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Yale professor says prion diseases are on the rise but no one is discussing the condition – Who’s no one?

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In mid-December, Medscape published an article titled ‘Why Are Prion Diseases on the Rise?’.  In it, the author stated that cases of CJD are increasing in the USA and “it’s been a while since I’ve seen people discussing the condition.”  We beg to differ.

Since a month after the rollout of the covid injections, prion diseases have been discussed, repeatedly.  It is perhaps a question of who you talk to.

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With prion diseases, the pathogen involved is not a bacterium, parasite, or virus, but a protein.  Prions, short for proteinaceous infectious particles, are misfolded proteins that aggregate in cells.

The misfolded protein catalyses the conversion of its non-misfolded counterpart into the misfolded configuration creating a chain reaction, leading to rapid accumulation of misfolded proteins and cell death.

In December, Medscape published a useful video, with a transcript, in an article titled ‘Why Are Prion Diseases on the Rise?’.  It discussed the increasing number of deaths in the USA caused by the prion-induced disease Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (“CJD”), or human mad cow disease, from 1990 to the end of 2020.  Below is an excerpt from the article authored by F. Perry Wilson, an associate professor of medicine and public health and director of Yale’s Clinical and Translational Research Accelerator. 

“It’s been a while since I’ve seen people discussing the condition,” the author wrote.  Although “a while” and “people” can be subjective – in other words, how long is a while and which people have not been discussing it – it’s clear the author hasn’t been following independent scientists and independent media.  Perhaps because his data ends before the ill effects of the mass covid injection campaign could be measured, he feels he doesn’t need to.

On 8 December 2020, the United Kingdom became the first country in the world to begin injecting its public with the experimental covid-19 injection.  By 27 January 2021, Dr. Richard Fleming was warning of prion diseases being caused by the spike protein that is coded in the covid “vaccines.”

Dr, Fleming is an American Nuclear and Preventive Cardiologist and has degrees in Physics, Biology, Psychology and Chemistry.

On 3 March 2021, Dr. Fleming appeared on a UK independent outlet The Bases Project to present his findings on SARS-CoV-2.

During his presentation, Dr. Fleming briefly commented on the coronavirus spike protein that was peculiar to SARS-CoV-2 and the spike protein that is encoded in the covid vaccines, a subject he had previously discussed in a video on 27 January 2021.

To watch Dr. Fleming’s January 2021 video, follow THIS link and scroll down to roughly the middle of the webpage to a video titled ‘mRNA Drug Vaccine Biologics Risks & Benefits’.

During his Bases Project presentation (see video below), Dr Fleming said that there are three modifications to the spike protein of SARS-CoV-2 “that we know of.” 

“One is the HIV pseudovirus glycoprotein 120 [gp120] … [Another is] the Proline-Arginine-Arginine-Alanine or the P-R-R-A … so those are the four amino acids inserted and that amino acid insert is found in no other coronavirus on planet Earth except this man-made spike protein.  It is however found in rabies virus; it’s found in HIV and it’s found in Cobra toxin.

“[And the third is] something called a prion-like domain … and we know that that prion-like domain has been associated with animal studies causing mice exposed to the spike protein … crosses the blood-brain barrier exquisitely – in fact, it looks like it’s well designed to cross the blood-brain barrier – and it produces amyloid deposits and Lewy bodies … It also produces things like amyloidosis … [which has] severe long-term sequelae and potentially short-term sequelae [such as] Parkinsonian and neurologic disorders … There is real evidence showing that in humanised mice that this prion-like domain produces spongiform encephalopathy or what the general public refers to as mad cow disease.”

“Mad cow disease” or spongiform encephalopathy is also known as CJD.

The Bases Project: Bases 116 Dr Richard Fleming SARS CoVid2, 6 March 2021 (149 mins)

If the video above is removed from YouTube, you can watch it on BitChute HERE.  You can find more from Dr. Fleming on his website HERE and his Rumble channel HERE.

On 5 June 2021, Dr. Fleming presented ‘Event 2021:The Published Science on SARS-CoV-2 & COVID-19. Virus, Vaccines, Treatments’.  The entire presentation is four-and-a-half hours in length.  The original video has been split into 15 shorter parts for easier consumption.

During the first and second parts, he explained the make-up and origins of the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein including who was involved and who funded its creation.  As he has done many times, he again mentioned prion diseases induced by the spike protein.

Below is a clip from ‘Event 2021, Part 1’.  You can watch Part 1 in full HERE and Part 2 HERE.  Links to all 15 parts are listed HERE.

Dr. Richard Fleming: Event 2021, Part 1, 5 June 2021 (13 mins)

To further demonstrate that prion diseases have been discussed by people more recently than perhaps F. Perry Wilson supposes, below are some of the articles we’ve published mentioning spike protein-induced prion diseases:

Featured image: A person with CJD may experience changes in mood, personality, or behaviour.  Source: Medical News Today

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4 months ago

The Great Reset has to have drivers to make it happen and these vaccines, in my opinion, are the drivers for that to happen, because the Elite regard the multitude of us as Human Rubbish, replaced by their technologies, computers, AI and automation and what better ways to dispose of the living us, than in a multitude of different ways, so that we are too stupid to realize what is going on and the reduction of humanity can continue undetected, while at the same time trying out different ways to develop new drugs and ways to murder a species, as the case might be.
Interestingly, those who have refused vaccines and continue to refuse vaccines are legally protected from the vaccines injections – only those who volunteer to have them have given up all rights, much like Crash Test Dummies – what do they have in common, well they volunteered and legally speaking are no longer human so anything can be done to them and to dispose of them as conveniently as possible.
I thought this was interesting: Embalmer survey 2023: Over 75% are still seeing novel white fibrous clots
These clots were NEVER seen before COVID and the COVID vaccines. The CDC isn’t interested in investigating. After all, it’s only in around 20% of cases or around 600,000 Americans. No big deal.
Steve Kirsch Jan 10   
Executive summary
The good news is that in 2023, just 20% of cases had these novel clots, down from 30% in 2022.
The CDC and FDA are still ignoring this. They still don’t want to know, even though nearly 80% of the embalmers surveyed are reporting seeing them.
These clots were never seen before COVID and after the COVID jabs, even more embalmers noticed them.
The data
The latest Embalmer survey (2023) (269 embalmers):
The earlier embalmer survey (120 embalmers):
The jabs are still killing massive numbers of people.
It seems highly likely that most of these cases are caused by the COVID vaccines.
20% of deaths is roughly around 600,000 Americans a year.
The mainstream medical community, mainstream media, the FDA, CDC, NIH, and Congress are all still doing nothing to investigate the issue and determine which are jab related and which are not.
600,000 American deaths a year and nobody cares.
What is it going to take to get their attention?

Reply to  Rich
4 months ago

done it.

Yo Bloood
Yo Bloood
4 months ago

Not the jab causing it,no ? It’s caused devastating illnesses including this condition

4 months ago

[…] In it, the author stated that cases of CJD are increasing in the USA and “it’s been a […] Go to Source Follow on […]

4 months ago

comment image

Mary Lou Longworth
Mary Lou Longworth
4 months ago

The injury to human health from the Covid injections is so colossal and damning to all the people involved in marketing the shot, they dare not address it.

Doyle Hargraves Construction
Doyle Hargraves Construction
4 months ago

I’ve done research on chronic wasting disease in deer. CWD. It is also a prion that basically cannot be killed. Chorine and UV rays do not kill it. They have buried it for 15 years, dug it up and it was still alive. It is transmitted by deer through saliva, urine and feces. It gets on the grass/clover etc through these means and never dies. Then the other deer are exposed to it. If humans are getting CJD by eating the deer, I’m not hearing about it. I know there are some cases of CJD from people eating squirrel brains. But I have not heard about people getting it from deer meat.

3 months ago

[…] «Una es la glicoproteína del pseudovirus del VIH… [Otro es] el Prolina-Arginina-Arginina-Alanina … no se encuentra en ningún otro coronavirus en el planeta Tierra, excepto en esta proteína de pico hecha por el hombre. Sin embargo, se encuentra en el virus de la rabia; se encuentra en el VIH y se encuentra en la toxina Cobra. [Y el tercero es] algo llamado un dominio similar a un prión… que se ha asociado con estudios en animales que hacen que los ratones expuestos a la proteína de la espícula … cruza la barrera hematoencefálica de forma exquisita… produce lo que el público en general denomina enfermedad de las vacas locas (». […]