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Bill Gates peddles ineffective malaria vaccines to poorer nations

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On the sidelines of Davos, Bill Gates was once again peddling his vaccines. “We will have new vaccines. We’ll have a TB vaccine, malaria vaccine, HIV vaccine” and new covid vaccines, he said.

Unsurprisingly, yesterday, Cameroon launched the world’s first malaria vaccination programme.  The vaccine is thought to be 13% effective at preventing malaria on its own, but 90% effective when used in conjunction with mosquito nets and malaria tablets.

Using a prophylactic dose, malaria tablets on their own are 90% effective at preventing malaria.

Despite their ineffectiveness, almost 30 million doses of Gates’ malaria vaccine will be dispatched to Africans over the next few months.

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Last week, CNBC-TV18 interviewed Bill Gates on the sidelines of the World Economic Forum’s annual meeting in Davos about his decision to spend more than ever before in 2024 on health “innovations” for low-income countries.

Below are some Bill Gates quotes from the interview.  Unless otherwise stated, text within quotation marks is extracted from this interview.

“Global Alliance for Vaccines helps buy vaccines – that’s based on the rich countries and Gates Foundation generosity – and we’re trying to make sure that as we go back to replenish that fund that we can raise as much as we did in the past.”

“[Health] is the most important work going on in the world, saving literally millions of lives.  India is making progress we pilot a lot of these new ideas there and then scale them up to the entire world.”

“AI will be beneficial in two ways it’ll accelerate the invention of new tools, new vaccines, new drugs.  The rate of innovation will be much faster.”

In India, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation’s areas of focus in health care include maternal and newborn health, nutrition, family planning, and the control of infectious diseases such as tuberculosis, lymphatic filariasis, and visceral leishmaniasis. “We believe that spurring innovation is key to solving these and other persistent health challenges,” the Foundation’s website states.

(Related: World’s first Covid Injection Murder Case against Bill Gates filed in India and India: Court Date Set for Bill Gates to Answer to Victims’ Family for Daughter’s Murder by Vaccine and Why Are Indians So Angry at Bill Gates?)

“India is the volume Leader by far with vaccines starting with [the Serum Institute of India] but also people like [inaudible] and It’s fantastic how they responded during the pandemic, worked with the government, made a lot of vaccines.  The Gates Foundation provided some support as well,” Gates told CNBC-TV18.

“We will have new vaccines. We’ll have a TB vaccine, malaria vaccine, HIV vaccine and even the things like covid vaccines we need to make them have longer duration, more coverage and we’re going to change instead of using the needle to use a little patch.  So, the pandemic really highlighted that we’ve been underinvested in those innovations and you know our partners in India are part of how we’re going to get these breakthrough products done.”

Gates omitted to mention the HPV vaccine.  On the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation website is a note regarding an HPV demonstration study conducted by PATH. “The HPV demonstration study is being reviewed by the Honourable Supreme Court of India and we hope that the facts of the case are ascertained at the earliest,” the website states.

In 2013, a Parliamentary Committee report found that the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation-funded PATH bypassed ethics and rules while conducting clinical trials for the HPV vaccine which was administered to adolescent girls. The committee asked the Indian government to open a dialogue at a global level about the findings of the committee.

“You know why are we worried about climate,” Gates told CNBC-TV18, “we’re worried because you’ll have malaria in more places.”

CNBC TV18: Davos 2024 LIVE | Bill Gates On AI, Tech and Healthcare | World Economic Forum, 16 January 2024 (16 mins)

Cameroon has launched the world’s first routine malaria vaccination program, offering the RTS,S vaccine free of charge to all infants up to the age of six months old. The trade name for the RTS,S vaccine is Mosquirix.  Yesterday, Cameroon began the rollout of the malaria vaccine.

The World Health Organisation, which approved the vaccine, hailed the launch in Cameroon as a historic moment in the global fight against the mosquito-borne disease.

How effective is this “historic” vaccine?

According to UNICEF, pilot campaigns in Kenya, Ghana and Malawi showed the vaccine caused a 13% drop in malaria deaths in children of eligible age – 13%.  It is so effective that four doses are required, with all four to be completed within two years of birth.  A fifth dose will be considered after one year in areas of high risk.

But to be truly effective the vaccine should be used in conjunction with mosquito nets and malaria tablets.  “Using all three together potentially gives children 90% protection from malaria, one UK-led study estimates,” according to the BBC. The study

Another study in August led by the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine found that when young children were given both the RTS,S and anti-malarial drugs there was a 70% reduction in hospitalisation or death.

We could deduce that mosquito nets and malaria tablets provide the majority of the protection, 53%-77% say.  But in reality, non-vaccine prevention methods offer higher protection than that. Clicks, a large health retailer group in South Africa, notes that malaria prophylactic tablets offer 90% protection in preventing malaria.

Despite malaria tablets offering 90% protection, the vaccine possibly reaches the lofty level of 13% effectiveness so another 19 African countries plan to introduce the vaccine this year and at least 28 African countries have expressed interest in receiving the malaria vaccine.

Malaria vaccine ambitions don’t end with Mosquirix.  A second malaria vaccine, R21/Matrix-M, produced by the Jenner Institute at the University of Oxford and the Serum Institute of India, is due to be rolled out later this year. The vaccine contains Novavax’s Matrix-M, technology that has also been used in Novavax’s covid injection.

Matrix-M is composed of nanoparticles from saponins extracted from the rare Quillaja Saponaria trees found in Chile. In 2011, researchers estimated that the global supply of pharmaceutical-grade Quillaja extract was sufficient for just 6 million doses of vaccine.  As a result of the demand for vaccines, projects have been launched to establish plantations of the rare tree across Chile. If other trees and plants are being removed or natural habitats destroyed to make way for these plantations, what are the implications for protecting and preserving biodiversity?

The Jenner Institute does not have a good track record with safe and effective vaccines.  Professor Adrian Hill and his partner at the Jenner Institute, Sarah Gilbert, co-developed the Oxford-AstraZeneca covid-19 “vaccine” that was removed from the market in early 2021 over safety issues.

Chief investigator, R21/Matrix-M programme, and Director of the University of Oxford’s Jenner Institute, Prof. Hill said: “As with the Oxford-AstraZeneca covid-19 vaccine, our partnership with the Serum Institute of India has been key to successful very large-scale manufacturing and rapid development [of the R21/Matrix-M vaccine].”

(Related: Undeniable links between the Oxford / AstraZeneca Covid-19 Vaccine & the British Eugenics Society)

The R21 vaccine is said to be cheaper and requires three doses.  WHO claims a fourth dose given a year after the third maintained efficacy.  India’s Serum Institute said they could make up to 200 million doses a year, compared to GSK’s 15 million doses of RTS,S per year.

“Both [malaria] vaccines are shown to be safe and effective in preventing malaria in children and, when implemented broadly, are expected to have high public health impact,” WHO claims.  Adding that “there is no evidence to date showing one vaccine performs better than the other.”

“At least 28 countries in Africa plan to introduce a WHO-recommended malaria vaccine as part of their national immunisation programmes. [Bill Gates’] Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance has approved providing technical and financial support to roll out malaria vaccines to 18 countries,” WHO said.

RTS,S (Mosquirix) was developed by GlaxoSmithKline (“GSK”), the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research, Programs for Appropriate Technology in Health (“PATH”) Malaria Vaccine Initiative, and several other academic partners in a collaboration that spanned many years.  It consists of a chimeric virus-like particle protein construct fused to the hepatitis B virus surface antigen, HBsAg.

The vaccine is produced using recombinant DNA technology. The technology is made possible by two types of enzymes, restriction endonucleases and ligase.  The same technology is widely used in agriculture to create genetically modified (“GM”) organisms (“GMOs”) that produce GM crops.  It is also one of the techniques that can be used for both gain-of-function and loss-of-function.

As Dr. Mery Nass said, gain-of-function is a euphemism for biological warfare research.  The SARS-CoV-2 spike protein, that is encoded in the covid “vaccines,” was engineered using gain-of-function techniques.

Every virus, since HIV, has been a gain-of-function deployed infection by injection, according to researcher and virologist Dr. Judy Mikovits.

Read more:

“RTS,S induces immune responses in humans that are believed to protect against infection with malaria sporozoites,” Plotkin’s Vaccines (Seventh Edition, 2018) stated.

Plotkin’s Vaccines provides expert information from the development of each vaccine to its use in reducing disease.  Bill Gates describes Plotkin’s Vaccines as a must-have reference for current, authoritative information in this fast-moving field.

WHO says Cameroon records about six million malaria cases every year, with 4,000 deaths in health facilities.  662,000 doses the of RTS,S vaccine will be administered to children in Cameroon.

Almost 30 million injections will be distributed over the next few months in sub-Saharan Africa, Daily Mail reported. Gavi, WHO and UNICEF have allocated 18 million doses of the RTS,S (Mosquirix) malaria vaccine to 12 African countries during 2023–2025, with an extra 10 million from the second injection, R21, from mid-2024.

How many lives will the malaria vaccines save?  How many lives will the malaria vaccines cost?

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3 months ago

That will be great. Malaria vax has a history and connection to the first Ebola cases, patient zero never was found, the first sick person to be observed was a person at a clinic where previously they gave malaria vaxxes to ppl.
Later for order a documentary but still fake book was written about Ebola and other haemorrhagic fever conditions, just the usual preprograming. Hollywood was fast to make movies like the Outbreak to condition people.
No coincidence that in Africa locals attacked the staff of the Red Cross and big advertising boards were needed to distribute on the streets telling that: “Ebola is real”
The official documentary video of the New York Times couldn’t be more fake – very visibly. Notice how well is the so called dying guy later sitting and looking bored, no sign of being dehydrated or bleeding, also notice the father with the bunch of money he very likely got for the act.

Mary Ann Dowrick
Mary Ann Dowrick
3 months ago

I bought vaccines had to have at least a 40% efficacy rate?

Reply to  Mary Ann Dowrick
3 months ago

No vaccine will solve nutrition deficiency and vitamin deficiency, also it won’t solve cases of poisoning, that’s just so comfortable to invent another germ for cover story and to push more vax and drugs.

In Africa people are extremely sceptic about vaccination, with good reason, they were used as lab rats many times already. More presidents of African countries were killed / died with suspicious conditions at around the beginning of the covid hoax as they refused the nanovax.

The newest Malaria vax is very likely will have the same ingredients, they must be vaxxed with the tagging nanotech in a way or another.

3 months ago

Also Poormina Wagh was attacked based on her credentials because they couldn’t attack her based on her knowledge and she told a very interesting thing about Malaria. Malaria never happens in countries where people eat / drink liver and milk product and cureable with vitamind B (I forget which B, sorry), her interview with Dr Lee Merritt sadly was removed even from truthcomestolight (com) website, maybe Lee Merritt still has it elsewhere (Rumble, Bitchute, etc).

Part of the story that Dr Cowan also went after Malaria (Dr Tom Cowan’ channel on Odysee) proving that the symptoms what they use to diagnose Malaria are not characteristic and could be caused by many other things.

As about the parasite blamed for Malaria, it is still undecided that it is the cause or the result, appears just after the Illness.

Mosquitos – in an experiment – refused to bite people with suspected Malaria causing the experiment to fail.

Reply to  Rhoda Wilson
3 months ago

Tom Cowan is an MD and were GP for decades.
That’s not the point. I don’t have personal experience with Malaria, but it won’t change the fact – what Dr Cowan told – that the diagnosis based on symptoms which could have been caused by many other things but laboratory proof.
Even with laboratory proof – the question still stands, parasites are the cause or the result? This is still debated.

On the other hand I have experience with the pretty much uncurbable giardia where harsh drugs are used often with no result. There is no giardia in a healthy body and disappears by itself when the body gains health back. Without drugs. Not only from humans, I saw / experienced this with many animals affected. Which again, begs for the question, parasites are really the cause or appears in the poisoned bodies as result of poisoning.

The Wagh interview was a 2 hours long one, she talked about many things, while I don’t know much about Malaria, I know a lot about those other things and she did not lie about those.

The GM mosquitos spreading Malaria is most likely a hoax again just how the lab made virus was. More likely a cover story for something else, poisoning. It reminds me to the Zika hoax or Polio hoax in both cases the real culprit was mass poisoning.

I don’t like mosquitos but they are as much as part of the world as other bugs. If people start to scream by fear and spray Roundup everywhere then we will lose all of the bugs including the pollinators and those who are food for birds while we, ourselves will be poisoned with that highly carcinogen stuff.

Problem-reaction-solution, again. Vax is the same. They created a problem, a legend of GM mosquitos and uprising malaria cases, we react with fear, and they inject us with another poison. Same old, same old.

I kindly would remind you a very important sentence of Dr Barrie Trowel (ex MI5-6), apart from chemicals sprayed on us or injected into us “WE CAN CAUSE ANY SYMPTOMS WITH PULSATED MICROWAVES”. I guess it includes malaria’s, too.

3 months ago

Ah the wonders of “philantropy”. The world’s richest man will “give” “vaccines” to the poor as long as he and his “foundation” can turn a (tax free) profit. Just like the american cigarette companies handing out free cigarettes to children to get them addicted, the american drug companies want to addict the regimes in third world countries to their drugs – just as they’ve long ago done in britain and the rest of europe. Pills that cost pence to make are laundered through the tax system, magically costing ten thousand times as much when they come out the other end. All worship the world’s most “generous” man.

Reply to  sian
3 months ago

The real goal is not the profit, but depopulation and making people sick and weak, too weak to resist. His Tetanus vax sterilized the women in Africa, I think it happened in Tanzania but not sure about the country’ name.
His grand (or grand-grand?) father, another Gates was in charge during the Spanish flu giving poisonous vaxxes first to the soldiers and later to the civilians. That and the new type of radiation coming from radio finished many and was blamed on a non-existent flu.
How eerily familiar solution.

Dave Owen
Dave Owen
Reply to  SilencedAbi
3 months ago

Hi SilencedAbi,
You are so correct about the Spanish Flu.
The same family was involved.
The Mormons and Amish refused the vax fluid.
Many of these helped out in hospitals caring for the sick.
The same propaganda was used, C19 was just a rerun.

3 months ago

I just wish that Gates would go somewhere and die.

Reply to  Steve
3 months ago

Definitely he’ll up at the bottom of hell.

Reply to  Steve
3 months ago

Definitely he’ll end up at the bottom of hell.

3 months ago

[…] Bill Gates peddles ineffective malaria vaccines to poorer nations […]

3 months ago

Well, we know how effective the Covid vaccines were according to The Lancet back in 2021 so do you really think any other vaccines are going to be much better: ARR 1.3% efficient for the AstraZeneca–Oxford, ARR 1.2% for the Moderna–NIH, ARR 1.2% for the J&J, ARR 0.93% for the Gamaleya, and ARR 0.84% for the Pfizer–BioNTech vaccines.
ARR vs RRR – the vaccinated have been fooled
Pfizer 0.84% Effective. Covid 99.16% Effective.
Dr. Piero Olliaro of Oxford University led the team that produced the new Lancet report: . https://ww
You see The ARR is the actual possible capability of a vaccine to be effective and the RRR is the made up story based on random numbers of no consequence, to give the impression that vaccines are more effective than they actually are – and to inject something else they forgot to tell you about.
Vaccines don’t work and never have, or at least, not for what you think they are for.

3 months ago

The man has no moral compass whatsoever. He wants to dictate to the World what medical procedures can be, and can’t be given to us, The Great Unwashed. He wants to get as much money as possible, not caring about who dies or how many people are left in poverty because of his actions.

Yo Bloood
Yo Bloood
3 months ago

About time he was arrested & thrown in a African jail

3 months ago

[…] Bill Gates peddles ineffective malaria vaccines to poorer nations […]

John Steeples
John Steeples
3 months ago

Some of the major things I don’t understand is. why these people with big money Why are they above the law? Why is life people like Bill Gates can spend his millions on killing people? above the law? and other people like him using money to get this out. like they say it’s gonna come out again Something should happen properly. There’s millions of people dying and I’ve got major problems from having that. injections. It’s not right. What’s happening today? Somebody should do something about it. Everybody should be. in the law and stay in the law and not doing things like this. These people should be sent to prison. Like Bill Gates and all the people.John Steeples

Dave Owen
Dave Owen
Reply to  John Steeples
3 months ago

John Steeples,
You sound like a genuine worried person.
You have to step back and wonder, why all the leaders in WW1 and WW2 were Freemasons, on both sides, to a man.
The same people want to exterminate 7 billion people.
We are on our own.
Just try and tell your friends what is happening.
Above all try and store some long lasting food.

3 months ago

[…] CNBC TV18 interviewed Bill Gates last week on the sidelines the World Economic Forum annual meeting in Davos. The interview was about his decision to invest more money than ever in 2024 in health “innovations” in low-income countries. […]

Lisa Franklin
Lisa Franklin
3 months ago

Very apt the use of ‘peddling.’ That’s exactly what Gates is doing-engaging in the illicit sale of narcotics. What’s with Gates and the premature ageing thing anyway-he has advanced decrepitude.

3 months ago

[…] só, 90% eficazes na prevenção da malária, o que é muito melhor do que a “vacina”!Na semana passada, a CNBC-TV18 entrevistou Bill Gates, à margem da reunião anual do Fórum Económico Mundial em Davos, sobre a […]

3 months ago

[…] Last week, CNBC-TV18 interviewed Bill Gates on the sidelines of the World Economic Forum’s annual meeting in Davos about his decision to spend more than ever before in 2024 on health “innovations” for low-income countries. […]

3 months ago

[…] 2024, billionaire eugenicist Bill Gates is planning to spend more money than ever before on new health “innovations” for the world’s […]

3 months ago

[…] 2024, billionaire eugenicist Bill Gates is planning to spend more money than ever before on new health “innovations” for the world’s […]

3 months ago

[…] 2024, billionaire eugenicist Bill Gates is planning to spend more money than ever before on new health “innovations” for the world’s […]

3 months ago

[…] prévoit de dépenser plus d’argent que jamais auparavant pour de nouvelles « innovations » en matière de santé pour les pays les plus pauvres du monde, dont certains reçoivent déjà des livraisons de ses derniers « vaccins » contre le paludisme. […]