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The Balfour Declaration allowed Zionist Jews to act as Terrorists: A Closer Look

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The Balfour Declaration is a critical document in the history of the Middle East, Israel, and the Palestinian people. Issued on November 2, 1917, this brief letter signified British support for the establishment of a “national home for the Jewish people” in Palestine and just so happened to be sent to the Zionist Lord Rothschild.

However, this document and its aftermath are steeped in controversy. Let’s delve into the details surrounding the Balfour Declaration, its repercussions, and the debate surrounding its interpretation and implementation.

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The Balfour Declaration: Context and Content

The Balfour Declaration was a result of various political and historical developments. In the context of World War I, the British wanted to garner the support of the global Jewish community, particularly in Russia and the US, to exert pressure on their governments to either stay in or join the war effort against the Central Powers. Furthermore, the British were also interested in gaining control over Palestine due to its strategic location.

The declaration, addressed to Lord Rothschild, a leading British Jew, read:

This wording was intentionally ambiguous. While it expressed support for a Jewish national home, it did not define the parameters of this home or the means by which it would be established.

The Aftermath and the Mandate

Following the end of WWI, the League of Nations granted Britain a mandate to govern Palestine. The British now had to manage the conflicting nationalistic aspirations of both Arabs and Jews in the region. They issued a series of White Papers, or policy statements, aimed at clarifying their stance on the issue, but tensions only escalated.

By the 1930s and 1940s, Jewish immigration to Palestine increased significantly, spurred by anti-Semitic policies and persecution in Europe. This increased Jewish presence, coupled with land purchases that sometimes displaced Arab tenants, led to heightened tensions and violent confrontations.

The “Contract” and Allegations of Zionist Breaches

Many Palestinians saw the Balfour Declaration’s wording as a promise to protect their rights. Thus, they felt that the mass immigration of Jews and the establishment of a Jewish-majority state was a betrayal of this promise. From this perspective, some argue that the Zionists “broke the contract”.

It is essential, however, to approach the term “contract” with caution. The Balfour Declaration was not a legally binding treaty but rather a statement of intent. Nevertheless, it’s undeniable that many Palestinians were displaced during and after Israel’s War of Independence in 1948.

This event, referred to as the Nakba (or “catastrophe”) by Palestinians, led to the displacement of an estimated 700,000 Palestinians.

Zionists as “Terrorists”?

The label of “terrorist” is contentious and politically loaded. It’s undeniable that certain Jewish paramilitary groups, like the Irgun and the Stern Gang, used violent and sometimes indiscriminate tactics against both British officials and Arab civilians in the pre-state period.

Such actions were controversial even within the Zionist movement. However, broadly painting the entire Zionist movement or the subsequent State of Israel as “terrorist” oversimplifies a complex historical narrative.

Irgun (Etzel)

The Irgun, or Etzel, was a Zionist paramilitary group that operated in the British Mandate of Palestine from 1931 to 1948. It was formed as a breakaway faction from the main Jewish defense organization, Haganah, due to ideological differences over how to respond to Arab attacks and British policies.

  1. King David Hotel Bombing (1946): One of the most infamous actions undertaken by the Irgun was the bombing of the King David Hotel in Jerusalem, which housed the British administrative headquarters. The attack resulted in the deaths of 91 people, including Jews, Arabs, and British personnel. The Irgun claimed that they had provided a warning to evacuate the building, but this remains a point of contention.
  2. Deir Yassin Massacre (1948): Another controversial event was the assault on the village of Deir Yassin, carried out jointly by the Irgun and another extremist group, Lehi. The attack resulted in the deaths of over 100 Arab villagers. The events of Deir Yassin have been heavily debated, but the massacre had a profound psychological impact on the Palestinian Arab population, contributing to a mass exodus from their homes during the war.

Lehi (Stern Gang)

Lehi, often referred to as the Stern Gang after its founder Avraham Stern, was another radical Zionist paramilitary group. They believed in the forceful establishment of a Jewish state on both sides of the Jordan River and were known for their uncompromising stance against the British and those they perceived as enemies of the Jewish state.

  1. Lord Moyne Assassination (1944): One of the high-profile actions carried out by Lehi was the assassination of Lord Moyne, the British Minister Resident in the Middle East. The group viewed him as an enemy of the Zionist cause.
  2. Count Bernadotte Assassination (1948): Lehi also orchestrated the assassination of Count Folke Bernadotte, a UN mediator, because they believed his proposals for the future of Palestine were detrimental to the Jewish state’s interests.

It’s worth noting that the mainstream Jewish leadership, including David Ben-Gurion, the first Prime Minister of Israel, often condemned the actions of these extremist groups. The newly established Israeli government even launched a military operation against the Irgun in 1948, known as the “Altalena Affair,” reflecting the deep divisions within the Jewish community over the use of violence and the vision for the new state.

When reflecting on the actions of these groups, it’s essential to remember the broader geopolitical context and the multitude of actors involved. While the violent acts of groups like the Irgun and Lehi were undeniable, labelling an entire national movement or subsequent state based on the actions of a fraction can be reductionist.

However, acknowledging and understanding these events is crucial for a comprehensive grasp of the region’s history.


The Balfour Declaration is undeniably a seminal document in the history of Israel and Palestine. Its ambiguous nature laid the foundation for decades of conflict and controversy.

While the pain and grievances of the Palestinian people must be recognized and addressed, it’s also crucial to approach the topic with nuance, avoiding over-generalizations and understanding the multifaceted nature of historical events.#

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6 months ago

Considering the British aren’t actually the British people any more than The City of London is the American people and these cowardly demons hide behind us all…IT IS AN ERROR TO ASSUME ANY DEFINITION OF BRITISH IS BEHIND THIS CURRENT TRAVESTY.

The City of London, The Rothschilds and all the Central Banker Family Cartel’s International Mafia; The Committee of 300 or old Venetian Black Nobility is the ENEMY/CRIMINALS AGAINST HUMANITY AND NOW ALL LIFE ON THE PLANET, if not the Earth they claim to worship, itself.


Reply to  Robbi
6 months ago

Britain is one big mess. Despite that one can live a peaceful life here in Devon💕💕

Reply to  M.dowrick
6 months ago

Use the Russia or Chinese solutions, let these evil disappear by immunity actions for humanity god people

Reply to  Robbi
6 months ago

The U.S. probably has the highest number of remote and freelance jobs in the world. Many U.S. companies, They have strong work-from-home and remote policies in place So ua They Need Workers From Home Who Want To Join Them 
Click For Start……..

6 months ago

If Englishmen decided about Palestine, how about somebody decide about England to be populated, for instance with Germen, or Russians, or with Mongolians?

Watcher Seeker
Watcher Seeker
6 months ago

My opinion, but based on evidence –

Re – “the British wanted to garner the support of the global Jewish community” – no, Je_ws were telling the British government what to do, they were giving the orders. Britain is ruled by Je_ws. Look at the over-representation in the House Of Lords and the Commons too has many (and if they aren’t Je_ws, then they are Israeli puppets. I still have my suspicions over Priti Patel in 2017, who remembers that?), look at public life, how many heads of charities are Je_ws, how many company chairmen? Look at the how they control the law, publishing, film, television and theatre, science and so much more.

Watcher Seeker
Watcher Seeker
Reply to  Watcher Seeker
6 months ago

Re – “British were also interested in gaining control over Palestine” – to a certain extent, but taking Palestine in order to create Israel was the real reason.

Re – “just so happened to be sent to the Zionist Lord Rothschild” – no. Rothschild wrote it and gave to to Balfour and said, “Here, tell everyone you wrote this and sent it to me”. It’s how they operate. After centuries of being thrown out of countries after getting caught stealing the wealth of the nations, they realised that to get away with their crimes, they had to stay behind the curtain and use puppets and let them take the blame if things go wrong. Balfour had to do as he was told because he was being blackmailed.

Watcher Seeker
Watcher Seeker
Reply to  Watcher Seeker
6 months ago

Re – “This wording was intentionally ambiguous” – a typical British trick (and Israeli, the wording on one document led to war after the Arabs realised that they had been tricked) and it worked – “Many Palestinians saw the Balfour Declaration’s wording as a promise to protect their rights”. By the way – “wording was intentionally ambiguous” – this is being used today, Many new British laws are vaguely worded. This is deliberate so they can be used to persecute certain people and allow others to get away with their crimes. You know who those “others” are.

Watcher Seeker
Watcher Seeker
Reply to  Watcher Seeker
6 months ago

Re – “David Ben-Gurion, the first Prime Minis_ter of Israel, often condemned the actions of these extrem_ist groups” – I thought the British said he was a terror_ist?

Watcher Seeker
Watcher Seeker
Reply to  Watcher Seeker
6 months ago

I had posted evidence to back this up, but that didn’t get through the filter so I had to remove it.

Watcher Seeker
Watcher Seeker
Reply to  Watcher Seeker
6 months ago

Re – “it’s also crucial to approach the topic with nuance” – what does this mean? – cover up the truth?

Watcher Seeker
Watcher Seeker
6 months ago

“How Britain Started the Arab-Israeli Conflict | Free Documentary History”

Herb Weber
Herb Weber
6 months ago

The intention and will of HM Government are crystal clear in the Declaration signed by PM Balfour. What needs research and explanation is why this ‘will’ was was ignored in the British Mandate of Palestine, and and in the UN decision to establish “Israel”.

Watcher Seeker
Watcher Seeker
6 months ago

“Destination 1922: A Return to Claims of the Arabs in Palestine” – facinating stuff – this has the role the US palyed as well as Balfour.

Two quotes from this article –

““The worst phase of the situation today is the smuggling of firearms by Je_ws,” he explained. “The latest incident is the discovery of 96 cases of revolvers and ammunition as they were being landed at Haifa. These cases were labelled ‘agricultural implements.’”

“Mr. Winston Churchill has admitted in the British parliament ‘that the only cause of unrest in Palestine arises from the Zionist movement’”

6 months ago

[…] (Article republished from […]

6 months ago

I think the article was right on the money. I also think Zionism is a severely racist organization! Such a sad situation. Its safer yet the world has not only sat back and watched what happened to the Palestinians it supported its bullying and destruction of a tiny little country. This should have never been allowed to happen. Very good and fair article.

Chris c
Chris c
6 months ago

The Expose has fallen into the globalist distraction trap of dividing people between Israel and Palestine, just when the truth-freedom movement had gained traction and momentum against the one common enemy i.e. NWO.
Some decent comments are not approved, whereas some commenters are allowed to reply to their own comments many times.

6 months ago

Some of the replies that I’ve seen here demonstrate a lack of education and the need for more mental health services.