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UKHSA nudges festival-goers to get MMR vaccines

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UK Health Security Agency (“UKHSA”) is pushing for festival-goers to get two doses of the measles, mumps and rubella (“MMR”) vaccine. “We’re seeing outbreaks of measles. Check you’ve had 2 doses of the #MMR vaccine for the full protection,” UKHSA tweeted yesterday.

However, Dr, Clare Craig pointed out that currently the number of measles cases is half of those for the same week in 2019.  Considering the risk of harm from vaccines, we need to weigh the pros and cons and ask ourselves which health risks we’re willing to take to protect ourselves against any given disease.

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As Dr. Clare Craig pointed out, UKHSA data shows measles is at half the levels pre-covid and shared the image below.

Public Health England: NOIDs Weekly Report Week 2019/22 week ending 02/06/2019
and Week 2023/22 week ending 04/06/2023

Do Vaccines Make Us Healthier?

Earlier this year Dr. Peter McCollough highlighted a mumps outbreak in Portugal in 2019-2020 and that those cases mostly occurred among those who had been fully vaccinated with measles, mumps and rubella (“MMR”).

In his book titled ‘How to End the Autism Epidemic’, J.B. Handley spends an entire chapter tackling the mainstream notion that the science on vaccines is “settled;” that the studies have been done and no harm could be found. “It’s simply a lie,” he told Dr. Joseph Mercola.

Three independent studies released in 2020 compared the overall health of vaccinated, with any vaccine, and unvaccinated people.

Sunfellow Health & Healing: Three Independent Studies Answer This Question: Do Vaccines Make Us Healthier? 11 April 2022 (14 mins)

Hear the Silence, a warning about MMR vaccines

Yesterday we published an article on an interview with Dr. Brian Hooker. There were large sections of the interview we didn’t include in our article, including a mention of the work done by Dr. Andrew Wakefield on treatments for some of the effects of autism.  Dr. Hooker said:

The biomedical approach [ ] looks at what’s going on with the whole child. And many, if not most children with autism have other complaints, particularly gastrointestinal issues. This was actually put forward by Dr. Andrew Wakefield in the 1990s. And one of the things that he did that was very important was look at these gastrointestinal issues that were very unique in children with autism.

People tend to associate Dr. Wakefield with his questioning the MMR vaccine, but perhaps one of his greatest contributions was the autism–gastrointestinal connection.

Forum Conversation: Dr. Brian Hooker, Report from Planet Earth, 21 May 2023

In the early 1990s, Dr. Wakefield began to study a possible link between the measles virus and bowel disease. At a 1998 press conference, Dr. Wakefield suggested the MMR vaccines be separated into their component parts until further safety studies were done. It set off a media firestorm, with large numbers of parents raising uncomfortable questions about the safety of the “triple jab” and requesting single measles, mumps, and rubella vaccines.

In the midst of the controversy, in August 1998, the British government took an extraordinary step. It made separate measles, mumps, and rubella vaccine components unavailable, thereby forcing the hand of concerned parents.

Years later, the persecution of Dr. Wakefield began in earnest with the British General Medical Council (“GMC”) prosecuting him in a highly publicised, multi-year, multi-million-dollar regulatory court while the press, and specifically reporter Brian Deer, tried Dr. Wakefield in the court of public opinion.  The court found no evidence of Dr. Wakefield’s guilt.  So, what was this high-profile prosecution really about?  

He was punished for his temerity to caution the public about vaccine risks and to urge them to use their own judgment. Dr. Wakefield was punished for upholding vaccination choice.

The GMC destroyed Dr. Wakefield’s professional reputation and livelihood, and The Lancet and other publications confiscated his professional accomplishment through retraction. The GMC colluded with The Lancet, the media, the British Department of Health, the pharmaceutical industry, and even with the US Department of Health and Human Services and the US Department of Justice, to discredit Dr. Wakefield.

Before long, the world will likely recognise that it was Dr. Wakefield, not his detractors, who stood up for the practice of medicine and the pursuit of science. Dr. Wakefield remains an unbowed dissident in the face of a repressive medical and scientific establishment, Mary Holland wrote in 2019.

In 2013, three controversial television films suppressed as part of the continued persecution of Dr. Wakefield became available to watch on YouTube. The drama ‘Hear the Silence’ starring Hugh Bonneville as Andrew Wakefield and Juliet Stevenson as a mother trying to find the truth about what happened to her child was seen once on British television in December 2003 and then disappeared. Two months later the allegations of Brian Deer began to appear in the media. Hear the Silence was posted on the web by Science Israel in the original English with Hebrew subtitles.

When it was first screened the British radical investigative journalist, Paul Foot, wrote in The Guardian:

Last week’s Channel Five programme Hear the Silence about the MMR controversy was one of the best dramas I have seen. It was not just a moving true story, beautifully acted. It was also a shocking indictment of the medical establishment. A group of parents were confronted with the fear that their children had become autistic after having the triple vaccine for measles, mumps and rubella. A responsible authority should surely take such fears seriously and deploy the full extent of scientific research to testing the fears, if only to allay them. The reaction of the authorities was exactly the opposite.

The one senior doctor who took the parents seriously, Andrew Wakefield, had his research stopped and was effectively banished to the US. Despite his record as an often published scientist, he was widely smeared. Legal aid for the parents to sue the government was cut off.

On the programme, the two sides confronted each other. On the parents’ side there was anguished concern, backed by sober science from Wakefield. On the other was outraged impatience, led by two slightly fanatical GPs, including Evan Harris, the Liberal Democrat MP for Oxford West. He insisted there was no link between autism and MMR, and loudly failed to prove that this was so. Instead, he went some way to proving the time-honoured medical principle that doctors know everything, and patients nothing.

When Blair doesn’t care about terror, Paul Foot, The Guardian, 24 December 2003

Very sadly, a few months later Foot died and our children were not only ruthlessly abandoned by The Guardian newspaper but by Private Eye, the journal with which Foot was also closely associated, wrote Age of Autism.

Hear The Silence (2003) Dr Andrew Wakefield’s Drama

If you are unable to view the video above on Rumble, you can watch it on Bitchute HERE or YouTube HERE.

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11 months ago

hopefully nobody actually falls for this new batch of lies and their attempt at tricking everyone into getting vaccimated fails miserably.

Reply to  snarevox
11 months ago

who trusts any vaccines at this point. After Covid and JFK Jr’s wake up I think the jabs should go away soon along with arrests for everyone involved in the deathly hoax.

Reply to  Noah
11 months ago

did you mean rfk jr., or am i missing something here?

that would all be nice, and it sounds good on paper, but if normal citizens dont band together to take this trash out ourselves, im afraid we will most likely never see anybody held accountable for this, and even if some lawsuit does manage to drag a few of these ciminals into court, the judge will just end up owning a new piece of property or two, and the lawsuit will quickly and quietly be dismissed amid claims of it not having any merit.

the problem is the massive bankrolls the corporations behind these criminals possess. no regular person or group of regular people will ever have a snowballs chance in hell of finding a venue to file a lawsuit in with a judge who wont be bought.

that being said, barring the formation of some sort of grassroots bodysnatcher movement, all we will ever have is a bunch of pissed off civilians in comment sections, talking about what they think should, hope will, or cant wait to, happen.

and unfortunately, that wont be enough to actually accomplish anything.

Reply to  snarevox
11 months ago

“Normal citizens”? Who are they, exactly? I am sure you are aware that “normal” is a subjective term! One man’s normal is another man’s abnormal.
As for me, I would define a man as “normal” if he were to strive to keep the commandments. Matthew 19:17, would you agree?
Nevertheless, I do agree we have a common enemy in The Powers That Be that are riding roughshod over us all.
As for those who are waking up to what is going on, TPTB are content to keep us as keyboard warriors with little teeth, and with ever increasing censorship around the corner, they will remove what teeth we have!

Going back to the above article, Dr. Wakefield “urged the public to use their own judgment.” Most certainly, he was right to say this, but what of the average (normal?) man’s “judgment”? I think we know!

Sadly, the “normal” people are too busy watching the MSM bilge spewing out of their TV’s/computers-sport, soaps, entertainments and propaganda to wake up to what is really going on. And of course going to festivals, holidays, shows and such, they don’t have time to think.

I know a woman nearby who won’t drive a car anymore, to save the planet, yet I see French, German and Dutch cars and campers everyplace!

Cor Scorpionis
Cor Scorpionis
Reply to  Islander
11 months ago

The “will of the PEOPLE” is largely (sadly) EASE, IMMEDIACY, COMFORT & CONVENIENCE. Just occasionally, I find myself thinking- “they ARE ignorant useless-eaters and
propagandized pitchfork wielding villagers, witch-hunters & brown-shirted jab-tards!”. Look how EASY it was for the majority of them just to hand over ALL our basic human rights and civil liberties when confronted with
such an obviously artificially contrived connivance, the sham-demic, a wilfuly engineered “problem” to have them begging “benign, paternal” government
for the always waiting “solution”. Herded , corralled and manoeuvred RIGHT into position, with the greatest of ease because”Ooh!! Scary killer-virus!!”. Dumbasses: my idiot, feckless, bovine neighbours lapped it ALL up- out banging pots & pans in appreciation of those lazy, lying, genocidal nurses, who bullshitted their way through the whole thing, as if arrogantly worthy of their undeserved “heroic” status. EVERYWHERE I went, EVERY day, ALL I would hear was “OOH! It JUST said on the “news”
there that…….”. Daily death-dives on ALL channels, 24/7, the idiots all rebuffing visitors, standing on the stoopid lil’ stickers on the floors of shops (& everywhere ELSE), keeping THEMSELVES under 23 hour a day house-arrest, dutifully “muzzlin’ up” with their slavish badges of servility and compliance, gleefully regressing to the savagery of the human condition, always (now demonstrably) JUST beneath that paper thin veneer of civility and grace, & informing on their friends and acquaintances and neighbours like brown-shirts if they didn’t, WOULDN’T comply. The “individual”, reduced to the status of the mere “unit” of “society”. I warned ’em ALL that they must NOT comply, OR take that odious, onerous, toxic jab that killed my Dad and FIVE of my neighbours and crippled many friends of mine with neurological damage, and
disorders, & has now resulted in EVERY school here (Scotland) now having a frikkin’ DEFIBRILLATOR on their walls (and the presstitutes say- “um….NO, kids were ALWAYS falling down dead from heart problems! We just……um…..never ‘mentioned’ it before!). I despair of humanity now. By & large, the notional “99%” are NOT CAPABLE either of SEEING what’s happening, & the figurative noose tightening around their necks, OR of uniting AGAINST it, which would ONLY necessitate mass NON COMPLIANCE, but what do the sheeple 🐑 do INSTEAD? FULL compliance, media applied cognitive dissonance and mass formation psychosis. STOOPID. STOOPID. STOOPID. Damnable COWARDS!! They sold EVERYBODY’S rights & liberties out when they “took the deal” so they could go off on holiday, or go to the gym/cinema/bar/restaurant/etc. These cowardly stupefied dupes SICKEN me. They are COLLABORATORS.

Reply to  Cor Scorpionis
10 months ago

i know exactly what youre trying to say, and i agree with you 100%

i bet the surviving members of your dead neighbors families who were compliant before they lost their loved ones, are STILL just as compliant now and they absolutely refuse to believe there is even any remote possibility that you might have been right the whole time, because that means they would have to admit (at least to themselves) that they got seriously duped and that the neighbor guy (you) who they all told on and called “crazy” and “murderer”, was actually a whole lot smarter and far more observant than every single one of them.

tonight my mother gave me shit for not believing nasa ever went to the moon..

she got breast cancer and repeatedly passed out, smasing her face on the floor due to heart issues immediately after getting one of those shots (icr which one), thankfully shes still alive..

but i use the apollo missions as sort of a basic litmus test with people, and if somebody cant even wrap their head around the fact that the government would fake something like that, lie to the entire world, and allow nasa to continue pilfering $22 billion a year from hard working americans tax dollars… if someone cant even understand that, then theres no way they will be able to handle any of the other various truths that are being kept from us, and there is DEFINITELY no way they are ready to have an honest conversation about depopulation, “covid”, and the “vaccine”, the truth of it all would fry their circuits, literally blowing their mind, most likely causing them to stroke out yet again.

and it is SO ridiculously frustrating, friends who cant or wont understand is one thing, but family members and loved ones insisting on acting retarded is something else entirely, and it is absolutely painful and hard to deal with.

i almost feel like we need some kind of support group of our own.

but yeah, i definitely understand where youre coming from, and im sorry for your loss. hopefully your father is in a better place right now and will make wiser decisions the next time around.

i guess all there really is to do is take care of what we can while were here, the best way we know how.

take it easy.

Reply to  Cor Scorpionis
10 months ago

i tried to reply once and i think i must have said something bad because my reply is “awaiting approval”, so im going to paste it all here again and hopefully replace the offending terms so it goes right through..

i know exactly what youre trying to say, and i agree with you 100%

i bet the surviving members of your dead neighbors families who were compliant before they lost their loved ones, are STILL just as compliant now and they absolutely refuse to believe there is even any remote possibility that you might have been right the whole time, because that means they would have to admit (at least to themselves) that they got seriously duped and that the neighbor guy (you) who they all told on and called “crazy” and “murderer”, was actually a whole lot smarter and far more observant than every single one of them.

tonight my mother gave me a hard time for not believing nasa ever went to the moon..

she got breast cancer and repeatedly passed out, smashing her face on the floor due to heart issues immediately after getting one of those shots (icr which one), thankfully shes still alive..

but i use the apollo missions as sort of a basic litmus test with people, and if somebody cant even wrap their head around the fact that the government would fake something like that, lie to the entire world, and allow nasa to continue pilfering $22 billion a year from hard working american tax dollars… if someone cant even understand that, then theres no way they will be able to handle any of the other various truths that are being kept from us, and there is DEFINITELY no way they are ready to have an honest conversation about depopulation, “covid”, and the “vaccine”, the truth of it all would fry their circuits, literally blowing their mind, most likely causing them to stroke out yet again.

and it is SO ridiculously frustrating, friends who cant or wont understand is one thing, but family members and loved ones insisting on acting like they dont have any common sense whatsoever is something else entirely, and it is absolutely painful and really hard to deal with.

i almost feel like we need some kind of support group of our own.

but yeah, i definitely understand where you are coming from, and im sorry for your loss. hopefully your father is in a better place right now and will make wiser decisions the next time around.

i guess all we can really do is take care of what we can while were here, and do it the best way we know how.

take it easy.

Reply to  Islander
10 months ago

i see i was unclear, i apologize, please allow me to clarify. by “normal”, i simply meant all of us “non elite” people who are in these comment sections demanding the criminals be held accountable.

Reply to  Islander
10 months ago

i tried to reply to this once already, and i dont know why im not seeing it, but ill try again..

id like to apologize, i see now i could have been more clear, so please allow me to clarify. by “normal” people, i meant the non elites, the people on here demand the criminals responsible for the past three years finally be held accountable.. i understand what they want and why they want it, but i just dont really ever see it happening, not in any legal court of law type way as i assume most are referring to. the only way i see any progress being made in this area is if enough of us “normal” people band together and actually do something about it.

i hope that makes it easier to understand.

take it easy.

Cor Scorpionis
Cor Scorpionis
Reply to  snarevox
11 months ago

The “evil enemy” & powers that SHOULDN’T be are waaaaaayy ahead
of activist initiatives & grass roots movements, if they weren’t secretly intelligence apparatus controlled opposition right from their inception, then they’re almost immediately infiltrated by agent provocateurs and bad-actors and crisis-actors, subverting protests with aggressive behaviour to discredit any noble cause, with their scurrilous presstitutes and ooze-papers running interference with bad press, until new “laws” & “ordinances” and “orders” limiting, or banning protests are rushed through. I dunno what the best course of action or advancement might be(?), but personally, I’d limit the
“visible” activism and protests & instead maybe encourage a wider proliferation of education about the REAL ‘facts of the matter’ via initiatives to set up, or widen more diverse forms of greater civilian open source intelligence, and simply try & encourage MASS non compliance.

Gord and K
Gord and K
Reply to  Noah
11 months ago

Yes but don’t worry, get rapture ready, our Lord and Savior JESUS CHRIST is coming soon for the rapture of all born again Christians! Study biblical end times prophecy, listen to Dr. Ron Rhodes on end times chronology.

11 months ago

Wow! One of the only articles I’ve read on Wakefield that actually gets all the details on Wakefield’s history 100% correct There’s a few people I’ll be sharing this with. Thank you.

Cor Scorpionis
Cor Scorpionis
11 months ago

Ridiculous. Considering the doubtless adult status OF the festival goers, what about the fact that they’ve doubtless HAD their “Measles Mumps Rubella Autism” jabs already?? Were THEY horseshit NON-“vaccines” TOO then? Are we to now retroactively apply the NEW definition of “vaccine” (IE: NOT a vaccine) to the MMR/Autism jabs too now? Seems like? They’re ALL vile pharmakeia poisons, ain’t they? In Japan,
they halted jabbing kids until AFTER they’d reached two years of age, and “Sudden Infant Death Syndrome” literally DISAPPEARED. In the UK, 100’s of families have received “secret” government compensation claims for the fact of their children having been indisputably demonstrated to have been given autism BY the MMR/autism jabs ONLY on the condition of their having to sign a non disclosure agreement to NEVER advertise their children’s cruel fate, or talk to the press (whose intelligence apparatus “cut-out” presstitutes would NEVER print it ANYWAY, cos, y’know- “Brought to you by Pfizer!” ). Corrupt, complicity in ALL arenas- how MANY (1000’s, MORE?) children HAVE had their young lives ruined by these garbage 🗑️ pharma💉toxins?? Pure EVIL.

11 months ago

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11 months ago

[…] Read More: UKHSA nudges festival-goers to get MMR vaccines […]

11 months ago

[…] UKHSA nudges festival-goers to get MMR vaccinesUK Health Security Agency (“UKHSA”) is pushing for festival-goers to get two doses of the measles, mumps and rubella (“MMR”) vaccine. “We’re seeing outbreaks of measles. Check you’ve had 2 doses of the #MMR vaccine for the full protection,” UKHSA tweeted yesterday. […]

11 months ago

[…] – UKHSA nudges festival-goers to get MMR vaccines: […]

8 months ago

[…] Related: UKHSA nudges festival-goers to get MMR vaccines […]

8 months ago

[…] Legate de: UKHSA îi îndeamnă pe spectatori să primească vaccinuri MMR […]

8 months ago

[…] Související: UKHSA pobízí návštěvníky festivalů, aby dostali MMR vakcíny […]

5 months ago

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5 months ago

[…] Citeşte mai mult: UKHSA îi îndeamnă pe spectatori să primească vaccinuri MMR […]

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5 months ago

[…] Read more: UKHSA nudges festival-goers to get MMR vaccines […]

Mark Deacon
Mark Deacon
5 months ago

Right or wrong?

Because of COVID I think not trusting anything that is being pushed is a life saver and reject everything until it is proven to be true.

A neat little trick is ask an awkward direct question and watch the response given especially if they lie to answer. Off topic this happened to the Rock with Rogan when he talked about supporting Biden. Find the lies is easy and deciphers the truth.