denial of the data and that CO2 had not yet reached saturation. Well on a log scale it never will but after experiments showed no further increase in temperature over 340ppm its fair to discount CO2 from any real further activity. CO2 can not make a climate emergency.

He closed his position by asking did I know better than all the climate scientists in the World? An appeal to consensus and I expected better than this showing his own understanding.

Reply to  Brin Jenkins
11 months ago

What good would “engaging” have done? You’d have just spewed your opinion at him and he’d have spewed his at you. As he has all the power and you have none it doesn’t make any difference what you think or say. Instead of picking fights with the people who run your life, remove them. Or is that too much effort? After all, they’ve made damn sure that they have all the guns…

Brin Jenkins
Brin Jenkins
Reply to  l.u.c.y
11 months ago

Its not my opinion Lucy but a rebuttal with verified data. Even Prof Micheal Manns Pen University experiment is written up confirming no measurable heat discovered at 340ppm. Prof Happer and 1400 scientists in Clintel are right.

As to trouble, this will be for others soon. I’m 87 in a fortnight and not a street fighter.

p joe
p joe
Reply to  Brin Jenkins
11 months ago

“He closed his position by asking did I know better than all the climate scientists in the World?”

Well, you subscribe to this idea that “science” knows all, and you even quote the “scientists” that agree with you, so why don’t you answer your own question?

All this arguing over “co2” is yet more BS. The problem can be nailed down to one simple fact: there are too many humans. They’re a plague. And it’s only ever going to get worse. You don’t care of course, as long as you get to live in comfort with your child benefit and your pension payouts. But it ain’t so rosy for those in the slave pits and the slums. They want change, whereas you don’t. They don’t want to be your slave for their entire lives, whereas you want them to be your absolute slave from birth to death, all the while claiming otherwise. You’re all just a lesser tentacle of the beast.

Reply to  p joe
11 months ago

Respectfully suggest you follow through on your hysterical contention that ‘humans” and “plague” are related.

Brin Jenkins
Brin Jenkins
Reply to  p joe
11 months ago

Nothing is certain or proven in science, what I do have is a solid rebuttal of the CO2 hypothesis supported by experiments.

It’s not possible for CO2 to act as claimed by IPCC.

I have never drawn any benefits, or even unemployed pay.

You suggest reducing the Global population is the only answer? Convince me by jumping, and I may follow your courageous lead.

Reply to  Brin Jenkins
11 months ago

No. The only humane solution is population reduction via a global cycling 7-year birth-stop followed by a year when births are allowed until populations stabilize below the 529 million service limit determined by the Earth itself.

Please see “Interpretation of the Population Table 2009” that arrives at a Service capacity of 563 million.

Dave Owen
Dave Owen
Reply to  kalikusu
11 months ago

Hi kalikusu,
In the UK 20 years ago, the population was going down.
I remember thinking, well that sounds good, everything will last longer. Meaning roads, motorways, drains, sewage systems and local pubs.
So what happened ?, the aliens who run our Country, let in another 20 million people.
What do you think to that ?

Brin Jenkins
Brin Jenkins
Reply to  kalikusu
11 months ago

We have already had family planning, coils, condoms and vasectomies, with a falling population Tony B liar ordered un restricted immigration. Gee thanks a bunch, our trust was misplaced so don’t suggest the usual suspects in office to act in our best interests.

Reply to  p joe
11 months ago

Agree there are 19x too many humans for the Earth service capacity of 529 million humans.

The “Interpretation of the Population Table 2009” calculates the Earth service capacity to be 563 million.

Always, always mention the Earth’s service capacity in future responses.

Brin Jenkins
Brin Jenkins
Reply to  kalikusu
11 months ago

Mention a document from an organisation dedicated to culling billions of us?

Give me a break, folk were hung at Nuremberg for suggesting similar.

Any way we did our bit reducing our own population only to be screwed by immigration.

Reply to  Brin Jenkins
11 months ago

Currently trace gasses make-up 0.1% of atmospheric composition. 93% of that 0.1% trace gases comprises CO2.

The current 9.25 human exhalations contain more CO2 than emitted by all vehicle emissions.

When CO2 content in the atmosphere exceeds 8%, all life on the planet will perish!

The problem is not just CO2 emissions by via combustion alone, but also the increasing human populations that are already 19 times in excess of the Earth’s population service capacity that the “Interpretation of the Population Table 2009” calculates as 563 million.

Brin Jenkins
Brin Jenkins
Reply to  kalikusu
11 months ago

CO2 is currently .004% so it will take a while to reach 8%. Other gases are red herrings, CO2 was named and taxed, destroying transport and generation with our very survival next.

Why would I trust those who lied about CO2, adjusted data to avoid blips, wanted to pervert science calling for questioning carbon footprints illegal? No caught out in deception ends credibility. Read a few climate gate emails and make your own mind up on what professional conduct should be.

Population? Watch Logans run made in 1973!

Reply to  Brin Jenkins
11 months ago

Lord! its as old as I am!

Reply to  Brin Jenkins
11 months ago

The heat retained via CO2 accumulation in the atmosphere cannot compare to the heat entering the atmosphere in real time while burning inert fuels as described by the Carnot cycle where 60 – 80% of the energy is released into the atmosphere and the remaining energy is used to do work.

Brin Jenkins
Brin Jenkins
Reply to  kalikusu
11 months ago

Already answered that one, Its a diminishing effect on a Logarithmic base, any heating of CO2 is over and done with confirmed by experiments.

11 months ago

“Commonest Lies told by Climate Change Psychos”
More unbiased “journalism” by lucy. “Climate change” is just another way to fleece you of money, but as none of you rich gits will be affected, I fail to see why you care. Don’t tell me, eveyone will starve? Or will we all be locked in “smart” cities? As hardly anyone reads this nonsense anymore it hardly matters, but ask yourself why lucy keeps writing this bait…

Brin Jenkins
Brin Jenkins
Reply to  john
11 months ago

Lucy wants to see the red flag flying high.

11 months ago

“Commonest Lies told by Climate Change Psychos”
More unbiased “journalism” by you know who. “Climate change” is just another way to fleece you of money, but as none of you rich gits will be affected, I fail to see why you care. Don’t tell me, eveyone will starve? Or will we all be locked in “smart” cities? As hardly anyone reads this nonsense anymore it hardly matters, but ask yourself why you know who keeps writing this stuff…

11 months ago

B.W. Newton (1807-1899) writing about events that happened in Italy (circa 1850) under the reign of Victor Emmanuel II:

“Storm, tempest, and devastating floods had visited Rome. The Tiber had overflowed its banks, and was rushing through the streets of the city. Famished and homeless multitudes were wandering in search of food and shelter; but there was no kindly care extended, no voice to direct, no hand to succour. On a dark and stormy night, summoned by their cry of anguish, the new Monarch of Rome entered. As soon as the morning dawned he went forth to view the scene, and took his stand in front of the Capitol, there to inaugurate his reign.”

p. 371 Aids To Prophetic Enquiry.

An apocalyptic scene indeed! The fault of man-made climate change no doubt!

But wait! If my memory serves me rightly, this was before airplanes and cars were invented!

11 months ago

Great Report…Complete Truth. Hope you get widespread exposure with this one. Do you mind if I take this tomorrow and place it on a Substack. THIS ONE IS THE CORE OF THE FALLACY ALLOWING FOR ALL ELSE HAPPENING IN THEIR WORLD COUP. Without it, all else is null and void, too.

11 months ago

Great article Wonder if it could be presented in a form that is easy to remember —like a song or limerick
We all remember ‘ there was a young man from Nantucket’ !

Just a thought

11 months ago

All subject matter dealing with the environment always lacks a discussion on the Earth’s human population service capacity. This has been addressed via “Interpretation of the Population Table 2009” that arrives at a Service capacity of 563 million. So the 500 million number for the Earth’s human population service capacity is a calculated number and not a feel-good number plucked from thin air. All articles on the environment by scientists never discus the Earth’s human population service capacity and the destructive machinations of the current 9.25 billion human population that is 19 times the service capacity of the Earth.

3-Blade Wind and Solar are designed to fail technologies that could not exist with government subsidies (tax-payer expense).

A safe clean inexpensive climate benefiting energy solution is already available via the large 100 – 500 MW JMCC WING to provide for all the electrical needs for the planet indefinitely. This technology can also be deployed at sea to harvest the constantly blowing wind to produce power for electrolysis to extract oxygen and hydrogen fuel from sea water. Inert fuel power plants can remain as back-up.

The climate change hysteria has two solutions that work together:

  1. Nature, and
  2. A global cycling 7-year birth-stop followed by a year when births are allowed until populations stabilise below the 529 million service limit determined by the Earth itself.

As a result of the over-population that is currently about 19 times the Earth’s service capacity, the Earth peak service capacity of 2 billion has been reduced 73% to its current service capacity of 529 million.

CR825 makes clear that the Earth’s service capacity is declining:

This, while the Earth at its peak was designed to support a total population of no more than 2 billion.

In CR843, BEAM (Billy Eduard Albert Meier) states the population is already 19 times above service capacity:

In this respect, it should be said that the Earth is designed to feed 500 to 530 million human beings in true abundance and to enable them to live without great problems. But the earthling wants to be cleverer in his delusion that he can endlessly subjugate and destroy the whole of nature. Consequently, he drives his population endlessly upwards and has already raised it 19 times above what the Earth is able to cope with without damage.

The exhalation alone from the 9.25 billion humans on the planet already exceeds global CO2 vehicle emissions.

Brin Jenkins
Brin Jenkins
Reply to  kalikusu
11 months ago

A self levelling system, more CO2, more photosynthesis, more plants, food, materials just praise the Lord for the Blessings.

Reply to  kalikusu
11 months ago

It is a planet, not a restaurant.

John Blundell
John Blundell
11 months ago

Group think Climate change that ignores Antarctic Volcanoes, aswell as Happer & Lindzen on unreliable computer modelling compared to real empirical data

john dykman
john dykman
11 months ago

dont for get the vulcanos under the pollar cap become active over thousands of years no mention of this in the drilled in Greeland proves the earth has heatted up many times before and yet again not onthe news cheers john